Hot chocolate, jingle bells and more hot chocolate TR


Earning My Ears
Oct 9, 2012
The Cast:

Me (Louise) – 24, my favourite rides include BTM, Pirates and Phantom Manor.

My boyfriend Simon - 23, loves everything except TOT. I don’t think he’s ever forgiven me for persuading him to ride it on our last trip!

This photo was taken two years ago when we visited in November. We caught the Christmas soft opening on the last day of our trip and we were eager to do Christmas properly this time!

Sunday 8th – Friday 13th (eek!) December at Sequoia Lodge

I’d been itching to go back since our last trip and we booked this holiday back in June under the 2 nights free offer. Last time we stayed in Cheyenne which we both really enjoyed, but I really fancied the look of Sequoia Lodge and thought it would be perfect for a Christmas trip :goodvibes

This is my first ever TR so please bear with me while I get to grips with it!
Day One

We were up bright and early to catch our Eurostar at 10.15. We had been to see Frozen the day before to get us in the mood and we both really enjoyed it! I really wasn’t sure what to expect but I’m so glad we decided to go and see it.
We already live in London so getting to St. Pancras was pretty quick, plus there was hardly anyone about so early on a Sunday morning so navigating the tube with our luggage was easy.

In St Pancras we bought some M&S sandwiches for the journey before going through security. I bought a coffee from Caffe Nero while we sat and waited to board. Everything was running on time and we were soon sat on the Eurostar ready to go.

At one point, just before we arrived at Ebbsfleet, we heard a loud bang and I presumed we’d hit a branch or something. Five minutes later the train stopped and we were told the driver was checking something on the line. After a couple of minutes we started moving again and we were told something had fallen off the train! :scared1: Apparently it was only cosmetic though and we were safe to carry on. The rest of the journey went smoothly (although I did get annoyed by the boy and dad next to us who were watching Despicable Me on their iPad on maximum volume, so loud!) and we were pulling into Disneyland!

Sadly, we weren’t heading straight into the magic as we were spending out first night in the Premier Classe at Bussy Saint Georges. This was because when our eurostar dates finally came out for the package I’d booked (mon-fri) it was about £60 more to travel on the Monday than on the Sunday. It actually worked out cheaper to travel a day earlier and book a cheap hotel for the Sunday night, I think the Premier Classe was just £32.
We made our way to the RER and bought some tickets from the machine.

They’re so tiny compared to our train tickets!

It was only two stops so the journey went really quickly. After a couple of minutes of confusion (the google directions we printed out were completely wrong!), we worked out which way we needed to go.

The hotel was about ten minutes walk and check in was easy. Our room was on the ground floor.

Our thrilling view!

The room was exactly what we expected and was fine for a one night stay. It was really warm and the hotel had free wifi for guests, I have no complaints at all.

We decided to head out for a bit of a walk as it was only about half three by this point. I quickly homed in on the patisserie and drooled over the cakes. I had a pain au raisin and Simon had a sprite. When we paid, I had to put the money in a machine instead of handing it to the lady behind the counter which was really weird!

After that we walked around some more, but as it was a Sunday nearly everywhere was closed. We went back to our room for a little while and later on had dinner at Mcdonalds, mainly because it was so close and convenient. I bought a box of macarons from Mcdonalds which I thought was amazing, they should sell them here!

We watched some television back at the room and fell asleep really early which was a huge mistake! We both woke up at midnight thinking it was morning and couldn’t get back to sleep for ages. Being excited about Disney really didn’t help matters at all!
Looking forward to reading the rest of your TR!
Really looking forward to the rest of your trip report!
Exciting start!
I love your scarf. And great pics. Looking forward to your next installment - I know already I'm going to love this TR!
Thanks everyone :) I'm now listening to Christmas music while writing up the next instalment, feeling very festive! :santa:
Day Two

We got ready, checked out and headed back to the station with our luggage. A train came after about five minutes and we were on our way. When we arrived, we headed straight to the bus stop and it wasn’t long before our bus came.

We put our bags through security and got in the queue to check in. We were waiting no longer than a minute before we got the desk. It was about 11am at this point and I was really surprised when the lady said our room was ready! It was in the Monterey Lodge which was the furthest away block from the main building. It was fine for us, but I imagine it would be a bit of a pain for families with children – it was a bit of a trek from reception! Armed with our park tickets and our easy pass, we headed to our room to drop off our bags.

I was actually a bit glum initially because I really wanted an upstairs room and our room was ground floor (a bit irrational, but I just really like being upstairs!), but the room was so lovely I quickly got over it.

We didn’t hang around long because we had Disneyland to get to! :goodvibes We walked to the park through the village.

Then we were in!

I took a really terrible camera with me on this day. It’s a little compact Nikon that worked fine for exactly a year (when the warranty ended!) and then the lens broke. It kind of works okay if you remember to push the lens back in when you turn it off, but taking it with me was a big mistake because I just got so frustrated with it – the picture quality is pretty questionable too. Needless to say, I learned my lesson after the first day and used a different camera.

Anyway, back to the park!

I absolutely loved the tree, it looked beautiful. I told Simon to pose in front of it and he seemed happy to oblige, look how big it is!

We went into the town hall quickly to book a table at Blue Lagoon for the next day which was really easy.

Last time we came to Disneyland, the first ride we went on was pirates and we’d decided to make it tradition. But important things first, we hadn’t stopped for any food yet! We popped into the cable car bake shop where I had my first of very many hot chocolates (did you guess from the title?!) and Simon chose a slice of carrot cake.

He actually couldn’t finish this which was surprising because he usually inhales his food! It was a very generously sized slice. Fortunately I was close by to help him out :rotfl:

When we left, people were lining the street for the Christmas Cavalcade so we decided to wait for that.

I really enjoyed this and it felt really magical when the snow came down :lovestruc Now it was time for Pirates! This was a walk on and got us excited about dinner the next day.

Next we went up to the tree house as it was closed during our last visit. This was nice to do and there were some really good views of adventureland up there.
This seemed to be the only photo I took, I think I was too busy trying to concentrate on not falling down the stairs!

We decided to pay a visit to Phantom Manor next, but we passed these guys first.

Ermmm… I’m not sure I have any words for that photo!

I bought some Minnie ears from the shop in Frontierland, I’ve never owned a pair before and I felt like embracing my inner child. They were €16, but when else can you walk around with Minnie ears on?
When we got to Phantom Manor the doors closed in front of us which I actually thought was quite cool, I’ve never been at the front of the queue before. I obviously used it as a photo opportunity!

A man behind us in the queue saw us mucking about and offered to take a photo for us which was really lovely.


After Phantom Manor I think I must have put my camera away for a while as there’s a bit of a gap. We went to Captain EO because we hadn’t done it before and rumour has it that it’s going soon. I really wasn’t keen on doing this because I have a lazy eye (fun fact for you there!) and although I can see 3D, it gives my eyes a hard time and results in a headache. Simon was really eager though so in we went.
Well… I certainly don’t regret seeing it but I don’t think I would do it again. My poor eyes really did struggle with the 3D and it’s just such a strange show anyway! I think even Simon said he found the 3D a bit overwhelming. But like I said, I’m glad I saw it once.

I think we went into Alice’s labyrinth next which Simon had never done before. We did get lost a couple of times and we eventually made it to the castle, hooray! I love the view from up there.

From there we went on IASW with its Christmas theming. We both enjoyed this as always and I was thoroughly entertained by the mermaid singing ‘jingle shells, jingle shells’! Simon missed it and for a while I thought I had imagined it, but I have since googled it and it seems to be a thing!

We headed back to main street where we shared a hot dog and fries from Casey’s. I didn’t think I was very hungry, so Simon ordered for himself, but as soon as we sat down I realised I was starving! Poor Simon very kindly shared with me though and it hit the spot. I did enjoy the food, but I do think it’s insanely overpriced for a hot dog.
We weren’t sure what to do next and I think it was about 40 minutes before the parade so people were starting to wait. We looked in a couple of shops, but then we decided to just stake out a spot and wait too as we usually just watch from behind other people.
It was here we encountered some rudeness. About 10 minutes before the parade started a couple of French girls (probably about 19 years old) came up to us and asked us to move so they could sit on the pavement in front of us, first in French then in English. To start with I thought they were with the family next to us, but it quickly became apparent they just wanted our spot! We hadn’t been standing in the cold for half an hour for some other people just to take our place. We told them no, but one of the girls really was adamant that they were just going to sit in front of us. We just kept saying no, refused to move and then ignored them :mad: They hung around behind us for a couple of minutes much to my dismay, but then they disappeared into the clothes shop :yay: They had really rubbed me up the wrong way so I’m glad they left. Surely it’s common sense to get there early if you want to view the parade from the front?
Okay, rant over!
Then the parade started! I wasn’t sure how much I would enjoy this, but I was really impressed. I loved seeing the Frozen float and Simon was fascinated by the gliding fairies. Most of my photos were appalling, but here are a couple of okay ones.

I seemed to stop taking photos completely after this, my camera was so slow I think I just gave up on it – plus it was even worse in poor light. We went on BTM in the dark which I love doing, so much fun. Afterwards we watched the tree lighting ceremony (amazing!) and wandered around the shops before getting hot chocolates and standing in wait for Dreams. It was so cold, but worth it! It’s such an incredible show pixiedust:

On the way back to the hotel we grabbed dinner from Earl of Sandwich (Italian for me and a weird special of the day with potato in it for Simon – mine was the best!) and took it back to our room. We ate our food and relaxed for a bit, then we headed to the bar. It was lovely in there and I had a mulled wine, perfect!

I would have loved to have sat next to the fire, but things seemed to get a bit competitive around those seats. After a couple of drinks we called it a night and headed towards our super comfy bed, I’m pretty sure I was out like a light!
Really enjoying this :thumbsup2

Well done holding your stance at the parade. I agree, people don't stand for half an hour for nothing. Unfortunately there will always be the chancers :lmao:

Your room at Sequoia looks lovely. And the weather is beautiful too - so good to be dry whilst trooping round the parks.

Look forward to more :)
Loving your trip report and your photos are lovely....despite your camera!!! Your room looks lovely too! Can't believe how silly people can be ....trying to get into your spot ....good on you holding your ground! Your report is really helping me imagine my first Christmas season next year. Looking forward t reading more!
Really enjoying this :thumbsup2

Well done holding your stance at the parade. I agree, people don't stand for half an hour for nothing. Unfortunately there will always be the chancers :lmao:

Your room at Sequoia looks lovely. And the weather is beautiful too - so good to be dry whilst trooping round the parks.

Look forward to more :)

Thank you! Ahhh I know, they were just so cheeky! And old enough to know better.
We were so lucky with the weather, I don't think we could have done better!

Loving your trip report and your photos are lovely....despite your camera!!! Your room looks lovely too! Can't believe how silly people can be ....trying to get into your spot ....good on you holding your ground! Your report is really helping me imagine my first Christmas season next year. Looking forward t reading more!

Thanks! Christmas is just such a magical time to go, you're going to have an amazing time.

What a lovely start to your trip! Excited to follow along!

Thank you! Hopefully I should get up day three tomorrow.

Lovely trip report, great photo at Phantom Manor.

Day Three

We had every intention of getting to the parks for 8 so we could make the most of magic hours, but alas, our bed was too warm and we went for breakfast just before 8. Today we opted for Beaver Creek. I definitely preferred being seated for breakfast as opposed to finding your own table at Cheyenne. It was fairly quiet and we had our fill of croissants, rolls, cheese and ham.
We walked to the parks through the very quiet village and went through the barriers a little before 9. I managed to get a much better photo of the entrance this time!

I love how quiet it is early in the morning.

We went on Buzz first. I really love this ride (although I don’t love the competitive streak it brings out in Simon, ahem!) and you have to make the most of it when it’s a walk on.

We always look like we’re concentrating so hard on this ride! We actually went straight back to the queue and rode this again, we’re clearly big fans. Next we went to Fantasyland and rode Dumbo. Weirdly enough, I’d actually never been on Dumbo before. I know it’s a classic, but I think the queues have always put me off! We waited about ten minutes before it was our turn. I’m glad I finally got round to doing it!

When we came off we took a quick photo in front of the carousel.

After this, we made our way to the Studios so we could do Crush. When we got in I saw the queue snaking past the front lot and I couldn’t believe my eyes! But we then realised that the ride hadn’t opened yet and the queue started at the ride entrance. Feeling a bit more optimistic, we got in line. I think it took us about twenty minutes until we got to the front which wasn’t too bad at all. We’re both big fans of this ride, I wish the queues didn’t get so long for it.

Next we got in line for the tram tour because this was scheduled to be closed for the rest of our trip. There was only one tram running so we waited a looong time for this, despite the queue being very short. When we finally got on, it turned out the tv in our section was broken which was a bit rubbish. Unless they do some huge improvements to this attraction, I don’t think I’ll do it again. It just all looks a bit dated and sad now. The canyon scene is impressive, but it’s just not enough of a draw for me.

We decided to do RnR before heading out the park. Just outside the entrance for this ride, Simon spotted Push the bin! It was so strange because we had been talking about Push before and how we couldn’t imagine Disneyland Paris ever doing it. How wrong we were! He was moving around and chatting to people, it was really lovely to watch. Unfortunately I don’t have any photos, I must have been so surprised that I forgot!

The queue for RnR went really quickly until we got second to the front. Then we stopped! We found out the ride had broken down, but they were trying to fix it. They turned all the lights on and we waited for a few minutes, but eventually they just told us all to leave. It was a little bit frustrating because we were so close to the front, but I’d much rather be safe!

On our way out we spotted Ariel, Aladdin, Jasmine, Snow White, Mary Poppins and Bert doing meet and greets.

When we left the Studios I took the opportunity to have a good look inside World of Disney while it was peaceful. This was my first trip since it had been built and I love shops, so I was eager to check it out. I didn’t buy anything but we spent a while wandering around.

In the other park we stopped to watch the Christmas Cavalcade with hot chocolates again.

During the parade we saw a fairly strict looking CM carrying a big bone with her (it was quite funny), and it was only when we looked at the photos afterwards that we realised why. Pluto sits on the back of one the floats with the toy bone and he must have dropped it because it’s on the ground next to eeyore in my photo. Mystery solved!

Following the Cavalcade we decided to really push ourselves and do something new… so we did Buzz. Seriously, you’d think I would be amazing at it with all this experience but I’m just terrible at it! Next up was Pinocchio. Snow White was closed this trip which was a bit sad but Pinocchio is still a favourite with us.

Our reservation for Blue Lagoon was looming so we went through to Adventureland. I wanted to get a ride on Pirates in before our meal, but it was closed so we explored for a little bit.

We didn’t really know what to do because we couldn’t go too far but we still had a little bit of time before our reservation. I had a sneaking suspicion Pirates might have magically reopened, so we headed back. It was open! It was a walk on too. We came out in perfect timing for our meal.

I’ve always wanted to eat here but usually a tight food budget had meant that table service restaurants weren’t an option. This time I decided that we really couldn’t give it a miss, we were on holiday after all.
We were seated at a table right in front of the water, perfect! All my photos are terrible because of the lighting in there, but here are a few anyway.

I believe we went for the buccaneers menu which was something like 2 courses for €30. None of the desserts were hugely appealing to us so we both went for starters and mains. I had the crab terrine to start and then the ravioli that had some kind of seafood in it while Simon had the prawns to start and then barracuda for mains. It was all amazing, I love seafood so it was the perfect place for me! We both preferred my main, but I’d recommend all of it! Our servers were lovely, our table was wonderful and we loved the atmosphere, I have nothing but good things to say about Blue Lagoon.

We waddled out about an hour and a half later and… we went on Pirates again! This is definitely the ride we went on most this trip, plus it’s so warm inside. We saw our table on the way round and the waiter was clearing away our drinks – it was strange to watch!

It was really dark outside by this point and I decided I wanted to go on BTM, however it wasn’t meant to be as it was closed when we got there. Instead, we ventured to PM. The queuing area is so eerie in the dark! The CMs were really good this time as well, really playing the part.

By this point we were really feeling the cold so we decided to go back to the hotel. We walked back through main street and I’m pretty sure we caught the tree lighting ceremony again.

We grabbed some crisps on the way but I don’t think we ate them, we were too full from Blue Lagoon! We went to the bar again and I had another mulled wine :goodvibes

I love this bar so much, it’s a really good place to wind down. We stayed for an hour or so before heading to bed so we could get a good nights rest in preparation for a day in Paris tomorrow!
Really enjoying your report :-D your photos are great! I love Blue's such a treat! Cant wait to read more
Wow loving this TR! Another fabulous day. Its looks so amazing at Christmastime.
Looking forward to more :goodvibes
Day Four

Today we snoozed in a little bit longer and went down to breakfast about half an hour later than the day before. Well… what a difference half an hour makes! We went to Hunters Grill this time and it was busy. It’s definitely worth going earlier to avoid the chaos!
We escaped unscathed and headed to the station because we were going to Paris today! We had planned this in advance and I was really looking forward to it. Before this, I had been to Paris once on a school trip which I don’t remember much about. Simon has been a couple of times I think and he really likes it. At the station we bought the mobilis tickets which were about €15 each. We rode the RER until we got to Chatelet Les Halles. Simon had been to Paris a lot more recently than me and he had much better sense of where everything is than I did.
We were heading to Notre Dame, so I got my camera out on the way.

Paris is such a pretty city, I forgot how beautiful it is. After a little walk we made it to Notre Dame, I was very impressed with Simon – I wouldn’t have had a clue which way to go. We didn’t initially intend to go in, but there wasn’t a queue so decided to have a look.

I’m really glad we went in. I think we were quite lucky because although it was busy, it wasn’t ridiculously so.
When we came out we spotted this gentleman who was putting crumbs on the end of his tongue and letting birds eat them. Each to their own!

I was really keen to go to the Tuileries Gardens so we began walking that way, with me obviously snapping hundreds of photos along the way!

I spotted Pongo out for his walk…

We sort of happened upon Pont de l’Archeveche. I don’t know how anyone finds room to put any more padlocks on this bridge! It was so full!

From there, we were at The Louvre within a couple of minutes.

We spied our first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower!

I didn’t realise how much hassle we would get from street vendors walking around this area. I know it’s a very touristy place, but they come at you from all directions, it began to feel a bit like an obstacle course at some points!
I love parks in general so we spent a bit of time around here.

This water feature was mostly frozen so all the birds were just standing around on it.

More to come!


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