Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary

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Am I the only one who never heard of Tyler Perry? I only first of him when it came out he was the rich friend letting them crash.

The whole world of entitlement is what is rubbing many including myself the wrong way. It's a peak into the world of the super rich and affluencial. Would Tyler Perry open his house to a normal single mom running from an abusive husband needing to escape? no, but Royals "homeless" yes. It's that club of the super rich, they take care of themselves even if they dont know each other; but once you are in that club you have "resources".

Same as Beyonce texting her, they dont know each other, but Meghan is at the level now via title and so she is offering support. Same with Oprah.
Am I the only one who never heard of Tyler Perry? I only first of him when it came out he was the rich friend letting them crash.

The whole world of entitlement is what is rubbing many including myself the wrong way. It's a peak into the world of the super rich and affluencial. Would Tyler Perry open his house to a normal single mom running from an abusive husband needing to escape? no, but Royals "homeless" yes. It's that club of the super rich, they take care of themselves even if they dont know each other; but once you are in that club you have "resources".

Same as Beyonce texting her, they dont know each other, but Meghan is at the level now via title and so she is offering support. Same with Oprah.

Oh, I'd heard of Tyler Perry....he's the guy who made all of the "Madea" movies. He's incredibly successful and has a huge movie studio in Georgia I think. I thought it was kind of Perry to help them out, and for others to check in on them. They're in that rarefied space where they rub elbows with the uber wealthy and famous. The royalty element is why that's a thing....and because Meghan was the first person of color to join the family. I think that support for them is nice.

However, while they were happy to "come to the rescue" initially with getting them to the U.S., providing security...etc, that's not a limitless checkbook in my opinion. The "entitlement" part that is off for me is the idea that they will just be able to support their charities and causes they care about for the rest of their lives. They're still pretty young and have a very expensive lifestyle. Harry (and Meghan for a short period of time) were able to do that work because the Palace paid for it, arranged it, provided transportation/lodging/security...etc. Perhaps H&M can make money on the speaking circuit, but I wonder if there will be another big "content deal"? The content that everyone would want is what we're seeing now...sort of "inside the palace walls" stuff. And that well is going dry for them. I just wonder what they'll do going forward. Plenty of celebrities do charitable work, but they have to *work* in-between charitable engagements.
Am I the only one who never heard of Tyler Perry? I only first of him when it came out he was the rich friend letting them crash.

The whole world of entitlement is what is rubbing many including myself the wrong way. It's a peak into the world of the super rich and affluencial. Would Tyler Perry open his house to a normal single mom running from an abusive husband needing to escape? no, but Royals "homeless" yes. It's that club of the super rich, they take care of themselves even if they dont know each other; but once you are in that club you have "resources".

Same as Beyonce texting her, they dont know each other, but Meghan is at the level now via title and so she is offering support. Same with Oprah.
And I'm the person who had no clue he had a connection these days with them. I know him from his own success of playwriting, movies and TV series. He's been around a long time.
The whole world of entitlement is what is rubbing many including myself the wrong way. It's a peak into the world of the super rich and affluencial. Would Tyler Perry open his house to a normal single mom running from an abusive husband needing to escape? no, but Royals "homeless" yes. It's that club of the super rich, they take care of themselves even if they dont know each other; but once you are in that club you have "resources".

Tyler Perry makes a lot of stuff for Oprah now. You think Tyler Perry and Oprah were hanging out with them because of their deep thoughts and great accomplishments? They are in media. Follow the money.

Oprah's network had a whole reality show on Fergie doing nothing.
Am I the only one who never heard of Tyler Perry? I only first of him when it came out he was the rich friend letting them crash.

The whole world of entitlement is what is rubbing many including myself the wrong way. It's a peak into the world of the super rich and affluencial. Would Tyler Perry open his house to a normal single mom running from an abusive husband needing to escape? no, but Royals "homeless" yes. It's that club of the super rich, they take care of themselves even if they dont know each other; but once you are in that club you have "resources".

Same as Beyonce texting her, they dont know each other, but Meghan is at the level now via title and so she is offering support. Same with Oprah.
I had to look him up, too (a few weeks ago). He apparently came from a tough background himself, and made it big. He seemed to be pretty generous in offering his house to H&M for a bit.

Born and raised in New Orleans, his childhood was marked by poverty and a household scarred by abuse. From a young age, Tyler learned to write down his daily thoughts and experiences in a series of soul-searching letters to himself – advice he gleaned from Oprah Winfrey that ultimately set his career in motion.
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Another thing that kind of struck me was that while the media scrutiny was indeed intense at times, it was pretty short in the scheme of things. H&M had nearly all good press from the time their relationship was revealed on through to the wedding....about two years. Things seem to turn negative by summer of 2018, and by early 2020 they were out. I know it was intense, and I get it was very hard on them. But in my experience things go in cycles in that press world. One year you're up...then you're a pariah. Look at Charles....did anyone think he'd be *married* to Camilla and that they both would enjoy the popularity that they do now? Many of the Royals have had their ups and downs.
I think that was caused the stir when they announced Megxit: Did they really give it a try? Back then it came across as Meghan was in for 2 seconds and then said "no not for me, I want out". She signed up for a job for a lifetime.

Same with Meghan saying that one of the worst things was that she gave it her all and that it was never good enough. I get that she feels like that. But there are also a lot of stories of her rejecting help from the other royals and aides. With that in mind: did she give it her all?
She did in her mind.

One more annoying thing. Meghan's tendency to name drop. And then not just celebrities. Encounters with people saying how fabulous she is. It is just so unnecessary and reminds me of "when a man tells you he's an alpha... he's not an alpha." Show don't tell. You have celebrities who have their own charities and do a lot of work for it, without ever given it to the media. Show me you are improving the world, don't tell me.
- A few months ago the claim that at the Lion King première a castmember said they partied in the street in South Africa like releasing Mandela when she got married.
- Now the story of the flight attendant thanking her for her service March 2020.
- The story about Nottingham Cottage "Oh and then Oprah came by"
-Next I am working quietly "Oh hey Beyoncé texts me."

To be honest, i get their issues with Nottingham Cottage. I get it when you compare it to William and Kate, and I also get it as they wanted more space for a family and really starting from 0. You do not want the history that comes with it. Compare it to a widower meeting someone new and he/she moves in with the widower. You need to find a middle way in letting the widower keep the history, but not being reminded of the previous partner all the time.
I get the problems with the Cottage, but it is just tonedeaf in general and even more in the current climate, when you complain about your free house.
I think that was caused the stir when they announced Megxit: Did they really give it a try? Back then it came across as Meghan was in for 2 seconds and then said "no not for me, I want out". She signed up for a job for a lifetime.

Same with Meghan saying that one of the worst things was that she gave it her all and that it was never good enough. I get that she feels like that. But there are also a lot of stories of her rejecting help from the other royals and aides. With that in mind: did she give it her all?
She did in her mind.

One more annoying thing. Meghan's tendency to name drop. And then not just celebrities. Encounters with people saying how fabulous she is. It is just so unnecessary and reminds me of "when a man tells you he's an alpha... he's not an alpha." Show don't tell. You have celebrities who have their own charities and do a lot of work for it, without ever given it to the media. Show me you are improving the world, don't tell me.
- A few months ago the claim that at the Lion King première a castmember said they partied in the street in South Africa like releasing Mandela when she got married.
- Now the story of the flight attendant thanking her for her service March 2020.
- The story about Nottingham Cottage "Oh and then Oprah came by"
-Next I am working quietly "Oh hey Beyoncé texts me."

To be honest, i get their issues with Nottingham Cottage. I get it when you compare it to William and Kate, and I also get it as they wanted more space for a family and really starting from 0. You do not want the history that comes with it. Compare it to a widower meeting someone new and he/she moves in with the widower. You need to find a middle way in letting the widower keep the history, but not being reminded of the previous partner all the time.
I get the problems with the Cottage, but it is just tonedeaf in general and even more in the current climate, when you complain about your free house.

Yes, the name dropping and stories around their fairytale/impact was annoying. I have a family member who does that and I definitely picked up on it. Like when Harry plays "Benny and the Jets" and she said..."oh Elton!!"....and then flash to Elton John with them at their wedding. We all might love Elton John, but she *knows* Elton. The text from Beyonce and then "I still can't believe she knows who I am".....ok, that's a tough sell in 2022 when you've been in the headlines for 6 years nonstop.

And yes...complaning about the free house is not a good look. I mean, it definitely was a fixer upper, but......it is free. And it's on palace grounds.

I guess time will tell how long the "Royalty" of it all sticks to them and keeps them in that stratosphere. Money won't keep them there. And again, I think one of the biggest "sins" created with this documentary is that they're really kind of boring. I'm ok with missing out on Archie's next birthday party ;).

So..will the "Royalty" keep paying royalties ;). I'm not so sure. But for the occasional painfully awkward visit back to the U.K., they're out. The only way to truly keep making funds off of the Royal Family is to keep bashing the royal family. And at that point, are they really any different than the press that bashed them? Yes, a lot of people watched this docuseries, but how can they create another one when they've told us everything and the relationship is essentially severed. Will the next one be called "Mean Texts from William"?
Edward wasn’t Harry’s Great Grandfather - he was the late Queen’s uncle. She never forgave him for abdicating as her father’s and subsequently her lives were forever altered. This is the reason why she never gave up the throne even whilst getting on in age.
I though QEii was fond of her Uncle David. Although the Queen Mother despised him and Wallis.
A problem for society, that should be rather obvious.

Ironically you're showing exactly what I mean by saying in the past women would have been beaten or worse. That's the irony in people in this very thread, including you, talking about how classy Jackie was for not airing stuff. And if people don't talk about what can happen, why you feel this way, what behaviors are acceptable and not acceptable it just stays put in a box where some people think it belongs and so the cycle continues.

I think the way H&M continue to speak doesn't really gain anyone's support it loses it but I don't think society today largely embraces the mantra of the past of keep quiet because that's what you're supposed to do. And that's why making comments like yours just harkens back decades and decades ago where we're really trying hard to not be in again.

Enjoy the band concert :)

That is a very blanket statement. What problems are you referring too exactly? Please elaborate.

Not airing her marital problems in the public eye isn't the only reason Jackie K was classy. What exactly do you think she would have gained by embarrassing herself and putting her children through that public airing and ridicule? Again, a situation like theirs, IMHO, is better dealt with in private. Would you want the world to know all about your private life? I think not, it's not anybody else's business what goes on in your life or my life or anyone else's. That you think it's the world's business is concerning to me. Look at Hilary, the world knows all about her husband's extra marital affairs, but she has chosen to stay put in her marriage. She addressed it when it got to the point where she had to. I'm sure if she could have avoided the whole sordid issue she would have.

It's not a matter of what you're supposed to do, it's a matter of what is the right thing to do. It's not just about you (or in this case Jackie K), there are other people to consider who will be positively or negatively affected by the airing of private matter. There have always been marital affairs and there probably always be no matter how much public airing goes on and it's not just men. It takes two to tango and women also have affairs, should the husband get on the public square and tell all about it?

The past wasn't all bad, I think the world was a more civil place before social media became such a large part of our lives. People were much more civil to each other.

Thank you, I did enjoy the concert. It was my oldest grandson's 2nd band concert. They were very good. :flower1:
That is a very blanket statement. What problems are you referring too exactly? Please elaborate.

Not airing her marital problems in the public eye isn't the only reason Jackie K was classy. What exactly do you think she would have gained by embarrassing herself and putting her children through that public airing and ridicule? Again, a situation like theirs, IMHO, is better dealt with in private. Would you want the world to know all about your private life? I think not, it's not anybody else's business what goes on in your life or my life or anyone else's. That you think it's the world's business is concerning to me. Look at Hilary, the world knows all about her husband's extra marital affairs, but she has chosen to stay put in her marriage. She addressed it when it got to the point where she had to. I'm sure if she could have avoided the whole sordid issue she would have.

It's not a matter of what you're supposed to do, it's a matter of what is the right thing to do. It's not just about you (or in this case Jackie K), there are other people to consider who will be positively or negatively affected by the airing of private matter. There have always been marital affairs and there probably always be no matter how much public airing goes on and it's not just men. It takes two to tango and women also have affairs, should the husband get on the public square and tell all about it?

The past wasn't all bad, I think the world was a more civil place before social media became such a large part of our lives. People were much more civil to each other.

Thank you, I did enjoy the concert. It was my oldest grandson's 2nd band concert. They were very good. :flower1:
TBH I think the conversation was spoken enough about yesterday, no hard feelings, but just it was already enough back and forth and with all due respect I feel my point was made well enough and it does not appear by your comments the conversation will go anywhere so respectfully onto some other topic on the documentary. Glad the concert went well.
That is a very blanket statement. What problems are you referring too exactly? Please elaborate.

Not airing her marital problems in the public eye isn't the only reason Jackie K was classy. What exactly do you think she would have gained by embarrassing herself and putting her children through that public airing and ridicule? Again, a situation like theirs, IMHO, is better dealt with in private. Would you want the world to know all about your private life? I think not, it's not anybody else's business what goes on in your life or my life or anyone else's. That you think it's the world's business is concerning to me. Look at Hilary, the world knows all about her husband's extra marital affairs, but she has chosen to stay put in her marriage. She addressed it when it got to the point where she had to. I'm sure if she could have avoided the whole sordid issue she would have.

It's not a matter of what you're supposed to do, it's a matter of what is the right thing to do. It's not just about you (or in this case Jackie K), there are other people to consider who will be positively or negatively affected by the airing of private matter. There have always been marital affairs and there probably always be no matter how much public airing goes on and it's not just men. It takes two to tango and women also have affairs, should the husband get on the public square and tell all about it?

The past wasn't all bad, I think the world was a more civil place before social media became such a large part of our lives. People were much more civil to each other.

Thank you, I did enjoy the concert. It was my oldest grandson's 2nd band concert. They were very good. :flower1:
You brought up an excellent point; the effect of electronic social media. I think humanity is just starting to deal with the impacts of electronic social media. It has completely changed the landscape of human relations.
I dont think her residuals ( if she even gets any) are that significant. let you look at what past shows/stars got. She wasn't a lead character on a 15 year running prime network show like friends, Seinfeld, where actors were getting million per episode AND had production credits. Significant in meaning millions a year to pay for their lifestyle. I would say significant enough maybe a normal person to live off of.. couple hundred grand, maybe.. The show was on USA I believe and not across the board popular and has a large cast to split.
You brought up an excellent point; the effect of electronic social media. I think humanity is just starting to deal with the impacts of electronic social media. It has completely changed the landscape of human relations.
It for sure did and it makes Meghan's situation very different from Diana's. For good and for bad.

In the 80s, 90s, to get a close up picture in a quick moment you had to be really close. When you see footage of Diana being chased, the camera's were almost in her face.

With current technology, you don't need that. You can perfect snaps with your phone and go unnoticed. So it was less in your face for Meghan in comparison to Diana.

What Diana didn't have was the speed and width of social media, or bots.
I dont think her residuals ( if she even gets any) are that significant. let you look at what past shows/stars got. She wasn't a lead character on a 15 year running prime network show like friends, Seinfeld, where actors were getting million per episode AND had production credits. Significant in meaning millions a year to pay for their lifestyle. I would say significant enough maybe a normal person to live off of.. couple hundred grand, maybe.. The show was on USA I believe and not across the board popular and has a large cast to split.
It all depends on what her contract was so popularity or lead, etc doesn't always matter. Many actors and actresses renegotiate over time especially as a show gains in popularity or visibility at least. And syndication rights can, again depending on the contract, make up for quite a lot.

I don't know what her contract was like for Hallmark but she was in Dater's Handbook and When Sparks Fly (I believe titled something else at some point) both of which are on Hallmark Movies Now streaming. I don't expect much from those but it's possible that when contracts were written re-airs were part of that. Then again I wouldn't put it past Hallmark to negotiate that out such that they do not get any residual from that and both came before streaming was really big.

For her I would not expect residuals to pay for the royals lifestyle (or close to it) totally agree there.
TBH I think the conversation was spoken enough about yesterday, no hard feelings, but just it was already enough back and forth and with all due respect I feel my point was made well enough and it does not appear by your comments the conversation will go anywhere so respectfully onto some other topic on the documentary. Glad the concert went well.

I agree. I feel I have made my points crystal clear although I'm still understand what problem for society you were speaking of. But that's all right, we have belabored the issue enough. We will have to agree to disagree.
... So this whole Nottingham Cottage being “too small” (for Oprah) is really laughable. It worked for a long time for Harry. It was home ...
In their defense, it worked while Harry was a bachelor. Two people need more space than one person. 1300ish square feet is pretty good for most of us, but we don't have to allot space for security people.
... at times Meghan speaks with such surety and authority about "the institution" and the family....and I couldn't help but think....."you were just getting started". I wonder if there will be regrets for not sticking around longer.
She does seem to think a lot of her own opinions.
You brought up an excellent point; the effect of electronic social media. I think humanity is just starting to deal with the impacts of electronic social media. It has completely changed the landscape of human relations.

i SO agree. i also don't think people realize that what they are likely innocently posting to their social media can hurt or insult others in a way that the poster would NEVER do/intend to do with traditional communication interactions. i recently saw this potentially play out- now, in regular talking to people someone would never think to tell a person or multiple people within a shared social or familial relationship all the 'great', 'wonderful'...details about a party, gathering, wedding or other recent event UNLESS they knew for a fact the person/persons had in fact been invited and for whatever reason did not attend. reasoning is you don't want the person(s) to feel bad or slighted if they were not invited, put the host in an uncomfortable position for their inclusion/exclusion choices. HOWEVER-the same people who would NEVER do this think nothing of posting real-time or after the fact photos, selfies, videos on their social media which all their shared social circle/family are part of. it's likely (i hope so) unintended but people's feelings can be hurt/relationships can become strained.
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