Hey screeching frogs, are you calling Tiana or just irritating us! Complete! New TR link 12/2!

Looks like you all had an awesome time at the Halloween party. Love, love, love your costumes. So much fun!

We're doing the Xmas party for the first time in November and I'm really excited, though worried about all the long character lines. But we'll make use of the no lines for rides regardless, so figure that is "worth" the price of admission
Thank you! It was really a fun party. I hope you enjoy the Christmas party, I am sure you all will! Having the rides a walk on is a big plus!
Joining your trip report! I've got a 9 day Mother/Daughter trip planned for December. Reading your report is really getting me excited to share memories with my daughter.
Joining your trip report! I've got a 9 day Mother/Daughter trip planned for December. Reading your report is really getting me excited to share memories with my daughter.
:welcome:So glad to have you joining in. I am so excited for you and your daughter. I hope you two have an awesome trip. We have been doing trips together since Andi was 9 years old and she is soon to be 18! We will be spending her 18th at WDW in November! Is this your first mom/daughter trip?
Your night at MNSSHP sounds amazing! You guys got to do a lot! I love all the character photos and magic shots! I'm glad this was a fun night for you two :)

40 minute wait for the bus the next morning- yuck!

Sure does sound like a hot day! But also a fun one! I'm glad you enjoyed Flight of Passage...I just finally watched Avatar and its making me excited to see Pandora! And how cool to sneak in the Caring for Giants tour.
I was BB8 and Andi was Rey.
OMG you two looked amazing!!! :goodvibes

we headed over to Buzz Lightyear and Andi was once again a galactic hero!
I am still baffled by this ride. I don't even try anymore, I typically just spend it spinning around and looking at everything :laughing:

The feel like temp today was 104 degrees!
:scared1: That's crazy, even for a heat lover like me!

We looked over the menu and decided on sharing the Chicken Tikka Masala
Yum! This is one of my favorite dishes to eat, but I've never had it at Disney! :confused:

Disney gives 100% of the tour money to conservation efforts.
That's amazing! And sounds like a great experience, too. :thumbsup2

Great costumes. Sounds like it was a fun party.

It was surface of the sun hot so we found an area which was shaded for most of the tour, thank goodness.
LOL your so funny

I love her ears.
Great costumes and wonderful trip report! So fun to read :) And again, SO wonderful to meet the two of you! I want to be back in WDW!!!!!
Your night at MNSSHP sounds amazing! You guys got to do a lot! I love all the character photos and magic shots! I'm glad this was a fun night for you two :)

40 minute wait for the bus the next morning- yuck!

Sure does sound like a hot day! But also a fun one! I'm glad you enjoyed Flight of Passage...I just finally watched Avatar and its making me excited to see Pandora! And how cool to sneak in the Caring for Giants tour.
The party was so fun, best night of trip for me!
The bus wait to and from AK was not the best this trip.
FoP was so awesome, I really hope you all get to experience it.
The tour was really fun and a good use of an hour especially when you have been to AK many times!
OMG you two looked amazing!!! :goodvibes

I am still baffled by this ride. I don't even try anymore, I typically just spend it spinning around and looking at everything :laughing:

:scared1: That's crazy, even for a heat lover like me!

Yum! This is one of my favorite dishes to eat, but I've never had it at Disney! :confused:

That's amazing! And sounds like a great experience, too. :thumbsup2
Thanks! The party was a great night at MK
Buzz is the same for me, I shoot and shoot and hit nothing, Andi seems to be doing the same as me but she racks up the points and is a galactic hero every time lol!
The heat was tough Wednesday and Thursday of the trip. I love the heat also, why I live in northern Minnesota is beyond me!
I highly recommend trying The Masala at Harambe Market, very good for the price and at Disney that means something!

Great costumes. Sounds like it was a fun party.

It was surface of the sun hot so we found an area which was shaded for most of the tour, thank goodness.
LOL your so funny

I love her ears.

Ahh thanks! The party was so fun, I hope we have as much fun at the Christmas party in November!
It was so hot!!
Andi has so many cute ears, thanks to mom of course lol!
Great costumes and wonderful trip report! So fun to read :) And again, SO wonderful to meet the two of you! I want to be back in WDW!!!!!
Hi Dana,
Glad you are still reading along! We loved meeting you all! I hope you get back to Disney soon.
The party was so fun, Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year.
Hello Everyone,

I sure hope everyone is having a wonderful week, despite the awful depressing news out there! Everyday is special and enjoying our passions, such as Disney are a must!

On with the show, Part 2 of Day 5, 1900 PF and an epic failure at EMH in the MK.

We had a nice rest after our wonderfully hot time in AK.

We decided to walk over to GF, it is a nice walk even with the heat and humidity. We arrived a little early so we checked out Basin and the gift shop. Love Basin! We checked in for our reservation and gave our cell # so they would text us when the table was ready.

I originally had the ADR for 5:20 but we were still in AK at 3:30 so we were able to move to 7:50pm, not sure if this was a good idea or not:confused3 a little foreshadowing oh oh!
Here we are waiting in the beautiful GF lobby.

The text for seating came about 10 minutes after ADR so not bad. We went in and wow, super chaotic, messy, and our table was right by the entrance and a table of 8 very loud people and one of the kids was literally crawling and climbing on my chair ugh!! The table was a 4 top not 2 but the location was not the best! You win some and lose some right @ariane37, I really should have boozed some at this point lol!

You all, this was not a good meal, the food was really subpar this time. The buffet area was really messy and food was spilled on the floor and all around the buffet dishes. I was really disappointed this time. Our first dinner here was quite good so this was a big difference. Our waiter was also meh, he was overwhelmed I do believe. The buffet had a very small and pathetic looking fruit section, the strawberry soup was not there, the potstickers were not there, the corn dog nuggets were not there, see where I am going with this, as these are some of my favorites. The best thing I had was the turkey and mashed potatoes with the gravy and a lemon cream tortellini pasta! Andi tried a beef stir fry with rice and she said it was awful. So, I basically had $50.00 mashed potatoes lol!
IMG_1818.JPG IMG_1816.JPG IMG_1813.JPG
The characters started to come around fairly quickly so this was good because we knew we were not going to be staying to long for the food. Prince Charming was first and somewhat a dud!IMG_1815.JPG
Next was Cinderella, she was very gracious and sweet. I forgot to get a picture with her and I had my Cinderella tshirt on.
The Stepmother and step sisters came fairly quickly after Cinderella, they were fun, the stepsisters loved the picture of my son Jack in which Andi showed them and told them he was single. They started shouting at each other that he was mine not yours routine!
IMG_1820.JPG IMG_1823.JPG IMG_1822.JPG

I will use the next post to show you all more pictures of the buffet so you all can be informed with the food choices and the overall drabness of this buffet.

We had to wait FOREVER to get our check ugh!

We headed to MK for EMH, which I thought was from 10-12pm, we got there and it was really busy it was around 9:30pm. We decided to do Philharmagic since it was so busy, I thought it was strange the CM checked our band before 10:00pm but it still didn't click to me that EMH was already going on. I just thought she was checking early for some reason, duh!

Everything was really busy so we walked around and when it was 10:00 I thought EMH is starting now well it had started at 9:00pm! Our epic fail is we only did Philharmagic and The Country Bears during EMH:rotfl2:. We then tried to get our popcorn bucket filled at 11:00 still thinking there was another hour left of EMH and all the popcorn carts were closed and we hear the Kiss Goodnight! Oh well good thing we had done many things in MK before this and will still had the rest of the trip:rotfl:

We left without popcorn and a little hungry since 1900 PF was not to great! I did get a picture of me with my Cinderella shirt so this was a plus!IMG_1106.JPG

We headed back to the Poly on the monorail, cont in the next post buffet pictures and cost wrap up for the day.
Here are buffet pictures from 1900 PF. The dessert selections were not good either except the bread pudding with the vanilla sauce, I enjoyed this.
Salad bar area
Kids selection
Mashed potatoes and chicken
This was all the fruit that was available!
A few more salad choices
Potatoes and greens
The beef stir fry and messy buffet
The peel and eat shrimp, again a little messy
Dessert area, the tart, cheesecake, and carrot cake were very bland.
The bread pudding was yummy!

Food costs today:
Mombasa Market. $4.08 mango slushee with AP discount
Harambe Market. $11.71 chicken tikka masala
Pongu Pongu. $6.38 Night Blossom with AP discount
1900 PF. $106.10, yikes! with AP discount

Stay tuned for Day 6, DS, a makeover, graduation pictures, and Epcot where we hit a wall!!
I sure hope everyone is having a wonderful week, despite the awful depressing news out there! Everyday is special and enjoying our passions, such as Disney are a must!

I couldn't agree more!!

Oh no I'm sorry to hear dinner was not the best! I have heard that it can be very hit or miss there. I do want to try it one day though. Lady Tremaine and the Stepsisters never disappoint!

A bummer that EMH wasn't better, but hey 2 attractions are better than none! Love the pic of you and Andi at MK, your shirt is so cute!
Yikes sorry to hear your dinner was such a bust. And $50 after your discount is just ridiculous. Wonder where all your favorite items were? We're generally not a fan of buffets, largely because you really can't control the food quality. We'll do breakfast because I think the food is more forgiving to a warmer, but it looks like Park Fare was definitely a victim of this. You should have definitely at least drank:-)
Oooooh, sorry about your dinner :( We did the breakfast buffet there, and got to meet Alice, Mary Poppins, Tigger and the Mad Hatter, it was awesome. And the food was really good too! Looking forward to more trip reporting :flower1:
I love your descriptions at the Halloween party! The first time for us will be on Nov 1st. I am so excited. Your costumes are amazing, I think I mentioned that before, but you guys look fantastic!!
Looks like you guys had the perfect blend of characters and rides. I really hope we can do as much as you guys did. I for sure am not waiting in another 1 hour line for some of the special characters. I already got the 7 dwarfs last year during MVMCP so I don't need to get them, and I'm pretty sure they will have Jack and Sally on our cruise. I really want some of the princesses and their princes though. Hopefully the line won't be too bad.

Your AK day sounds fantastic so far. I'm so happy when the safari is great, with a great driver and lots of animals to see. The chicken tikka masala looks great too, definitely another option for us with quick service in AK. The caring for Giants tour sounds like a great way to spend some time learning about elephants at Disney. Love all the options for tours at AK, although I have yet to do one. :)
BTW, love your green tank top. I totally wanted to get this at Trend-D last year but it was sold out in my size. It is super cute on you!

Sorry your dinner at 1900 wasn't good. I can't believe they didn't have Strawberry Soup!! That is the one reason I go there, it's a signature item! Sounds like an off night. And your table next to the rowdy kids...sigh. It sounds like your dinner was not the fun experience you wanted. Oh well, at least you ended the night at MK even though you missed an hour of it! But cute picture in front of the castle in your awesome Cinderella shirt! :thumbsup2
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