HH personal Chef dinnerparty question


Pixie Dust Provider
Aug 18, 1999
Sometime ago Doc posted info regarding this service, and his review was very favorable. Has anyone used this sevice recently?

I am thinking of booking (if the service is still available) and would like to hear from others regarding involvement in menu and wine selection, fees and gratuities. Please let me know if you have reserved this service.

While we've never used this, we did just get back from HH last week and I can tell you they are still doing it.

Per the flyer they gave us at checkin, Fees are: One or Two guests -- $120

Three to Eight guests -- $40 per person.

The way I read this is that the minimum is $120 for up to three people, and then it's $40 more per extra person.
I'm going to explore this went we go in Aug. $120 is not bad for a memorable dining experience & I'm sure that DH, DS(14) & i would love it. DS(7) is our difficult eater, but if it would cost $120 for 3 or 4, maybe we would ask for "something" for him, rather than ship him off to the Kids Club. It'll be his choice.
Hi everyone,we've booked A Private Affair for 18 March at HH with Chef Gordon.Here's an email he sent us last week.

"The evening usually is held in our Grand Villa Model; however, the model is going on the market because our resort is rapidly approaching sell out status. We will be relocating "A Private
Affair" to Surfman's Station, which is our ocean front, lounge type of area. It is completely private, it has a fireplace (which we hopefully will not need in March!), and it has beautiful views of the Atlantic Ocean. It has not yet been determined when the Grand Villa will no longer be available for "A Private Affair"; I have only been told 'mid March."

The evening usually begins around 6:30, but that is flexible. How long it lasts varies with each group; it is a casual evening which will move at your pace.

The cost of the program is $120.00 for one or two
Guests, and $40.00 per person for three to eight Guests, and it includes the appetizers, entrees and desserts as well as the appropriate wines with each course.

Here's his details

Chef Gordon


Originally posted by Cyndy
Sometime ago Doc posted info regarding this service, and his review was very favorable. Has anyone used this sevice recently?

I am thinking of booking (if the service is still available) and would like to hear from others regarding involvement in menu and wine selection, fees and gratuities. Please let me know if you have reserved this service.


Three thumbs up for "A Private Affair!" We've done it three times. We love Chef Gordon--he's a wonderful chef and host.

IMHO--it's the best place to eat on the Island. It is well worth the money, you could easily spend the same amount of money at a restaurant on the Island an not have nearly as good an experience. After all, how often do you get a chance to have dinner cooked by your own personal chef? Splurge. It's worth it, especially for a special occasion.

Thanks so much for this information. I e-mail Chef Gordon (thanks JJ) and recived a very quick response. I am going to HH this weekend and have booked the dinner. I will give a report when I return. It sounds wonderful and I am looking forward to it.
I can highly recommend "A Private Affair". Chef Gordon is a creative chef and delightful person to be around.

If you want to assist with the preparation, Gordon will be happy to guide you through the process and even include you on the shopping trip for the ingredients.

Wonderful program and a truly special dining experience!
"A Private Affair" was the highlight of our trip to HH in October!We had a delicious candlelight meal prepared by Chef Gordon in honor of our anniversary. The food he prepared was wonderful, and his company was equally delightful. He encourages you to participate in the planning and preparation of the meal as much or as little as you want. And, you'll get the recipes from your meal to take home. He even shared a recipe for a dish I've tried to make that wasn't on our menu! :)

We had a great time during our "Private Affair" and hope to make it an annual event.
We have booked Chef Gordon for our trip in April. This will be our first DVC trip. We heard so much about it from these boards, and are really looking forward to it. We have 3 children 11, 8, and 5. Has anyone included their children in the meal? I know you can and he accomodates them. I was just wondering what others have done. They are not adventurous eaters.

:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy: :earsgirl:
My daughter (12) loved the food, she is reasonably adventurous though. She gave me a very funny look when I told her the menu ( crab cakes followed by a sauteed fish) although the chocolate and cherry cheesecake was always going to be popular LOL.
She ordered the same main course in a restaurant a couple of days later she was so impressed with Gordon's offerings ( although she did say the restaurant wasn't anywhere near as good as Gordons LOL :) ) .

IMHO the art for the kids is to have at least a main course that is adventurous enough that the adults enjoy it, but that can be discribed in terms that the kids feel comfortable enough to at least give it a try.
Does Chef Gordon offer a reduced price for the little ones? My 5 y.o. and 8 y.o. will probably eat what is offered, but they certainly won't eat enough to warrant paying $40 each for them!!
The e-mail I got back from Chef Gordon said that the cost for the children is "reduced", but no specific price(s) were given for them.:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy: :earsgirl:
I just asked the same thing as my 11 year old neice would enjoy this type of dinner. I was told that the price for her would be 20.00.
Thanks everyone! I love these boards and have always found great ideas and suggestions and even the detail (eg Chef Gordon's e-mail info) every time I've posted. As someone who plans special events for others, I really appreciate your sharing your experiences. I'm hoping that we can get this all worked out for our trip in late March. This is our second trip to HH and we are really looking forward to it.

Thank you all again!
We are just back from our trip to HH and as always it was wonderful. The Private Affair was really outstanding! I ordered pizza for the kids and had it delivered to the unit where the dinner was held. Chef Gordon gave the kids paper plates and napkins(we brought along some juice boxes ) and the kids settled down to watch a video. Then dinner for the grown ups began! Crab cakes which were out of this world! Followed by Filet Minon that melted in your mouth, and finally Cherries Jubilee, the best I have ever had! We followed the wine selections and they were all very, very good. We took along a portable CD player and some of our favorite CD's. I am glad we did this because although there is a CD player in the unit, the kids watching TV made it impractical to use it. All in all a wonderful evening. I highly recommend it!
It sounds like your meal was wonderful! I e-mailed Chef Gordon and he responded very promptly. We hope to do the Private Affair for our anniversary in November.

How does the wine selection work? Do you get to pick one bottle for the whole meal, or is it different wine pairing with each course?
but had to throw my 2 cents in worth for Chef Gordon! Hubby and I just got back from our first trip to HH and we did the Just Desserts program....Gordon was wonderful. We had a great evening... the desserts were to die for... and Gordon is full of great information about the island and Disney. We also took the Members tour and he was our guide....lots of great info and secrets.

Hubby and I are planning on the Private Affair next time we go! He did tell us about it moving from the Grand Villa to the Beach House sometime in March - he didn't know exactly when.

I am sure you will love the dinner. Have fun! :D
Adamak, The menu you choose from has a "recommended" wine and an "alternate" selection. One wine for each course. We has a Chardonay with the crab cakes, a red (sorry I can't remember the name of it) with the entree, and champange with dessert. Chef Gordon would refill your glass whenever it was empty!

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