Explosive-o's! An August Trip Report (FINISHED 1/11!)


DIS Veteran
Jul 22, 2009
Hi all! :hippie:

And welcome to my Trip Report! I meant to start this ages ago but I've been away every weekend this month (and I'll be gone again this weekend - oof!) but every time I sit down I feel like not starting it. Of course, I decided to start working on it on the first day back with kids, so I must be going a bit crazy already!

So....I'll be writing this and I'm sure my cohort/partner in crime will be popping in from time to time to write her own parts of this TR if she has time.

Let's get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?

The Who:​


That's me, Elle, with the red hair and glasses. Jem is the blonde. She's my best friend, roommate, and Disney-obsessed partner in crime. We're both 26, we met ten years ago in high school, and we've gone to Disney together at least six times.

The When:​

We went August 4 - August 11, 2014.

The Where:​

Caribbean Beach

The Firsts:​
We have a decent amount of firsts this trip - both shared and just for Jem, including:
- Magic Bands/FP+
- lunch & dinner at Be Our Guest
- riding 7 Dwarves Mine Train
- breakfast at Cape May
- lunch at Sci-Fi (just Jem)
- Rock'n'Rollercoaster (just Jem)
- lunch at San Angel Inn
- breakfast at Tusker House
- La Nouba (just Jem)
- lunch at Kona Cafe

So strap in and enjoy the ride!
I'm here from DisTeamAug!!

Still sad we just missed each other at 'Ohana...can't wait to read about your trip!!
I Wish I Were In Disney!!!

Ah, travel day. Everyone's “favorite” part of the Trip Reports.

Okay, I have something to admit. Are you ready for this? I actually really enjoy seeing how everyone else gears up for a Disney trip. Does that make me lame? Probably. But I'm fine with that.

We had been waiting for our travel day for weeks. Actually, in the week prior to going we went to the Disney Store Outlets near us three times. Yup, three times. In one week. We got team jackets and everything.

So, Sunday when we got home from our third trip to the Merrimack Outlets we went to bed. So exciting, I know. Did I mention that it was 7 pm? I went through about four episodes of 30 Rock on Netflix before I finally fell asleep and woke up around 2 am. I got ready for our flight and finished packing the little things we had used the night before while waiting for my parents to get to us. They picked us up and whisked us away to Logan.

Confession: The airport's only about a half hour away from our place. But it's cheaper to be dropped off by my parents, and they owed us. We had done the same for them when they had gone to Disney a month earlier.

We got to the airport at 4:30 or so. Right around the time the Jet Blue counter opened. Okay, my notes said we were into the security line by 4:20 so we must have gotten there by 4:05. As we walked up to the security area a TSA agent swabbed my hands and after I was deemed safe we were led to the expedited security check. It was al sorts of awesome and reminded me of the first few times I flew when I was a kid. Just had to take metal out of our pockets/take our belts off if we had them and we were good to go. Jem got pulled aside after going through the metal detector for a random check but even still we were through security and at our gate before 4:40 so it was nice and quick.

We hung around for about ten minutes before I began to get antsy. I'd been up too long without any food and definitely knew that even though I had had a decent amount of sleep I would need caffeine to keep me going. I also knew Jem would need caffeine since she usually has a cup or two a morning. So we got up around 4:55 and waited for Dunkin Donuts to open. We talked to the guy in front of us and his toddler while we waited because we had been absolutely in love with the toddler's moose onesie. We got an iced coffee and bagel (Jem) and iced coffee and muffin (me) and headed back to our gate. We had about twenty minutes so we gobbled it down as slowly as we could (hence the lack of food pictures here) before we boarded.

Our flight was uneventful. I slept for maybe a half hour or so. I was kind of nauseous/vertigo-y as I was in the middle seat. Also the guy next to me was very...peculiar, for lack of a better word. I'll just leave it with he began cutting his nails as the flight descended.

We got to Orlando at 9:20 AM according to my notes. It began to rain right as we landed. We headed to the Magical Express and amazingly didn't get lost! (Our track record is something like 2 out of 5 times or something, excluding the year we drove) When we got there we kind of beelined around a group of confused people up to the guy. Jem proudly held out her arm to be scanned...

...and it said we were staying at the All Star Movies...

Um. No.

See, we had originally made our reservations there, but then back in March/April, we changed it over to Caribbean Beach. We got two copies of our Magical Express tags but they were all for ASMo so I had called in May/June and I was told we were all set. Also,last year we had a major problem when we got to POP. So when this SNAFU occurred we were panicked.

We were instructed to go to the woman at the next desk who didn't really understand what was going on but put us on the bus for Caribbean Beach. At the hotel, it took about ten minutes to get through the online check-in. Don't get me wrong – it was a lot better than the line for the regular check-in area, and we were right up front. The biggest problem was that there were only two men working at the desk – one had a large family he was checking in and one had a mother/daughter duo who were Chinese and though they spoke English there was a definite language barrier so he was slowly explaining everything to them to make absolutely certain they understood what they were being given. When it was our turn he did the same for us at a slightly faster pace. We explained about what had happened at the airport so he double-checked the serial numbers on our MagicBands and made certain they were attached to our reservation and then told us if we were still worried about our luggage we could go to the luggage counter.

So we did.

We explained the situation and due to Jem's insistence they checked our luggage in the computer. It had already been retagged and they told us that if it didn't show up by 3 they would drive over to All Star Movies to go pick it up so it would definitely be in our room by the time we got back. With that they called a bellman over to drive us to our room.

When I had first changed our reservation over to Caribbean Beach Jem suggested that I request a room near to OPR. I have a heart condition that, while it has been almost completely fixed with surgery and has been “fixed” for sixteen years, has made me very sensitive to sun and heat. So when I called I had put in for Martinique. Later, when I did online check-in, I put in for a corner room and Jamaica, just to cover all bases for “close.” We ended up getting Jamaica and on an upper floor (the woman on the phone had put that in because she thought it'd be more relaxing) which was great because it was a brand new room!

(hey look, a picture!)

We dropped our stuff, changed our bags for our park bags, and headed on out!

Except, we didn't go to a park first.

We were starving. So we decided to walk over to OPR. We really enjoyed the walk there. It didn't take any more than five minutes at a slow pace (and we were going SLOW as we were exploring) and got there around 11:30 am. Jem and I quickly grabbed a refillable mug and got into line for lunch.


I had the beef and blue on a ciabatta roll, house-made jerk chips, a water, and a chocolate cake. Oh man, those house-made chips are fabulous! I really enjoyed them. I liked the sandwich a lot too, but the star of the show was definitely the chips. Both flavors complimented each other nicely. The only problem? We ate so much that we could only take about two bites out of our chocolate cakes before we had to give up the good fight and throw them out. We were kind of sad there wasn't another family near to us that we could give two chocolate cakes to.

Sufficiently stuffed, we were ready to get to the parks. We threw our stuff away, attached our mugs to our bags via caribbeaner, and headed out to the bus stop...
Attack of the Honeybees

We left OPR and got on a bus around 12:45. We circled all around the resort and headed out. By 1:30 we were at our destination....


Aaaaand....I took no photos when we walked in.


We were cutting it close to our 2 PM cut off time for Big Thunder Mountain and we didn't want to miss it, so we booked it over to Frontierland and made it just in time for our fastpass. We were in and out in about 15-20 minutes and meandered back towards Fantasyland, looking at stuff as we went. We weren't in a rush because it was HOT and there were pretty large crowds. We had initially checked Haunted Mansion but it's line was over 40 minutes. The same went for Small World – as much as I love Small World (and I actually do!) I won't wait in a line that long when I didn't even on New Year's Eve.

I have to admit, we've gotten very used to the “off season” crowds where we only had to wait 40 minutes for Big Thunder and everything else was 30 or less. So we were very picky with what we would ride this trip (also it was too hot to stand in line.)

Philharmagic, however, had a 10 minute wait. So we hopped in line. Whoooooooboy I've never seen it THAT crowded in there. I was stuck in the corner right next to the door on the furthest part of the left hand side as you enter and it was...well, it was a claustrophobic's worst nightmare. We were finally let in and enjoyed the show. Though I have to admit that the 3D in that is sometimes really hard for me to watch/focus on. Does anyone else have that problem? I don't know if it's because I wear glasses or what but that one's just hard to see for me. Which is sad because I like it a lot.

When we got out we decided to head into New Fantasyland. We were thirsty so Jem suggested a LeFou's Brew. We had had one last year when we had gone with her mother and regretted not getting them again that time. We headed in, grabbed our brews, and sat at a table to enjoy them!


We were enjoying our drinks until the bees attacked. One kept landing on my cup then charging at me, forcing me to have to get up continually. It happened about 4 times. Sorry to everyone who thought I was a crazy lady running away, but I'm scared of bees! We ended up moving over to Gaston's lovely fountain. I guess it's true what they say – bees won't go towards water!



We started heading deeper into the fray.



We began this way, then realized we had a 3:35 pm fastpass for 7 Dwarves Mine Train so we headed on over there. We were in quickly and we kind of enjoyed the ride. We weren't overly thrilled. The ride stopped twice, painfully, right in the middle of the last drop and right in front of the cottage so it wasn't the most pleasant experience.

Let's head back, shall we?


We turned around and went back to our original destination – Voyage of the Little Mermaid. On the way we decided to go window shopping around Belle's town:





The line was about 30 minutes so we figured “why not?” Jem loves Ariel and we both enjoy the ride – and the wait definitely wasn't 30 minutes. It had to be maybe 20 at most.

After happily visiting with Ariel we decided to meander to Tomorrowland:


We spent some time in Storybook Circus, just looking around under the Big Top and looking for something to buy Jem's mother as a housewarming present. After sufficiently killing time we continued our trek to our Space Mountain 4:50 fastpass. We happily rode and when we boogied on out we watched a tiny bit of the Incredibles Dance party before going on Carousel of Progress.

Confession: Carousel of Progress is probably in my top 5 rides in Disney. I know, you can tell me how lame I am now. We go on it multiple times a trip and I had, for quite a long time, a legacy fastpass for Carousel of Progress had a place of pride in my wallet. It's now on my French board.

Three years ago, we got stuck in Carousel of Progress. It was New Year's Eve. Jem, myself, our friend Liz and her then-boyfriend had jumped on fairly easily and got our normal front-of-the-theatre seats but it was crowded. Way more crowded then ever. Well, 1900 ends and we move...about ten feet. There was a crunch and the lazy Susan with Daughter on it stopped turning. Suddenly, with us still in the room, the robins began to chirp again and Father was predicting it wasn't going to rain. We went through the cycle again, we sing along, and....the robins began to chirp again. We went through the entire cycle of 1900 about three times. We got everyone else in the room to sing along with us and we were acting out the character's lines as they happened. On the fourth cycle they cut the sound and before the fifth cycle could start we were evacuated.

So it's become a bit of a joke between us: don't put too many people on Carousel of Progress! We may get stuck!

We followed a father with his sons through the turnstile. He stopped before he walked in, completely dumbfounded by it. His son, about 15, turned to him and said “I thought this was a carousel!” He hushed him and ushered them into a seat near the back. The CM did their spiel just as Jem and I were sitting and about a minute after he closed the door the father and sons team got up and left. It was about ten seconds before the room would have rotated. We made it to 1900!

And then we made it to 1900 for a second time. The family that had left tripped the emergency reset. Thankfully we were able to escape after the second time and didn't have to evac!

Tomorrowland was getting ridiculous and we had time to kill before dinner so we headed on down to Main Street. I feel like we got stuck by Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! but I can't quite remember if it was that or if it was starting to drizzle and my notes don't mention it. Either way we ducked into Uptown Jewelers and looked around. I had been complaining about my crossbody bothering me – because it was so hot, I was carrying around my Camelback water bottle and my mug and it was just getting too heavy and bulky. Inside I found a backpack I had seen online and had fallen in love with and just had to have it:


I decided to buy it then, because it was lightweight and waterproof and omg I fell in love with it. It didn't bother me at all the entire trip! Though...I did name it Sweaty after it having to be stuck on my back all week.

After my purchase we began back towards Fantasyland, trying to get towards dinner quickly before it began to rain like was threatening to do/was kind of doing.
Following! We are going this time next year and are also staying at Caribbean Beach so I'm excited to read along.
I also love Travel day posts lol

and I love that bag....i am going to have look for it in October!
Subscribed and following along! Great to read a TR from a fellow New Englander.

I still have to check out those Merrimack Outlets. I'm on maternity leave now, so maybe I'll get there before I go back to work!
Subbing in! Your trip looks like fun so far. Can't wait to read more. You and your friend seem like my kind of people! :)
Following! We are going this time next year and are also staying at Caribbean Beach so I'm excited to read along.

Oh, fun! I have some pictures I'm adding of the room once I finish up with the first day. I had a brand new refurb room so it'll show you what the rooms will look like when you go too :)

You're off to a great start! Can't wait to read more!

Thanks! Welcome :)

I also love Travel day posts lol

and I love that bag....i am going to have look for it in October!

I'm glad I'm not the only one! I think the rituals are interesting. The only place I saw that bag was where I got it, it was in the back corner where all the Vera Bradley stuff is, over in the only corner that doesn't have Vera stuff.

Subscribed and following along! Great to read a TR from a fellow New Englander.

I still have to check out those Merrimack Outlets. I'm on maternity leave now, so maybe I'll get there before I go back to work!

Welcome! I loved being there! It's a nice outlet, with some great deals to be found. I like the Disney store there the most because it has some great children's clearance

Subbing in! Your trip looks like fun so far. Can't wait to read more. You and your friend seem like my kind of people! :)

Welcome :) Hopefully we stay your kind of people!
The Frog That Says 'Meh'

So when we last left off Jem and I were leaving Main Street and headed towards Fantasyland. We were trying to beat the rain and ended up at dinner way too early to check in so we scurried down towards Gaston's tavern for cover. We hid under the umbrellas set up for the Photopass photographers that are lucky enough to hang out with Gaston. I took a few pictures:

DSCN0206 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0207 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

And while we were standing there a CM walk past to go backstage. She told me that she liked my shirt. Me, being me, kind of just assumed that she was talking to Jem. Jem gave me a very pointed look; she was wearing a dress and I was being oblivious, as usual. I was wearing a purple tank top with Meg's outline that had her “I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, I can handle it” line on it. Once I realized she was talking to me I called out a hasty thank you to her back. I don't know if she heard me – so, a belated thank you, Miss CM, for the nice compliment.

We finally had killed enough time and trekked over to dinner before the sky opened up like it was threatening to do. I popped in line to check us in, and we were quickly ushered down and told we could wait inside so we didn't get rained on.

Can you guess where we were going?

DSCN0208 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0209 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

If you didn't guess Be Our Guest, then I want to know what other restaurant has gargoyles because I want to go to there.

We were sat after about ten minutes or so of standing and just in time too – the skies started to open just as we slipped into the castle walls. We were seated by a southern young man who was completely baffled by the fact that we lived in a suburb of Boston (the most common phrase I've heard throughout college and graduate school was “but you don't sound like you're from Worcester/Boston/America”) and we chatted amiably as he showed us the different rooms as it was our first time there. We were seated at a two-top in the ballroom near the West Wing and our waitress quickly came.

As you'll notice throughout, I basically never took pictures of Jem's food. This isn't because I was being polite or anything – I actually only took pictures of my food to send the pictures to my parents. My mother and I share pictures of our food whenever we're in Disney. It's our way of putting an image to the description of the food that we give each other, and we can know if it looks like something we'd like to eat next time either of us goes to Disney. This is also my way of saying that some of them are pretty blurry and horrible too. Because my mother doesn't care – she just likes to know what I'm eating.

Oh! And this might be a good place to tell you – we got the Deluxe Dining Plan. We like to eat. A lot. For two small young women we are big on the food. We had originally gotten the regular DDP but after a lot of agonizing we upgraded. For us, it's great. But that's only because we like to use our meals as our break times – though it's not so true about the summer, whenever we go in March/April we tend to never go back to the hotel until we're ready to drop for the evening, so our meals are our time to sit and decompress for an hour or so. We also really like TS meals more than CS so for us D+DDP makes sense.

Anyway! Back to the TR!

For an appetizer, Jem got the French onion soup. She really enjoyed it. I'm not a connoisseur of the French onion soup. When we went for dinner at Chef du France for our friend's 21st birthday I got lobster bisque while the other two got French onion soup. But she said the soup at Be Our Guest was nice and cheesey.

I had potato/leek soup:

It was good. I enjoyed it. I don't think I tasted too much of it – by the time we got in I was starving. It was really good with the bread service though. I'm a big fan of dipping bread in soup. Nom.

Our entree showed up fairly quickly afterwards. I think we were still finishing our soup when it appeared, that's how quickly it was. Jem got the pan-seared salmon on leak fondue and enjoyed I.

I got the thym-scented pork rack chop:

The au gratin macaroni was different, but good if I bit dry. The meat was delicious – one of the better pork chops I've had in a while. And the green beans were yummy. There was red wine au juis in that small cup on the platter, and the meat was great dipped in that. I just put a forkful in at a time so I could have some with more or less depending on my mood.

We decided before we showed up at Be Our Guest that day that we weren't going to try the Grey Stuff for dessert because we had heard that the Master's cupcake was a better use of it than what they had at dinner. Jem ended up getting and enjoying a lemon cupcake while I got:

A strawberry cupcake. It was really yummy but at the same time I love anything with the word “dessert” attached to it.

We paid our tip and wandered around a bit. Neither of us had ever been inside before. Last year we tried to get to Be Our Guest but because our trip was planned too close. So this time we took full advantage of the fact that we could look at everything.

DSCN0210 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0212 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0216 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0217 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0218 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0226 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0227 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

DSCN0230 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

After our quick tour we got in line to meet with the Master of the castle. (Ah, that was originally master of the house but my brain continued and I had to stop.) We took pictures with the Beast but I'll admit – after getting up at 2 am and being on the move continuously for something like sixteen hours at this point we were not the most attractive people ever so I'll spare you. I did snap this fun picture of the suits of armor while we were waiting in line to try and recreate a similar picture I took at a church in Dublin a handful of years ago:

DSCN0254 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

This is pretty much where the pictures for the day stop (sorry! I get better as the week goes on, promise!). We walked out into a wet but much more tolerable Magic Kingdom somewhere in the vicinity of 8ish. We meandered through Fantasyland but everything was still pretty busy, so we hung a left into Liberty Square. Haunted Mansion's wait was 20 or so minutes so we hopped in there. Minus some of the worst bottle-necking I've ever seen (the entire 20 minute wait was trying to squeeze two roomfuls of people into one queue again) we had a good ride – and were glad we had gotten to do it on our first night! It's one of our top “must do” rides every time we're in MK and we were a bit sad we hadn't gotten to do it all day.

The parade route was clogging up pretty horribly (a theme for every time we walked through Frontierland) as we were coming out of Haunted Mansion so we took the rather slippery widow's walk route over to Big Thunder. Riding Thunder Mountain at night is my all time favorite thing to do in Magic Kingdom, so when the line was under forty minutes Jem suggested we get in and enjoy the ride. And enjoy we did! Someday, I'll take pictures of the view you have at night, but every time I'm on I just get too wrapped up in how pretty it is to remember pictures. Also, you know, roller coaster.

The parade was just about to start when we got out and we barely made it over to Adventureland.

Truth talk time: I hate Main Street Electric Light Parade. Honestly. I would give anything to avoid it and its music. It was a novelty to see when it first came back, but I'm over it and I mourn the loss of Spectromagic every day. I grew up with Spectro. (I do like the Japanese version of MSELP though). Jem feels pretty much the same way since 60% of our trips to Disney have been together, so neither of us were upset with missing it.

Pirates had a ten minute wait so we easily got on. The father behind us in line was trying to keep his rapidly fading kids awake to do this one last ride before they headed home. He was reading all the signs to them, and when he got to the Spanish explosives containers he mispronounced it as “explosive-o's”. Jem and I started cracking up. It sounded like a cereal, so we started making up a commercial for it.

We got up to the front of the line and the woman shoved us into the front of the boat with a woman and her adult son. If someone suggests this to you, even if you are two tiny women (we are not – Jem is, I'm a fairly average-sized young woman) don't do it. I was shoved next to the other woman and was very uncomfortable the entire time. Jem was on the left-hand side of the boat. When we went down the hill, she didn't just get wet – she was as wet as she got on Splash the next night and was yelling “I ate Pirate water!” I told her she was probably immune to a ton of diseases now.

We continued down our very cramped boat ride through the Caribbean and played the bumper boats game. The kid in front of us – who was about 4 I'd say – started putting his hand into the water, right next to the mechanics, and the boats kept shifting and moving. When the mom didn't say anything and we began to lurch forward I think all four of us panicked at the same time – remember this is like 2 weeks after the man got his hand caught in pretty much the exact same spot by doing the same thing – because at the same time Jem, the mother/son duo, and I all blurted out “get your hand out of the water!” and scared the kid enough to pull his hand out. His mother turned around to us looking peeved and yelled “it's fine!” in a very irritated manner. I usually hate doing that kind of thing but it just slipped out. We tried to explain about the guy and his fingers and everything but the mother wasn't interested.

It was around 10 when we got out of the Pirates giftshop. Jem's shoes were soaked and we were both exhausted so we headed back to the hotel. We didn't have to wait that long and we were some of the only people on the bus at that time, since everyone was waiting for the fireworks, and we were the first stop!

While we were walking back through the parking lot to our room the frogs were singing. There was one that sounded like it was saying “meh”; the father walking behind us said to his daughter that it was a frog just like her. It was an adorable little moment!

As we walked we ended up having to walk around the Jamaica section for a good ten minutes before finding our room again. We had taken a turn in too soon since all the buildings look the same and we've never been there before. We finally made it back to our room just before 11, showered, and put ourselves to bed – we had a really early day the next day!

Before I go, I want to leave you guys with two pictures I forgot to upload earlier. Like I (probably) mentioned, our room was newly refurbished. For anyone curious, this is what it looked like:

(I had claimed my bed with my Duffy, in case you were wondering)

Subbing along from your PTR. We were there the same time as you. :)

Now I need to go back through and read. :surfweb:
A Vintage Sort of Day​

Day Two of our Disney adventure broke way too early. I was up by 6:30ish and got dressed. When the alarm went off I just turned it off, thinking Jen had heard it.



She woke up at 7:15 and got ready.

We were out the door and got on a bus for 7:45, which was only about 15 minutes later than we wanted to be. While we were waiting for the bus (I think it was this day?) a girl standing near us was stung on the arm by the bee. I swear, the bees are becoming more aggressive. Must be the humidity. We got to Hollywood Studios rather quickly and booked it for the Friendship boat. We just barely made it – thank you, madame skipper, for holding it for us! - and slipped into the second row to be whisked away to our 8:55 ADR.

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

I have to admit, I've never been to any of the boardwalk-area hotels, with the exception of the Boardwalk itself, and even that was a long time ago, when my mother, my uncle, and I had walked from (what was then) MGM to Epcot. And all I remember about that was being hot. So getting to breakfast was a bit of a learning curve for both of us, but we managed just fine.

We got there pretty much right at 8:55 and were seated within five minutes. We were instantly in love with the decorating – probably because, even though it's called Cape May, it looks exactly like the type of pseudo-upscale restaurant you'd go to over the summer down the Cape.

We were called in fairly quickly and the hostess showed us all the important bits of the restaurant (aka where the food and restrooms were) and sat us. We had a really great waitress. I wish I could remember her name, but she was German and really sweet and quick. We wrote her a thank you note on the table at the end of our meal and gave her one of the larger tips we left during the trip.

She brought us coffee and juice and let us loose on the buffet. As you can see, I had a bit of fun with what my plate (I'm also a very bad buffet-eating, because I pile up one plate and don't go back up):

That's cheesy eggs, sausage, yogurt with pineapple, a Mickey waffle with caramelized bananas, and a biscuit with some gravy. The cheesy eggs were really yummy! The biscuit and waffle were pretty hard and meh but that's definitely from being under a heat lamp more than anything to do with quality.

We very much enjoyed the characters. We had some nice interactions even though we were in the two-top in the corner and weren't a family with children which was nice. We were there mostly to see the cute bathing outfits. I don't know if it was because it was so early or because of the atmosphere but the characters were ready and excited to see everyone which, after some reviews of the character dining recently, was wonderful to see!

We finished up left for the Friendship boats. We got stuck at the lighthouse just as our boat was leaving because there was a camera crew filming/photographing three little kids for the 2015 promos. As they were setting up for a new shot/giving the kids a small break they let us through but it took them a good ten minutes before they were able to do so. It was a tad bit annoying. But we had to wait another ten minutes for a boat anyway so whatever; in the grand scheme of things it wasn't a problem at all!

The boat showed up – the exact same Friendship boat we had been on earlier – and we were off. We were in Hollywood Studios by 10:30 and were able to get through the crowds waiting for the Frozen parade to the back of the hat. We weren't really sure what we wanted to do but after a while we decided we'd just get into line for the Great Movie Ride since it was only 20 minutes. It was the first time in about two years we got a gangster. When we got off it was time for our first FastPass+ of the day and for Jem to face her first fear of the trip – Rock 'n' Rollercoaster.
Facing Fear #1​

We're almost at the point where I started to take pictures! I seriously failed for the first day and a half here.

Our first fastpass of the day was for Rock 'n' Rollercoaster. This used to be my absolute favorite ride when I was a teenager, but I haven't been on it in years. I may have gone when I was 21 when my mum and I had a mother/daughter trip but I can't remember. Jem's never done it. She has a fear of rides that go upside down and never had any want to go on it. Well, part of our trip this year was to do things that scared us and while neither of us really felt all that up to trying Tower of Terror this trip, but Jem was going to go on the rides that scared her most: RnRC and Splash.

There may have been bribery involved. I had made a deal with her months before our trip: if she went on Splash I would buy her a pin for her lanyard. This is what my mother would do with me to get me on rides when I was a kid so I figured it was a good bribe for Jem too. Well, when we were planning our FP+ and were talking about the rides we could do at Studios, she agreed that if I bought her a pin for RnRC she'd do it, too.

I had made a comment while we were on the Friendship boat headed towards Studios that our first FP+ was RnRC. Jem had turned to me looking a bit sick and I'm pretty sure she was panicking for the entire hour before our FP+ time. She managed to not let it bubble to the surface until we were in the pre-show room and then she almost backed out on me. I honestly thought maybe she would pass out but she kept on trucking all the way to the ride. I'm pretty sure she may have told me she hated me at one point.

I wish I had a picture of the picture, but I'm a very nice friend and did not take a picture of her face, even though my mother asked for pictures. I was completely certain either a) she wouldn't talk to me anymore after that or b) she would absolutely hate it and would back out of going on Splash later in the week.

This was Jem's reaction upon getting off:

We took some time to grab some pictures of the area for Jem to send to her mum:
Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

Tues. 5 Aug. 2014 by wildvictorian, on Flickr

We walked back towards the rest of the park. We stopped in the villains store when Jem said she wasn't feeling all that well – she had the beginnings of a headache. I gave her some Advil and went out to fill up my water bottle for her. She drank most of the water but when we were back out into the heat she still wasn't feeling that great. I thought quickly and suggested we go to Oaken's Funland since it was inside and I knew the AC was pretty high up in there thanks to the conversations I had had with my parents when they had gotten home from their trip a few weeks earlier. We headed over there and just stood around for a bit. Jem started to feel a bit better but while she was watching the ice skating I went over to the refreshment counter and bought us each a blue slush. We sent my mother a silly picture of the two of us drinking it but it seems it didn't end up in my cloud like I thought.

While we were trying to place the taste a cast member came over to us and helped us out: they taste like blue jolly ranchers. We talked to him for a little while as we drank before making our excuses and headed on out. We were in there for a good hour! We went over to the bathrooms near Lights, Motors, Action to clean out our cups and Jem said she was feeling a lot better. We both agreed that it was probably an adrenaline crash and the sugar/air conditioning helped a lot to make her feel better.

We headed on over and took a nice ride on Star Tours. By that point it was around 1:45 so we headed on over to our lunch for the day!


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