Greatest Band Ever?

Doobie Brothers
So many but since no one has said them

Creedance Clearwater Revival
I was raised on these bands. Have seen them in concert multiple times. Took my dad to see the Doobies as a surprise. He use to see them back in their early days when they were playing frat parties and bars in the San Jose area in the late 60s/early 70s.

The band that first came to mind is the Beatles. They may no longer be together, but their music has had longevity. My teens and their friends listen to them.

I’m also going to say Fleetwood Mac. Another band I was raised on. Can you tell I was raised on classic rock, lol.

Country: Garth Brooks. Best show ever!
I was going to say Creedence Clearwater Revival, but I guess just because someone else already mentioned them doesn't keep me from saying it. They're from my hometown, which is the height of irony that they're from California but have that mythical backstory of a Mississippi Delta band that was imagined.

I went to school with John Fogerty's daughter, but we didn't really know who he was. She brought one of his albums for show and tell about our parents, but that was one of his solo albums that wasn't well known. We thought that he might have been a studio musician who played local clubs. It wasn't until high school when several of the teachers talked about the kids from CCR being their students and it all made sense.

There's a lot of local lore about them. "Cosmo's Factory" was the practice space in Berkeley on Fifth Street that they used. It was a couple of doors down from the headquarters and factory for The North Face. That place eventually burned down where it was used to store props for the Berkeley Repertory Theatre.

Then there was the cover for Willie and the Poor Boys. The photo was taken in front of the Duck Kee Market in Oakland. Not sure why they picked that location since it was at least 2-1/2 miles from Fantasy Studios in Berkeley where they recorded the album - including Fortunate Son and Down on the Corner. But that store stayed open until the 90s when the sign was stolen.


1998-09-12 04:00:00 PDT OAKLAND -- To the untrained eye, the rust-tinged metal sign was just another storefront marker on just another shuttered Oakland market.​
But to those in the know, the placard above Oakland's Duck Kee Market was an icon, made famous on the cover of a 1969 album by East Bay band Creedence Clearwater Revival.​
Now that minor shrine to rock 'n' roll history has been defiled. Sometime this week, the sign was stolen.​
Electric Light Orchestra.

I haven't seen the 80s represented, and I'm thinking Depeche Mode.

Great choice!! They are definitely in my top too. :thumbsup2

And completely off topic but a funny story:

A couple of months ago my daughter and I were getting in the car. 80s on 8 came on and it was Glenn Fry's, You Belong to the City. I knew she wouldn't know his voice like Don Henley's so I made a bet that I would give her $100 if she could name the band this singer was in. Given this handsome reward, she was totally invested to win. Asked for hints ... NOPE, nice try kid! She debated until the end of the song and finally guessed, it was wrong. (I can't remember what band she named.) After I told her she lost but that I guaranteed she knows the band she asked for a hint. My hint was easy, I sung 🎶 "on a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair" She was so annoyed! Her face when she yelled, "EAGLES!" was hysterical.

Fast forward -- now every time we hear Eagles, I get the stink eye and how I ruined them for her. :laughing:

I was a teen in the 80s. I'd heard of the Eagles but wasn't quite sure who there were back then. But Glenn Frey I knew when he had songs that ended up on soundtracks like The Heat Is on and You Belong to the City (along with Smuggler's Blues which was also from Miami Vice).

I'm not sure about the lyrics to Hotel California since that was Don Henley on lead vocals. But I'm thinking Heartache Tonight would be unmistakably a Glenn Frey Eagles song.
Greatest rock band ever is AC/DC but for some reason they never get the credit they deserve.

Greatest band ever would probably be Prince and the revolution solely because it included Prince.
Hands down, Led Zeppelin. :worship::worship: :rockband: They have 5 albums certified Diamond, more than any other rock band.

I have loved them since I was old enough to oh so carefully put a needle on an album. Probably 6 years old. At 12, I had a huge 4'x6' poster in my room. I wish I had saved that! In 1980 I was in 8th grade, they were about to start another US tour, stopping in Philly. My very thrifty dad even agreed to give me money for a ticket. Then John Bonham died and they couldn't go on without him. All these years later and I still wish I could have seen them in concert. Oh, to see Jimmy Page play guitar with a cello bow...

We visited London with our young adult/teen kids in 2017 and asked our tour guide to stop by Jimmy Page's house. We had our kids take some pics of us and hoped to maybe see him outside. :laughing: I would have loved to just shake his hand and thank him for a lifetime of awesome music.

Ds27 told me how when he walked into his first day of electrician school last year, Kashmir was playing, and he thought to himself, "This is going to be good here!" :goodvibes
I was raised on these bands. Have seen them in concert multiple times. Took my dad to see the Doobies as a surprise. He use to see them back in their early days when they were playing frat parties and bars in the San Jose area in the late 60s/early 70s.

The band that first came to mind is the Beatles. They may no longer be together, but their music has had longevity. My teens and their friends listen to them.

I’m also going to say Fleetwood Mac. Another band I was raised on. Can you tell I was raised on classic rock, lol.

Country: Garth Brooks. Best show ever!
I can't wait to see him in October in Vegas! :hourglass:shamrock:
I am surprising dh for our anniversary.
I can't wait to see him in October in Vegas! :hourglass:shamrock:
I am surprising dh for our anniversary.
Garth and family used to live here in the same town as us. We had kids in the same grade and he surprised the student body by singing a few songs at the Senior talent show.

I hear it was just like when Marcia Brady brought Davey Jones to the school dance and the teachers were pushing kids out of the way to get closer to the stage.
Led Zeppelin or Duran Duran or the Glenn Miller Orchestra.

There's no more Glenn Miller, but his orchestra lives on. I went to see them this year and loved it. It made me sad, too, though, because we were listening in an auditorium instead of a dance hall. Also, the audience was mostly ancient. If I could go back in time . . . (well, I'd go see Roxy Music or NIN, but then I'd go see The Glenn Miller Orchestra in its heyday.)
Okay, my lifetime favs are solo acts but they play nicely with others.
As well, there are sooooo many groups that have influenced me yet just can’t play favoritism. They are all good and have nothing to do with popularity; in fact mass appeal can be the kiss of death🙂.

Still, I read an article earlier this month that opened my mind to a world of possibilities. Who do U2, Talking Heads/Byrne, Bowie, John Cale, Devo, Coldplay and James have in common?

Brian Eno

How did I never realize the role he played in fashioning my ears for decades?!?

Not worthy.
He was a founding member of Roxy Music, too.


I think it's hard to separate "greatest of all time" from favorite. So I'm picking my favorite band, that also happens to be a band that made its mark on a lot of other acts/artists. So for me, Roxy Music. For listening, I prefer their early and middle periods, but for relaxing, I think Avalon is just about the best album ever made. Simon le Bon and John Taylor did their hall of fame induction, which was fitting because you can really hear how much Duran Duran was influenced by Roxy Music. I love Bryan Ferry's solo work, too, but think he was better in Roxy than alone.
Best band ever has to be the Rolling Stones just based on how long they were on top. Only band I would currently pay for Earth Wind and Fire, booked for Vegas. Done paying 100s for these old bands putting out no effort
The Beatles. First of all because I’m a huge fan. But they broke the ground for the groups that followed. But I love Queen too.

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