Honestly Ive never had anyone say anything to me on a cruise. There aren’t as many scooters on cruises so I don’t think they bother most people. I have heard people say snarky things in the parks only a few times out of years of use, usually it something along the lines of there so many scooters, or you need to be careful even though im no where near them. But I just ignore them or when people say something rude I would say something like that’s weird. Which just confuses them. The biggest thing I get is I need that or I wish I had that. I just smile and say yeah its great isn’t it. Not going to respond to the implication that I don’t need it.We will be taking ECV on a cruise for my daughter’s wedding and I’m so worried about people being mean.
How do you handle it?
I’ve had people say some mean things like fat shaming and look it’s a miracle when I parked it and walked into a restaurant. I can walk but not far. I am overweight but that’s not why I require mobility devices,
Do I ignore, ask them to stop, share my medical information? I just don’t know how to respond.