Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway

It sounds like a great trip! You got a lot done!

I was lucky enough to be picked for the lottery. My strategy was to enter literally every time we could drop everything and fly to New York (and I saved my airline points for the opportunity). Imagine my surprise when I won the very first time I entered. They told me that 40,000 people had entered that week, which made me feel extremely lucky! However, this shows that you did the right thing buying tickets - the chances are very slim of getting the cheap tickets!
June 1 -- I was most excited about this day! We were doing an early entry tour of the American Museum of Natural History today. We got to the spot to meet up with everyone. There were 5 in this group: Davy and me and then a teacher with her daughter and... another boy who was somehow with the teacher but did not seem related. I could tell the boy did NOT care about doing this AT ALL. Davy and I were very excited. It started off and the tour guide was... condescending. He really rubbed us the wrong way. Again, being in the museum basically alone was REALLY COOL but this guide really kind of put me off. We didn't get a lot of information from this guy, but I did get some awesome pictures... also note... at one point, he decided to take a "shortcut." He told us to really be careful on the back stairs as he wasn't supposed to take us there... and then he promptly got us locked in the stairway. We had to go all the way to the basement and we lost out of a precious 10 minutes of our tour time. One of his co-workers, however, met us and gave us tickets to every special exhibit (we were supposed to only get to one exhibit), so all was forgiven in that regard. Pictures (I see I've got one when people started coming in too):

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June 1 continued... After the tour, Davy wanted a nap (he never naps!). I asked him if he'd be ok if I shopped a bit. Gave him a key, told him not to leave the room unless necessary -- and then to go to the concierge if need-be. He was thrilled with some alone time. He also texted me here and there (he could never nap). Someone had told me to go Century 21 (again, had coupons). I went there first. Was overwhelmed. I have a hard time looking at things when they're not set out prettily for me. LOL. I had seen that there were designer discounts, but nothing at all caught my eye. I left pretty quickly. I had read about some well-reviewed women's boutiques, so I thought I'd try to hit one of those. I chose Meg's. Went there - lots of rompers. Not for me. I liked their shoes, but none in my size. Next door was a "Pretty Ballerinas" store. I was drawn in by the sparkly shoes. I ended up buying two pairs there. And, I thought the bag they put them in was pretty. They have an online store, so I am probably going to be a repeat customer! :)

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After those purchases, I was trying to decide what to do next... didn't know if Davy had fallen asleep or what. Just then, he texted me he was bored and asked me to come back. So, I headed back to the hotel.

We then both cleaned up and headed to Ocean Prime. Had a FABULOUS time there! Our waitress was fantastic. We ended up sitting by a mother and son from St. Louis. It was her birthday trip her hubby was supposed to take her on, but his back went out. So, her son stepped in and they went to a TON of Broadway shows. Sounded fantastic. The food here was excellent. The service was excellent. I was pleased.

Ocean prime.jpg

Then, we were back for Harry Potter Part 2. (see above.) I'm still giddy about that show. So wonderful. I bought A TON of souvenirs, so it was quite a walk back those couple of blocks. Davy helped me with some of them, but still heavy! This was our last full day in the City. I was getting a little sad. Had had SO much fun so far. One more morning of adventure tomorrow!
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It sounds like a great trip! You got a lot done!

I was lucky enough to be picked for the lottery. My strategy was to enter literally every time we could drop everything and fly to New York (and I saved my airline points for the opportunity). Imagine my surprise when I won the very first time I entered. They told me that 40,000 people had entered that week, which made me feel extremely lucky! However, this shows that you did the right thing buying tickets - the chances are very slim of getting the cheap tickets!

I'm so happy for you! Heck, I might have to try again! Seriously loved it so much.
I have many! :) @schumigirl actually thought a pic of Mark Hamill and me was a pic of my boyfriend and me. :) I must continuously give her grief about that (besides, her Tom is also one of my boyfriends!). ;)

I guess I should post proof that I have many amazingmark hamill.jpg boyfriends... paul rudd.jpg

But, GOOD CATCH on what I slipped into my notes to Davy! ;)
June 2 - our last day. :( I had nothing really planned again, so we talked about it and decided to take a walk around Central Park and then head to the AMNH again and the Hayden Planetarium. So, we checked out (and found out there was the extra $100+ residence fee. Yuck). We had them store our luggage and we were off. Now, Davy and I both have bad sinuses. Mine have been better since I had surgery, but I had kept kleenex with me the whole trip... until now... So, we're walking, we stop to get some water at the food courts, walk a couple of LONG blocks, and then boom -- Davy's nose is bleeding like a fountain. I mean, just POURING out. He panicked. I was like, "can I fun back to food cart and back quickly enough to get napkins!?!?" Just then, a nice woman and her son stopped and said, "oh my gosh, here's all my kleenex!" She handed us two packs full. I love this woman. I didn't get to thank her enough and they took off. I will pay it forward in her honor one day. Davy sat and eventually it stopped. We used the water to wash off. Luckily he was wearing red. He was ready to go again after a few. We walked another few blocks and saw another food cart with fresh fruit on it. He saw watermelon (his favorite). He asked, "mom, can we get some?" in such a sweet voice (plus I was still a little worried about him) that I said OF COURSE (would've anyway). The lady in the food truck didn't speak the best English and I was not paying good attention. I asked if we could have watermelon. She said she could throw in some other fruit. We said no, just watermelon. Then, we realized she was making a smoothie out of it. I asked if Davy was ok with that -- he said sure, why not? Well, let me tell you, this was one of his favorite moments. He LOVED it. We people watched and looked again at the Dakota. I got a Strawberry one for myself. We sat there for a good long while. watermelon.jpg


Well, folks, will finish up our last day later. Davy and Jason (the real boyfriend!) and I are heading out to see Incredibles 2! More later!
I have many! :) @schumigirl actually thought a pic of Mark Hamill and me was a pic of my boyfriend and me. :) I must continuously give her grief about that (besides, her Tom is also one of my boyfriends!). ;)

I guess I should post proof that I have many amazingView attachment 330044 boyfriends... View attachment 330043

But, GOOD CATCH on what I slipped into my notes to Davy! ;)

lol...….I`m never going to live that one down!!!! I remember showing the pic to Tom who thought I was kidding...….er, no...….that's her boyfriend!!! :rolleyes1

Of course only I wouldn't recognize Mark Hammill...……:duck:

I love reading about this trip...….your notes were fascinating!!! I had no clue about most of it...…

Carmine`s and the rude waitress!!!! Not good is it...….but so glad you enjoyed Ocean Prime...….

Poor Davy with his nose! How kind of the lady to stop and help......there really are a lot of lovely people around.

Love the new avatar image too!!
June 2 (last day!) continued: We decided to go see the parts of the American Museum of Natural History we didn't get to on the tour. Especially the Easter Island exhibit. Saw a few other exhibits we missed as well...

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We stopped back by the Hayden Planetarium & Rose Center for Earth and Space, which is attached to the AMNH. I tell Davy every single time how before he was very famous, I ran into Neil DeGrasse Tyson there and he took me around and showed me some things in the museum. After, a lady asked me how I got so lucky to get a private tour with him. I just thought he was some tour guide who was bored. LOL. So nice -- I think he gave me his card that day and who knows where it is now! But, later that week, I saw him on the Daily Show and was like, "HEY! THERE'S THAT GUY!" Davy and I have since gotten to see him speak and got a picture with him, but nothing like the 20 minute tour he gave me.

Anyway, here's what we weigh on the moon. I may have lost a lot of weight before this trip, but this is ridiculous! LOL

alice's moon weight.jpg
davy's moon weight.jpg

We spent a long time in here today -- not sure why I don't have more pictures. Davy read every single thing on the timeline on the cosmic pathway. We then decided we were getting hungry. Time for lunch!

We went to Patsy's Pizzeria, which I heard had great pizza... and, instead we had pasta. It was meh. Cute place, but I wish we had tried the pizza!

patsy's pizzeria.jpg

By this point, we were hot and tired. Especially Davy (it was cool at the beginning of the trip, really nice most of it, and today had gotten pretty steamy. Davy said he just wanted to sit somewhere and play on his phone I asked him if he'd mind if we did that in a boutique? He said as long as they had seating, he didn't care. So, I had seen another well-reviewed boutique and headed off to ShiShi.

Let me tell you, this was some of the most fun I had! They really were fun -- they dressed you up but didn't pressure sell you. They fawned all over Davy. Got him a phone charger, led him to the bathroom at Starbucks a couple doors down while Mama was still shopping, and were generally just fun. I bought ALL THE THINGS. Haha. Here's a few of my purchases:

shishi.jpg shishi 2.jpg

I bought almost everything they had me try -- almost. There was one thing they said, "don't even look, we made a mistake!" Another blouse I wasn't too fond of and there was a jacket I didn't like too well (they weren't sure about it either). Anyway, I highly recommend this place. So much fun! But, we had to RUN back to the hotel and then to the airport.

Got to the airport and it was HOT in sections -- no air conditioning apparently in some parts. We saw some really interesting folks that day... a mother-daughter combo (I'd guess the daughter was in her 20s and mom in her early 50s) -- they were fighting like cats and dogs. The daughter at one point threatened to call the police on her mom (!). Another time, someone decided to spray A LOT of perfume on themselves in the small gate area we were in waiting to board -- and right next to me. I started a major sneezing fit.

Our plane was delayed about an hour. We finally got home, though, with Jason waiting for us at the airport. So happy to see him! At least this time Davy didn't puke in Jason's car on the way home like last time. We got home and COLLAPSED but Davy went to bed saying it was a wonderful trip and thanking me so much for taking him. That made it all worth it! :) <3
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What a fun trip! The title caught my eye since I’m taking my son to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for his 11th birthday. I lucked out with the lottery and picked the shows on his actual birthday (Oct. 24). We’ve been to NYC before to see Hamilton, which he loved. We’re only in the city for the day of the show and the next day, but I’m debating what to do as far as a tour that second day. He really wanted to see the Natural History Museum last trip but we didn’t have time. I’m strongly considering the Met now, based on your trip report!
What a fun trip! The title caught my eye since I’m taking my son to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for his 11th birthday. I lucked out with the lottery and picked the shows on his actual birthday (Oct. 24). We’ve been to NYC before to see Hamilton, which he loved. We’re only in the city for the day of the show and the next day, but I’m debating what to do as far as a tour that second day. He really wanted to see the Natural History Museum last trip but we didn’t have time. I’m strongly considering the Met now, based on your trip report!

Davy and I enjoyed the Met a little more surprisingly. I hope you have a fabulous time! What a great 11th birthday gift!
Oh Alice, I’m just catching your last post!!!

We were in Scotland..........although I’ve been back a while........:blush:

Have loved your report.........so many things to see I had no clue about. Love the look of the boutique on your last day too.......

Alice, your son is adorable!!! He looks so grown up in the pictures, and in some more than others.......but he is an absolute credit to you.......and so considerate not to puke in Jason’s car this time........:rotfl:

Yes, people watching is classic!!! You see so much..........we have 4 hours at the airport before our flights, all early morning going out to America.........so you can imagine.........::yes::

Thank you for a lovely report!!!

Will catch up soon.......:wave2:
Oh Alice, I’m just catching your last post!!!

We were in Scotland..........although I’ve been back a while........:blush:

Have loved your report.........so many things to see I had no clue about. Love the look of the boutique on your last day too.......

Alice, your son is adorable!!! He looks so grown up in the pictures, and in some more than others.......but he is an absolute credit to you.......and so considerate not to puke in Jason’s car this time........:rotfl:

Yes, people watching is classic!!! You see so much..........we have 4 hours at the airport before our flights, all early morning going out to America.........so you can imagine.........::yes::

Thank you for a lovely report!!!

Will catch up soon.......:wave2:

Thanks Carole! :) I'm so glad too that the Central Park biking inspired me to buy us some bikes. We've been riding almost every day. He's such a great kid to hang out with! :)
Thanks Carole! :) I'm so glad too that the Central Park biking inspired me to buy us some bikes. We've been riding almost every day. He's such a great kid to hang out with! :)

Yep, sounds like fun........got to make the most of them while they’re young........it really does go past like a flash!!!
Just finding a moment to read your report. FABULOUS:cheer2: I 'know' you from Carole's reports so thought I'd follow along on this one.

I'm exhausted just reading it, you all packed in a lot. Would LOVE to see the play, someday maybe.

Davy is just amazing, so handsome (won't say cute since he's probably insulted but he is cute too).
Congrats on your weight loss, takes so much effort:thumbsup2
Just finding a moment to read your report. FABULOUS:cheer2: I 'know' you from Carole's reports so thought I'd follow along on this one.

I'm exhausted just reading it, you all packed in a lot. Would LOVE to see the play, someday maybe.

Davy is just amazing, so handsome (won't say cute since he's probably insulted but he is cute too).
Congrats on your weight loss, takes so much effort:thumbsup2

Thank you! :) I read Davy this. He gave a shy smile! :)

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