Forever Could Even Start Today, Wedding & Disneymoon Sept 17 update 10/1: Last Day, Budget recap

World's longest trip report? :laughing:
If I haven't finished my DLR one from summer 2016, how long would this one go... :rotfl:

:cold: It's been so cold I don't even try to go outside anymore unless I have to for work :rotfl:
I'm ruined now. CO just doesn't do that. And we had to kill an hour between the wedding and cocktail hour, so the choices were sit in the hotel lobby (and risk running into those-who-shall-not-be-named), or walk somewhere else downtown for drinks and a snack, which is what we ended up doing. It was just like, I don't even feel my legs anymore...
You go girl :cheer2: (Also I sent you a message!)
Thanks! :hug:

You would think for all they put you through the quality would've at least been a little better.
We did not have great ring experiences for either of us to start. I had a guy try to overcharge for a band to go with my ring, and those people... :rotfl: At least the second place for each of us was better.

How stressful! I'm glad it came on time.
I still can't believe it did! If it'd been 5 minutes later...

Good for you for rising above all the drama and going to the wedding. I know first hand the "fun" that family drama can cause and you handled it perfect.

I can't believe all the drama with Zach's ring too. Glad it all finally worked out though
That's all you can do it seems, be above those people because you can't change 'em! And I was not impressed by that chain location. Definitely won't be back there.

Man! That is quiet the ring story. But that is the coolest Men's wedding ring!

Sorry to hear about your family drama. That must be very hard. But glad to hear that you go tot see some family.
That ring is more Zack than anything else we've ever seen. Family drama is hard, but I'm not going to let it cut me out of the family any longer!

Every single picture is fantastic! I could have liked each one. I can't wait to see more pics. You both look great.
Your wish is my command! :rotfl:
I love the photos! I may have also been making a trying not to cry face while looking at the pictures too... :rolleyes1 I love love love the balloon photos!

We have family drama too so I feel your pain. Good of you to rejoin the extended family on your terms. I'm still not there yet (admittedly I don't have 600 cousins like you!)

I thought the punchline to the story of the ring was going to be that you got one from Na Hoku at Disney Springs. That's where we got R's band. We were reluctant to order it online since we also wanted to be able to pick the grain and color. He found a really beautiful one there. So just in case something ever happens to Zack's, keep Na Hoku in mind!
Your pictures are perfection. The amount of joy in each of your faces is priceless. It's evident you all had to rise about a lot to get to this day and your pure joy because of it just jumps though.

*Jaws music*


Aw man, there he goes controlling me again... :rotfl:
Probably not great to joke about, but since hearing that rumor we've made a lot of jokes about it.

We joke about it too, because it's just so ridiculous. Anyone could see that, that isn't the situation at all.

This might sound weird, but we just had this moment like, we made it. Not many people knew about our wedding beforehand outside of those who were there. We just didn't want any word to get around and certain people to try and ruin our day (because unfortunately, they would have... or shown up, I wouldn't have put that past them). It had gotten a bit iffy at times, so now we were here and it was happening and we made it :goodvibes (despite some attempts to keep it from happening)

I'm so glad you made it there and everything went well :hug:


When they told us to touch foreheads, I think they meant lean in and look in each other's eyes, not stare at your shoes. Oops...

:rotfl: Like when they told us to point to Spaceship Earth, and we just looked at it and pointed.

I love this picture!


And we headed off for more photos

And this one!
Absolutely amazing photos! I just love the looks you have for each other. The balloons looked great in the photos! I am so glad you posted all the photos. You looked fantastic! The side swept hair looked great!

I am sorry to hear about the family drama and the stressful days you had with Zack's ring. The ring is beautiful. I think it is my favorite men's wedding ring I have ever seen. It is very cool looking.


I, too, made the bouts (way too lazy to spell that tonight). Except I just used hot glue and then pressed a regular safety pin into it before it dried. Guess what does not hold up very well in heat?

Luckily, I noticed they were rather fragile a couple of nights before the wedding, and texted my MOH to ask if she could bring super glue just in case. We'd already re-glued all of them at the rehearsal (as well as an emergency fix of my mother-in-law's shoe), but this is the morning of. Clearly a master Craftsman, I am not.
I'm not a frequent poster, but I've been reading this as well as your planning report and I'm loving them both. You both just seem so happy!

Your dress looks so comfortable and I especially love the photos with the Mickey balloons. I can't wait to read the rest. :flower1:

I'm also definitely not creative enough to make my own flowers, but yours are beautiful.
Hogwarts Railways hoodie and Disney Tsum Tsum sleeping shorts.

Hey, I never claimed to be conventional! :rotfl:

Bahah awesome!! Whatever works! This outfit seems to sum up your personality pretty well, all things considered :)

They said they could bring them up after 7am. But lo and behold, at 6:30am a knock sounds on the door, and here are the mimosas! Wedding magic, perhaps? pixiedust:



Your invitations came out so great!! Really impressive!


I think the photos I sent her had the hair more centered in the back, but I think the side was better with the heat.

100% a good idea, I'm sure!

I felt like the morning was very short/went very fast, though it was several hours.

I had the same kinda thing. The time just flew.

They load their stuff up, jump in the car, and head out of the neighborhood... to pass a UPS truck! So Zack's mom makes his cousin turn around, and sure enough that truck is dropping off the ring. She ripped all of the packaging open in the car and left it behind :rotfl:

Oh my goodness!!

And that is how Zack's ring was ordered 13 days before our wedding and made it to Florida.

I wondered what would come of this story. Wild!!

Hopefully you guys want to feel like you were really there, because it's hard to cut photos!

I had the same problem. Bring it on!!


This is my trying not to cry face


*Jaws music*

Omg! :lmao:

I will never think of first look photos the same way again.


Aw man, there he goes controlling me again... :rotfl:
Probably not great to joke about, but since hearing that rumor we've made a lot of jokes about it.


so now we were here and it was happening and we made it :goodvibes

So wonderful! I'm really happy for you guys!

I used the little pin backs with the spinning lock, like the picture below. Guess what, those are really hard to open with fake nails...

Oh no!! But hilarious!


I just love the pics with the Mickey balloons! You look beautiful and love the flowers. I'm sorry about your family but I think you are doing the right thing. I hope you post more soon!
I love the photos! I may have also been making a trying not to cry face while looking at the pictures too... :rolleyes1 I love love love the balloon photos!

We have family drama too so I feel your pain. Good of you to rejoin the extended family on your terms. I'm still not there yet (admittedly I don't have 600 cousins like you!)

I thought the punchline to the story of the ring was going to be that you got one from Na Hoku at Disney Springs. That's where we got R's band. We were reluctant to order it online since we also wanted to be able to pick the grain and color. He found a really beautiful one there. So just in case something ever happens to Zack's, keep Na Hoku in mind!
Thanks! I'm so glad we got the balloons! They helped add a little Disney touch at the ceremony site too since we didn't get married through Disney.

We'll have to check out Na Hoku. We haven't explored much of the shopping in DS.

Family drama is hard. It's hard to go, but I'm glad we did. It was easier in a big wedding setting though. We've got two more coming up this Spring. I'm not sure I'm at a point where I could go to a strictly family get together, like for the holidays, where there's usually between 30 and 60ish people...
More fantastic photos! I love the success at getting the pin on!

Love the balloons! Just perfect!
Ha I definitely did not think about fake nails and pins! I was just like, oh this will be way easier than the normal boutonniere pin!
Your photos are amazing. I loved them all
Thank you so much!
Your pictures are perfection. The amount of joy in each of your faces is priceless. It's evident you all had to rise about a lot to get to this day and your pure joy because of it just jumps though.

Thank you! I must admit, I was pretty concerned going into the wedding that I would either be thinking of them that day in the back of my mind, but they weren't even a thought! It was all about us and just perfect.

We joke about it too, because it's just so ridiculous. Anyone could see that, that isn't the situation at all.

I'm so glad you made it there and everything went well :hug:

I love this picture!

And this one!
Really, all you can do is laugh about people being so ridiculous and wasting their time obsessing. I had to do that again last night, as now that I've posted a bit on SM the last few days, my stepmom had to post something. Eye roll.

I'm so glad we did it and everything was just perfect!
:rotfl: Like when they told us to point to Spaceship Earth, and we just looked at it and pointed.
We definitely did this stuff a few times, but this is probably the most obvious photo of it. I have one more in the next update!

Absolutely amazing photos! I just love the looks you have for each other. The balloons looked great in the photos! I am so glad you posted all the photos. You looked fantastic! The side swept hair looked great!

I am sorry to hear about the family drama and the stressful days you had with Zack's ring. The ring is beautiful. I think it is my favorite men's wedding ring I have ever seen. It is very cool looking.
Thank you! I have many more photos to come, so I hope you continue to feel the same way! Haha!

I think that is my favorite men's ring too, though I may be biased :) There's many neat styles out there, but I could never picture any of them on Zack. So when he found wood inlay rings, they were just right from the beginning. I'm glad the second company was so great!

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I, too, made the bouts (way too lazy to spell that tonight). Except I just used hot glue and then pressed a regular safety pin into it before it dried. Guess what does not hold up very well in heat?

Luckily, I noticed they were rather fragile a couple of nights before the wedding, and texted my MOH to ask if she could bring super glue just in case. We'd already re-glued all of them at the rehearsal (as well as an emergency fix of my mother-in-law's shoe), but this is the morning of. Clearly a master Craftsman, I am not.
I have lots of ideas that do not execute as well as I imagine! They look great though! I have a story about my bouquet coming up, which I didn't even know about until I was back home over New Year's. At least you were prepared for it!
I'm not a frequent poster, but I've been reading this as well as your planning report and I'm loving them both. You both just seem so happy!

Your dress looks so comfortable and I especially love the photos with the Mickey balloons. I can't wait to read the rest. :flower1:

I'm also definitely not creative enough to make my own flowers, but yours are beautiful.
Thank you! I'm really bad at posting usually too, so I understand! Oftentimes I read on my phone and I don't like to respond on there.

That was sweet of her and so cute.

Love all your pics and the home made flowers.
Thank you! My mom's side is always so sweet. They all mailed cards after we announced our wedding, and most of them went looking specifically for Disney wedding cards :)

I just love the pics with the Mickey balloons! You look beautiful and love the flowers. I'm sorry about your family but I think you are doing the right thing. I hope you post more soon!
Thank you so much! I'm working on the next post now! I'm so so happy with how the flowers came out, and that we went to the trouble of getting the balloons. They were just the right touch for me!

And thanks, I know it's past time to stop family from ruining things with their drama and try to move on!
Bahah awesome!! Whatever works! This outfit seems to sum up your personality pretty well, all things considered :)
I spent a while stressing over this at one point. What a silly thing to stress over! I've never been a robe person, until I got the comfiest DCL robe on our cruise :lovestruc :rotfl: I find that when I get pressed for time, I end up with what I really want/what is most me anyways.


Your invitations came out so great!! Really impressive!
Thanks! They were a labor of love, that's for sure! I actually made a beginning design like this the summer after we got engaged, and I almost ditched this idea because I had shown it to my family... which would have been dumb. I'm glad Zack talked me out of that! All part of the, not letting them affect things anymore!
I had the same kinda thing. The time just flew.
It was crazy. Just over in a blink!
I wondered what would come of this story. Wild!!
Yup! Now it's a fun story to laugh about. Just like the Dessert Party issues, now that they're no longer happening :rotfl:
Omg! :lmao:

I will never think of first look photos the same way again.
If only I could remember all of Zack's commentary when we looked through these for the first time...
So wonderful! I'm really happy for you guys!
I’m kind of embarrassed by how long this has taken me, given how few of words you’ll be getting… It seemed like every time I tried to weed through pictures something crazy came up, and so many 3am-3pm work days have been kicking my butt. Usually I can do a few of these, or a week or so when someone is on vacation and it’s not too bad. Since we got back from our December weekend Disney trip, it’s just been alternating weeks. 72 hours one week, 50-some hours the next. Every 12 hour day is 3am-3pm, so by the time I get home I crash.

On the bright side, we are officially one week out from our trip! We have like zero things prepared for our trip, except FPs and 2 ADRs. I found out last Friday that they increased our vacation accrual rates for employees with less than 5 years, so I will now earn 2 more day off over the year. With all of this newfound time ;), I decided to take next Friday off so I didn’t get stuck working 3am-3pm the day we left. Our flight doesn’t land until 11:30pm, so I’m not sure how fun I would be even just for traveling if I was up from 4am EST until past midnight EST…

Photos Around the Dolphin

Or really, in front of the Dolphin. Off we went to take some photos by the fountain.





This one's for @Raeven...
Oh, we're not supposed to look awkwardly down at the camera?


Ok, that makes more sense.







We would never laugh and make jokes during serious photo time...







Then we headed down the causeway towards the Swan.


You can't see anyone in these pictures, but there were people out and about and they mostly looked at us funny :confused3 Though we did have one couple tell us congratulations.


To our next photo destination...
The Boardwalk!


And one of my favorites, it may look familiar...


Behind the Scenes
Hopefully these photos are somewhat entertaining, or I can stop doing this :)

The shot is explained...


Close ups


"Do we stay here?"


Aly made herself my official train carrier and dress fluffer for the day.



I'm hoping to get in at least one more update before we leave, since it will again be mostly photos. Hopefully I'm not boring you all, I am trying to remember random anecdotes to add in :)

Some of these photos look a little grainy to me... Do they to you? I think it might be the file size I picked, and how it's being compressed down. But if I leave them original size they're enormous! I had three sizes to choose from... and this is even the social media size, aka the smallest.

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72 hours one week, 50-some hours the next. Every 12 hour day is 3am-3pm, so by the time I get home I crash.

Oh my gosh! I don't blame you. I don't think I'd even be functioning at this point.

Your Swolphin photos are so pretty! I like the ones where you're sharing a joke or a funny moment—they really show your awesome couple-personality. Keep 'em coming!

And one of my favorites, it may look familiar...


Love this!!

Behind the Scenes
Hopefully these photos are somewhat entertaining, or I can stop doing this :)

Definitely continue with them. They're like bloopers, but much more lovely. :)

Aly made herself my official train carrier and dress fluffer for the day.


I like that you can see your amazing shoes peeking out in this :goodvibes

Some of these photos look a little grainy to me... Do they to you? I think it might be the file size I picked, and how it's being compressed down. But if I leave them original size they're enormous! I had three sizes to choose from... and this is even the social media size, aka the smallest.

I had the same concern with my wedding pictures in my TR for the same reason. They might be a little, but I really didn't notice at all until you mentioned it. It's hard to choose between compressed and GIANT.
I love the behind the scenes photos!!!! Don't stop. And man those are some hard work hours.

Enjoy your trip! i will keep an eye out for you in the airport...
On the bright side, we are officially one week out from our trip! We have like zero things prepared for our trip, except FPs and 2 ADRs. I found out last Friday that they increased our vacation accrual rates for employees with less than 5 years, so I will now earn 2 more day off over the year. With all of this newfound time ;), I decided to take next Friday off so I didn’t get stuck working 3am-3pm the day we left. Our flight doesn’t land until 11:30pm, so I’m not sure how fun I would be even just for traveling if I was up from 4am EST until past midnight EST…

Photos Around the Dolphin

Or really, in front of the Dolphin. Off we went to take some photos by the fountain.



This one's for @Raeven...




We would never laugh and make jokes during serious photo time...



You can't see anyone in these pictures, but there were people out and about and they mostly looked at us funny :confused3 Though we did have one couple tell us congratulations.

And one of my favorites, it may look familiar...


All your photos look great but I just picked some of my favorite ones for various reasons. I actually love the ones where you must be joking with each other the best since your smiles are so genuine. The are great! You two are just so cute and your happiness radiates through the photos.

I am surprised more people did not congratulate you at the time. But I know in the past, when I have come across a wedding couple, I want to share my congratulations with them but at the time it seems like it might be a bad time since it looks like the photographers are telling the couple something. And I know how most photographers are only being paid for a short amount of time so I don't want to bother the couple. That might have been the same for other people there watching you.

And I am loving the photos. Keep them coming! Sorry to hear the long hours you have been putting in lately. Glad to hear you will be enjoining a much needed break soon.​


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