Hip Hip Hooray for Christmas Vacation... Disney Style!!! A Dec 2010 PTR

I just started reading your plans and it sound so fun to make it a surprise. Good luck thurs! We'll actually be there at the same time. I'm so excited, I can't imagine not being able to talk about it!
Hey Reese....how bout them birds. Its been a blast the last two weeks being an eagles fan. Hopefully they continue on this path.:goodvibes I bet your just ripping at the seams to get out the surprise. Devon is going to be so excited and even more excited when he realizes his friend is coming too. I will be there on BF too. we usually head out to kohls around 230am too. Its become a passion.:lmao:

have a great thanksgiving!
You have been ON IT girl!!! :thumbsup2

I still have to do my deep cleaning today and tomorrow, but I am pretty much packed already... I am hosting Thanksgiving for Terry's family :rolleyes: and our single male friends who have no where to go... :laughing: So I have to get ready for all the cooking I get to do by myself...

But then starting Friday I get to drive Terry totally CRAZY since we will drop the kids off at our parents houses on Saturday evening and be getting ready to head to the airport!!! :woohoo:

Ha Ha Ha!!! I am so trying to stay ahead of the game here!!! I want to start packing now, but can't!!! :confused3 I am still so confused with what to pack b/c of the weather! I so hope it is warm accuweathers 15 day forecast changes by the stinking minute so I don't think I can really count on that!

I am so happy my mom cooks all holidays... So does b/c she knows I'll burn my house down!!! :rotfl:

OMG!!! Your week is so going to fly by!!!

I just started reading your plans and it sound so fun to make it a surprise. Good luck thurs! We'll actually be there at the same time. I'm so excited, I can't imagine not being able to talk about it!

Hi Sarah! Where you staying at? I so can not wait to go!!! It's totally killing me not telling him and having someone to talk to about the trip! Only 2 days to go at this point to tell him!

Hey Reese....how bout them birds. Its been a blast the last two weeks being an eagles fan. Hopefully they continue on this path.:goodvibes I bet your just ripping at the seams to get out the surprise. Devon is going to be so excited and even more excited when he realizes his friend is coming too. I will be there on BF too. we usually head out to kohls around 230am too. Its become a passion.:lmao:

have a great thanksgiving!

I am in heaven! This is so fun!!! I sure hope the birds can keep up this momentum! It's so funny, when we were in Disney in August, we were there during one of the Eagles Pre season games and I mom texted both my brother and I updates of the game... She said I bet Vick becomes the starting QB this year, and we both followed it up with yeah right! To which she replied you wait and see, Vick is taking us to the super bowl! Tim and I just shook pur heads. I think she could be right now!!! :laughing:

I'm heading to Kohl's too!!! I always do well there BF!
As a former Vick fan from the Falcon's days... I know what he is capable of in the game! I am really happy that he is getting back out there and proving himself, you know? I was pretty hurt a few years ago from his actions, but I know he has served his time and we're getting to enjoy him playing again!

I just realized you won't know what I'm having until you get back from Disney World, since I find out on Dec 3! You will just have to wonder until you get back to "real-life land!"

Oh, and I'm totally ready to start packing for Disney... :rotfl: like that will help time go any faster!
I can't wait to hear all about your surprise reveal, you must be just busting to tell him. It will be a great day!
Well all... I only have 3 more days to keep my mouth zipped!!! I finally get to surprise Devon on Thursday!!! :banana: I can not believe we leave in just over a weeks time!!! SO SO EXCITED!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!

:cool1: :banana: :yay: :cheer2: :woohoo: :dance3: :woohoo: :cheer2: :yay: :banana: :cool1:

I hope I get to hear the details on the surprise reveal before we fly out Saturday morning.... ??

How crazy is it how close are we???? :hyper:
As a former Vick fan from the Falcon's days... I know what he is capable of in the game! I am really happy that he is getting back out there and proving himself, you know? I was pretty hurt a few years ago from his actions, but I know he has served his time and we're getting to enjoy him playing again!

I just realized you won't know what I'm having until you get back from Disney World, since I find out on Dec 3! You will just have to wonder until you get back to "real-life land!"

Oh, and I'm totally ready to start packing for Disney... :rotfl: like that will help time go any faster!

I was a fan a Vick during his Falcon days too!!! But I just to say I LOVED being in the stands when we beat them in the NFC Championship game!!!

I agree, he did his time... I think he knows what he did was wrong and it seems to me that he is legitimately sorry for his actions!!!

Oh NO!!! I don't want to have to wait till I get back to find out what you are having!!! But I guess I will have to suck it up!!! I'm saying boy!!! :goodvibes

I can't wait to hear all about your surprise reveal, you must be just busting to tell him. It will be a great day!

I am so busting to tell him Trace! I just want Thursday to hurry up and get here!!! Can't wait!

:cool1: :banana: :yay: :cheer2: :woohoo: :dance3: :woohoo: :cheer2: :yay: :banana: :cool1:

I hope I get to hear the details on the surprise reveal before we fly out Saturday morning.... ??

How crazy is it how close are we???? :hyper:

Tracy I can not believe that after ALL these months that our trips are FINALLY here!!!

I hope to post about the reveal on Friday!
ok, ok... Before my loyal readers revolt and refuse to read my PTR, I figured I been finish up my August TR!!! :rotfl:

So, last I left off, we were entering WWOHP!!! Woo Hoo!!!

We started out here



This is where the Forbidden Journey Ride is located!!! All I can say in WOW!!! The queue to this attraction and the ride itself is by far the best I EVER seen!!! I swear it was like we were walking around Hogwarts castle with Harry, Ron and Hermoine!!!

see for yourself!!!



Yes the picture really did talk and move!!! So cool!!!


Dumbledore's Penseive!


Portrait of the Fat Lady to enter the Griffindor common room



The Sorting Hat!!!




Ceiling of the great hall!!! So stinking awesome... Once you entered this part, it was finally time to get on the ride!!! YAY!!!

After riding FJ we headed over to ride flight of the hipogrif (think Goofy's barnstormer) It was cute! While walking thru you could see Hagrid's Hut!!!



After that we decided to stoll thru Hogsmede!



YES, there was a 2 hour wait just to get into Ollivanders to make a freakin WAND!!!


Three Broomsticks!

Honeydukes!!! YUMMY!!!






Moving onto Zonko's Joke Shop!

Continued in next post!
Ok to I have to say that the detail that Universal paid to Harry Potter was incredible!!! I swear it was like I was in the movie!!!

Anyway here we are in Zonko's now!!!





After touring thru the shops, we got in line to ride Dueling Dragons!!! This queue was pretty cool too, unfotunately no pics b/c Universal makes you leave all your stuff in lockers for this ride!

But anyway it was all signs and cool things about the TriWizard tournameny! And you even got to see the Weasley's car in the Whomping Willow tree! So we get all the way to the front of the line and they measure Devon again... Mind you he was tall enough to ride when the attendant at the front of the ride measured him, be WASN'T when we were about to get on!! UGH!!! Oh well safety first! Devon was a bit bummed but I told him we would look around why Uncle Tim rode... He was cool with that!!!

Look we we saw when we got off the ride!!!

All Aboard!!!



Look like a storms a brewing!


At this point we met back up with Tim who said Dueling Drangon's was insense and he was glad Devon did not ride it!!! So our next destination??? BUTTERBEER!!!


Dev took they pics while waiting line for his butterbeer




FINALLY Drink in hand!!!


Seal of Approval!!!


Tim and Devon decided that they wanted to ride Forbidden Journey again, so they headed back to the Castle and I did some more walking around!


Caught the end of the Drumstang and Beaubaxton show! Love me some Viktor Krum! LOL!!!





Moving on!!!

Chopping book!


What's the secret to open this book??? Strock the spine of course!




I met back up with Tim and Devon and it was now time to bid farewell to WWOHP!!!


Overall I was HIGHLY impressed by it and CAN NOT wait to go back soon!!! Devon got the cutest Griffindor Quidditch shirts and he proundly wore to HP 7 this past weekend! He got a lot of compliments on it and a few jealous looks that he went to WWOHP! LOL!!

Well until next installment... Hope you enjoyed!
great update reese. I know nothing about HP.:lmao: never read the book or saw the movies. But I have got to say it all looked awesome. What was the butter beer? Devon looked like he was enjoying it.:goodvibes
YAY! It looks great. So what is FB like? I heard it is really cool, but haven't really heard what it is.
Awesome WWoHP update! My mom and I went six days after it opened and it was CHAOS!! Looks like it may have calmed down a little. When we were there, the wait for Forbidden Journey was 90minutes and it was over an hour wait to even get into the Three Broomsticks! How amazing is Butterbeer though!?!?
great update reese. I know nothing about HP.:lmao: never read the book or saw the movies. But I have got to say it all looked awesome. What was the butter beer? Devon looked like he was enjoying it.:goodvibes

Thanks Lindsay! I highly recommend you reading the HP books! I didn't think I would like them, but they are so well written and I love that the movies are on point with the books! Butterbeer was GOOD!!! Had a cream soda taste to it. We got the frozen one! And Yes Devon loved it!

YAY! It looks great. So what is FB like? I heard it is really cool, but haven't really heard what it is.

FB is freaking awesome!!! It is so hard to explain, park of it is like an actual ride think great movie ride, then all a sudden, it turns into a simulator, like Soarin' and you are flying on broomsticks!! It really is a cool ride! Felt like I was in the movie! :goodvibes

Awesome WWoHP update! My mom and I went six days after it opened and it was CHAOS!! Looks like it may have calmed down a little. When we were there, the wait for Forbidden Journey was 90minutes and it was over an hour wait to even get into the Three Broomsticks! How amazing is Butterbeer though!?!?

Yep, we were there mid August and I was freaking out that it was going to be crowded... I did my HW and figured it would be best to hit up WWOHP later in the day and that is what we did and we literally pretty much walked onto everything! LOVED THE BUTTERBEER. Frozen one is definitely better!
Yay!!! WWoHP looks AWESOME! I am glad we aren't going this time though, since I know we wouldn't have the time to devote to it. I went to see HP7 with a friend of mine and her friend had been to WWoHP and had sent her a bottle of that pumpkin juice that we drank while waiting for the movie to start!
Great update!!! Maybe we will have to make plans to go there next year!

Thanks! And definitely worth the trip over to Universal for it!

Yay!!! WWoHP looks AWESOME! I am glad we aren't going this time though, since I know we wouldn't have the time to devote to it. I went to see HP7 with a friend of mine and her friend had been to WWoHP and had sent her a bottle of that pumpkin juice that we drank while waiting for the movie to start!

Thanks!!! It was so awesome! It definitely lived up to my expectations!
Ok, lets finish up this TR before I leave for my next trip shall we???

So last I left off we were leaving the WWOHP!!!

It was getting late at this point so we basically strolled around IOA and rode a few more rides before heading to city walk.

Up first...






Devon on some ride while Tim rode HULK again!



Devon with the TriWizard cup


I was at this point that the skys opened up and we ran for cover until it died down.

Here's Dev hanging ten waiting out the storm!



After a few minutes the rain slowed so we made a run for it to catch the bus back to All Star sports! Of course I slipped and in the process of doing so lost my sunglasses! I didn't realize this until I was on the bus going back to the resort! $250 Marc Jacob sunglasses GONE!!! I wanted to cry!!! Who am I kidding I did tear up. But hey there just sunglasses right?

Back at All Star we headed straight for the food court b/c we were STARVED!!!




Here's what Dev got to eat! Yum!


And here are the final 2 pics of the trip!!! We were up right and early to head to the airport the next day!!! Yes I was sad that our trip was coming to an end but excited to know I'd be back in a few months time and now I only have a few days to go till I am back in my happy place!

Hope you all enjoyed!


great finish to your trip reese. Minus the sunglasses. Thats why I no longer spend money on sunglasses I am always loosing them. I hope you have new ones for your next trip. I bet your excited for tomorrow to finally reveal the surprise.
great finish to your trip reese. Minus the sunglasses. Thats why I no longer spend money on sunglasses I am always loosing them. I hope you have new ones for your next trip. I bet your excited for tomorrow to finally reveal the surprise.

Thanks!!! I was so upset about my sunglasses! But I did go out and buy news ones as soon as I got home! Not as expensive this time but still pricey! :rotfl: I am so excited to tell Devon tomorrow! I hope I can hold off till dessert like I planned
Ouch on the loss of your sunglasses. That though is why I am not allowed to have expensive sunglasses. One time i ran over a pair with my car....not even sure how. So I stick to the Old Navy cheapies! Sounds like it was a fun trip! I LOVE HP (went to HP7.1 on Friday, my friends claim I dragged them, but I heard no complaints from them) and would love to go to WWOHP, but I think I need to wait a few years for it to "calm down" a bit. I don't like super large crowds.


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