First Aulani Trip is in the books!

I feel like a lot of these tourist places ask for that hour buffer knowing how bad the traffic is.
I agree. There is no reason to be at these places an hour early. None of them had crazy lines, especially if you have a reservation. My wife and I came to the conclusion that they “require” arriving an hour early to give a buffer. Thank goodness they are smart enough to do that!
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It’s funny because the reason we went was for my oldest daughter’s high school graduation present. She has always wanted to visit Hawaii, and being DVC members we could actually make that happen. Going into the trip we were thinking it would be our only time going, but now that we have been there we will definitely be going back. Hawaii is gorgeous.

I initially skipped reading your trip report because it was very long. Just finally found time to read it just now and enjoyed it.

I too thought Hawaii will be a one time, been there, done that type of trip when my family first went in 2015. When we got back, I wanted to return back so badly, that I started looking at more affordable ways to stay in Hawaii. Since that time, I learned about timeshares, bought a few (HGVC, WorldMark, RCI trader, Vistana, and Aulani :) ). Okay, more than a few timeshares, but we now go to Hawaii every year since than (except during the 2020 COVID lockdowns, where we had to cancel our trip and reschedule for 2021).

We are having our first ever Family Reunion where everyone will be present in the Big Island next month. Usually somebody miss for one reason or another, but somehow everyone is committed to making it to Hawaii. LOL!!! Thankfully the timeshares allows me to bring my entire extended family (my parents, my 3 siblings and their spouses and kids) staying in 3 units for two weeks, so it will be nice to finally just relax together as a family, especially given our dad's current health situation.

Here's to hoping you don't catch the timeshare bug like me and go on purchasing more now that you returned from Oahu :) !!!

Great report. Hubby and I will be spending 2 nights in Waikiki followed by 5 nights at Aulani next month. Made the important reservations for Mina's and also planned to skip Ama Ama. Our Pearl Harbor reservations are late morni g and we plan to hit that area on our way to Aulani from Waikiki. I am a bit nervous to leave luggage in our car while visiting Pearl Harbor. It's probably a mistake but we would have to drive to Aulani to drop it off then backtrack to Pearl Harbor.

I beg you to not leave any luggage in the vehicle at Pearl Harbor. At Peral harbor, they don't allow any bags in except for the smallest of ladies purses (not even camera bags), so you have to check all your belongings in at a nominal cost. Unfortunately, the parking lot is a hotspot for break-ins, because the thieves know they can often find wallets and purses in the vehicles when guests don't want to leave their stuff with the bag check-in desk.

So, your luggage will be a big attraction and just asking for trouble. It's probably better to do Pearl Harbor on a day you are already checked into the Hotel. I just don't think transfer day is a good day unless you leave your luggage at the hotel (either check-out or check-in one).

I initially skipped reading your trip report because it was very long. Just finally found time to read it just now and enjoyed it.

I too thought Hawaii will be a one time, been there, done that type of trip when my family first went in 2015. When we got back, I wanted to return back so badly, that I started looking at more affordable ways to stay in Hawaii. Since that time, I learned about timeshares, bought a few (HGVC, WorldMark, RCI trader, Vistana, and Aulani :) ). Okay, more than a few timeshares, but we now go to Hawaii every year since than (except during the 2020 COVID lockdowns, where we had to cancel our trip and reschedule for 2021).

We are having our first ever Family Reunion where everyone will be present in the Big Island next month. Usually somebody miss for one reason or another, but somehow everyone is committed to making it to Hawaii. LOL!!! Thankfully the timeshares allows me to bring my entire extended family (my parents, my 3 siblings and their spouses and kids) staying in 3 units for two weeks, so it will be nice to finally just relax together as a family, especially given our dad's current health situation.

Here's to hoping you don't catch the timeshare bug like me and go on purchasing more now that you returned from Oahu :) !!!

Wow, that is some serious “timesharing”. Lol. Being able to go to Hawai’i on a regular basis makes those timeshares worth it, though. We will definitely be going back. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
Day 3: It was an early-ish wake up to grab coffee and pastries at Lappert’s before heading out to our 2 hour Raptor tour at Kualoa ranch. I highly recommend this tour! The guides do such a good job of explaining Hawaiian tradition and showing the natural beauty of Hawaii. The pictures from this tour were unreal. Even my teenage daughters loved the tour, which is hard to do. After the tour, we explored Kualoa a little and then headed out to the Poi Factory (a locals favorite spot that was on the way back to the hotel) for some lunch. Their pork was absolutely amazing. The parking lot and streets around this place were filled with Hawaiian families hanging out together and eating, so it definitely had that “locals” vibe. After we ate, we headed back to shower and walk around Waikiki a bit. We started by walking to the Mai Tai Bar at the Royal Hawaiian to test their claim of having the best Mai Mai. They aren’t lying! It was fantastic. It was a “low key” night for dinner, so after Mai Tai heaven we hit Poke Bar for dinner. My daughter described it as the “Chipotle for Poke”, lol. It was really good. You choose your poke and then walk down the line to chose the toppings. After that, we walked around the shops in the area (it’s a really nice area for shopping…maybe too nice) and really gave my wallet a beating. We headed back to the resort around 9:30ish for a night cap and live music. The Tapa bar has nightly live music that is good and lively. After that, we were in bed by 10:30.
Day 4: It was an early Easter Sunday for us. We woke up at 5:30 (yes, AM!!) to hike Diamond Head and see the sun rise from the top. It’s not a terribly difficult hike and the views from the top are worth it. We got some really good family pics at the top of Diamond Head with the sunrise. This was all my wife’s idea and we thanked her for thinking of it when we were leaving…let me tell you, there weren’t too many “thank yous” at 5:30am. LOL.
I'm still reading this but: we must be living parallel lives - we were there the same dates and similar itineraries! Except:

Day 3 was our sunrise (6-8am reservation) walk/hike up Diamond Head - we got up at 5:30 also, but didn't make it to the parking lot until 6:30 am when the sunrisers were already coming down on our way up! (There were also some military guys running their way up and down... yikes!)

Day 4 (also Easter Sunday) we did the UTV tour at Kualoa Ranch and had wanted to going to Poi Factory for lunch but they were closed because it was Easter Sunday. It looked amazing and is on our list for "next time"

Back to reading.... can you tell I am having Hawaii withdrawal?
I'm still reading this but: we must be living parallel lives - we were there the same dates and similar itineraries! Except:

Day 3 was our sunrise (6-8am reservation) walk/hike up Diamond Head - we got up at 5:30 also, but didn't make it to the parking lot until 6:30 am when the sunrisers were already coming down on our way up! (There were also some military guys running their way up and down... yikes!)

Day 4 (also Easter Sunday) we did the UTV tour at Kualoa Ranch and had wanted to going to Poi Factory for lunch but they were closed because it was Easter Sunday. It looked amazing and is on our list for "next time"

Back to reading.... can you tell I am having Hawaii withdrawal?
“Hawaii withdrawal”. I love it and I am going to steal that phrase! I wrote the majority of that recap on the flight home, which is why it was so long. Lol. It was all fresh and writing that was my coping mechanism for leaving paradise.
It’s funny because the reason we went was for my oldest daughter’s high school graduation present. She has always wanted to visit Hawaii, and being DVC members we could actually make that happen. Going into the trip we were thinking it would be our only time going, but now that we have been there we will definitely be going back. Hawaii is gorgeous.
Hawaii gets you like that. my first time was with my parents when I was in college, and since then we've gone as frequently as we have had the time and money. It had been 6 years since our last visit (in part due to covid) but now I am wanting to go again in 2-3 years.... (my 7yo who had the extreme meltdown at Hula Grill on our first night said she'd like to go back in "5 weeks") :lmao:
Can you give some details about your flights? We are also in the Eastern US, so it's 10-12 hours flight time. Did you guys fly economy? The thought of that long a flight in today's economy seats gives me chills, lol. DW probably couldn't physically do it. Knee and hip problems would make the lack of leg room for that long unbearable for her.

So we would either have to fly Southwest, which would involve multiple legs, since they don't fly directly to Hawaii from the East, or pay OMG $$$$ for Economy Plus...

Just wondering how people are handling those flights.
see above ... How did we handle the flights? not well. LOL. We'd booked late so we ended up flying all in 1 day but with a layover for 3 hours and my 7yo had a massive meltdown by dinnertime because we had all been up almost 24 hours at that point.

I have some knee arthritis as well. If I could do it over again: 1) I would find a nonstop and aim to get up and walk around a lot, or if you have miles, try to get at least economy plus or better (exit row? bulkhead seat?) or 2) if you have the time, fly to LAX, get a cheap/points/miles at an airport hotel so you sleep in a bed, and then an early AM flight the next day. We used to do this when the kids were little, didn't do it on the outbound because we Wanted to Be in Hawaii Right Away, did it on the return and everyone felt better.
Hawaii. We were even on the same floor! 12th floor Ewa Tower in a 1BR OV. We had an amazing trip but also a very different one since our kids are little. We opted to skip Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head, and Kualoa Ranch this time and do those when our kids are older (our youngest is 2).

That sounds like a great trip as well! It's funny we were there at the same time on the same floor. Your trip was obviously much different with little ones. I could definitely see the servers at Mina's not doing well with small kids. That restaurant seems to cater more to adults.
We were in Ewa on the 12th floor too! So funny!
I beg you to not leave any luggage in the vehicle at Pearl Harbor. At Peral harbor, they don't allow any bags in except for the smallest of ladies purses (not even camera bags), so you have to check all your belongings in at a nominal cost. Unfortunately, the parking lot is a hotspot for break-ins, because the thieves know they can often find wallets and purses in the vehicles when guests don't want to leave their stuff with the bag check-in desk.

So, your luggage will be a big attraction and just asking for trouble. It's probably better to do Pearl Harbor on a day you are already checked into the Hotel. I just don't think transfer day is a good day unless you leave your luggage at the hotel (either check-out or check-in one).

Noted. I made additional USS Arizona reservations for later in the afternoon. We will drive to Aulani, drop our bags, then head to Pearl Harbor.
Late to the party on this one, but I really enjoyed your recap! We are taking a SUPER similar trip March 2024 the week right before Easter. We will be at Hale Koa to start (right next door to Hilton Hawaiian Village) for about 5 days and then head to Aulani for 3-4 days (depends on what I can book at the 7 month mark!). You hit many of the places we plan to go, Kualoa, Pearl Harbor, Dole Plantation...and then plan chill/pool/beach days while at Aulani. I definitely took notes, sounds like the luau is ago! Thanks for sharing!
Late to the party on this one, but I really enjoyed your recap! We are taking a SUPER similar trip March 2024 the week right before Easter. We will be at Hale Koa to start (right next door to Hilton Hawaiian Village) for about 5 days and then head to Aulani for 3-4 days (depends on what I can book at the 7 month mark!). You hit many of the places we plan to go, Kualoa, Pearl Harbor, Dole Plantation...and then plan chill/pool/beach days while at Aulani. I definitely took notes, sounds like the luau is ago! Thanks for sharing!
Even though we just went, I am jealous of your upcoming trip. Lol. We are definitely going to plan another trip to Hawaii. You are going to have a great time!

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