Thank you so much, everyone who's contributed to this thread! I fly out in 2 days

and leave for pre-early-morning-flight-hotel tomorrow night!

I had some trouble getting my bands because the name I go by and have in
MDE (middle name) was not the same as the name on the reservation (first, for DVC/legal reasons), but I called IT and got it sorted out.
The bands arrived last week, and the decorations went on easily:
The gray one is mine.
Lion King is one of my favorite movies, and we're staying at AKL. The tree/seed is a specific reference to a Magical Moment I had in AK some years back. The inside of the center Mickey head and the Simba outline are glow-in-the-dark (couldn't figure out how to photograph that), as well as glowing fireworks-type patterns in the tree.
The blue one is for my BFF:
He's never been to WDW. When I asked him what his favorite Disney/Marvel/Henson character was, he said the Martians form Sesame Street (the ones that go "yep, yep, yep, nope, nope, nope"), so that's what he got. The outline of the main mickey head is glow paint. I kept going back and forth about whether to glow the Martian, too, and eventually decided not to, because I couldn't decide how best to do it.
The Simba outline was done using a variation on the "Plastic Bag Method" talked about earlier in the thread, where I put down a few layers of nail polish base on a plastic bag, traced/painted the art on it in acrylic, then peeled it up and stuck it to the band with more polish. All the other art was painted directly on the band with acrylics, but the base and top coats are nail polish (gloss for his, matte for mine, except the tree leaves are gloss).
If I remember, I'll report back on how they held up.
Thanks again everyone!