Finding the real me in this body

I have been away for a while. I enjoyed allot of bad food over the holidays. Those christmas cookies kill me every year.

I started back on low carb. I have been doing strict Atkins for 16 days. I feel great. I actualy made chocolate chip cookies for my kids last week and I didn't sample any of it. I made brownies for the boys 2 days ago and again I didn't try a crumb. I just feel really determinded this time. I'm really sick over how far I let myself go. I haven't gotten on a scale, I just don't want to upset myself. So I'll keep on with Atkins. I have some goals, a big family reunion in April, summer at the Jersey shore, and I'm going to Disney in October for my birthday. I am taking the kids out of school for a week. They are young enough to get away with it. We will do the Halloween party on Halloween! And I will celebrate my birthday in Disney! I can't wait.
I'm still going strong on the eating plan. This is my 22nd day. I know I lost weight, I can feel it in my clothes. My eating plan is low carb but not quite as restrictive as Atkins induction. I am really trying to eat less, and I am not hungry. I was really worried about going to a birthday party yesterday. It was at a hall, and they had a very good caterer. My son got soo sick before the party, I couldn't go to the party. DS10 couldn't even lift his head. And every once and a while he would say "help me". I really thought I would have to take him to the hospital. He had a very sore throat and was achy with a fever. He did get a little better last night. Today I'm taking him to the Doctors. I would have been so mad at myself if I went to the party and made poor eating choice. Plus, I really want to get thinner before I go infront of a crowd of Family members again. I have a big family reunion in April. That is my next goal. To be down 2 sizes by then.

Today's menu

2 pieces of sausage
Bowl of lettuce with Olive oil & vinagar
Chicken Fajita(sp?) Just chick with Green & red peppers, no tortilla or wrap.
The season mix is like 2 grams of carbs.

I haven't taken my blood pressure since starting my low carb diet. I do plan to take it soon. I know low carb lowers BP.

With DS11 being sick this weekend and all the housework I had to do this weekend, I skipped my Disney planning. I want to make a decision on what hotels I'm booking and weather to go through AAA for my upcoming tip. If I go through AAA, I have until January 31st, to get a free years membership as a bonus.
Congrats on 22 days of healthy eating! :cheer2: I hope DS is feeling better. Sounds like maybe he has strep?
Well, you are correct. My older son had strep. He also has Pharangitis.
No my little son is sick. The DR gave me an antibiotic for him. The only problem with DS4 is that he erefuses to take any meds. Even cherry flavored Tylenol. Me & DH are going to try to get him to take meds tonight.

I've been so consumed planning my October vacation. I got a code and was able to book the room at 40% off. I had to add dining & tickets though. But it still works out great.

My eating choices have been very good. My new favorite is red bell peppers. I love them. I can eat them raw, but love them in stir frys. Really, I could skip the meat and just eat them. But that wouldn't be too healthy. They are too good not to contain carbs, so I have been watching my portions.
The good news is I now fit into a shirt that didn't fit at Christmas. It fits perfect, not even tight.

Todays plan
BF--Red Bell Peppers, about 1 cup

Lunch--did not eat--to busy planning my vacation and looking up deals on the net

Dinner--As much as I want those red bells, I'm going to have chicken & mushrooms.
Congrats on fitting into the shirt! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: Red peppers are great. They are good with hummus too and then you get some protein. Looking at your food, make sure you are eating enough calories each day. You don't want your body to go into starvation mode.

I hope DS's will be feeling better soon. Good Luck with the med's. That's tough. I guess my kids are weird. They actually like the taste of the medicine (except cough medicine - that one they really don't like.)
I'm really noticing that my clothes are getting loose. Everything is fitting better. What a good feeling that is. Today is day 29 on the diet. Still no cheats and I feel great and am not hungry. It's been about 5 years since I stuck to a diet this long. I lost a bunch of weight right before I got pregnant 4 years ago. I haven't really been on track since, until now.

I got my invitation to my Family reunion for April. I booked my hotel stay. The family dinner is at a place in South Philly, Maggiano's little Italy or something like that. I have a feeling they don't cater to low carb. I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Over the weekend I went a bit over board with red peppers & stir fry's. I definately do better on the weekdays then weekends. I eat very light during the week and graze quite a bit on the weekends. DS11 had basketball Friday night & Saturday morning. He felt good enough to play again. Our team won both games! DS11 goes to Catholic school, and we have allot of school closings and tuition increases in the next year. So, it a way it's bittersweet because things are changing. The school we beat Friday will probally close at the end of this year. Our school is not safe from closing either.

Todays plan
BF 1 piece of sausage & fried red peppers
Lunch-did not pack one--may skip because I leave work early
Dinner-Filet Mignon & green beans

CAcruisin--you are lucky that your kids take meds. DS4 is sick now and he wants no part of any meds. I've tried everything to get him to take the meds. It doesn't work. If I force him, he throws it up. I really don't know what to do. The Doctor said to weight & see what happens. He will not take tylenol, so I always have to put him in the tub to control the fever. I've tried putting meds in food, but it's like he can taste the slightest amount and refuses it. DS11 is the opposite of DS4- DS11 would take anything. DS4 is the most stubborn child I've ever seen in my life.
Congrats on your clothes fitting better! :cheer2: :cheer2: Hold onto that feeling and remember it when you feel yourself slipping. 29 days without a cheat is great. Give yourself a pat on the back! :woohoo: Don't worry about the reunion dinner now. It is still months away. Focus on the day to day right now so you will look great for that dinner! :banana:

Hope DS4 is feeling better now. :wizard:
Well I'm still on track. I'm into day 2 of the second month, so that is 33 days. I really think I need to check my BP, just to see if I'm lower then what I was a few months ago. I should be. I feel good. A few months ago I could have been hospitalized due to High blood pressure. The top number was well over 200 and the bottom was between 115 & 120. Those are scarey numbers.

I may get on the scale this weekend. I'm building up to it. My clothes that were tight are loose. I'm starting to fit into a size that was too small a month ago. I've been eating low carb, but really since I'm not hungry I cut back on portions.

The next step is to start walking. I plan to start this weekend. I've been soo busy with DS11's baseketball games. And the fact that DS11 school might be closing. The Camden Diocese in NJ is a mess. Many schools will start closing by this Monday. We won't know about our school until June. I have been checking out different schools, and really I just hope that his current school stays open. But those are just excuses. I need to walk. I just hate the cold weather. And it's been very cold in New Jersey.
Well I had my first real test this weekend. My son was invited out for a playdate to another Mothers house from school. I went. I had no idea that the playdate meant a play date for Mom's too. The other 6 Mothers brought bottles of wine and food. It was soo much fun. To our kids horror, all of the Mothers got up and danced. So I did have about 6 glasses of wine. I skipped on the food and only ate about 3 pieces of cheese. And boy did I ever feel that wine! And all that dancing, yes we all danced in the Mom's living room. What fun! I am really lokking foward to our next play date!

So I ate good with the expection of the wine on Saturday. On Superbowl Sunday, I just grazed all day on low carb foods. I'm back on track today.
Congrats on fitting into a smaller size! That sounds like quite the playday :rotfl2:
Good job sticking to low carb options and smaller portions for Superbowl Sunday too.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. It really helps.

I must be regressing in age. Last week was the play date where I got up and danced with the other Mom's. This week, a friend calls to tell me she is taking me to a David Cassidy concert. Yes, the same guy who was keith Partridge. I was in love with him when I was like 7. Man he was cute! I was invited to another Mommy play date this Friday! I really want to go! For the first time in a long time, my weight isn't holding me back even though I know I'm still really heavy. I need to stick to the eating plan. And maybe find a low carb wine for the Mommy play date.

As far as food goes, I have to cut back on the red peppers. But I love them. I've been making stir frys. And because they taste so good, I tend to keep eating way past the point of being full.

On a sad note, a dear friend of about 20 years just foundout she has non-hodgkins lymphoma. I'm so worryed about her. She will start Chemo in about a week and she is scared out of her mind. To make matters worse, she is a single Mom. I got to find a way to help her however I can.

Tonight is basketball, so that will keep me away and busy.
I did well over the weekend. I did not eat much at all. I have been on this diet since Jan 1. It is now Feb 12. So it's been about 6 weeks. I have notice a differce in the way my clothes fit. This past weekend I got out some nice shirts that were too small. They fit now. A couple are a little snug. But if I keep up the diet, I may fit well into them within 2 weeks.

I also spent a good part of the weekend shopping for clothes. I didn't go overboard, since I am still losing. I did buy 4 pair of shoes. DH just doesn't understand why I need so many pairs of shoes, since he functions on just one pair.
I made it through Valentines day and did't eat any chocolate. Its been 47 days on the diet. I still feel good. I still need to check my blood pressure. I am scared to weigh myself. I just don't want to go into shock at the number on the scale if its high. But my clothes are fitting allot better. I have to be down over 25lbs. If I could lose 10 lbs in March and another 10 in April I would be so happy.

My food choice have been good but I need to increase veggies and water.
Great job resisting the chocolate on Valentine's Day! 47 days of healthy eating :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: You should be really, really proud of yourself. That is a great accomplishment!
I'm so happy...I just booked the airfare for my Florida trip. I got Philly to orlando via Airtran for $27 per person:yay:

I only booked a one way trip so far. I'm still loking for that bargain trip home.
I feel really fat today. Really all weekend I felt bloated. I guess I'm a little down because it's been like 6 weeks since I had sugar or carbs and I still look heavy. Even though my clothes fit better I still have such a long way to go.
It seems like I'll never get to my goal. I have a big family reunion in April. I had hoped to lose 20 lbs by then. Today I just don't feel like I will make my weight goal. I guess I'm just feeling a little down. Just to be safe I'm staying away from the kitchen.

I been busy researching deals for my October vacation. It keeps me from eating. So far, I'm planning the first night at the airport Hyatt (if I can get a deal) We will arrive at 10 at night. It just makes sense to stay at the airport, or at least close by. I was lucky enough to get my flight from Philly for $27, but I had to leave a day earlier. That is why I took a late night flight. I don't want my son to miss too much school.
Then we go to the Nick hotel for 3 nights, again I'm looking for a deal. I don't want to pay $300 per night.
After all this we go to Disney & stay at Carribean Beach(5 nights). I got the 40% code in the mail to help with this one.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and walk. I heard it was going to go up to 40 degrees. It's just been to cold and icey out to walk. Maybe the excercise will kick start my weight loss.

Today I ate eggs for breakfast. I skipped lunch and just ate veggies for dinner. No meat today. I'm too tired to make anything. I made the kids speggetti & meatballs and I just went in my room. DH had off from work but he thinks cooking dinner is womens work. That really makes me mad, because I do work full time. I want the kids to eat something other then cereal or junk food, so I don't even ask DH fo help anymore.
My mood is a little better today. I actually feel as though I'm getting sick. I have a sore throat. I'm still mad at DH. He has all the food in the world to eat, but what does he eat, my chicken salad. That is always the way. He finds whatever I have hidden in the fridge and eats it.

I had a big breakfast this morning. I had 2 eggs and 4 slices of bacon. Too full after that to eat lunch. I think I'm going to have baked chicken for dinner. I'll just try to hang on and stay on track. I guess there is no easy way to lose weight. It just takes time.
I tried to take my Blood pressure this morning. The stethascope part of the monitor is missing. I tryed just by feeling the pulse and watching the dial. I didn't get a exact reading. But I do know my BP is still very high. My bottom number is around 100. The top number is at least 155. I don't get it, I thought Atkins lowered BP. Well, I gess it is lower then what it was a few months ago. Then it was like "emergency room visit" high (220 over 115). I had much more stress with my neice and BIL then. On my health, I have got to face the fact that I will have to go to the Doctors. I want to live a long life. My kids need me.

I am still feeling a bit sick. I have a very sore throat and am very tired. No walking for me. Todays food is a little difficult. Today is ash wednesday and I don't eat meat. So dinner will be interesting. I can make the kids grilled cheese or just order a pizza. I'll have a big salad and some noodleless soup. I ate green peppers this morning. I know I'm sick because nothing taste right.


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