Good Lord...this argument again?
The LAW is that a STATE ISSUED PHOTO ID is the only legal form of id acceptable for alcohol purchases. Magic bands are not state issued. Therefore, unless the state of Florida changes the law, magic bands will never replace *state issued photo id's* as acceptable means of identification for purchasing alcohol. Sure, you can go in a single venue and get a wrist band (after showing your proper id) and be covered the rest of the night at that venue, just like at Disney, you can order multiple drinks from your table after being carded the first time. But, when you walk out the door of that establishment, the "wrist band" becomes null and void. The next business you go in (and regardless of what some think, even though nearly all restaurants and clubs on Disney property are owned by Disney, they all operate individually) has to start the process all over again. If you don't get carded at some venues, well good for you.
As far as how anyone feels about it, you can either carry a driver's license or other state issued id, or take the chance that if carded and you don't have it, you won't be served. It's really as simple as that. Makes no difference to me either way.
Like I said earlier in the thread, if you're worried about losing your id, take the case off your phone, slip your id between the case and your phone, replace the phone, and voila...problem solved. Folks obviously aren't worried enough about losing their phones to leave them back in the room.
So, if you want it changed at Disney, don't worry about contacting Disney about it. Contact the state of Florida, and see where it goes from there....because Disney is simply following Florida law.