How Many Contracts Do You Own?

Have 5 contracts all direct, from 1997 till 2000, totaling 520 OKW pts., all with the same FEB. use year...........flash!... this just in.... We where just informed our 100 point contract was sold today. :yay: Happy Dance! :yay:
..........PS.......miTnosnhoJ , did you buy 100 OKW points today???
No, not me.
We have four contracts all resale, all SSR for a total of 730 points. The best part is we bought our first 120 points January 2016 and have grown quickly to 730...Welcome Home
3 contracts all at BWV same UY August. 1 direct and 2 resale
We own 10 contracts and have 1385 points at: SSR- 4 contracts, 875 pts (555 resale@$65/pt, 320 direct@$92/pt), BCV -2 contracts, 210 pts (150 resale@$85/pt, 60 direct@$115/pt), and VGF - 4 contracts, 300 pts (direct@145/pt). We bought about half direct and half resale (before the rules changed in 2011). We use BCV for Food & Wine In Oct/Nov. We go for two weeks in January (2BR) to get out of the cold and grey (in Jan it is soooo green at WDW!). We always stay in 1 or 2 BR. We invite family and friends too. We never have leftover points to bank!
I own 3 contracts, all with the same use year. 1 200 point contract at BWV (resale, before the changes) and 2 50-point contracts at AKV (direct). We bought 2 50-pointers for maximum resale potential.
748 Points Total

5 Contracts
2 Memberships
2 UYs

230 OKW - Feb UY
100 BRV - Feb UY
200 BCV - Feb UY
100 BCV - Feb UY
118 CCR - Dec UY (fixed week studio - early December)
Well, that's the thing about message boards, if someone doesn't want to answer a question they don't have to!

I have 3 home resorts: 1 AKV contract, 4 BWV contracts and 2 VGF contracts. I have 3 UYs.

They were purchased over time -all cash purchases - starting with the AKV contract and finishing with the VGF contracts. All resale with some pre-dating the April 2016 restrictions.

None of my contracts exceeds 200 points. The reasons for having several small contracts are:
  1. I wanted to start slow and get to know DVC before making a huge investment.
  2. I wanted to pay cash for each purchase.
  3. I wanted to be able to "downsize" easily by selling the smaller contracts one by one if I felt the need.
  4. I wanted to be able to give my children the contracts if I still own them at the end of my life.

I am a newbie, too. Only own 1 contract - 60 pts BWV direct.

Marionnete's strategy will be almost exactly the same as mine, though my definition of small will likely mean under 100. I will only add on if and when I need to and have the cash for it and with the intention of selling off when they are no longer needed or gifting them to my children. Honestly, more for the intent of gifting to my kids, but you never know. I see the 60 BWV as the one we will use "til the end" for DH and I, so that's where we started.
We own 3 contracts. BWV- 190, in 1999,then added 100 in the year 2000. Then we added 83 points at HHI back in 2001.
We just added 160 points at CCV in September. So we have a total of 533 points and that will be enough for us. We enjoy
going to FW festival in the fall using BWV, and go to HHI for our "beach fix". We plan on going to CCV next Christmas to
enjoy the WL and all it has to offer at the Holidays.

I'm new to DVC. Actually, I'm waiting for ROFR. It seems many people have several contacts and often with different home resorts.

How many home resorts do you have? And how many points?

I hope I'm not being too nosey or personal! I was really wondering the strategy.

2 contracts
BWV 200 points
BLT 200 points

Its actually more points than we need unless we invite friends or family, but we also go during low points season while kids are little. I think we will need all 400 once the kids in school and we can only go during holidays....
When we made our first and only purchase, we split our 300 BWV points into two 150-point contracts, to make potential inheritance by our two kids easier.
2 240-point AKL contracts direct, Feb UY

In ROFR on 1 400-point resale Aulani, March UY.
5 contracts (one of which is direct from Disney), 3 home resorts, all the same UY. I really admire people who can juggle more than one UY. DH and I are both used to working with #s, engineer and math teacher, but we wouldn't even attempt more than one UY.
One contract since 2002, OKW 200 points. Has been more than sufficient for 2 BR villa every other year.
We have 3 contracts totaling 760 points All BLT march use year.

We bought 2 200 point contracts in 2012 resale at the same time from the same seller so we saved some on closing costs doing one transaction.

We added a 360 point contract this summer. We were looking to buy some more points potentially at SSR to save money, but we were able to get these BLT points at 100/pp so we jumped on it. I was kinda surprised when we made it through ROFR. BLT is our preferred resort so it worked out great!
150 at WL. Exclusively for December trips. Need another 100 points for summer so considering options both direct/resale. My wife insists on staying at BC for our Memorial week trip which we have been able to do with transferred in points but that will get harder. If my DD would stay 7 forever i'd buy BC for certain because of the pool but it wouldn't seem playing in the sand to be as important as she gets older.

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