Getting New Points Loaded?


DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2014
Help me out here. When your new contract appears on your account, do you go to the chat feature to try to get points loaded onto your account? If so, do you select "my membership" and then ask the person who shows up in the chat?

That's what I recall doing last year. I just asked how long it takes and the person was like "I'll just load those for you now." Easy peasy.

So today I saw that my new BRV contract showed up. I went to the chat feature and asked about having them loaded. The agent said "These points can take several weeks to load as it is done in the order they are received so it is fair to all members."

Has anyone encountered this before?

I then said I was hoping to get them loaded so I can book a trip. She then asked which resort, dates, and room type I wanted. Now she just said "Just a few moments to see if your points are available to load and if an exception can be made to load these early."

Then like...30 second later...she said "Thank you for you patience. At this time you points are not available to load, please try again in a few days to see if there have been any updates."

So no points for me yet, I guess??
Yeah all of what you encountered is typical. Sometimes chat just loads the points upon request, sometimes chat won’t load unless the person mentions dates they’re trying to book before availability gone, and then sometimes that changes chat’s mind to assist but then the points aren’t far enough into the process for them to load yet. In that last case wait a few more days to try again, like Mon/Tues.
Try again in a few days. It takes some time for them to clear some hurdles I think. When I bought a few contracts at once, when I chatted after the contracts were added 2 of the 3 were able to be added but I had to wait a couple days and chat again for the last one
So I shouldn't try again this weekend then?
Personally I’d only do that if the risk of losing the reservation was likely and super important to me. Otherwise I’d just give it some time and wait until next week. Hopefully it would be ready by then, but if not you still saved yourself/them from asking all those days in between. Good luck!
Wow times have changed. In years past, the general advice on these boards was to wait two weeks before calling in to get points loaded.
Wow times have changed. In years past, the general advice on these boards was to wait two weeks before calling in to get points loaded.
I think that’s because how many people report chat successes happening 3-7 days after the new contract loads. It could take 2 weeks but usually sooner. Some have even gotten points loaded next day through chat but that’s probably a matter of how backed up things are at the moment. It seems like one department authenticates/enters contract or whatever, then elsewhere the points get loaded. As long as that first step is done it’s possible chat can help.
iirc it only took 3 days for my resale points to load without asking. Our first planned trip was further out so I resisted the temptation of chat request 🤣
That's because the process is handled by two different groups: Member Services (MS) and Membership Administration (MA). MA actually sets up the membership, and then provisions the points to the membership. Those two steps are done independently of each other, and do not involve MS.

When you see the membership pop up on your dashboard, MA has completed that first step, but not the second. Because that has nothing to do with MS, when you call them to "add' your points, they put you on hold, telling you they need to "speak to their team" or something similar. What they are really doing is calling over to MA and asking them if the points can be provisioned. That's all they can do. Because they have no control over when the points are actually loaded, if the points aren't ready, all they can give you is the standard response giving the broad time frame.

Often times, if you wait a couple of days and things are moving smoothly in Celebration, when you do get on the phone or chat with MS and ask them about points, when they put you on hold and call over to MA, the points ARE ready to be loaded and you get that sweet, sweet "Pixie Dust.
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I had the same experience this week via chat. After holding for 10 mins, the first CM came back and said sorry the points are not yet ready. I immediately tried again with another CM via chat and she was able to load the points after a 25 minute hold to reach MA. I find some CMs more helpful than others. If your contract appeared today then try chatting tomorrow. Usually they can’t load same-day.
I remember reading somewhere to wait 24 hours from when your contract populates to call MS to have them loaded.

I followed that and was able to load points the first time I called MS. This was last May.
I had a few minutes to kill this morning and needed to ask a question regarding a reservation. The lovely gal in the chat feature said that our new contract is showing in the system, their just waiting for MA to load the points..
We closed on this particular contract this week.- 5/15/24.
Yours was already showing after just closing on the 15th? Dang. Ours closed on the 9th, deed recorded same day. The contract just showed up yesterday (17th) but no points yet.
It's been a year since I bought a resale contract, but I waited 2 days after my contract showed up before asking MS to load the points. I called instead of using chat and they had them loaded for me in about 5 minutes.
Yours was already showing after just closing on the 15th? Dang. Ours closed on the 9th, deed recorded same day. The contract just showed up yesterday (17th) but no points yet.
The was a little quirk when buying this contract, which we were aware of. MS mentioned something regarding it and my response was "how did you know that already?!" That's when she told me that it was there, they didn't have the points loaded yet.
Closed on 5/07. Tried to chat on 5/13 when I saw my new resale contract show up in my account.

Told to call MS, I did. The agent said it was a different department

put me on hold, came back & said she sent over a message and I “should have them in my account after lunch”

Still waiting :magnify:

Yes, I am fully aware it used to take weeks. Only called in after seeing so many report here their points were quickly loaded.
Closed on 5/07. Tried to chat on 5/13 when I saw my new resale contract show up in my account.

Told to call MS, I did. The agent said it was a different department

put me on hold, came back & said she sent over a message and I “should have them in my account after lunch”

Still waiting :magnify:

Yes, I am fully aware it used to take weeks. Only called in after seeing so many report here their points were quickly loaded.
That's why MS will almost never give you a time frame for when points will show up if they call over to MA and are told the points aren't ready yet. They have virtually no control over the process and will give the "up to four weeks" response.

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