Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust! Jenn & Kevin 10/12/14 Italy/ADH/France - The End (7/2016 New TR Link!)

Hey Jenn!

Just caught up. I am in love love love with the MOH necklace. I want it not only for my wedding but for Friday night and Saturday night and an random day I wear a funky outfit :rotfl2:

I just love everything about your wedding, maybe because we are wedding twins, but everytime I see something I'm just like "Wow, that's so awesome." Anyways, look forward to hearing more and seeing what you end up with bm dress wise
Hey Jenn!

Just caught up. I am in love love love with the MOH necklace. I want it not only for my wedding but for Friday night and Saturday night and an random day I wear a funky outfit :rotfl2:

I just love everything about your wedding, maybe because we are wedding twins, but everytime I see something I'm just like "Wow, that's so awesome." Anyways, look forward to hearing more and seeing what you end up with bm dress wise

I know, that necklace just seems PERFECT - plus my MOH specifically is pretty sold on a sweetheart neckline which I think that necklace would go great with.

I love having a wedding twin!! Feel free to steal if you see something that inspires you ;)
Those BM dresses are gorgeous options, I remember loving Bill Levkoff when I was searching the internet for options, they're my fave BM dresses. Also those green necklaces are going to look so stunning next to the royal blue dresses and ties. Such a beautiful, bright colour combination I love it--just makes me feel happy and spring-y. :goodvibes

Love the jewelry and hair options, nice and simple to complement the striking colours and your bouquet choices.
Did I ever tell you how much I love your colors? ;) The ties look really cool, where did you end up finding them?

On a different note - I love that second necklace you posted a pic of. It's simple, but really pretty! And it really looks like something that can be worn again, which to me is always a plus. Can't help you on earrings though - I actually need to go get mine re-pierced once this winter weather lets up some....I hadn't even realized they closed until a couple years ago when Raist got me a pair of earrings and I went to put them in (and I had gone long periods before without that happening). :sad: Anyways, the band your considering looks really fun. :)
Those BM dresses are gorgeous options, I remember loving Bill Levkoff when I was searching the internet for options, they're my fave BM dresses. Also those green necklaces are going to look so stunning next to the royal blue dresses and ties. Such a beautiful, bright colour combination I love it--just makes me feel happy and spring-y. :goodvibes

Love the jewelry and hair options, nice and simple to complement the striking colours and your bouquet choices.

Thank you!! I've never been a subtle pastel-y kind of person, so I'm head over heels for these colors!

Did I ever tell you how much I love your colors? ;) The ties look really cool, where did you end up finding them?

On a different note - I love that second necklace you posted a pic of. It's simple, but really pretty! And it really looks like something that can be worn again, which to me is always a plus. Can't help you on earrings though - I actually need to go get mine re-pierced once this winter weather lets up some....I hadn't even realized they closed until a couple years ago when Raist got me a pair of earrings and I went to put them in (and I had gone long periods before without that happening). :sad: Anyways, the band your considering looks really fun. :)

Those ties in particular came from I stumbled upon them when I was googling royal blue weddings and one bride used them for her groomsmen. We actually bought the green one already for my brother because it was on sale and only about $6, we already have it and it's perfect!

Oh no! Sorry about your ears! Earrings are the one jewelry item I never leave the house without (I can't even say my E-ring......I've forgotten that a few times! :headache:) so I can't imagine not wearing them on my wedding day. I might forgo the necklace entirely though - I see a TON of brides who don't even wear one and with my detailed neckline it might make more sense. At least I still have some time to figure it out.

We're going band shopping on Friday (the place Kevin bought my E-ring is having a band sale) so hopefully I'll have some updates on that next time!
It's funny how the timeline can work out where you have these tense weeks putting together your room block and contract and then the vendors and invites etc that flow on from there and then all of a sudden all goes quiet(ish) until the planning session! I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something! Looks like you're doing a great job keeping busy. I guess it's helpful you get this period where there's still plenty of time but Disney don't need anything from you just yet and you can get lots done on the non-Disney elements. Best of luck with band shopping, I almost forgot that was a thing because I already spent so long agonising over the engagement ring before all this started but fortunately I had help with the bands!
It's funny how the timeline can work out where you have these tense weeks putting together your room block and contract and then the vendors and invites etc that flow on from there and then all of a sudden all goes quiet(ish) until the planning session! I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something! Looks like you're doing a great job keeping busy. I guess it's helpful you get this period where there's still plenty of time but Disney don't need anything from you just yet and you can get lots done on the non-Disney elements. Best of luck with band shopping, I almost forgot that was a thing because I already spent so long agonising over the engagement ring before all this started but fortunately I had help with the bands!

Don't I know it! All of a sudden it seems the quiet period is over, and we've got so much to do - essentially one major wedding-related thing a weekend. I doubt it will calm down anytime soon, so it looks like we're officially full speed ahead wedding-planning wise (we'll see though - I just know I'm going to forget something like part of the guy's attire or whatnot!)
Well everyone, we had QUITE the busy weekend wedding-wise!

The Wedding Bands

(Funny story, we told DF's mom we were going to pick out wedding bands, and she was confused as why we would look for a band up here when the wedding was in Florida - as in a musical band :rotfl:)

The store where DF bought my engagement ring was having a sale this weekend on wedding bands, so we decided to go up last Friday night to browse (the location is about 40 minutes away without traffic, and DF had to work Saturday and Sunday was bridesmaid day so we really could only go Friday).

DF knew exactly what he wanted, so we started with him - something simple, in white gold to match my rings. He ended up choosing this ring:


It was 10% off - boo ya! Now it was time to focus on me - and I really didn't know what I wanted. I knew I wanted something simple, not too elaborate, nothing with diamonds all the way around the band, and nothing that would overpower my e-ring. I originally thought I wanted a flat band, which looked ok, when the woman we were working with suggested I try a band with more of a dip in it (I can't remember the actual term, bah. Forgive me, jewelers of the DIS!)

I liked this simplicity and yet detailed nature of this band, and it fit very well with my ring:

We decided to keep looking. Then we found this ring, and I was officially torn:

We got prices for both of them and then the sales-jeweler hit us with the kicker - the first ring was part of their regular stock, so it was only 10% off (like DF's ring had been). The second ring was brought in from somewhere else, and not typically in stock, and so it was 40% off! Because of this, the second ring would only be around through Sunday. I told myself I didn't have to pick a ring that night, I only had to decide if I could live without the second one - but I was just too torn. (Even being 40% off, the second ring was still the more expensive of the two.) We left only purchasing DF's ring.

After thinking about it (and getting some opinions of course) I went back up to the store with my mother on Saturday, and made my selection. Ring #2! It just seems like it is part of a set with my e-ring, and it just feels right. I'm so glad I was able to get it for almost half off to boot! The rings will be in sometime in June - everyone commented that for an October wedding we were pretty early, but I'm so glad we went to the sale. And the best part is, we bought them in New Hampshire, so no sales tax!! :woohoo:

MOB Dress Shopping

After we got my ring my mother and I made the trek down to Alfred Angelo closer to home. My mom has been dying to start MOB dress shopping, but after someone at Nordstrom's (where she's eager to go) told her she really was too early she was a little hesitant to start. So rather than making a big production of bringing all her sisters out (which we will eventually) her and I decided to just slip into AA and try some dresses on.


This one ended up being both our favorites


This one was a thanks......but no thanks


(These would be the same color of course!) - we both loved what the top did to make her look super skinny, but it just wasn't it.

She wants any dress she gets to be shortened (somewhere between ankle length and mid-calf) and she's leaning towards an eggplant color - but it was great to get started shopping. We'll probably do more of this come April.

Bridesmaid Dresses

On Sunday we returned to Alfred Angelo, this time with 75% of my bridal party - my MOH and 2 BM cousins, plus their mothers and my mother.

I knew I wanted:

*Chiffon, cobalt blue (with a possible lime green sash for MOH - AA doesn't have quite my green)
*Knee length, or roughly knee length

Other than that, I was pretty open to seeing what looked good on them, what they liked, etc. So we pulled a bunch of dresses and got to work! At this point, I was very pleased that we had booked the first appointment of the day, and were the first to arrive - the store was VERY busy, at least two other groups of BMs plus 2 brides and MOBs, but the MOBs were walk-ins so my girls were able to all have dressing rooms.

And now, some AA dress porn! Maybe this will help another bride to see some of these on real people instead of the models (though my size 0 cousin sure doesn't make things better - damn her.)

This one was an obvious no, even though I was really excited about the details on it - probably because it was too big on her.

We didn't realize till she came out this was the same dress as above! Oops...

In which we realize BM #3 looks really good in a halter (which made my poor aunt feel better - a lot of the first few dresses weren't really age appropriate for her)

Super cute, pretty close....

This was another one that I was so sure would be a contender based on the website, but ended up being pretty 'meh' in person

Sassy face for the camera! This is a truly gorgeous gown

BM #2's first gown - not quite the same

An attempt to guestimate what the dress would look like short (the only short samples they have of this one were WAY too big for my girls)

This dress actually looks MUCH better like this than on the website - it has some kind of ridiculous sleeve ties and what we called "back wings". But when tied as a halter I loved it.

This is the first time we really felt a dress click for BM #3 - it flattered her while being age appropriate.

Aaaaaaaaaand nope

At the end of the appointment, I asked everyone to get back into their favorites for one group shot:

(The red one is too big on my BM but other appointments had taken all the stores clips - bah!)

It was at this point that I really fell in love with the idea of each of them in a different dress (but having my MOH be the only strapless and the other BMs in halter tops) and in all the same color.

Even though that took an hour we still weren't quite done playing dress up, so we decided to drop in on a salon up the road that I knew carried Bill Levkoff dresses (I almost booked an appointment there but I had heard mixed reviews of their customer service, which kind of scared me off).

The shop was almost entirely empty when we showed up (just one bride), so we browsed the racks and ended up pulling almost exclusively Bill dresses to try on, many of which were instant no's.



(Continued in next post - too many images!)
(Continued from previous post)

Actually pretty........but I liked the look of the halter more.

She actually looked BEAUTIFUL in this one - we liked it a lot.

I thought she looked cute in this one, but there was some kind of hard (almost cardboard-like) material in the padding of the **** area - I don't think we could keep a straight face if we picked that one!


Nothing special to me.

Didn't stand out.

This one was super gorgeous, and the perfect neckline for what my MOH wanted.

We liked this one a lot, so much so we had BM #3 try it on....

And she liked it too! You'll notice it's a long gown - I was sure it came in a short version (famous last words).

A blurry MOH in the dress above (which I promise you she looked great in!)

We left the shop after that and went out to lunch - I didn't want to make any purchases until my last BM (in Orlando) was able to try things on. I did make two scenarios though -

Option A: Alfred Angelo dresses, where they all wear different dresses
Option B: Bill Levkoff, where the BMs are matching and MOH is the only different one

Of course, I got home that day and researched the Bills........and it turns out they don't have an EXACT shorter version :headache: They have close enough ones, so we'll see......but that alone is making me lean towards AA (that, plus price). None of this matters as much though until my last BM gets to try dresses on. I was originally going to have her go everywhere by herself, but she wanted me to go with her. I called AA at least and we figured out that I can go shopping with her during my PS trip, so long as she (and subsequently the other girls) are ready to order that day/a few days later, as that's 5 1/2 months out from the date. I'm excited about the idea though of getting to go shopping with Sinclaire, I didn't think it would happen!

WELL, wasn't that a mammoth post! This weekend we're going to Target and Macy's to do our registries (we already started the Disney Honeymoon one), next weekend is off because DF will be at a convention all weekend, and then the weekend after that is his birthday! Oh, and did I mention our planning kit is due one month from today?

Yup, we are definitely gaining momentum now. Full speed ahead to W-Day - only 215 days to go!
You were really busy! Congrats on getting your bands, especially since they were on sale. :yay: We've started looking at some, but mostly for Raist, since he's been leaning towards one with meteorite embedded in it (and we have to find one that works with our budget). I think we're holding off on mine a bit longer, since we don't know whether my ring size will change some due to some things going on right now.

Also, really love the pics of all the dresses your group tried on, and that first picture of your mom (in the light purple dress) is absolutely gorgeous - it's something that flatters and looks classic, regardless of age. It was so pretty! Some of the bridesmaid dresses were really cool (the halters seemed to flatter everyone, at least at AA), and the dress your MOH liked best looked great on her. I was actually expecting to be more impressed with the Bill Levkoff, but I wasn't. The AA dresses just seemed more flattering on your group, from the pictures. It's great that you'll be able to go shopping with the other bridesmaid too. You're going to have a busy PS trip!:)
You were really busy! Congrats on getting your bands, especially since they were on sale. :yay: We've started looking at some, but mostly for Raist, since he's been leaning towards one with meteorite embedded in it (and we have to find one that works with our budget). I think we're holding off on mine a bit longer, since we don't know whether my ring size will change some due to some things going on right now.

Also, really love the pics of all the dresses your group tried on, and that first picture of your mom (in the light purple dress) is absolutely gorgeous - it's something that flatters and looks classic, regardless of age. It was so pretty! Some of the bridesmaid dresses were really cool (the halters seemed to flatter everyone, at least at AA), and the dress your MOH liked best looked great on her. I was actually expecting to be more impressed with the Bill Levkoff, but I wasn't. The AA dresses just seemed more flattering on your group, from the pictures. It's great that you'll be able to go shopping with the other bridesmaid too. You're going to have a busy PS trip!:)

I ended up ordering my wedding band slightly bigger than what my e-ring is now, because I have a feeling I'll have to get that resized AGAIN. (5.5 was too big for the winter, but now that it's starting to creep into the 50s again 5 feels too small some days.) The jeweler on the day I ordered it said it's a common problem for New England brides to get their rings resized several times, since we have such cold winters but very hot and humid summers. I ordered my wedding band in a 5.25, and we'll see when I pick it up if I have to size up my e-ring to match (which I assume I will).

I love that purple dress on my mom (even in that color too!) She's sold on looking around more but I for one won't be forgetting that dress!

I was surprised on the Bills too, I loved them so much online and they seemed more perfect (I actually didn't like the AAs online), but at this point I'm definitely leaning towards Alfred Angelo.
Finally caught up! Everything looks wonderful. I love your plans and your colors. Your FAQs on your website are awesome and I hope you don't mind if I borrow a few as a template for when we have more information on our wedding. Can't wait to read more!!!!
The favorite dress of your mom is really beautiful on her. I like the idea of bridesmaids and MOH in different necklines - do you still want a sash for her or are you just going with the different necklines?
The dresses you liked are something I would also choose and I'm sure they will be really stunning in cobalt blue!!!

I also liked the second ring more, I think it's a great match for your e-ring!
Eager to hear more!!!
Finally caught up! Everything looks wonderful. I love your plans and your colors. Your FAQs on your website are awesome and I hope you don't mind if I borrow a few as a template for when we have more information on our wedding. Can't wait to read more!!!!

Thank you! Nice to see you commenting :goodvibes Feel free to steal anything from the website you like - some parts of it (especially the parts about WDW and the parks) where such a pain in the rear to write that I want to save other DISBrides the trouble!

The favorite dress of your mom is really beautiful on her. I like the idea of bridesmaids and MOH in different necklines - do you still want a sash for her or are you just going with the different necklines?
The dresses you liked are something I would also choose and I'm sure they will be really stunning in cobalt blue!!!

I also liked the second ring more, I think it's a great match for your e-ring!
Eager to hear more!!!

It's hard to tell in the picture, but there's a thin satin strip on MOH's dress on the waist line of the dress, in the same color as the rest. We were thinking we could perhaps have a seamstress (not sure if AA's would do it in this case, perhaps an outside one) remove the satin and replace it with a green that we bring in (again, because AA doesn't have my apple green). This is just a theory though - for all I know I could like it better all blue. Or maybe we'd just buy a big sash to tie, we'll see!
Hello friends! I had an update good to go for a few days now, but I wanted to hold off till today, since today marks

199 DAYS TILL THE WEDDING!!! :yay::yay::yay:

Yes, I'm a little excited. It seems like only yesterday it was under 300 days, and now we're under 200. Totally nuts. It's also really cool because 199 days falls the day before DF's birthday, and 99 days is just two days after mine (d'awww).

DF and I did our registry last weekend - we chose to do Macy's (mostly for the older folk), Target (mostly for the younger folk), and Disney's Honeymoon Registry (for both folk!) A lot of our college friends are still living at home/just getting on their feet, so it was important to us to have something friendly to their budget as it was important to our parents to have something attractive for the more traditional crowd.

We went to Macy's first to set things up, and man do they run a tight ship. Our wedding consultant woman was nice enough and all, but things took a turn for the annoying real fast.

At Macy's (she explains), they have a program you can sign up for to get a check or gift card about a month after your wedding with 10% of the total cost people spent on you. The only caveat is, you need a Macy's credit card to use this, which neither of us have, nor were we interested in opening one. We politely declined, but Crazy Eyes (as we'll call her) just would not take no for an answer.

"Oh, you can just open it, you don't even have to use it!" Thanks, but we're all set.

"It's really great to have for your credit!" No, thank you (and who actually believes that?)

"You can use it as an emergency card!" Ok listen lady, just accept the fact that you are not getting a card out of us and move along.

Finally Crazy Eyes relinquishes the fancy wedding gun we've heard so much about, gives it to Kevin explaining how to add additional items, delete things, etc, and casually throws in "so you can go off and pick our knives and the electronics, while she [me] can pick out the kitchenware!"

:mad: Or, it's not the 50s, I actually leave the kitchen, and maybe we want both of our opinions to actually go into this? We were pretty miffed.

Needless to say, Crazy Eyes pretty much ruined our experience with Macy's. She kept following us around the store, popping up behind stack of omelet pans and suitcase mountains after we made it pretty clear via body language and lack of responses that we really preferred to work on our own. We really left sooner than I would have preferred because Crazy Eyes just. wouldn't. leave. us. alone. We've since gotten 1 voicemail and 2 e-mails from her thanking us for registering at Macy's and reminding us that we can sign up for a Macy's credit card at any time! :badpc:

That being said, Target was much better. A simple 'congrats, here's your gun, let us know if you have questions' and otherwise we were left alone. We loved it, and even found some things (like kitchen appliances) that we have put on at Macy's we plan to switch over to Target if the pricing is better.

Moving on........the brooch bouquet is coming along well enough, I have about 30 blue brooches so far:


I've started to realize that the majority are more of a matte, solid blue rather than a shiny rhinestone blue (which makes sense since the majority are all from the same eBay seller), so I've decided to stay off eBay for awhile. I did find someone on Etsy with some great blue rhinestone brooches, and put a massive order in my shopping cart there (55 in total) but I can't get it quite yet. It's a decent value though - comes out to $1.67 a brooch including shipping. Hopefully I can purchase that soon.

I'm pretty set on this bracelet for my bridal attire - $20 on ModCloth


I want a headband that complements it, but I can't decide between these - I need to pick soon though, as all come from Etsy and I want to make sure I have it in time for the planning session (and hair and makeup trial) in just 35 days (eep!)

Opinions DISBrides?





I will also be wearing my hair down and curled (as I think I mentioned before).

Finally, I bought a veil! $20 something on eBay. I'm still not 100% sure if I'll wear it (and may go looking for another one if I don't), but I know I won't be wearing it for the reception so I didn't want to spend tons of money on it.


I didn't get a picture of the thing itself, because a) it's incredibly wrinkled and b) Kevin came home almost as soon as I put it away in our spare room, and promptly declared it was 'too close' to my wedding dress for him to see it, and wanted it out of the apartment ASAP (which led to a hilarious week of him unable to get more toilet paper/the ironing board/laundry basket as my veil hid in the closet!) I've since gotten the OK from DF to have jewelry & shoes delivered to the apartment - apparently that won't spoil "my look" as much as the veil :lmao:

Off to go tweak the registry!
Interesting registry experience you two had - but now you got the first story that reminds you of the whole wedding experience!

The bracelet is really gorgeous! I'd go for the first headband, but they'll all look great especially with curly hair!
Your DF is really cute trying to not see a piece of your wedding attire - though I guess it could sometimes get a little annoying, when you want to order everything (I'm also an 'etsy addict', so I can imagine).

I'm eager to hear more!!!
I'm sorry about your Macy's experience. I would not have been happy at all.

Yay for the veil! That's great! I should look for mine on ebay since I know I want to wear it for the ceremony, but I'm pretty sure I'll take it off for the reception.
Interesting registry experience you two had - but now you got the first story that reminds you of the whole wedding experience!

The bracelet is really gorgeous! I'd go for the first headband, but they'll all look great especially with curly hair!
Your DF is really cute trying to not see a piece of your wedding attire - though I guess it could sometimes get a little annoying, when you want to order everything (I'm also an 'etsy addict', so I can imagine).

I'm eager to hear more!!!

DF is actually being super adorable about the veil thing (or at least, I think so) and he definitely doesn't object to much else of my 'attire' coming to the apartment (ie, he's seen all my brooches for the brooch bouquet, and has already OK'd the jewelry and shoes to come directly here once I get them - the veil was just too bridal I guess :lmao:

I'm sorry about your Macy's experience. I would not have been happy at all.

Yay for the veil! That's great! I should look for mine on ebay since I know I want to wear it for the ceremony, but I'm pretty sure I'll take it off for the reception.

Part of me regrets we didn't speak to someone formally about her behavior - I understand there's probably a commission aspect to the business (especially concerning credit cards) and maybe plenty of other customers prefer the registry consultant to be more hands-on with them, but she should have known to pay attention to our individual reactions and know when to back off. Needless to say, we'll be going to a different Macy's if we want to revisit potential items in-person. If the calls & e-mails keep up I'll say something for sure.

If you're looking for a cheap veil, I almost went with something from Light in the Box. I really adored their prices but ultimately there wasn't anything I wanted. You should check them out!
Hi everyone!

Not too much happening on this end - our wedding planning took a bit of a stall this week, since I was in the hospital with food poisoning over the weekend :sick: Utterly awful experience, but DF was such an absolute sweetheart and a gem through it all. I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

We finally sat down and filled out the planning kit and made our menu tasting selections, which are as follows (we're using the Briar Rose brunch buffet as a base):

* Maple Ginger-lacquered Roasted and Pressed Pork Loin with Fig Compote
* Grilled Chicken with Wild Mushroom Ragoût and Pinot Reduction
* Parmesan-crusted Chicken Marsala
* Pasta with Wild Mushrooms, Roasted Tomatoes Confit, Spinach, and Asiago Cream Sauce
* Brioche French Toast with Caramelized Bananas Foster and Whipped Cream
* Yukon Gold Potatoes topped with Aged Cheddar, Chive Sour Cream, and Crisp Prosciutto
* Creamy Parmesan and Champagne Risotto topped with Crab Gremolata (No Crab, DF has a shellfish allergy)
* Grown-up Truffle Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Meat Salad (No Lobster, again cause of DF's allergy)

We're mostly going into the tasting to decide on our protein for the event (the pork sounds odd, but we're cutting the salmon in the menu, so maybe we'll keep the pork and a chicken). We also picked the french toast so I can decide if I can live without it (we're 100% adding a Mickey waffle station) and the 3 starches from the martini action station to see if we want them all! Out of the two of us I'm waaaaaaaay more of a foodie so I'm so excited.

We also finalized our schedule for the trip - DF is horrified as he is very anti-planning when it comes to his WDW trips (he prefers to go with the flow), but we have so much to get done in so little time that there's really no other way. This really is a business trip over pleasure!

Planning Trip Schedule

Thursday, May 1st:
7:00am: Train to Boston (DF and I live next to the commuter train into the city), connect to subway
8:15am: Arrive at Boston Logan
10:00am: Southwest Airlines Flight to Atlanta/Orlando (stopover, no change in planes)
2:45pm: Arrive at MCO, Magical Express to Pop Century
4:00pm-5:30pm: MUAH Trial with Patricia LeJeune
5:30pm-on: Dinner with parents, most likely ESPN Club (it'll be hockey playoff season!), possibly stop by Atlantic Dance Hall (we've never actually been inside!)

Friday, May 2nd
8:50am: Taxi to Boardwalk Inn from Pop Century (10 mins)
9:15am: Meet planner in Boardwalk Convention Center Lobby
9:30am-11:30am: Menu Tasting with Boardwalk Kitchen
11:30am-1:00pm: Free time, travel from Boardwalk Inn to Grand Floridian
• Bus to Magic Kingdom, monorail to Grand Floridian (monorail resort hopping?)
1:00pm-5:00pm: Planning Session at Franck’s at Wedding Pavillion
5:00pm-on: Free time (Packet pick-up till 7:00pm at ESPN Complex, bus from Pop)

Saturday May 3rd
9:00am-3:00pm: Packet pick-up at ESPN if not the night before (Bus from Pop)
10:30am: Meet Roots for coffee (location TBD, time flexible, can be moved as late as 2:00pm)
11:00am-8:00pm: Free time, take nap
~8:00pm-10:00pm: Bus to Animal Kingdom from Pop Century
10:00pm-2:00am: Expedition Everest 5K Challenge & after party, bus back to Pop Century

Sunday, May 4th
11:15am: Pick-up by Sinclaire at Pop Century
12:00pm: Bridesmaid dress shopping w/Sinclaire at Alfred Angelo
~2:30pm: Magical Express pick-up at Pop Century Resort
5:30pm: Southwest Airlines Flight to Atlanta
7:00pm-9:00pm: Layover in Atlanta, change planes
9:00pm: AirTran Flight to Boston
11:40pm: Arrive in Boston, taxi or car back to apartment

We are BUSY! I have my fingers crossed we'll be able to squeeze in a park day on Saturday (DF's parents found some old tickets somewhere that may still be valid), since neither of us have ever seen Flower & Garden (plus, FOOD BOOTHS!), but I won't hold my breath. If park time doesn't materialize, I'll probably move the bridesmaid shopping to Saturday so we won't be as rushed.

Just 27 days till we're back at the most magical place on Earth!! :hyper: It's so hard to focus on anything else, so I'm hoping work/other life obligations will swoop in and distract me before then!
That menu looks awesome!

My DF and I are actually going to be there those same days! We are staying at the Caribbean Beach Resort and Boardwalk Inn! Looks like a fun-filled weekend!!


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