"Finger Prints" to Enter Parks


Jun 11, 2003
Does anyone else think that it is DISGUSTING for Disney to make you stick your fingers in that little machine in order to use an annual pass to enter? People blow their nose and then stick their fingers in there. And, who knows where else their fingers have been before they place their fingers on the sensor?

Also, the little paper card is so flimsy, how are you suppose to keep it in good shape for a year?
You can just wash your hands when you enter the park, or carry some hand sanitizer if you're worried about it. You can keep your pass clean and neat if you put it into the little folder thing that comes with it.

You are going to touch a LOT of dirty things in WDW I suggest you carry purel with you and use it often as well as wash your hands often.
You keep the ticket in the booklet holder they gave you and keep it in a strongbox at home.
Perfectly simple.
I DID use hand sanitizer as soon as I went through the turnstyle. I just don't think that it is right that Disney forces you to touch things that other people have touched with their hands. It spreads a lot of germs. If someone has a coold and puts his/her hand in there before you, then you get his/her germs. I disagree about touching a lot of dirty things in WDW. We did NOT go on any rides and did not go around touching everything we saw. I think it should be a guest's choice as to what they have to touch. I think Disney could come up with a better way of treating their passholders.
With all due respect, do you touch/handle money? Use public restrooms? Use public transportation? Visit public buildings? Ever leave your home? If so, you will be exposed to just as many germs (if not more) doing those things as putting your fingers in the biometric scanners.

Germs are a part of life - if you want to go out in public, you have to accept that there will be germs. (You don't have to like it, but you can't change it).

IMHO, your "germaphobia" is not shared by the vast majority of Disney visitors. I doubt Disney will change its policy because of it.

Best wishes -
Originally posted by leopardspot
We did NOT go on any rides and did not go around touching everything we saw.

I know "to each their own," but that's a lot of money to fork out for APs to not ride any rides!! You're missing alot of fun!!
Originally posted by leopardspot
I DID use hand sanitizer as soon as I went through the turnstyle. I just don't think that it is right that Disney forces you to touch things that other people have touched with their hands. It spreads a lot of germs. If someone has a coold and puts his/her hand in there before you, then you get his/her germs. I disagree about touching a lot of dirty things in WDW. We did NOT go on any rides and did not go around touching everything we saw. I think it should be a guest's choice as to what they have to touch. I think Disney could come up with a better way of treating their passholders.

I think you're being a little Bill Gates-ish about this. I mean, human contact is a tenet of society. Do you refuse to shake people's hands during a greeting?
I think this is one you will just have to get over or not use an AP.

I assume while at Disney (or anyplace else) you never touch anything!!! Don't pick up any souvieners.....someone could have touched them.... Don't open a door, someone touched the door handle....

And if you are not going on any rides why did you buy an AP? What do you do? (And are you wearing a mask so you won't breath my germs)

Disney does this because they feel it is the method least likely to be "cheated" . I doubt they will change it because you have a germ fetish.
WDW dosen't make you do anything, its your choice to buy and use an AP as opposed to a PH that dosen't require biometric readings. In fact its your choice to enter the park or not!!

FYI, if you are that uncomfortable, you can also ask to by-pass the biometrics by providing picture ID each and every time you enter the parks. Many people for various reasons can't use the biometric scanner so rather than do something your not comfortable with perhaps you can explore the alternatives.

As for the durability of the pass its very hard to destroy. I have had an AP for 4 years now and have not had to replace mine due to wear and tear. If it does get compromised simply go to guest relations and they will replace it for you (with proper id).

Originally posted by leopardspot
Does anyone else think that it is DISGUSTING for Disney to make you stick your fingers in that little machine in order to use an annual pass to enter? People blow their nose and then stick their fingers in there. And, who knows where else their fingers have been before they place their fingers on the sensor?

Also, the little paper card is so flimsy, how are you suppose to keep it in good shape for a year?

WOW!! i don't know what else i could say.
The sad thing about all this obsessing about germs and anti-biotic soaps and hand sprays and generally never exposing yourself to germs is that your immune system needs to have that type of exposure in order to fight against them. You leave yourself open to the more aggressive strains that laugh at antibiotics simply because you have over used them.

Unless you wrap yourself in a plastic bubble you cannot avoid contact and you are less likely to encounter a problem with that scanner than any other thing in the worlds.

If you don't allow yourself to live for fear of exposure to germs, why bother. That's not living IMHO!
Originally posted by goofyernmost
The sad thing about all this obsessing about germs and anti-biotic soaps and hand sprays and generally never exposing yourself to germs is that your immune system needs to have that type of exposure in order to fight against them. You leave yourself open to the more aggressive strains that laugh at antibiotics simply because you have over used them.

Unless you wrap yourself in a plastic bubble you cannot avoid contact and you are less likely to encounter a problem with that scanner than any other thing in the worlds.

If you don't allow yourself to live for fear of exposure to germs, why bother. That's not living IMHO!

Ever hear George Carlin talk about people's fear of germs? It's hilarious. :earsboy:
Originally posted by leopardspot
I DID use hand sanitizer as soon as I went through the turnstyle. I just don't think that it is right that Disney forces you to touch things that other people have touched with their hands. It spreads a lot of germs. If someone has a coold and puts his/her hand in there before you, then you get his/her germs. I disagree about touching a lot of dirty things in WDW. We did NOT go on any rides and did not go around touching everything we saw. I think it should be a guest's choice as to what they have to touch. I think Disney could come up with a better way of treating their passholders.

If you are not going on ANY rides nor touching anything in the park What are you there for? what are you spending hundreds of dollars for AP passes for in the first place? and in anser to your orignial question, No I do NOT think it is Disgusting!
Originally posted by goofyernmost
The sad thing about all this obsessing about germs and anti-biotic soaps and hand sprays and generally never exposing yourself to germs is that your immune system needs to have that type of exposure in order to fight against them. You leave yourself open to the more aggressive strains that laugh at antibiotics simply because you have over used them.

i have read the same thing about all the anti-bacterial soaps. they are not really good to use all the time.

i had a guy that worked with me that did everything he could to stay away from germs and did the same with his kids, and they were at the doctor every week and i mean every week because they were always sick.

your immune system needs to have that type of exposure in order to fight against them.
this is why you need to be exposed to germs.

and of course this is IMO.:sunny:
Originally posted by bengalfreak
I think you're being a little Bill Gates-ish about this. I mean, human contact is a tenet of society. Do you refuse to shake people's hands during a greeting?

You mean Donald Trump-ish?
The biometric scanners do not work for me - not one time. I have been to the ticket counter three times at MK to try to get it straightened out. It is embarassing to me at the turnstyles when the attendant gives you instructions such as "hold fingers closer together", "too far in", etc. I even have my ID out and still have to do it anyway. I'm usually pissed for the first hour of every park visit. Even though we have different reasons, I'm glad someone else hates the scanners... and yes I know my options as well!
Originally posted by leopardspot
I DID use hand sanitizer as soon as I went through the turnstyle. I just don't think that it is right that Disney forces you to touch things that other people have touched with their hands. It spreads a lot of germs. If someone has a coold and puts his/her hand in there before you, then you get his/her germs. I disagree about touching a lot of dirty things in WDW. We did NOT go on any rides and did not go around touching everything we saw. I think it should be a guest's choice as to what they have to touch. I think Disney could come up with a better way of treating their passholders.

Wow - I think it "IS" a guests choice as the what they have to touch! As I mentioned earlier you don't have to insert your fingers, just have the CM override the system by showing a picture id.

Its a shame you didn't even take your child on Its A Small World - no Dumbo or even Winnie the Pooh?

Originally posted by Marty Joe
The biometric scanners do not work for me - not one time. I have been to the ticket counter three times at MK to try to get it straightened out. It is embarassing to me at the turnstyles when the attendant gives you instructions such as "hold fingers closer together", "too far in", etc. I even have my ID out and still have to do it anyway. I'm usually pissed for the first hour of every park visit. Even though we have different reasons, I'm glad someone else hates the scanners... and yes I know my options as well!

You know, my husband had the same problem. Turns out if you have a cut or something on of your fingers when you make the initial scan, it tries to "find" that mark everytime. Ask them to reset it for you. Since then, my husband hasn't had a problem.
I have looked up your posts (I hope you don't mind) and have noticed that you have a pattern with germs, dirt and crowds.
I really think you should talk to your Dr. about it and have him/her refer you to someone who can help you with your problem.
I have an Aunt who was the same way and after she started seeing someone about it is much better now.
I have a problem with anxiety(sp?) and it runs in my family too. I don't like crowds because of my anxiety problem- I talked to my Dr. about it and he helped me so much.
I hope for all the best for you:D !
If I were going to be bothered about the biometrics I would have to refuse to tough the turnstiles, also. How much should a person drive themselves batty worrying about everything that can possibly happen to them, especially when even if the worst result isn't that bad.

I take whatever precations I can to avoid getting sick, but that mainly means washing my hands whenever I have the chance (always after going to the restroom), not touching the door when I'm leaving a restroom, and keeping my fingers out of my mouth. Of course the hardest thing is getting my children to keep their hands out of their mouths, eyes, and other places I won't mention. :)

Aside from this I'm going to relax and have a good time. The stress of being so uptight about things in general is probably not healthy. I have a 4yo son (my 4th child) who has never had a sick dr visit. He's had his share of colds and stomach viruses, but never anything serious enough to warrant a trip to the dr.



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