gradtchr's back on track (comments welcome)

Beth, its great to see you back again. Great news about your dh's job. The new house sounds great, especially the hiking & biking trails. pixiedust:
Thanks Jen and Jane E. We are so excited about this. Now to get the rental house fully packed and ready to move in two weeks. EEK!!!! Well I know what my workouts will be for the next two weeks. LOL! I promise I will be more regular with this once we get moved in. YEAH!
Moving is so exciting! Especially when it is your first house. Congrats on DH's new job and your new home! :yay:

I'm sure you will be active enough trying to get things packed, cleaned, unpacked, etc. You can get back into a workout routine once everything is settled. It's not like you'll be sitting around watching TV for 2 weeks! :goodvibes
Blueeyes101817 said:
hope you are having a great weekend!

Thanks! I hope you are too! I am trying so hard to pack and avoid packing at the same time if that makes any sense.

We close on Friday and move on Saturday YIPPEE!!!! :sunny: :cool1: :cheer2: :banana: :Pinkbounc :yay: :dance3: Ok I'm excited. :)
Hi Beth,

First I am so sorry for the loss of your grandmother.

Second, congrats on the house....moving into a brand new house is so much fun!!! Lot's of work, but so well worth it! And it's right around the corner!!! You'll be there in no time!!! Congrats on your DH new job also...that is great!!!!

You're doing a good job, keep up the good work!

Have a great day :)
The move did go very well, we are for the most part all in with just a few things left at our rental house that we need to take care of next weekend.

I am at my IL's right now. My FIL passed away on Monday-it was a shock to say the least. :( It has been a rough couple of months to say the least.

Once we get home I am back on program I am beyond ready!
Hi Beth,

I am so sorry to hear about your FIL....keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

Hope you have a good weekend despite the recent events.
Hi Jen! Thanks for checking in. It's been another hectic month (life is supposed to slow down right)

Anyway I have deiced (or it has been decided for me) that I am taking a break from dieting. Why you may ask well because I found out this week I am pregnant. :love: :cloud9: :love: :dance3: :yay:
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2: :cool1: :yay: :thumbsup2 What an exciting time. I loved the book What to Eat When Expecting (as well as What to Expect When Expecting). Check them out!
gradtchr said:
Hi Jen! Thanks for checking in. It's been another hectic month (life is supposed to slow down right)

Anyway I have deiced (or it has been decided for me) that I am taking a break from dieting. Why you may ask well because I found out this week I am pregnant. :love: :cloud9: :love: :dance3: :yay:

Where's the smiley that demonstrates blowing dust off this thing LOL! It has been way to long but I am back in the right mind set and ready to lose this weight again.

I last left this journal with the news that I was pregnant and I am so happy to say that I had a beautiful (yes I am prejudiced) baby girl in July. I gained about 50 pounds with the pregnancy and I only lost 7 when my sweet baby girl was born. It has been a slow road back to fitness because I broke my tailbone during delivery. She was having issues and when the doctor says push now you push now! It took 4 months to get me to the point where I could really sit down comfortably and forget any real movement.

Anyway life is good I love my new role as a Mommy and I am ready to get back in shape. I want my daughter to grow up knowing that a healthy lifestyle and exercise is good. I've really had to think about changing my habits in regards to not saying I am on a diet but that I want the healthy lifestyle to be my focus as I don't want my daughter to hear me be concerned about my weight and I want her to be happy with herself.

So my focus this week is to get 3 workouts in.

Here's my baby girl and my DH:
Whoooo hooooo! I got my 3 workouts in last week now to do it again this week!


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