He had children but there doesn't seem to be photographs of them in many years. It was stated that his work kept him away so much that relationships were difficult.
It seems strange that it seemed no one "knew" for sure he had this other than some observation from photos. Sounds like she very much kept him away from public eye and possibly his kids as well??
But yes ... there is little to no help if you can't afford it. There is that heart felt obligation that a spouse must become a caretaker no matter how hard. While I imagine they could afford it we don't know how their financial structure was set up, did they have enough without liquidating?
That surprised me. The house looks huge, I assume he has some money in the bank and why didn't they have weekly home health checks, why didn't they have housekeeper? Sounds like maintenance might have been a community one, not personal. MY gut is she had isolated him so much that perhaps it became a total protection mechanism keeping others from the home. Perhaps she feared his kids would want to step in and take him from her? Never know what is going on behind closed doors.