"Great deals" through travel agents

I have a coworker booking her January trip with their exclusive and was also told no. But I know others on this board have had them book for them. Maybe it depends on the agents load.
I also booked with them for the marathon as well as Labor Day. So inexpensive!!!
I always prefer to do my own and I'm guessing most of us on the boards do too perhaps.

Same here. The only reason I use a TA is because of the price. I actually own DVC and had a 10 night trip planned using points. I had to add an extra night to the beginning of the reservation. I was able to add one night at the GF with 8 day tickets for a couple of hundred dollars less than tickets alone. It was a no-brainer.
Me as well... in three weeks...right after our cruise... not DVC, a regular room. I need Mousekeeping!! LOL!!!

When I priced it out as room only i was quoted GF for 283 a night and BC 254 a night. You have to take into account their cheaper park tickets. 8 day hoppers were $70 cheaper than WDW. The deal really is amazing!
Now to wait for next years deal!
I wish they would offer another incredible deal at another time of the year but obviously the timing is a huge part of their ability to do this. Labor Day is a slow time of year and that unfortunatley means we can't take advantage of the great prices for a whole week trip. Maybe next year we will find a way to swing a quick trip to stay at a deluxe for such a great price.
I'm sure that all of us on these boards would prefer to do ADRs and FPs ourselves. However, there is a large population out there that does not know how to do this and relies upon good travel agents for these tasks.
I should've explained what I meant by loophole in greater detail. Disney does NOT allow a travel agent to discount Disney products by themselves. An example of this would be if an agent decides to forego his/her commission and take that price off a Disney package. He/she could not advertise that discounted price and offer a discount unique to that agent/agency. The discount must come from Disney (ex. Free Dining, AP discounts, group discounts, etc.). Dreams Unlimited has offered group rates surrounding some of its events, such as the recent anniversary meetup at Epcot. This is a true group booking, in every sense of the word. The loophole I was referring to is when an agency contracts for a group of rooms under a group offer and then sells them as individual reservations. The people who buy these packages do not belong to any part of a group, other than they just happened to book with the same agency. They will not go to events together, dine together, etc., as they are not truly members of the same group, and do not fit within the original intentions of group contracts. Thus, the agencies are bending the rules a wee bit. However, as some of you stated, it appears that Disney knows this and allows it. I didn't mean to suggest that anybody taking advantage of these offers is a criminal or breaking the rules. If it's okay with Disney, book away!

Yes, the people who buy these packages actually do belong to a group. I think you are really misinformed in regard to these group contracts. As you brought up regarding the DU event, many of the group contracts must include events (dessert parties, breakfasts, etc.) that include a certain spending criteria and, while they may not be as large as the DU event, they are still group events exclusive for the people who have made bookings through the room block. So, yes, these group bookings are set up exactly the same way as a DU group booking and are sold individually, just as the DU event was. Individual people were contacting DU to make individual bookings for the event. It's, literally, exactly the same thing.

And, yes, you are right, Disney does not allow travel agents to discount Disney products by themselves. That isn't what is happening here. A rate is being set by DISNEY and the TA is passing that exact rate to the client. So, as you said, "the discount must come from Disney" and it is.

I'm really not sure why you think agencies are bending rules when they are signing and abiding by the contracts Disney groups is offering them.
Yes, the people who buy these packages actually do belong to a group.
I think we are using the word "group" differently.
Individual people were contacting DU to make individual bookings for the event.
Of course they did. I don't think I suggested otherwise?
It's, literally, exactly the same thing.
I disagree. We are splitting hairs here. Again, we are talking about different definitions of the word "group". You're saying that ppl who buy into a discount are part of a group because they are buying a group discount. I am using the term "group" to mean people traveling with a common purpose or connection.
And, yes, you are right, Disney does not allow travel agents to discount Disney products by themselves. That isn't what is happening here. A rate is being set by DISNEY and the TA is passing that exact rate to the client. So, as you said, "the discount must come from Disney" and it is.
Yes. Agreed. I made a similar statement to this point.

We will just have to agree to disagree. I was just trying to illustrate how these discounts pass muster according to Disney's rules. I agree that they do, as Disney allows it to happen.

The differences between our opinions are a matter of semantics only, and thus, not worth quibbling about.
Disney offer killer convention discounts all the time. The Gartner rate at Grand Floridian is sweeeeet
I understand the reasoning but the "life happens" shouldn't be a concern. Anything that would cause me to cancel the reservation would be of bigger concern than the few thousand dollars lost.
Life does happen. Kids sports, work events. All kinds of things can happen. Doesn't mean it is/isn't a concern or bigger concern. What's wrong with flexibility?
I think we are using the word "group" differently.

Of course they did. I don't think I suggested otherwise?

I disagree. We are splitting hairs here. Again, we are talking about different definitions of the word "group". You're saying that ppl who buy into a discount are part of a group because they are buying a group discount. I am using the term "group" to mean people traveling with a common purpose or connection.

Yes. Agreed. I made a similar statement to this point.

We will just have to agree to disagree. I was just trying to illustrate how these discounts pass muster according to Disney's rules. I agree that they do, as Disney allows it to happen.

The differences between our opinions are a matter of semantics only, and thus, not worth quibbling about.

It's not an opinion. I'm literally telling you that the people who are booking these rooms are technically considered a "group" by Disney and according to the Disney contract. In this case, Disney Groups gets to define what a group consists of. It really doesn't matter what either one of us thinks.

Sorry to quibble, but I think TA's tend to get a bad rap on these boards and when words like "scam" and implications that agencies are trying to find contract "loopholes" or are "bending rules" are being bandied about by people who haven't actually read the group contract, it can, potentially affect someone's business. It's really irresponsible, IMHO. If these contracts weren't working to Disney's advantage, they would discontinue them very quickly.
the people who are booking these rooms are technically considered a "group" by Disney and according to the Disney contract

And the contract is the very reason I feel it is actually impossible that Disney is not aware of these agencies and their practices. There is a contract! There is no way that this is a "loophole" year over year unless it is a loophole that Disney does not care to close, much like the QS dining credits for children. It's not a loophole when it happens year, after year, after year.
It's not an opinion. I'm literally telling you that the people who are booking these rooms are technically considered a "group" by Disney and according to the Disney contract.
You're not getting the point I'm trying to make. Of course what you say is true. I am not saying that a group booking is not a group booking. I'm saying that the designation of a group comes more from the agency establishing it than it does from Disney or the individuals partaking in it. But again, we are arguing over semantics, and it's not worth either of our time.
Sorry to quibble, but I think TA's tend to get a bad rap on these boards and when words like "scam" and implications that agencies are trying to find contract "loopholes" or are "bending rules" are being bandied about by people who haven't actually read the group contract, it can, potentially affect someone's business. It's really irresponsible, IMHO. If these contracts weren't working to Disney's advantage, they would discontinue them very quickly.
I am by no means bashing travel agents. I adore them, use them, and hold them in highest esteem. I guess my allegiances fall more with the Mom and Pop-type agencies than the large online "distributors" that utilize these practices. Not to say they are wrong for doing so (as has been said, Disney allows it).
Keep doing your research you will find the TA, that I used and others have used. Getting almost 60% off regular rates. That's why I'm leaving for Dis. today for a 12 day stay at the Poly, paying only $267, with taxes and fees included per night. I know you can't not put TA info on the site, but through hints and other info on TA, threads you will figure it out as I did.


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