My police officer BIL almost shot a hole in my refrigerator when a can of biscuits exploded on one of the door shelves. We were on vacation, and he agreed to stop by the house from time to time to check on things. He came in on one of his checks and found the refrigerator door open. It was a very old refrigerator with the freezer on top behind a separate door from the full-length refrigerator door. The frost had built up so much in the freezer that it popped open the freezer door, which popped open the refrigerator door. His back was to the inside of the refrigerator and when the can exploded, he whirled around with his gun drawn, ready for anything. Luckily he didn't shoot, but he did (bless his heart!) come over on his day off and defrosted my freezer!
I got a self-defrosting refrigerator/freezer soon after that!
Queen Colleen