I've done both and both are very smooth if that is your issue. I can't ride RNRC because my head bounces around like a pool ball the entire time. The first time I rode GOTG I got pretty dizzy and had to sit for about a half hour sipping water. I swore it was a one and done. Tron didn't bother me although the actual ride vehicles aren't my favorite. I decided to experiment one trip since I had issues with FOP, GOTG, EE and RNRC and try some Bonine. I'm a scuba diver and usually take one the night before a trip and one each morning during the trip and have never had any issues with sea sickness so I figured why not. I drive down from Georgia, about a 7 1/2 hour drive and I get to the parks at about 3 or so on arrival day. I took one the night before I left home and one each morning on the trip. I was able to ride all the above rides with no issues other than RNRC still knocked me around. Now, I take it every trip, if I ride the rides that bother me, good, if not it won't hurt me. It doesn't make me sleepy like Dramamine does and gives me no side effects. Even with the Bonine FOP still bothers me a little but deep breathing helps and I don't ride it every trip or even every other trip.