Healthy Cooking 5/9: anything but that!

Oct 12, 2000
My mandolin that is!

Is there some kitchen utensil or appliance that you just can't live without? Mine is my mandolin. It's a small cutting board utensil with a number of different blades that provides me with perfectly sliced fruits and vegetables. I can cut potatoes for french fries, juillienne carrots, make paper-thin onion slices, or cut tomatoes without the smooshing!

The one I have a is a Pampered Chef model but I have my eye on a more souped up stainless steel model at Kitchen, etc.

Another favorite of digital scale. For those of you on the Weight Watcher program or a similar program where you have to weigh your portions, it is tremendous! I started with a standard kitchen scale (spring based) then worked up to this one. It's digital, can do both ounces and kilograms, zeros out so you can put bowls, plates, etc. prior to weighing and not have to subtract for the plates. I discovered that I was cheating myself out of some foods and over serving others even when I was using the standard scale combined with measuring cups and spoons.

Now I know that I was cheating myself out of cheerios by measuring them in a cup (apparently all those holes do add up!) but I was overserving on my Special K. May not seem like much to you but those points start to add up.

Before I finish, here's a recipe I got from the WW site -- but I think it would work for the Atkins afficionados too -- just in time for those Mother's Day Breakfasts. Leave it taped to the fridge or stove so they have an idea of what you might like! I tried it and it was good. My daughter (6) loved it!

Scrambled eggs and cheese pizza
Prep Time | 15 min
Cook Time | 20 min
Level of Difficulty | Easy

1 Tbsp all-purpose flour
16 oz frozen pizza crust dough, thawed
1 1/2 cup fat-free egg substitute
1/2 cup fat-free milk
1/2 cup low-fat shredded cheddar cheese
2 oz ham, lean only, diced

  1. Preheat oven to 375ºF
  2. Sprinkle flour onto a clean, flat surface and roll out pizza dough into a 13-inch circle; lay dough on a baking sheet or stone. Build up the edges to make a crust and then prick the dough generously with the tines of a fork; bake until light brown, about 15 minutes
  3. While crust is baking, coat a nonstick skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Beat egg substitute and milk together in a large bowl; pour into skillet and scramble
  4. Placed scrambled eggs on the pizza crust and sprinkle with cheese and ham; bake until the cheese melts, about 5 minutes. Slice into 8 pieces and serve.[/list=1]

    Serves | 8
    POINTS per serving | 5

    So how about it? What can't you live without in your kitchen? What makes your food prep easier? Is there a special gadget that's helped keep you on track with your new healthy lifestyle (besides the *$&@*%& scale ;))? Please share -- we'd love to hear from you!

    Have a great Mother's Day everyone.
I've got a few things but as far as healthy-eating, it would have to be my oil mister (I have a Pampered Chef one and one from Wal-mart, each for a different oil). A mist of that on french fries and then bake them and they come out wondefully crispy, with that hint of oil, but without really adding much fat to it at all! Or to crisp up some veggies before cooking. Or just enough on some pasta, add some seasonings, a bit of protein, some veggies and you have a great meal!

Where did you get your digital scale? I'm looking for a scale (just joined WW last week).
aprincessmom - :o where did you get your slicer, also! I like both your utensils and DG's too. I may just have to go get all three of those things! I'm going to check out your link for the scale in a minute. I've been looking for one... thanks!
Got the mandolin slicer from Pampered Chef but you can find them almost anywhere. KMart carries them under the Martha Stewart name and I've also seen them at Walmart.

DG -- I love my Pampered Chef misters but have been eyeing the Misto at Walmart. Is that the one you have? Do you like how it works? Is it easy to clean? I'd like to get a third (I currently have one for vegetable oil, one for olive oil) for my flavored olive oil. I'd love to hear how you like your non-PChef one.
Thanks aprincessmom - DUH you said so right in your post! :o I am losing my mind I tell ya! ;)

I'm on that kitchen gadget site now checking stuff out. Ya know, Mother's Day is coming up. I may just purchase something!.... :D

It is nice to know there are other places to get the slicer though. I'll check them all out.

Thanks again!
I *think* its the Misto brand--I got it on clearance awhile back and forget. Honestly, I don't like it as well as the PC one. I think the PC one sprays much more evenly. And it holds the air pressure better--my other one fizzles out. But, for the price difference, the other one is just fine. LOL The non-PC one seems to have a wider spraying range and more power to begin with--I just have to pump it more often (which I guess is a good workout for the arms!! LOL)
thanks for the info. I was afraid that any of the others would be a let down after the PChef ones but it seems manageable...especially if you get it on sale.


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