Explosive-o's! An August Trip Report (FINISHED 1/11!)

A Little Sci-Fi, A Little Frozen​

We had a 2:05 ADR for lunch that day. Anyone want to guess where?
Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Yup, Sci-Fi Cafe.

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Jem's never eaten there and I hadn't been there since I was about 16. I know it doesn't have the best reviews but we figured we'd give it a shot and see how it was for ourselves. We were sat in a car with three two-tops – there was a family of four in front of us, and then us. We were right next to the door you come in to enter. We had a great waitress who was on the ball and always there when we needed her.

My appetizer was spinach-artichoke dip which was pretty good.

My Angus burger was actually very good. I'm not a big burger fan but I ate pretty much all of this; there was probably a bite or two left but it's because I got an appetizer made for two people just for myself.

And for dessert I got myself an oreo milkshake.

It was yummy. Jem got a chocolate milkshake, a sald (I didn't mark down what type but I'm making an educated guess and saying that it's the Area 51 salad since that's the only one they have), the salmon blt, and the doughnut. All in all, it was a much more enjoyable experience then I remember it being and both of us thought it was a nice, light, summery lunch.

When we left we headed over to our 3:30 Muppets FP+. We didn't need it but with the limits to the Studios FP+ variety we didn't have a lot of choices. Besides, we love Muppets. The woman who let us in to the theatre made us take a pledge - “I vow that I will be patriotic and walk as far down the row as I can filling in all the available space.”

New Englander confession: “patriotic” was originally “Patriotic” until I realized I wasn't writing about the Pats.

Anyway, when we left Muppets it was spitting rain slightly. We headed over to Oaken's Trading Post and poked around inside.

At some point we had picked up a Standby card for the Frozen singalong at 5. So after looking around the Trading Post and not finding anything of interest (my mum had bought us the Anna and Elsa pins when they were in Disney as thank you presents for dog sitting) we headed back to wait in line. We ended up sitting in the very back row (minus the handicapped seating) of the front-center section, which was a great place to sit!

And tus might I present to you the best photos I took while at the sing-along? You can find more on my Flickr.

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0298 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0316 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0329 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0335 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

It was really a lot of fun. I wasn't all that sure about it, because I'm not a huge fan of the Frozen-ization of Disney but I think it was a great time for both parents and kids!

When we left we took one last trip on Star Tours before leaving Studios. We were back in our room by 7. When we got back we talked about what we wanted to do and decided to get changed out of our sweaty clothes and go back out. So we changed and headed back out.
Facing Fear #2
We got to Magic Kingdom around 8. We headed on over to Frontierland to try and get on the mountains but either the lines were too long or we were just not feeling it. We headed on over to Tomorrowland to get on to the TTA since it had been closed for refurb the day before but it was closed. We decided to do the Carousel of Progress again and were quite disappointed to see that a family was in our seats (it was a bunch of girls with their grandma and baby brother – grandma just seemed so glad to be sitting). The girls seemed to enjoy the show and we sang along like normal. They joined in with us on the last verse.

Things were still really crowded so we took the back path back to Fantasyland. Small World had a short 5 minute wait and we hadn't ridden it yet so we hopped in line. I took this picture of my favorite part:

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

There's just something about that elephant, I don't know what it is but I'm in love with him.

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

By the time we got off the parade had ended and Celebrate the Magic was beginning. We were hungry and decided to risk shoving through the group of people crowding at Sleepy Hollow to get ourselves a wonderful funnel cake. It was worth it – we hadn't eaten since 2 that afternoon and it was now 10. We sat down at the tables over by Columbia Harbor House and enjoyed our funnel cake as we watched a bit of Wishes. No pictures though; it was pretty much inhaled. I don't think either of us realized how hungry we were til we started eating!

Halfway through Wishes we decided to go down towards Splash and Thunder. Thunder had a 40 minute wait still but Splash only had a 20 minute wait as it was going to be closing soon. We had a FP+ for Splash on Saturday but Jem decided that she was going to face both her fears in one day. There was almost a moment when she turned around and didn't do it but we got her on. We were in the second row. While we were going down the first decent hill Jem got really wet. And when we went down the final hill (with a lot of freaking out on her part) she got completely drenched. Seriously, horribly drenched. It was only her and the guy in front of me – the rest of us on the log were all completely dry. I took a pathetic picture of her soaking wet and pouting for our mothers that I am under strict pinky promises not to share with the rest of the world but let's say it's not pretty.

We used the restroom and walked over to Thunder. The park was dying down and the line was only 20 minutes long so we got on for a night ride. We then headed over to the Jungle Cruise. We always seem to do it at night for some reason. Anyway, our skipper reminded me a lot of Jim Gaffigan. But he wasn't alayws using “Disney-friendly” jokes. Nothing was necessarily inappropriate, but it was a little offensive at times. We decided to call it a night after that then headed back to Caribbean Beach. We were back by 12:21 and I thought it was a weird time to be back so I made a note of it.
Soarin', Flyin'​

We were up by 8 this morning. This was fast becoming a real sleep-in vacation for us, which is weird. Also our breaks were weird, but really needed. We're thinking of going to California next summer and I should be going back to Florida sometime this spring – I don't think I'll know what to do with myself without the heat again!

Anyway, we were out and to our destination by 9:20. No time for pictures right away – we got to Epcot kind of later than we anticipated and we needed to make it for our first FP+ of the day – Soarin', which expired at 10 and we figured if we stopped for pictures we'd never make it. So we enjoyed our lovely trip over California and went over to Sunshine Seasons for iced coffee. It wasn't the best iced coffee in the world, but it was some caffeine. We didn't want to eat breakfast because we had a ridiculously early lunch today.

Anyway, while we were sitting Jem saw a guy with a really awesome travel-style Tatooine shirt. She went over to ask him where he had gotten it but he had no idea – his wife had gotten it for him as a present. So, if anyone out there knows where to get a Tatooine shirt that was orange let me know!

(man, remember when I said I took more pictures today? I was a big, fat, liar wasn't I? I failed this trip, sorry guys!)

Since we were there, we hopped onto Livin' With the Land. It was enjoyable minus the woman a couple rows in front of us who was using it as a place to sit and make phone calls. Lady, we actually enjoy Livin' with the Land (even if we do mockingly sing the old Livin' With the Land theme constantly).

We left the Land and headed to the Imagination pavillion. We had a little purple dragon to visit. Jem loves Figment. And we had a mission to find her a new Figment as the one she had when she was a toddler has gone missing. So we rode along, holding our breath in all the right places, and headed over to the small dump shop. We did stop along the way to make our new friend Bertha:

We found lots of Figments in the dump shop. Jem was in Figment heaven! She found a little magnetic Figment and then a big Figment. I couldn't help but snap this picture, which is probably one of my favorite I took this trip:

Lookit how cute it is? It looks like Figment's laughing with her! She decided the big Figment wasn't practical but got the itty bitty Figment to wear on her bag the rest of the trip.

We still had a decent amount of time before our next FP+ and our lunch ADR so we had headed over to the Living Seas.

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We got there right around the same time that the diving instruction was starting so we stood around to watch it for a little bit:

It was getting close to 11 (my goodness, how did we manage all this before 11?!) so we headed on over to Spaceship Earth for our FP+. It was definitely needed on this day – it was a ridiculously long line, even for the FP+ line. We enjoyed our ride through the past and into the future before deciding it was a good time to head on over to World Showcase for our meal.
Facing My Fears
Confession Time: While I've been talking all this time about all these things Jem was trying I completely ignored the fact that I had my own big milestone to go over.

See, I hate Mexican food.

I have since I was in middle school and I've never been able to get over it. But ever since we started going to Disney together the one thing that Jem has continually talked about has been going to eat at San Angel Inn, if only for the atmosphere. I finally allowed my arm to be twisted this trip since we had the D+DDP and I knew we had a dinner planned that I definitely liked so if I wasn't able to eat more than a little bit I knew I'd still eat later.

We had an early ADR – 11:59 AM to be exact. I have to admit, eating here was definitely on my bucket list too; I mean the ambiance is amazing!

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We were seated rather quickly. We weren't at the railing so we couldn't watch the boats go by, but we were at a two top one table over so we had a great view of the pyramid.

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

(Jem and I had the same meal here so it's really easy to tell you about it :))

We were seated and got our normal diet coke/water combo and ordered our appetizer and entree pretty quickly. Though, if you look at the first picture you can tell that it wasn't all that full yet. Instead of a bread service we were brought chips and salsa. I'm not a big salsa person but since it was housemade and you know, I was trying to try new things (since I had just forced Jem on not one but two rides that scared her the day before) and I'm very glad that I tried it!! Especially the green salsa. It was a nice, sweet salsa and I would eat salsa and chips constantly if I could have that stuff again.

Our appetizers came in an amazing fashion. They bring it all out dry and then pour the broth on top so it doesn't get soggy.

We both got the Sopa Azteca:

(picture quality is horrible because it's just too darn dark in there). It was really good. I loved it. I was definitely convinced that this was going to be the one thing I would really like at the meal and was completely okay with that.

Our entree came at a fairly decent pace. It was starting to fill up there but they were attentive and both our server and our server-in-training made sure we had enough to drink without being overbearing. We both got the tacos con carne:

These were also great, and I loved the avocado on top. Even the refried beans were awesome – both Jem and I loved them and neither of us like beans that much (I like beans and rice, especially Puerto Rican-style, but it's one of the only way I'll eat pink or black beans). They definitely had a ton of cheese in them, though, so that could be why. Either way we pretty much ate large portions of everything and even though we didn't clean our plates we were very, very satisfied.

We both got a nice, light dessert:

That'd be the crema Bavaria and it is a wonderful, flan-like consistency. I'm hit or miss with this consistency for desserts (sometimes I think they're flavorless) but I heard so many great things about this one that I had to try – and add me to the list of people who enjoy this!

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this meal and I would definitely go back again. The ambiance is great, the prices are good, the food in underrated, and the service was very good. Our one complaint is the size of the two-tops. When we had the chips and the small lamp on our table we really didn't have all that much room anymore.

We used the restrooms and headed out of the restaurant. We quickly got onto El Rio de Tiempo and took a quick boat ride.

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We left the Mexico pavillion and quickly realized two things:
1. We had just missed the time for our Mission Space FP+
2. Jem had left her hat in the restaurant.

Jem decided to not go back for her hatand instead suggested we go see what the standby line was like for Mission Space. Since it was only twenty minutes we hopped in line.

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We were the only people in our mission room who were not a part of a very large, very jovial family of parents and a bunch of college-age cousins. They were quoting Forrest Gump during the entire pre-show. We were on with the parents, who had never been on Mission Space before. We had fun as we always do! Of course, we just stay on the Green side, but it still is a lot of fun.

We left Epcot around this time to get changed and cool off a bit – it was hot! Not as hot as it was going to get but it definitely was taking its toll. We ended up getting back to the hotel around 2 and we kind of just relaxed. We didn't really nap but we were there for more than a few minutes.
Hot, Hot, Hot​

When we got back to our room the women from housekeeping had put our Olafs in the windows so they were waiting and waving at us.

We hung out in the room for a half hour or so before heading out. We waited for a bus for a while before finally the bus pulled up for the Magic Kingdom. We got there by 4.

Hoooooboy it was packed and hot! So we started a slow journey down Main Street. I took the opportunity to take some pictures:

(lookit that crowd – I'm so not used to it after four consecutive off-season trips!)

Quick selfie to send to the mums:

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We walked around the castle and into Fantasyland, kind of dragged down by the heat. We hid under the ledge of Sir Mickey's in the shade, trying to think of a game plan. I kept taking pictures.

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We looked around inside for a little bit and I took this picture of the decorations near the drop-off point for the Anna/Elsa Meet & Greet because I thought they were pretty

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Then we headed out to try and find something to do

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We finally found something with a wait under an hour – Philharmagic. We hopped in line and managed to get in to a show pretty quickly. We enjoyed our second Philharmagic of the trip and went back to the castle. We were told we had to wait another five minutes before we could check into our ADR for the evening so we just stood next to the desk watching little kids coming out of Bibbity Bobbity Boutique (they're too cute!) and were quickly able to check in and were brought in to see Cinderella. Our picture came out surprisingly well!

The wait though! Oh dear lord! It was PACKED in that room, worse than I've ever seen it and I have been to Cinderella's Royal Table during peak season before. We were sitting in the fireplace which I found kind of ironic. I amused myself by taking some pictures. Most didn't come out so well but these few did:

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

It took about a half hour of sitting packed like sardines I heard the poor little Vietnamese CM who had been put in charge of trying to pronounce everyone's last name. I swear there were some of the hardest last names ever there that night! Mine included, but at least it's short. We were whisked upstairs for our evening's dinner!
Eating in the Castle At Sunset​

Cinderella's Royal Table is one of my favorite places to eat. I know it's cheesy and geared more towards kids and you're paying more for ambiance than food, but I still love it. I don't know, maybe I'm just a little kid at heart.

Maybe I just really like getting a toy wand?

Yeah, it's probably the toy wand.

I had made a joke about being sat at our “usual” two-top next to the windows just before we were brought upstairs. We weren't exactly where we usually sit (we've almost always sat at the center two-top right next to the window) but we were pretty darn close!

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

When we were first seated we weren't given wands and Jem was pretty upset. It was the first time ever we weren't given wands. I figured it was because it was so busy they needed to save them all for the little kids but we were still kind of bummed.

We had a great waitress! She was an older woman (probably only in her 50s), really friendly and nice and slipped us wands (without us mentioning them or anything) just before the wishing ceremony when she realized we didn't have any. She was very complimentary of my necklace and wanted to know where I got it. When I said it was from Hot Topic she was excited to go and find some good pieces for herself.

Jem got herself the castle salad, which I did not take a picture of.

I got myself the strawberry salad (which was the first salad I ever ate when I was in my teens so all strawberry salads have a soft spot in my heart):

I remember when this salad was much smaller. This portion is gigantic but it's still very good. I ate all of it.

At some point during our meal the princesses began to appear. Snow White was first and was very complimentary of my necklace. Jem asked if she could find Sleepy on my necklace and she rattled off every dwarf in order on my necklace. She was honestly one of the best Snow Whites I've seen in a long time. And that's a compliment. I'm not a huge fan of Snow White (my students favorite thing is me doing my “Snow White” voice because they know my dislike of her) but I really love her as a face character when she's good.

Aurora was next. She and Tiana are my two favorite princesses and I adore her “new” dress. I know it's been out for a while now but it's the first time I've ever seen it in person and all the princesses new dresses are such a breath of fresh air.

Before our entree came Ariel swam by. She was amazingly bubbly and bright and I loved her. She's Jem's favorite next to Rapunzel....and I look really proud of myself here, and I have no idea why

After Ariel swam away our entrees came. I got the fish of the day which ended up being salmon in...black quinoa or something. I don't know, it's grainy and good that's all I know. It was a nice light meal after the tacos from earlier!

I managed – miracle of miracles – to get a picture of Jem's entree too! Mostly because my mother asked for a picture of it because, and I quote, “I don't like salmon, what did Jem get?” Thank, mum. Love you too. Anyway, Jem got the pork chop:

She said it was really good. Since she ate most of it – and she never eats all of her food – I'd say that's a pretty big compliment!

While we were eating our final princess came by. She was a sweet enough Jasmine but she didn't leave a big lasting impression on me. She was really good with the little boy a few tables over whose favorite princess was Jasmine though – she gave him lots of hugs and attention and he was beaming from ear to ear (he was like 3-4 at most and adorable).

Finally, dessert came. Jem got the dessert trio and I had a picture of it but apparently I do not have a copy of it anymore. I got the clock strikes twelve primarily because my parents' best friend Rob got it and sent a picture of it to me while they were down in Disney a few weeks earlier and I really wanted to try it:

I'm glad that I did. It was a nice, light mousse and a great ending to the meal!
Disney Sunsets Are the Best Sunsets​

We left the castle after using the World's smallest bathroom (also the World's most glittery bathroom thanks to all the little girls getting their makeovers and sparkly dresses and then going to have breakfast/lunch/dinner with the princesses). While we were in there Jem gave some glitter-saving advice to a mum in there who was around our age and had her daughter and her friend's daughter in there with her. Her advice was to use hairspray on the dress to adhere the glitter to them (hey, it may be helpful to someone else here!)

We went to Tomorrowland and road the TTA, hoping it would help clear out some crowds and/or once the sun started setting the heat would break a bit. Sadly neither happened so we kind of meandered back to Fantasyland. We tried to get some good pictures of Seven Dwarves' Mine Train:

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Then I started taking some pictures of the sunset around Fantasyland. I love Fantasyland at sunset – the gold on the spires is just my favorite thing!

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

While we were standing around Jem decided to try out my camera – it's a little point and shoot Nikon but it's got some punch to it. It's taken some of the best pictures I've ever gotten in Disney and I have to admit I wasn't at all regretting the fact that I left my big Nikon at home. She took this picture of my necklace because she thought it was cute.

We popped back into the Philharmagic dump shop since we hadn't gotten the chance to go into it earlier. It was also getting so hot that we needed a break from the heat.

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We made our rounds, ostensibly heading towards Haunted Mansion. We stopped to enjoy the Tangled bathrooms because they're just too perfect. Especially at sunset.

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Haunted Mansion's line was just ridiculous. It was at 40 minutes but the line looked longer than that. And it was just too hot to stand in the line and wait. We headed into Frontierland.

The literature nerd in me loves this small touch:
Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

And Splash just looks awesome
Weds. 6 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We decided to just head out. It was too hot, too crowded, and we needed to be up really early for breakfast the next morning so we called it a night.

So we were leaving and we heard someone complaining about their friend Sora's hair. Jem didn't hear it, as I'm generally listening to everything around me more than anyone else ever does. It's actually a really bad habit because I don't actually listen to the people with me while I'm doing it (as Jem is really, really used to). Anyway, I was confused but let the comment slideand went about my merry way to our bus. We managed to just make a bus – one of the new slinky buses for 120 people that had like...6 people on it. We went and sat right next to the back door, mostly to watch the slinky part in action. It's not like we haven't seen that in action before – a lot of the T cars have it – but it's still neat to watch! While on the bus there was a Sora and a Kairi cosplayer. We were both a bit confused but at least now the comment I had heard while walking past Casey's made more sense!

We got back to Jamaica and into our hotel room by 9:30. We showered and got into bed, setting our alarms early so that we could get to breakfast bright and early!
Going on Safari!​

I'm not sure anyone's reading this but I figure I'll keep on going just to have a record for myself. If you guys are reading let me know! I feel like I'm talking to no one right now! I hope I'm not too boring :(

We were up by 6:30 on Thursday. I have that I was up at 6:15 and I always get up like 15 minutes before my alarm. I love it in Disney coz we can get ready faster but I hate it every morning when I go to work.

We got dressed for the day and left for Animal Kingdom. We were there by 7:30 and had some really nice, friendly security guards working. We actually had some great security guard interactions this year, which is really different than it has been in a few years. Not that the security guards have ever been mean to us, but they're usually in zombie survival mode when we get to them. It was a nice change to catch them at the beginning of their shift!

We were let in around 8. We had to stand in line at the gate for about a half an hour because there was a truck that had broken down inside the park while doing the morning checks on the animals and they had to call a tow to get it. But it didn't matter! We were in Animal Kingdom before it was open!

Except...it wasn't as majestic as I thought it would be. It had a lot to do with the massive amounts of walls everywhere. I don't know. But it was nice to walk around the park before really anyone was in it!

Of course I didn't take any pictures. Why would I? I suck at it apparently. Also, we were on a mission!

We got to Tusker House with no incident. I was a little confused with the new entrance, but it's probably only new to me. I haven't eaten at Tusker House since before it was a table service restaurant and had been avoiding it for years because I was so upset that they had changed my favorite counter service restaurant in Disney into a table service character meal. Understand, this happened when I was in high school so this is a long grudge here. Almost ten years!

Then, last summer my parents went to Tusker House for breakfast and raved about the food and told me they had Daisy. That's pretty much all you need to tell me about a character meal – Daisy is slowly gaining in popularity thanks to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but she's still not seen all the time and I couldn't pass it up. Jem had never eaten in Tusker House at all so we had to try it.

We were called in fairly fast – only to realize that there was another group using my full first name and the woman hadn't realized that she had to call last names as well. So we walked back out and waited another five minutes before we were called in. We were a little sad to be shunted into the back of the completely empty restaurant right next to an exit door. We waited for a few minutes, longer than the other scattered groups when a waitress came by to get us some juice. She told us we weren't her table but she didn't want us waiting for too long and to go ahead and grab some food and she'd send Rudi to us and that Rudi was awesome so we were in a great area.

I admit, I didn't trust her.

But I did trust that for once at 8 am I was hungry and there was a giant buffet waiting for me so we cruised over to the buffet.

By the time we had come back Rudi had dropped off some coffee for us and came back over to ask if we wanted anything else to drink besides the juice and the coffee. And I have to admit he was always there to fill up everything faster than I ever expected and he really was a great, nice waiter. He went from me not really being sure about him to getting one of the larger tips we left this trip.

What'd I get to eat? This!

Let's see if I can remember this! Um...clockwise from the top: tater tots, sausage patty, Mickey waffle, fruit in yogurt, banana cinnamon bread pudding, mealie pop (under the bread), corn bread and orange bread, and ham and cheese frittata. I pretty much devoured everything but the bread pudding and that's not because it, like everything else, was great, but because I took a bit too much than necessary (because I didn't feel like breaking up the scoop-full that came up when I grabbed some).

Pretty quickly the characters were coming around, starting with Mr. Duck!

We got a bit backed up because the couple behind us didn't want any pictures, just wanted to wave and say hi to the characters and enjoy their breakfast so when Daisy came to us, Goofy went to the larger family next to us and then switched. I was okay with that; Goofy may be my grandmother's favorite and I'll take all pictures with him that I can just for her, but Daisy's my girl.

Finally it was the main mouse himself.

Rudi was really great getting into our little cramped area with all these characters and kids around and managed to check our wristbands and drop off the receipt so we could do the tip without getting in anyone's way. I think he's been working there since they changed over to a TS restaurant because I heard the people behind us mention that they always sat in his section whenever they could because they loved his service.

Before leaving we took some pictures of the inside:
Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Cashed out and so very full we walked out into a bustling Kilamanjaro. The band was already playing and let me tell you that it was hot. It was barely 9 am and the drummers were sweating like I've only ever seen them do right at midday. We walked past them for now and headed for our first FP+ of the day – the Safari.

Our original idea was to get the FP+ if we needed it but change it if the line wasn't too long. It was so hot that honestly we didn't feel like standing in line so we just used our FP+ and hopped into the line.

I did well at first not to take pictures of the animals. I'm notorious for taking a million and a half pictures. I got as far as the hippos before I broke that vow. Up next, safari pictures:

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We got off and had to make a tough choice: go look at the gorillas like normal or go find a new ride. The heat answered for us – we couldn't really take being in the jungle trek so we headed to Asia. The bird show wasn't starting yet so we kept walking.

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Everest was a pretty longish wait so we kept on going. We had a FP+ for it anyway. So we headed into Dinoland USA and to Dinosaur. It's our favorite and while the line said it was 25 minutes it was definitely longer than that. It didn't matter though because the entire line was inside for once and as we said to the people around us who were having the same exact conversation: I've waited in a much longer line and at least it's air conditioned!

We got our iguanadon and slipped into the Finding Nemo show just after it started (just as Marlin found out they were going to the Drop Off). We sat in the very back and enjoyed every bit of it, though about halfway through the end, well before the bows. We left during bows (clap and walk, people, clap and walk) to make it to our Everest FP+.

We rode Everest and hit a rut. It was hot. We were standing in front of Yak & Yeti for about twenty minutes watching kids trying to get Wilderness Explorer patches, and we just could not take it. It wasn't even noon yet and it was 113 degrees Farenheit. Since we had to get ready and get dressed for Jem's much-belated birthday present we decided we'd leave and get lunch at OPR instead of staying in this heat. We honestly couldn't think we were so hot so we decided it was probably the best idea.

Off we went and we were back to the hotel by 1!
Keep calm and report on! I'm reading!! Love your MK sunset pictures...inspired me to try to do the same thing! I like that you're honest about the heat and how it affected your touring. I've never been there during the summer, and it's always because of that. Looking forward to more!
Keep calm and report on! I'm reading!! Love your MK sunset pictures...inspired me to try to do the same thing! I like that you're honest about the heat and how it affected your touring. I've never been there during the summer, and it's always because of that. Looking forward to more!

Thanks BurleyGirl! It just gets frustrating/sad/uninspiring to write and never hear back from everyone. I always feel like a thread killer or invisible on message boards and the lack of feedback isn't helping matters much.

Glad you're reading along though! Honestly the heat was so prominent because I've gotten so used to going in the winter or spring when it's much cooler - I haven't been in the summer - the real Florida summer - in like 6 years so it was a definite shock to the system!

Time Out!

Like I said, we got back to the hotel around 1-ish. We stayed on the bus and got off at OPR. This was the second time we had gone to OPR for food and this time it was much closer to lunch time. I figured it would be ridiculously over-crowded and we'd be fighting for seats.

I'm clearly ridiculously used to the Value resorts and was not mentally prepared for a Moderate resort.

I lost Jem in the not-really-existent crowd while trying to figure out what I wanted to eat. I wasn't hungry, not really. I had had a lot for breakfast, mostly heavy breads, and wasn't interested in another sandwich or anything.

So, what do you get when you don't want anything heavy?

Pizza, duh. It took about 20 minutes for it, since it was being made to order so it was fresh, but I didn't mind waiting. There was no one at the pizza counter and the others were crowded so I knew Jem would be about that long anyway.

It was Disney pizza, and tasted just like it's supposed to. Jem got a chicken sandwich and we both got worms in dirt because they had it so how could we not? I had originally grabbed chocolate cake then saw someone with one of these and searched to find it. It was in the corner cooler that I had walked past to grab a Coke but hadn't actually looked at. It hit the nostalgia spot, even if it wasn't the greatest in the world.

We walked back to our room after that. I soaked in some cool water – I have very flat feet and was using a mixture of icy/hot and soaking mid-day to keep the swelling down after walking for hours. I kind of partially napped in the tub and was in there for a good half hour before getting out and getting changed in my dress for the evening. Jem was “napping” (she was totally napping for like an hour but refused to admit it) so I pulled the newly-brought to the room runner over my shoulders and kind of napped too.
Great trip report so far! We're headed to WDW at the beginning of August next year, so I've very interested in hearing about your adventures--thanks so much for sharing!

For our trip next summer I'm kind of worried about the heat. We have only done the parks at Disney in February. Right now we're planning to just do the waterparks & the DTD, and just live it up at our resort...but we might not be able to resist the parks! I appreciate you being honest about how the heat impacted you!

Can't wait to read more!
Great trip report so far! We're headed to WDW at the beginning of August next year, so I've very interested in hearing about your adventures--thanks so much for sharing!

For our trip next summer I'm kind of worried about the heat. We have only done the parks at Disney in February. Right now we're planning to just do the waterparks & the DTD, and just live it up at our resort...but we might not be able to resist the parks! I appreciate you being honest about how the heat impacted you!

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks for reading along! I don't think I could just do waterparks and DTD myself lol. I'd need at least an MK day.

It wasn't honestly absolutely horrible, we just had to go a lot slower than we do in March/April. The only day that was really horrible heat-wise was this Wednesday I've been writing about.

Hope you continue reading!
Exhaustion Takes Control​

Alright guys, I'll be updating at least twice today, if not three times! I'm going to try and bang out a bit because yesterday I walked five miles all over Keene (none of my friends believed me when I said I parked a mile outside of town until they walked with me back to my car) yesterday at Pumpkinfest as a last hurrah before the next two weeks are taken up by my friends' wedding. Sooooo today is a nice relax-while-Jem's-at-work day. And part of that's definitely going to be writing more of my TR. I want to finish the 7th and maybe even finish the 8th.

Anyway. Disney.

We left our room by 4:30 in a horrible downpour. We pulled on our ponchos and were pretty good – my only problem was that I had on a pair of cheap fake cork sandals I wear to work occasionally and they were nooooot meant to be worn in that much water. Hoo boy. I'm amazed they didn't break! I was half-looking while we we were walking around.

By the time we made it to Downtown Disney it had pretty much stopped raining. We popped into the pin store and Jem got her victory prize – it got upped because she had done both rides on the same day from two pins to one pin and a lanyard with four pins on it (also it ended up costing the exact same amount as the two pins). I bought myself a Park Hopper Vinylmation (I love those a lot next to any and all Daisy ones). We still had about 40 minutes to kill so we went to the new co-op and poked around. I took a ton of pictures:

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Thurs. 7 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We started to head down to the other side of DTD and yeesh. It took forever. We should have gotten there in plenty of time but with the crowds, the walls, and the rain we were a little late. Cirque du Soleil had already started but we were seated and had a great time at the show. It was my present to Jem for her birthday way back in January. She's always wanted to see a cirque performance but they've never fit into her schedule or it was at such a strange place in the state that we couldn't get there. I saw a show in Southie once and it was the most obnoxiously hard place to get to.

But I digress.

Cirque was awesome just like it should have been. As we were walking to dinner something happened. I don't remember what, obviously it was not in any way shape or form important. Either way we had a tiny argument over the way she reacted to something someone we walked past said or did. We're best friends, we're sisters, we live together – it's no surprise we fight sometimes.

At least the teacups weren't involved like they were when we were teenagers.

She still won't go back on those with me.

So our original plan when we were making mock-ups before we made our ADRs was to go back to MK for dinner since we close out MK every night anyway. But after talking it over with other people in my PTR we thought that the only time slot available for dinner at Liberty Tree (our meal of choice as it's the only other place we really love in Disney) was just cutting it way too close with trying to get back to MK from DTD and we might not make it.

Instead we decided on Raglan Road. I don't think Jem was overly excited for it – especially after we found out that T-Rex takes ADRs after we already had the Raglan Road one I wasn't all that willing to change it because I wanted to see the dancing. So that didn't help the grumpiness between us either.

We had an 8 o'clock ADR and it took about 20 minutes to get seated, as the restaurant was packed and there were a ton of people trying to get in without reservations. We were seated near the bar next to a gigantic family. I was listening – the big family was from the London area and the family just behind me (smaller family of five) were West Midland-y. Near the end of the meal we commented on it amongst ourselves. I had forgotten the summer holiday had started the week before! Either that or none of my postgrad friends who are teachers were as excited about it as all my American teacher friends usually are for summer (I know I'm always excited about it!)

On this night there had been something that happened in Cooke's – I can't remember if it was the gas shut off or a fire or what – but their kitchen was closed. Since overflow kitchen work from Raglan Road goes to Cooke's they were at half a menu that night. Our waitress was apologetic about it.

For an appetizer Jem got the Salmon Swoon and liked it. I had originally ordered the Tart Art because I had heard good things about it but that was part of the menu that wasn't being made that night. Instead I got the crock o' pate.

Honestly I didn't like it that much. I figured I'd try it to try something new and I'm glad I did so I can at least say I know I'm not fond of it now! Jem ended up eating the chutney with the rest of her pieces of crostinis. The waitress was good about asking if we needed any more crostinis than what we were given.

For an entree Jem got the lamb which she said was good and I'll have to take her word for it because I don't like lamb shank at all. I got the shepherd’s pie which was lovely:

And it was really good. I pretty much ate all of it which I definitely did not manage to do for any of my other meals. This is the only way I'll eat lamb, if you were wondering – finally chopped up and smothered with gravy.

After some waffling Jem got the Black Forest Kiss for her dessert (we were doing a lot of looking up pictures of the two different kisses for her to compare and contrast which looked better after her meal). I got the bread & butter pudding.

Here's a lovely post-dissected picture of my pudding:

As per it was very good. I shoved way too much of it into my stomach after eating so much of that shepherd’s pie but it was worth it. It was an incredibly filling but very good meal.

Full and spirits back in check we headed to the busses and decided to get on one to the Grand Floridian and just take the monorail to MK to save a tiny bit of time.

The bus was pretty crowded. Jem offered to give up her seat for a young kid but the kid just wanted to stand. His father thanked her though. Across from us there was a group of really annoying teenagers. They kept grabbing the bars and doing pull ups, swearing, yelling at their parents who were sitting in the seats the next level below and were so sloshed they were blissfully unaware. They moved away from us once the bus stopped at the Contemporary (I may have defaulted to teacher glare after a while. I don't really know; I was just annoyed). We were the only two groups on the way to the Grand Floridian. They continued on the way they were just up front and kept it up all the way into the Grand Floridian. The parents were yelling about going to the bar so we were able to escape them by going up the stairs to the monorail.

We juuuuust made it onto the monorail and were in the MK by 10:30. We headed on over to Tomorrowland to try to get on Space but it was either closed or something so instead we went on the TTA to talk through where we wanted to go next. We ended up heading over to the Haunted Mansion, which had a 10 minute wait. The worst part of it was the bottle neck as per usual but it wasn't as bad as it is in the daytime. After that we wandered over to Pirates which was also a 10 minute wait.

Jem suggested that before we head out and end our long day we should we should get a dole whip. We both got floats and ate them as we slowly meandered out of the park. It was the perfect end to the day! We just managed to beat the “park is closed, go home” guests to the bus stop by about fifteen minutes and had an empty bus waiting for us. For all the bad luck we had waiting for busses in the mornings we had pretty great luck with busses going back to the hotels never being too over-crowded. With the exception of the next evening (dun, dun, DUN).

We were back at the hotel by 12:15 and showered before going to bed. We set our alarms a little tiny bit later so we could have a relaxing morning.
Off to F-Cot​

A few years ago, when the first stage of the Harry Potter park opened at Universal, my mother, Jem, and I went to go see it. My father stayed in Disney as he does not like Universal at all and doesn't find Harry Potter particularly interesting. Our plan was to meet him for a late lunch in France after getting a cab to Epcot. Our cab driver to Universal was awesome – he was from Haiti and he told some great stories about home while we were driving down the highway. His mother was a teacher so he hit it off with us (a carful of people who work with kids) just fine.

He spoiled us.

Our cab driver on the way back did not speak English, did not know the area, and seemed to be taking his first ever group of people to Disney. We said “Epcot” and he was convinced we said “F-Cot.”

Needless to say, Jem and I constantly call Epcot F-Cot.

Back to the “present”:

We must have gotten up by 7:30 or so because we left the room by 8. We got to Epcot by 9:15 and holy MOLY the line to get in was EPIC. Well, it was the line for the bag check and it moved pretty quickly for its size but it was back almost to the end of the exit gate to give you some perspective. The security guard we had made a Red Sox comment that we pretended to be offended by (I could not care less about most sports). We asked him how it was going and he kind of laughed and said “Have you ever seen Groundhog's Day?”

Once in the park we beelined for Starbucks which was relatively empty. We weren't hungry yet we just needed something to drink and Jem needed her coffee. I can go with or without coffee but Jem definitely cannot. She got an iced caramel latte while I got an orange-mango smoothie:


While sipping it we went to the pin stand just outside of Mousegears to do some shopping. I bought quite a few pins:

Some of these are my traders but I in that one haul I got Tiana, the Spectromagic pin, the Hook stretch poster, the Small World, and the Up castle. Jem got a few as well. I can't remember exactly which but I believe she got the other two Spectro/stretching portrait pins as well as a few others.

We finished our drinks, used our Spaceship Earth FP, and went into Mousegears to poke around. I got another Vinylmation, a Daisy keychain, and a Dole Whip car freshener. We also found Jem her Halloween costume!

(okay, not really, but that's mostly because we'll be at a rehearsal dinner the night of Halloween and can't do much).

After that we went over to use our Test Track FP+. Last time we went on TT they kind of ushered us through the car making part so this was our first time trying it out. I say “we”, Jem decided that since she is more artistic she decided to try her hand at drawing all the lines and such while I poked all the buttons. This is the thing we came up with:

Yeah....it's....lovely. It's like EVE and the Dolorean had a baby. We scored a 211 on it. It was second place in our vehicle for everything but energy (it got a big fat fail) and power (it was first for that).

We headed on out and checked on Mission Space. It had a 15 minute wait time so we hopped in line.

After that we headed into World Showcase. We had a Maelstrom FP+ (RIP Maelstrom sob) so we bypassed Mexico as we had spent so much time there already after eating there the other day and headed right on into Norway. There was a big fourth-fifth grade field trip in the standby line trying to figure out how to get them all onto the boat but we were soon on our way through Norway's past.

We played around in the store for a little bit. We found this adorable little tomte in the giftshop and I just had to take a picture of it!

We stepped out of the shop and saw the line for Kringla was really short. We knew we were going to be eating in about an hour and a half or so but we hadn't eaten breakfast and we definitely needed a snack. We decided on lefse, a staple snack for us – both at home and in Disney. Lefse is the biggest acquired taste in the world. Jem's former boss tried it and thought it was gross but for us it's wonderful. We maaaay have been chanting and cheering for our lefse. The people in front of us had never been to a Norwegian bakery before and had no idea what they were ordering. When they asked us what we were getting and we just enthusiastically responded “LEFSE!” they let us go in front of them.

I think we scared them a bit.

Whatever though, we got lefse!

We paid with cash since it's $2 and ate them quickly as we moved on to China. I love the China pavilion, there's just so much to look at!

I went a teeny tiny bit picture crazy in China:

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We walked over to Germany after meandering through China. It was starting to get hot again, close to 100*F, so we were taking our time looking at everything.

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We found a surprise in one of the trucks
Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Can you see it? No? How about here?
Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We stopped in Italy quickly
Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

And this is honestly one of my favorite places in Epcot, just this view
Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We powered through America, Japan, Morocco, and France. We were powering all the way through to Canada but Alice was out and Jem wanted to get some pictures of her. I stood with her for a little bit but standing in the direct sunlight at 1:30 was a bit much. So I went into the tea shop and poked around.

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

I stepped out to sit on the curb and wait for Jem and saw her go into the shop looking for me so I followed her back in.

By now it was about 1:45 so we headed on over to Canada for some yummy goodness.
Just found your report today and sat here to read the whole thing.

I don't think I could survive the heat, but I would do it just to be in WDW again.

Love all your pictures too, especially the rhino and the giraffe from the Safari.

I love all you have been sharing and look forward to the rest. :thumbsup2
yesterday I walked five miles all over Keene yesterday at Pumpkinfest as a last hurrah before the next two weeks are taken up by my friends' wedding.

Oh, hey--I just read a news article online about your Keene Pumpkinfest & those crazy college kids! Did you do any pumpkin carving?

It sounds like your Raglan Road meal was a good one--that's on my list to try next summer!

Across from us there was a group of really annoying teenagers. They kept grabbing the bars and doing pull ups, swearing, yelling at their parents who were sitting in the seats the next level below and were so sloshed they were blissfully unaware. They moved away from us once the bus stopped at the Contemporary (I may have defaulted to teacher glare after a while. I don't really know; I was just annoyed).

That "teacher look" is one that I pull out without even meaning to sometimes--my own kids get embarrassed when I do that, but some people should just know better!

We decided on lefse, a staple snack for us – both at home and in Disney. Lefse is the biggest acquired taste in the world.

What is lefse?

Great update tonight, thanks!
Lunch, Eh?​

We got to Le Cellier pretty much on time. We only waited for a few minutes, enjoying the bench and the AC before being led into the restaurant. I could not tell you anything about our server. Not that he wasn't good – he was a decent server, not in your face but not missing constantly – but the two top where we were sitting was at such an angle that it was way too awkward for me to twist up and look at him. I remember he was from Niagara though!

We started our meal with copious amounts of water along with our diet cokes. I think we both drank like three of each by the end of this meal. I will totally take advantage of any and all drink opportunities with free refills.

Jem and I both started our meal with the totally refreshing and perfect for the middle of the summer option of cheese soup

I really enjoy their cheese soup, it's one of my favorite meals here. It tastes best with the pretzel bread dipped into it.

Jem followed this up with the filet, as is tradition. I decided to change it up a little bit and got the ribeye.

It was good but it was way too big for me. I ate a decent amount of it but not too too much.

Jem got the milk-caramel bar for dessert. I was having a hard time deciding until our waiter came up and told us the options again and mentioned something that is not on the regular menu.

By that, of course, I mean the adult menu.

I couldn't pass it up! I love chocolate mousse and who doesn't like chocolate mousse in the shape of a moose (that originally said mouse, let me tell you)?

We finished up our lunch, filled our water bottle, and went back out into the sun. We took the boat back to Morocco from Canada which is a decidedly lazy move but we were too full to care. There was a big Middle Eastern family waiting in line in front of us and it was amusing to watch them – all the dad wanted was a nice picture of his family and all his teenaged daughter/niece (not sure which) wanted was to keep texting. I remember those days. Sorry, mum.

We wandered over to Japan and spent a good amount of time in the gift shop just looking around at the variety of different things they had. We were hoping for some good Sailor Moon merchandise in honor of the new series but there wasn't really anything that caught our attention. We decided to head out of Epcot, change into new clothes, and go to our next park.

We got back to our bus stop and waited. And waited. And waited. An entire downpour happened and stopped while we waited, four busses for Pop Century came while we waited, and still nothing. It took about 35 minutes to get a bus, possibly a little closer to 40.

We got changed and were back out and into the parks by 6:30.

Where did we go?

Hollywood Studios of course!

(I had a picture but it disappeared somewhere. Hm.)

We headed over to Star Tours and road it twice. The first time we had gotten the same exact sequence we had gotten the last time we had been there and the line was still only 20 minutes long so we figured why not. Happy that we had gotten a different set the second time around we meandered over to the animation gallery to kill some time. Most of the sets were ending or ended at that time but we decided to sit on a bench and watch Mickey finish up his set with the kids.

I took a few pictures inside the animation building, enjoying the emptiness.

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

It was close enough to 8 so we headed on over to Prime Time for dinner.


I didn't take a single picture inside the restaurant D:

We were at a two top way at the back of the restaurant, kind of in a corner but kind of on the end. If anyone had walked by me while I was trying to take a picture, even with my phone like I took all my food pictures, I would have elbowed them. Also I just love the ambiance of Prime Time and didn't want to ruin it taking food pictures. My parents are fans of Prime Time anyway even though Jem and I love it so I figured they weren't interested much anyway.

We had a nice, chatty waitress. At the end of our meal she quickly gave us a lowdown on the food choices on the cruises in case we ever get to go.

I got a cherry sprite (aka a Shirley Temple but at Prime Time it's Dad's something-something-something) while Jem got a vanilla coke. For appetizers we split the crab cake and the herb cheese per our waitress's suggestion. It was definitely a good way to go – we both got a little bit of each and with both of us sharing we didn't fill up on one thing. For her entree Jem got the porkchop and ate the entire thing. She said it was one of the best porkchops she had had in Disney. I had the vegetarian spaghetti because I was craving it and it was yummy but I could barely eat half of it before having to give up. Those mushrooms, man. They're filling.

We got shakes to go for our desserts. Jem got the PB&J shake as per but I got the red velvet shake. I just couldn't resist it. We left around 9:20 and pretty much just walked right on over to a decent spot near the American Idol Experience theatre to watch the Frozen Fireworks.

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Up next, an entire post dedicated to the Frozen fireworks!
Frozen Fireworks!!​

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

After the fireworks ended we joined the masses and masses of people trying to make it out of the park. It was almost worse than when we left after New Year's Eve but we were moving slowly enough for me to snap this neat picture of the “snow”

Fri. 8 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We managed to get to the bus stop. By bus stop I mean the ridiculously long line that span all the way back to the next bus stop over. It, at least, moved fairly quickly whenever there was a bus there. We made it back to our room by 11 and turned in for the night.

Up next, our busy “lazy day”!
Oh, hey--I just read a news article online about your Keene Pumpkinfest & those crazy college kids! Did you do any pumpkin carving?

It sounds like your Raglan Road meal was a good one--that's on my list to try next summer!

That "teacher look" is one that I pull out without even meaning to sometimes--my own kids get embarrassed when I do that, but some people should just know better!

What is lefse?

Great update tonight, thanks!

We didn't do much pumpkin carving - we went to a sports bar for lunch, walked around, saw the "haunted church" (a charity event for the local youth group), headed back to our friend's apartment to wait for sunset, then went out and saw the pumpkins all lit up before grabbing dinner at a Thai place and I headed back out. It's actually kind of "funny" though - we had no idea about the rioting! My mother called me kind of panicked while we were in our friend's living room around 4:30 to make sure we were okay and had to send us an article about what was going on. We saw a ton of cop cars and firetrucks go by while we were walking to my car but didn't really know what was going on because we were a street over from campus. What happened was crazy though! We stopped in a Cumberland Farms to get my friend some antacid and the line of drunk college kids was insane!

My parents both have the "teacher look" too. I'm just so used to it that I don't even realize when I do it sometimes.

Lefse is a potato flat bread with butter and sometimes cardamon or cinnamon on it. It's really bland to a lot of people but we love it.

Just found your report today and sat here to read the whole thing.

I don't think I could survive the heat, but I would do it just to be in WDW again.

Love all your pictures too, especially the rhino and the giraffe from the Safari.

I love all you have been sharing and look forward to the rest. :thumbsup2

Thanks for reading :) Hope you continue to enjoy!:cheer2:


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