How many kids do you have and would you do it again?

We have 3, two boys and one girl.

Oldest is 16 and they are all 2 years apart.

Of course we'd do it over again. We actually wanted 4 or even 5 kids, but the cost of daycare and everything in general impacted our ultimate decision.

I didn't get married until age 27, and our first kid was born when I was 31. One of my friends has a grandbaby AND an elementary age kid lol. He got married in college...
lol we got married at 28 and had #1 at 29, we were one of the first couples in our friend groups to marry, and to have children! Most wait until at least 30 here.
We have 2. I originally wanted 4, both DH and I come from families of 4 kids. Pregnancy was easy, but post-delivery was rough and I got too scared to do it again. If it had been easier, I assume we would have had more. Our two girls are almost 3 years apart, but fell on each side of the school cutoff, so just 2 years apart in school and best friends.

A family of four is a nice neat package but I say if you're on the fence, and don't have health or major money concerns, go for more. :)
One daughter. Probably yes, but at the moment, I am starting my own business, and I am not sure I could manage it. I just started to understand how SMS templates work, and our customer service has moved to a completely new quality level. I hope in the future, my business will function independently, allowing me to concentrate on my family and kids again.
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I have 4 boys. Their current ages are 26, 24, 20, and 6.

I gave birth to the two oldest boys. We always knew we wanted to adopt. We adopted our 3rd and thought were done. Then 5 years ago, we were asked to take in a distant family member's child. We just didn't feel we could say no. He was 2 and had already lived in 6 homes. He came a little over 4 years ago as a foster child and we have now adopted him.

So I have 4 boys!

I tell that story to say, I thought we were done at 3. I now think we are done at 4. I think we are too old to take in any more youngsters, but I have learned never to say never.
We have two, and since our experience was kind of "different", can't say what we'd do. My first son died and the ob-gyn said I'd never have full-term babies. Well, I switched doctors and had 2 full-term healthy boys. I'd always wanted 3 children, but decided to thank God for having my two healthy sons and not chance any more.
However, one of my sons and his wife had the same dilemma as you, I think. They had 2 girls when she was in her mid-20s, and he was almost 30 when their second was born. She really wanted a third, but he was happy with 2. When she reached 35 and he was 40, they decided "now or never", discussed it (well, did more than discuss), and about 1 1/2 years later, she got her third. So their kids are 13,12, and 2 now. He's a 43 yo with a 2 yo, but she's really a joy.
We have 3, born in 1990, 1992, and 1995. The third one seemed like exponentially more work for some reason. I have advised DD to stop at 2. She and her DH have demanding jobs with travel, and they have a 2 year old now.

To us parental age wasn't really a factor, my parents were both 41 when I was born, DH was 40 when our youngest was born.
We have 3, born in 1990, 1992, and 1995. The third one seemed like exponentially more work for some reason. I have advised DD to stop at 2. She and her DH have demanding jobs with travel, and they have a 2 year old now.

To us parental age wasn't really a factor, my parents were both 41 when I was born, DH was 40 when our youngest was born.
Out of my 5, #3 was definitely the easiest, and everyone who knows her asks if she’s the favorite. She’s 23 and has never argued with siblings or talked back, even during those puberty years. She’s also a great cleaner!
Every family is different. Our third has always been the most difficult, challenging, causing me the most anxiety even now at age 29. I am trying to reduce stress for health reasons, she keeps adding to it!
So hard.

I originally was going to respond to this thread that I’m not sure I’d do it again…knowing that we’d have my husband for just half of my kids’ childhood.

I’m a couple months in. They might be the only reason I’m able to keep it together.

I appreciate your perspective. :hug:
I wish you strength to get through it ❤️ May seem like you won’t but you will. All of mine are now adults who all turned out great despite my struggle with being their only parent. Yes there are milestones in their life when they feel the loss of dad deeply but we get through it
I have 2 - DS 25 and DD 24. I wanted 3 and but found out my husband had a medical condition and would require down the road a major surgery. I decided that was God's way of telling me 2 was good! I would have the 2 again and I would have more if health by both of us allowed. Yes, you are broke financially, but you are rich with them!
Every family is different. Our third has always been the most difficult, challenging, causing me the most anxiety even now at age 29. I am trying to reduce stress for health reasons, she keeps adding to it!
Mine is ds21, #5, my oldest told me I had a good run. 😂
I have 3 40, 35, & 23 last one was a huge but wonderful surprise! Yes I would do it all again my husband passed when youngest was just 2 and the older ones were teens it was hard but they also kept me going.
My husband just passed away a month and a half ago in early June of this year. We have two kids together ages 13 and 15. I feel the same way as you that they keep me going and that I would do it all over again because I love seeing him live on in them. The only thing I would change is I would have lived more for the moments with him and the kids and enjoyed the everyday things more with our family. My heart is with you and I hope that you and all of your kids are doing well. All the best!
So hard.

I originally was going to respond to this thread that I’m not sure I’d do it again…knowing that we’d have my husband for just half of my kids’ childhood.

I’m a couple months in. They might be the only reason I’m able to keep it together.

I appreciate your perspective. :hug:
My heart goes out to you. I am right there with you at only being 6 weeks from my husband's passing. It is so difficult watching the kids not have their father around during their teen years. If you ever feel like chatting then please reach out and I will be here to listen. Love and prayers for you and your family!
My heart goes out to you. I am right there with you at only being 6 weeks from my husband's passing. It is so difficult watching the kids not have their father around during their teen years. If you ever feel like chatting then please reach out and I will be here to listen. Love and prayers for you and your family!

Thank you for your kind words. I’m so sorry we’re in this club together. It’s such a strange new reality. Time does seem to be helping and we’re doing OK. Wishing you and yours all the best, as well. ☺️
I have 3 40, 35, & 23 last one was a huge but wonderful surprise! Yes I would do it all again my husband passed when youngest was just 2 and the older ones were teens it was hard but they also kept me going.

So hard.

I originally was going to respond to this thread that I’m not sure I’d do it again…knowing that we’d have my husband for just half of my kids’ childhood.

I’m a couple months in. They might be the only reason I’m able to keep it together.

I appreciate your perspective. :hug:

My heart goes out to you. I am right there with you at only being 6 weeks from my husband's passing. It is so difficult watching the kids not have their father around during their teen years. If you ever feel like chatting then please reach out and I will be here to listen. Love and prayers for you and your family!
:hug:'s for all of you. You are all so very strong, even in those tough times. My very best for you all and all your families, always.
My husband just passed away a month and a half ago in early June of this year. We have two kids together ages 13 and 15. I feel the same way as you that they keep me going and that I would do it all over again because I love seeing him live on in them. The only thing I would change is I would have lived more for the moments with him and the kids and enjoyed the everyday things more with our family. My heart is with you and I hope that you and all of your kids are doing well. All the best!
Thank you so much for kind words and I wish you love an strength to get through

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