Hey Pete...thank you...but ..

It is a fickle, fickle territory. Once you miss one, it's easy to miss the next episode, and then you just forget.
There are other vloggers that we used to watch consistently, but when the content changed, we lost interest.
I have a feeling he will sit in on the show from time to time as a guest, especially if they really keep filming in his house... curious if they've addressed that? Will the shows just go remote?

They will still film there. They film there when he's out of town. He will still host other stuff. The other shows, like uni, have used the studio for years. Pete not being on the main show won't affect the studio being used.
Pete is exceptionally bright, professional, and eloquent while sounding very approachable and relatable. He has a unique gift that lends itself to his role as host. I have listened since 2007. His charisma is unmatched by anyone who podcast/vlogs about Disney. I agree with him though, I quit listening regularly because they stopped doing ANY trip planning segments. New experiences would come out, and they would get mentioned on the show, but then never reviewed. I appreciate the news and rapid fire, but Disney is dynamic enough for them to cover trip planning elements. I used to love Julie’s Shopping segments. That kind of content is long gone. I’d welcome it’s return (Not necessarily shopping segments, but that sort of thing). I will miss him as host, but I might listen regularly again if the show gets back to laser focused planning and information sharing.
Pete is exceptionally bright, professional, and eloquent while sounding very approachable and relatable. He has a unique gift that lends itself to his role as host. I have listened since 2007. His charisma is unmatched by anyone who podcast/vlogs about Disney. I agree with him though, I quit listening regularly because they stopped doing ANY trip planning segments. New experiences would come out, and they would get mentioned on the show, but then never reviewed. I appreciate the news and rapid fire, but Disney is dynamic enough for them to cover trip planning elements. I used to love Julie’s Shopping segments. That kind of content is long gone. I’d welcome it’s return (Not necessarily shopping segments, but that sort of thing). I will miss him as host, but I might listen regularly again if the show gets back to laser focused planning and information sharing.

Ryno does shopping vids on YouTube. He had one at I think world of Disney a couple weeks ago. It's always fun to see the new merch and his comments.
Pete is the the DIS, I love Craig, Cathy, Thresea, Rhyno and miss Corey, Steve and Denni but Pete is the reason I choose the DIS.

I understand there has been a lot of political news lately but if I wanted political commentary I’d listen to Fox or CNN. I don’t enjoy politics and certainly not when I’m looking for Disney information.
I don't mind the recent political nature of the show.

This reflects the concerns of the gay contributors that Disney is going to bat to keep WDW a welcoming place for them and for LGBTQIA+ cast members.

It was clear to me that members of this community feel their safe place is being threatened. I can't blame them for taking a show to discuss their concerns about how WDW may change if governmental pressure continues.
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Pete was definitely the reason we watched the show - his insight was always interesting and sometimes intriguing. When he's not been on the show it has been hit and miss, I feel that some shows were great whilst others descended into a bit of a mess, especially the show 2 weeks ago. We love everyone around the table, they all bring something unique to the chats and debates, but Pete is the anchor to the ship and without him it drfits into choppy waters at times and we tend to switch off.

We absolutely loved "Off the rails", but without Dennie and Jackie any return would lose a lot of it's magic - Oh and we miss Jackie so much, hope she return to the table very soon.

Overall the team are excellent, but without Pete I know we'll lose interest - the only saving grace could be Panda being a permanent host as he's passionate but knows how to reign things in - as much as I adore Ryno, I feel Panda is a better host and doesn't get sidetracked as much.
I listen to the dis for all my Disney news since I'm too busy to keep up on it all. I relied on the podcast to keep me up to date. I hope it doesn't move to trip planning. I know how to plan a trip.

It hasn't been about trip planning for a long time. There are plenty of sources for that info and there is only so much content with that topic. I like what it has become. People sometimes get very uptight about their routines and want things to always stay the same. I welcome the evolution of things like podcasts. Keeps them interesting. Every single "one topic" podcast I listen to goes off on unrelated tangents anyway, and it's always entertaining and insightful.
It hasn't been about trip planning for a long time. There are plenty of sources for that info and there is only so much content with that topic. I like what it has become. People sometimes get very uptight about their routines and want things to always stay the same. I welcome the evolution of things like podcasts. Keeps them interesting. Every single "one topic" podcast I listen to goes off on unrelated tangents anyway, and it's always entertaining and insightful.
Yes, but Pete said he wants it to go back to trip planning which is a shame.
Yes, but Pete said he wants it to go back to trip planning which is a shame.
I agree. They should change the title really because "unplugged" definitely leads you to believe it's a "viewpoint" rather than tips on travel planning. Maybe they should rename it DIS Unpacked.
I love the rest of the team, and enjoy the show when they do it without Pete. I'll for sure keep listening. However, I love hearing Pete's take on things, and I think not having his voice at the table will be a big loss. I really hope he continues to be on as a guest every so often, so we still get his opinions.
If I don’t hear Pete’s voice I immediately close it out. I’ll miss him a lot but love the DVC shows, just wish they were longer.

He has Paul and Amy on that side and they are incredible even when he isn’t there. I don’t get the same feeling from unplugged.

Hope the new shows work out well.
If I don’t hear Pete’s voice I immediately close it out. I’ll miss him a lot but love the DVC shows, just wish they were longer.

He has Paul and Amy on that side and they are incredible even when he isn’t there. I don’t get the same feeling from unplugged.

Hope the new shows work out well.
you're right. If Pete's mug doesn't appear immediately after the song more often that not I stop watching....although I like the Ryno-hosted shows. I think he has been sick of Disney World for a while too and would rather be in Disneyland...but his shows are usually fun given his friendship with Craig.

I will probably keep watching as my trip is about 60 days away..but afterwards might stick to the dining shows.

Also miss John and Kevin on the shows...
Pete loves DIsney, but he has become disenchanted with the parks. So, sticking to the DVC and DCL shows is a good choice for him. people who love WDW parks don't need to be reminded each week that Pete sees it as a waste of money better spent on a cruise. I love the whole team, Craig and Rino are my favorites, and they are the perfect mix of serious and silly, in my opinion.

I applaud the team's willingness to delve into the political stuff. THe lawsuits are important, and knowing the Disney/reedy Creek history is vital to understanding the whole thing. Avoiding the fact that a politician is trying to punish DIsney for political views is ridiculous. Yes, when we go to the parks we don't want to deal with politics. But staying informed of what is going on is not "getting political", it's just reporting on recent events that are major factors to WDW. When a government official makes accusations (pedophilia among them), Disney fans don't need to bury our heads in the sand and pretend it's not happening in order to "not take sides."
I enjoy the DisUnplugged, and have been listening for around 14 years. I have liked nearly all of the new people that have come and gone over the years, but I have always preferred the shows Pete was on. For me he will be missed. I often find that I know more about some subjects they discuss that are parks related than they do - I don’t listen as much for trip planning, I just enjoyed the Disney discussions. Occasionally I would learn a tidbit that did help on a trip. I will admit to being turned off by the political-ish discussions, but not so much that I stopped listening. I will still listen for now, but will really miss his personality and thoughts. I’m glad he’s continuing the solo shows and hope that there are a lot of them!
The rest of the team leave a lot to be desired when on their own.
Agree, the show becomes an unorganized discombobulated cluster when Pete is off. Ryno is granola and complains about the cost of everything, Craig is so pro-Universal that nothing Disney does holds a candle in his mind, and Panda is too nice to rein in the group when they go off the rails and talk or laugh over each other. Demi might have been the best bet for a host, but that ship sailed, sadly.
Agree, the show becomes an unorganized discombobulated cluster when Pete is off. Ryno is granola and complains about the cost of everything, Craig is so pro-Universal that nothing Disney does holds a candle in his mind, and Panda is too nice to rein in the group when they go off the rails and talk or laugh over each other. Demi might have been the best bet for a host, but that ship sailed, sadly.
I’m afraid (well not REALLY afraid) That the show will become another version of the hotel room tour videos, which have become practically useless. The last one they did at Universal was a new low. Ryno does a 2-minute tour of the room then proceeds to tell us he isn’t comfortable sleeping IN hotel beds anymore and only sleeps on top using his own blanket (at least he didn’t try to lay UNDER the bed) And that was BEFORE he saw the “blood” spot. What’s next? No showers or other use of the bathroom? Also, while they aren’t holding these out to be resort tours, just a little context would be nice. At this point, just set up a time lapse camera, go home, then come back to pick it up in the morning.
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