He Just Came For The Food: A March 2018 Dining Report *update 9/22 S. Hollow/GF Cafe

I took one look at your No Way Jose and asked R if I could book a trip for Columbus Day long weekend... he's not having it tonight so I'll have to keep trying.
lol keep trying, I'm willing to bet you talk him into it ;)

And ummmm Ricky's hand signs look like the one that got Steven Tyler "edited" on the Rock N Roller Coaster :oops:
They do! It's probably exactly what he was doing since he hates me taking food pictures :rolleyes: I was just too busy focusing on my art to notice........

I just checked into the report.
Hey Niki, glad you're here!

The No Way Jose is pure heaven. I can't believe you actually shared that!!!
I can't either, I'm baffled as to what was going through my mind!

Love to see you all had a wonderful first meal.
It was a great way to start the trip :goodvibes

My younger DS, who used only pretty much eat hamburgers and chicken fingers, ( so take that into consideration) says Beaches and Cream has a top 5 burger on his all time list :)
:laughing: Chris isn't picky as far as what he'll try and he does like a wide variety of foods, but he's picky as far as how things are cooked and what he approves. So I was kind of surprised he liked this after I saw it but I guess since that's two thumbs up between him and your son it must be full of flavor :)

great start can't wait for more
:thanks: glad you're here!

Joining in. I’m always along for the ride but never comment. Til now!!!!
:welcome: thanks for saying hello!

We are trying this in May! There will be 8 of us and we've planned it for 2 hours after supper - so dessert only. Yummy!
Ooh can't wait to hear if you finish it! You'll definitely have fun there. Every table that got it while we were in there, the servers also offered to take a picture of them with it lol

Love their chocolate shakes and I did take dessert back to the room a heavenly slice of chocolate cake YUM
Nice! Ricky did enjoy his shake

So what did you think of the Minnie Vans?
We love them. We've used them on previous trips including one right after they came out. So clean, always friendly drivers, always come quick. A nice alternative when you'd need to take 2 modes of transportation to get somewhere or you're running late. I know Uber would be cheaper but with the Minnie Van's you know you're getting a CM.....plus the vehicle is pretty lol

Mmmm! Following along! Wish I had eaten the Kitchen Sink before I became lactose intolerant! :rotfl2:
:wave: lol OMG yeah I don't think they can fix that so you can eat it!

Joining in and will try to keep up.
:welcome: Very glad to have you! Please don't worry about keeping up, I've been horrible about that lately and am very behind on all my DIS friends reports.....sometimes we need to deal with real life lol

You have me intrigued by the grilled cheese, though. My only complaint is I'm usually too full to enjoy dessert!
That's why I was ok with Steve and Chris eating half of it! It's really delicious; in no way your basic grilled cheese. You can taste the different cheeses and they've toasted the bread perfectly both times I've had it :)
I'd booked us a 12:50 lunch at Beaches and Cream; risky I know considering it wasn't quite 2.5 hours after we landed, but hey I live on the edge


Ace Pineapple Hard Cider and had to go with that. On our F&G trips last year I fell in love with cider but hadn't had a pineapple one yet.

Ooo that sounds good, I wanted to try that this year.

I know this doesn't look like anything special AT ALL, but he loved it and at the end of the trip, pronounced it the best burger he's ever had in Disney so I guess you really can't judge a book by it's cover!

I've heard before their burgers are amazing so I want to try them.

So I got part of that description from the B&C menu on the Disney site and part from allears, not sure where the lettuce and tomato came from but it wasn't with my sandwich and that is absolutely fine with me. The perfectly toasted bread and blend of different cheeses is all this sandwich needs!

Omg but this sounds even better!
I'm here! Can't wait to read more! We have Beaches 'n Cream scheduled for our first meal of our upcoming trip as well!

For those of you who haven't eaten here yet, this restaurant is tiny! You can easily watch your neighbors eat if you feel like it

I'm not going to be able to think of anything but the No Way Jose for the rest of the day and it's only 10 a.m.! I need to figure out how to make that at home!
Mmmmmm! We love Beaches 'n Cream. The No Way Jose' is my husband's favorite so we always get that. I love the idea of the Kitchen Sink, but we would never be able to finish it. The kids would give it their best shot, but someone would end up seriously ill. Haha!
Holy crap, page 4 and I'm just finding you. Thanks for the onion ring shout out or it would have been May before I stumbled in here :P

We'd planned from the beginning to take a Minnie van so after dropping our bags with bell services and changing out of our Northeast clothes, Steve successfully used the Lyft app to call us one and we arrived at the Beach Club about 12:20.
Don't I know first hand how Steve "successfully" using Lyft is a miracle in and of itself :-)


Love that Ralph and Baymax are getting some love. Two of Casey's all time favorites.


Believe it or not, The Schofferhofer was for Steve! Normally he finds it too sweet but was in the mood today. I almost got it but then saw the

Ace Pineapple Hard Cider and had to go with that. On our F&G trips last year I fell in love with cider but hadn't had a pineapple one yet. I ended up loving this, it's not as sweet as you would think and had a nice, light, pineapple flavor to it. Boys had water and apple juice as Chris went on some weird apple juice kick this trip.
Looks like the perfect way to start vacation to me. Of course I am partial to the Schoffer but I had the ace at the California Grill one time and really enjoyed it too.


Again, very happy with his choice and thought his burger was cooked perfectly. He also loved the garlic-peppercorn dressing they put on this and let Chris try a bite, he liked it also.
Yum! I'm partial to a regular burger but I've enjoyed this in the past too. Beaches in Cream sure is simple, but sure is good.


So I got part of that description from the B&C menu on the Disney site and part from allears, not sure where the lettuce and tomato came from but it wasn't with my sandwich and that is absolutely fine with me. The perfectly toasted bread and blend of different cheeses is all this sandwich needs! It's so much better than your average grilled cheese which is why I couldn't stop Steve and Chris from stealing half of it. And the soup is perfection if you enjoy tomato soup; it's creamy, not overly tomato-y :cloud9: I was not disappointed that I ordered this!
I've always wanted to try this but everytime we get there I cannot bear not eating a burger. One of these days I'm sure I'll get it!

I shared desserts this trip.
Love the tiny print like this is a secret. Don't worry we won't tell anyone :-)

he menu has your basic offerings done well and the ice cream is mm-mm good! Oh, I did want someone to order the onion rings because we haven't had those there and @kastoney always raves about them but everyone decided to start the trip off not listening to me, so we'll have to save them for next time
Ok, I get them not listening to you but hello who are these men of yours not listening to me either :confused3
I've always wanted to eat at Beaches and Cream. Your food looked really good and I'm glad you had a good time there. It seems like one of those reservations you have to grab early since there's very limited seating inside.
Hello, Ariane! I'm so happy you reviewed Beaches & Cream! We haven't eaten here in years, and I was able to snag a reservation for Sunday (we leave for WDW in two days, YIPPEE!!!), but I wasn't sure I really wanted to eat here. You've made up my mind for me! Looking forward to the rest of your reviews!
I love that patty melt at B&C. My son had the grilled cheese and tomato soup and loved it. I'm also a huge fan of their Cherry Coke with the real syrup. I could go and just have that. Great report!
This is my LIFE motto!!! :laughing:

Who in the world eats a "one serving" bowl of cereal anyway?! It's like 2 bites! I
Right? The first time I became aware of what ONE serving was I couldn't believe it. I decided I'd try to eat just one but....that lasted

If you watch Friends, you might remember the Thanksgiving episode where Joey says about a pie slice Monica is cutting "What, are you afraid you're gonna run out, cut me a real piece!"
LOL I remember, I've seen every Friends episode like 100x :laughing:

Ooo that sounds good, I wanted to try that this year.
I just noticed they have it at Jock Lindsay's too! I may get it when we try there next month, although they also have lots of other drinks that sounds good :drinking1

I'm here! Can't wait to read more! We have Beaches 'n Cream scheduled for our first meal of our upcoming trip as well!
Hey Ashlee, that will be a great way to start your trip! Looks like we're missing each other by a week or so :(

I'm not going to be able to think of anything but the No Way Jose for the rest of the day and it's only 10 a.m.! I need to figure out how to make that at home!
:laughing: Darn I didn't pay enough attention to what all is in it; vanilla ice cream hot fudge and peanut butter sauce, reeses pieces, whipped cream. has to be more, but even if you got it all I don't know if it would taste as good outside of WDW!

The No Way Jose' is my husband's favorite so we always get that.
I've gotten it both times I've had ice cream there, it would be hard for me to get something else because it's sooooo good :cloud9:

I love the idea of the Kitchen Sink, but we would never be able to finish it. The kids would give it their best shot, but someone would end up seriously ill.
I know, I feel the same. And all 4 of us rarely want ice cream at the same time so chances are at least one wouldn't even eat it.

Holy crap, page 4 and I'm just finding you.
Guess you weren't looking too hard :snooty:

Don't I know first hand how Steve "successfully" using Lyft is a miracle in and of itself :-)
:sad2: At least there wasn't anyone forced to :drinking1 while waiting for us this time, you poor unfortunate souls..........

Love that Ralph and Baymax are getting some love. Two of Casey's all time favorites.
Over at the GF they had even more "not often seen" characters/movies on the eggs!

I've always wanted to try this but everytime we get there I cannot bear not eating a burger. One of these days I'm sure I'll get it!
That's how I feel about the grill cheese and soup; just can't get anything else!

I've always wanted to eat at Beaches and Cream. Your food looked really good and I'm glad you had a good time there. It seems like one of those reservations you have to grab early since there's very limited seating inside.
Yup it is, mostly because it's so small. I've tried getting it at a month or so out and it's hard unless you don't mind going late, like after 9. That's mainly why we hadn't been back for awhile since I never really make our ADR's at 180 days out.

ok so Im late but I finally made it here.
Hey Sophia, the important thing is you're here :goodvibes
Nope, so disappointed in you!
I'm so sorry :sad: I'm shocked and humiliated! Should have kept that to myself :(

Hello, Ariane!
Thank you for stopping by, you must be so busy getting ready to go tomorrow :cheer2:
I'm so happy you reviewed Beaches & Cream! We haven't eaten here in years, and I was able to snag a reservation for Sunday (we leave for WDW in two days, YIPPEE!!!),
Awesome on both counts! I hope you have a magical trip and enjoy B&C as much as we did! See you when you're back :)

I love that patty melt at B&C. My son had the grilled cheese and tomato soup and loved it. I'm also a huge fan of their Cherry Coke with the real syrup. I could go and just have that. Great report!
I didn't realize they had Cherry Coke with real syrup, Ricky would have loved that although he's drinking mainly water these days. I went straight the adult drink section of the beverage menu :D
Following along! We've enjoyed our meals at Beaches & Cream as well. We are staying at Beach Club for the second half of our upcoming trip, and I don't currently have a reservation there. I may try and add one at some point. I didn't do daily sit downs this time because of the 22 month old haha :flower1:--Looking forward to more food!
I am editing this to add my apologies for all the different pictures sizes, I know it's probably annoying. However given my very limited technical skills, it will continue. Thanks!
I left off with us taking the boat over to our first park, HS. We used our FP's for TSM, TOT, and were able to ride ST for the first time (in forever :P but really ever) without using our FP since the SB wait was so short; if you haven't read my TR I'll just say I won't be riding ST again. We watched the SW stage show and that was pretty much it before we crashed. Remember we'd been up since the wee hours of the morning! So around 5ish we were on a bus back to WL to check in to our CCV studio.
I'll save my plethora of pictures for my TR but 1. we absolutely loved our studio and 2. here are a couple of our view:



We could see the geyser blow from our room, too!

Now that we were settled in, we needed FOOD! For a minute we debated eating at Geyser Point but I had something else in mind since it wasn't even 6:00 yet. I'd had something for the first time back in November over at Tambu Lounge at the Poly and I really wanted it again, so why not hit it right away?
Steve, Ricky and I headed over while Chris took up his rightful place on the pull out sofa. And yes, by pull out sofa I mean he opened the couch and got under the covers. The 3 of us took the awesome boat ride over to the Contemporary and then got on the monorail to the Poly. I would have loved to return to Tambu Lounge but since Ricky was with us and the menu there isn't that big, we instead went to Capt. Cook's for our food. What was it I was dying to have again?

Pulled Pork Nachos
topped with Onions, Cheese, Spicy Mayo, Tomatoes, and Pineapple Salsa


OMG just looking at the picture makes me think I need to somehow fit these in on our quickie trip in 2.5 weeks :cloud9: Before I had these in Nov. I wasn't sure I'd love them because pulled pork isn't a favorite of mine, but every other ingredient IS so I had to give them a try. STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE MY FRIENDS! These wouldn't be the same without the pulled pork but in addition to that, the chips themselves are fantastic! They're light and fluffy, if you can use the word fluffy to describe chips. The cheese is liquid cheesy perfection but in an upscale way and the pineapple salsa gives these nachos the sweetness that keeps me coming back for more. I am in no way ashamed to say I cleaned my plate, which should make up for my sharing the No Way Jose earlier in the day.........

Ricky got the

Big Kahuna Sandwich
Turkey, Ham, Salami, Roast Beef, Swiss, Lettuce, and Tomato on Focaccia with Red Pepper Spread, served with choice of French Fries, House-made Chips, Asian Slaw or Steamed Vegetables


With french fries of course. He really liked this, I was thinking he may not like the red pepper spread but he did. Makes it a tad different than your regular, every day Big Kahunah :P The fries were your basic Disney fries but my kids don't knock them!

Steve ordered the

Pan Asian Noodles and Vegetables with Shrimp


He thought this was just a tad salty but otherwise good.

For our drinks we ordered from Trader Sams which you can do when sitting outside Capt. Cooks.


Steve got a Moscow Mule, the drink he fell in love with in Disney, but they didn't have copper mugs. He obviously prefers when he gets it in the mug but will accept it sans one. I got the

Castaway Crush:
Leblon Cachaca, Cream of Coconut, pineapple, cinnamon, and fresh lime juice

I didn't love mine, kind of wished I'd picked something else but I was also losing steam quickly and ordered in a little bit of a rush. I managed to finish it though, no problem there. It was so nice sitting out there, enjoying our food with Ricky. We had this as our view straight ahead:


The weather was gorgeous and we just people-watched for a bit. However when Chris started texting saying he was hungry we realized we needed to go back, so once again used the monorail-boat route to return to the WL.

Oh! While looking at the Trader Sam's drink menu Steve ordered dumplings. I forgot to take a picture so here's one from good ol' google:

Pan-Fried Dumplings -
with soy-sesame dipping sauce


I don't remember getting a pepper or whatever that is in our sauce but both the dumplings and sauce were good; I had one bite while Ricky and Steve split them.

Once we got back to the resort, Steve took Chris down to Roaring Fork to get dinner. He came back with this:


Yup his second burger of the day, but this one had bacon! He declared this JUST AS GOOD as the Beaches and Cream burger so he was happy. Steve also brought this back, which was the first of...............I believe 4 I consumed during the trip:

magic bar.jpg
Obviously not my picture, for some reason I can't find mine. I know there's one on Steve's phone but he isn't home so for now, this one has to do

If you've never had or seen one of these beauties, this is the Magic Bar. As far as I'm aware it can only be found at the Wilderness Lodge. It's a combination of blondie brownie, chocolate chip cookie, coconut, little m&m type bits, something akin to butterscotch pieces maybe? And what I believe may be small chopped up pieces of walnuts although I can't be sure. Possibly more ingredients, not sure about that either and I don't care. Whatever it all is they put in here is heaven, and although I was full I had to have a few bites. While I tell clients things like the number of bus stops a resort has shouldn't be your deciding factor in choosing a resort, I would absolutely tell someone that the location of Magic Bars most definitely SHOULD be a deciding factor in choosing your resort :thumbsup2

And that concludes our first day of eats! There's plenty more yumminess ahead, so stay tuned...........................

Following along
:welcome: thanks for joining!

We are staying at Beach Club for the second half of our upcoming trip, and I don't currently have a reservation there. I may try and add one at some point. I didn't do daily sit downs this time because of the 22 month old haha
Where are you the first half? Just being nosy lol. We're currently at BLT for our Aug. trip but a bunch of resorts have become available with my discount so now Steve is bringing up a split stay, and one option is a few nights at BC. We've stayed at all 3 Epcot resorts and love being in the area!

Totally get not scheduling a daily sit-down with a 22 month old! But i'll bet once you're there if you try for something once or twice day of or night before you'll find some good openings, we usually do! Good luck doing B&C, there's always the takeout window for ice cream at least :goodvibes
I love the pulled pork nachos at Capt Cook. We stopped at the Poly just so I could have those last time we were at the WL.

I’ve never had a Magic Cookie Bar. I planned to try one but never seemed hungry enough for one. They are legendary at the WL and it is on my to do list. :)


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