Everyone Hail To The Pumpkin Song! October '14 TR **Cadaver Dans 11/24


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2011
Hello and welcome to another edition of my family and my camera’s adventure through Disney!

If you don’t recognize me I really can’t blame you. I’ve been missing in action on the DIS for the past couple of months. Work. Conferences. A little sprinkle of a mid-life crisis. You know, the usual things that keeps one from logging on to DIS. But now I’m back thanks to another fun-filled trip to Disney we just returned from and am fully recharged to take on life and reality again. At least for a week.

Let me introduce you to the cast of characters. First there's me. Obsessed with both Disney and photography equal parts who turned 40 this year. Then there's DW who enjoys our trips to Disney most of the time and tolerates my addiction as long as Disney doesn't become the exclusive destination for all of our vacation trips. We have two wonderful children: DD8 who is becoming more and more enamored with Disney after each trip and is starting to take on a lot of thrill rides and DS5 who really lets loose and let his wild side fly while he's in Disney.

The trip came to be after a little bit of convincing DW when we returned back home this past January. I had visited Disney for a conference October of last year (the TR of which you can find below in my signature!) and got to experience MNSSHP. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to share it with the kids. On top of that, this year DD's school calendar had her four day fall weekend come on the weekend of Halloween! It took a little bargaining with DW who doesn't think two trips to Disney within a year is worth it so we decided to make this particular visit a short one and combine it with a visit to DW's aunt and uncle who lives in Port Charlotte, FL.

This TR will be a short one because the trip itself was short. We arrived on the evening of Wednesday, October 29th and departed Disney on the morning of Sunday, November 2nd and spent a couple of extra days in Florida visiting family. Essentially, we had just three full days in the parks. Actually, I shouldn’t even say “full days” since we took things easy and spent a good amount of time away from the parks. In fact, we didn’t visit DHS or Epcot this time (gasp!) and we made rope drop just once for the entire trip (GASP!) Our mission for this short weekend trip? To experience Halloween in true Disney fashion! Everything else would be a bonus, an icing on the cake.

If you have read my last two trip reports you probably know that I’ve taken a liking to posting updates in non-chronological fashion. So you’ll see me jumping around in time a bit especially since we took a good amount of resort time during this trip.

If you're not Facebook friends with me and would like to be, please shoot me a PM. I've been posting the photos of my family from Disney on FB that goes along with the trip report.

So sit back and I hope you enjoy the ride as we answer some burning questions through out the trip report! Will DD finally face her fears and confront the Yeti and the Happy Haunts? Will this trip finally be the trip where she’s tall enough to ride on Primeval Whirl? Will DS stay awake long enough to make it through Hallowishes? Will he make it back from time-traveling through the time of the dinosaurs in one piece? Will trick-or-treating in the Magic Kingdom on Halloween be the best thing ever? Stay tuned!

And as I usually do to keep you sufficiently teased, I’ll end this intro with a batch of photos from this very Halloweeny (and not-so-scary) trip! If you would like to see the full resolution versions of each of these images, you can also follow the links I provided to my photography website!

Full Resolution Images available at: http://goo.gl/FJ50tV

Hallowishes from Main Street

Festival of Fantasy

Hitchhiking Ghosts in Boo To You Parade.

Pirates of the Caribbean during MNSSHP

Festival of the Lion King in its new Harambe Theater

I hope you guys loved your MNSSHP experience! It is officially my favorite time to visit WDW! Sounds like you approached this trip as Will and I have approached trips lately. More resort time, less rope dropping and park time. How can something so wrong feel so right? :lmao:
I'm here, I'm here! Very excited - can't wait to see your Festival of Fantasy parade pictures! (especially since it was rained out our last trip so your pictures are the closest I will get to actually seeing it)
Awesome Dave! I'm along for the ride again. Keeps me busy until my Christmas trip in 30 days!!! Hope you brought yer point n shot camera this trip :rotfl2:
Here Dave. All set for more of your wonderful photos. And thankfully I've seen Festival of Fantasy so I can actually look at your photos of that. :)
I hope you guys loved your MNSSHP experience! It is officially my favorite time to visit WDW! Sounds like you approached this trip as Will and I have approached trips lately. More resort time, less rope dropping and park time. How can something so wrong feel so right? :lmao:

We loved MNSSHP! We did two nights including one on Halloween which I think helped us take a more relaxed approach for the parties. It takes the pressure off trying to get everything done. :)

I'm here, I'm here! Very excited - can't wait to see your Festival of Fantasy parade pictures! (especially since it was rained out our last trip so your pictures are the closest I will get to actually seeing it)

Can't wait to share my photos of Festival of Fantasy! I was able to get a good number and I have to say this is an absolutely a new favorite of mine!

Looking forward to your report!!! LOVE your pictures on FB!!!

Thanks!! Happy you could join in!

Jointing in can't wait to hear about the trip!

Thanks for joining in!!

Awesome Dave! I'm along for the ride again. Keeps me busy until my Christmas trip in 30 days!!! Hope you brought yer point n shot camera this trip :rotfl2:

:rotfl: I have to say after lugging around all that equipment for so long the thought crossed my mind about bringing a point and shoot the next time. It was a very fleeting thought. ;)

Here Dave. All set for more of your wonderful photos. And thankfully I've seen Festival of Fantasy so I can actually look at your photos of that. :)

Hi Rob! Good to see you again!

Glad to see that I am not the only one who has been MIA on the DIS! I did catch a few photos on FB and, as always, you have me totally jealous with your photos. I just got a new camera and I'm trying to learn more about it but I doubt I ever reach your level!

We took our first cruise and first DCL cruise in early October and they are as addictive as the parks.

I love the TR title...HalloWishes is my favorite! We listen to the CD in the car year round!

I can't wait to read along and, maybe even more, see all the beautiful pictures!

I'm here! Glad to hear about another trip and see your awesome photos. :goodvibes

Thanks for following again! :goodvibes




Glad to see that I am not the only one who has been MIA on the DIS! I did catch a few photos on FB and, as always, you have me totally jealous with your photos. I just got a new camera and I'm trying to learn more about it but I doubt I ever reach your level!

We took our first cruise and first DCL cruise in early October and they are as addictive as the parks.

I love the TR title...HalloWishes is my favorite! We listen to the CD in the car year round!

I can't wait to read along and, maybe even more, see all the beautiful pictures!


Thanks for the very kind words! Which camera did you pick for your new one?

DCL has been something I've been very interested in for awhile but sadly DW does not do so well on boats/ships so we've been putting it off.

For the past week, I've had the songs for Boo To You and Hallowishes stuck in my head. I tell ya, those melodies are bigger ear worms than It's a Small World but at least I like them since it reminds me of MNSSHP.
Let’s jump right in shall we and begin with the best parade I’ve seen Disney put together. Ever. After seeing numerous photos of the parade from Disney and visitors my expectations were already set at lofty heights which are always ripe for disappointment. Not this time. They really knocked this one out of the park. The colors. The costumes. The larger-than-life sized floats. What I enjoyed most about this parade was how they incorporated the supporting CMs and created very energetic , eye-catching, and dynamic roles especially when compared to their predecessor Celebrate A Dream Come True where the CMs were all wearing the exact same costumes, performing the exact same dance routines, and possibly the same type of wigs. For Festival of Fantasy, the CMs are part of the attraction and focus of attention. They are also allowed to provide a lot more interaction with the guests thanks to their costumes and roles. I think I had more fun photographing them than I did of the central characters on the floats which sort of reminded me of the set up for Festival of the Lion King. I can’t wait to go back to watch and photograph the parade again because there were so many looks I missed during this first pass.

Ok, that was a lot of gushing so I’ll take a few steps back and tell you how we ended up watching the parade before I roll out the slide show. This was one of the many “firsts” that we were planning on experiencing during this trip. I had penciled the parade into our plans for Halloween, our second park day and was able to secure FP+s for it. Now normally I usually don’t like to tie up a FP+ for parade or fireworks viewing especially now that we can keep booking additional FP+s after we use up the first three but it made perfect sense for this particular day because we didn’t enter MK until 2:30pm. Yes, you heard right. The guy who never misses a rope drop planned a park entry time of 2:30pm. That’s another first.

It was a good plan though. The kids had stayed up till 11:30pm on the night before attending their first MNSSHP and we had our second one coming up on this evening. I figured they would need to sleep in, enjoy a lazy brunch at Chef Mickey’s (now there's a contradictory phrase since nothing's lazy about the pace at CM!), rest up and relax by the pool side for a couple of hours, then squeeze a two hour nap before we headed out to MK. That’s exactly how it all worked out. The FP+ would allow us to enter the park as close to the parade time as we could and still provide us with a good viewing location without having to stake out much earlier in the afternoon.

DS had been particularly looking forward to this one. Not that he knew what the parade was about but on the previous day as we were running to meet Anna/Elsa during our FP+ window he noticed all of the people along Main Street camping out for the parade and declared that he too wanted to watch the parade instead of meeting a queen and a princess. We had to talk him down from the ledge of a meltdown as we promised him that we would be watching it the following day.

We got to the FP+ check-in line for the parade viewing area which encompasses the section of the Hub that faces the Castle and curbs around towards the area across from the bridge that leads to Fairytale Gardens. Yes, just like everywhere else there was a line for the FP+ check in but it moved fast. Even though we lined up at 2:45pm and finished checking in at 2:50pm we were able to still find a curbside spot and sat everyone down including DW. I stayed standing up by the stroller just so I could take the photos. We spent the next 10 minutes chatting with the family sitting next to us and watched their extremely cute 1 year old daughter testing out her walking skills under the ropes and into Main Street where her mom would have to scurry out to haul her back in. Our kids love playing with babies and toddlers so they provided her with plenty of attention and play to keep her occupied and stay put. The father of the family asked one of the CMs how long it would take to take the boat launches over to Fort Wilderness. The CM didn’t know and said she would ask a couple of the other CMs who have been at Disney longer. While she was doing that, I told him that the boat ride itself should be about 15-20 minutes but he would also have to factor in the time for waiting for a boat and the time it will take to walk out of the park and to the lakeside. 5 minutes later the CM returned with pretty much the same answer. I love showing off my Disney knowledge. DW is kind of tired of hearing about it.

Ok, so here come the photos. As always, I'll post the high-resolution versions of these photos on my website at dhphotogallery.com or follow this link http://goo.gl/otCzab if you're interested.

The grand marshal of the parade came through in their vehicle and not too long after that the announcement and music for the parade began piping through the speakers around us. From that moment on, the kids were completely transfixed as they were bombarded with one visual after another. I got goosebumps as the music escalated and the first CMs and the float of the parade finally arrived at the Hub.

First, the royalty section of the parade arrived led by these beautifully dressed CMs dancing down the street.

First float was filled with princesses and princes and a beast. I was getting downright giddy looking at all of that color displayed in the roses by Belle.

On the back of that float, there was Olaf. Oh, and Anna and Elsa were there too on a platform that was spinning around. Yeah, my eyes were locked on Olaf the minute I saw him and my camera focused on him but it was nice for Anna and Elsa to look oh so beautiful standing next to him.

I’m not sure how I would do standing on a platform that perpetually spins on a float that’s also moving for 30 minutes. I’m pretty sure I would be reaching for one of those sickness bags oh about 2 minutes in.

Ulf, the part time thug, part time mime, full time dancer from Tangled came bouncing down the street surrounded by dancers dressed in eye popping colors. Did I mention how colorful this parade is? I did? Oh well, I’m pretty sure you’ll hear it a few more times.

Rapunzel! She has her own ship! Wait, Rapunzel has her own ship? The only time I can remember her being on water in the movie was…..oh never mind, it looks totally awesome with a dragon head to boot.

Should we start taking bets on how long it takes before Anna and Elsa takes over this float in true Maelstrom fashion? If you squint your eyes that ship does look very Norwegian. Seriously, they better not take this away from one of my favorite characters.

So good to see Flynn! The swinging sledgehammer and axes on this float is one of my favorites of the parade.

I’m beginning to spot some spectacular marine life forms here. Probably means Ariel is not far behind.

I can’t say enough how much I love the floats.

Hamming it up for the camera. The blue shaded Lennon glasses are an especially nice tough. Yes, I know, my camera is ginormous that I look like a one eyed black monster when I have it up to my eyes taking pictures and I’m reminded of it every time a CM hams it up for me.

Continued in the next post.

Continued from Previous Post

Really liked the updated look of the Lost Boys. The CMs played the part very well too.

Seriously love the floats. Okay, I think this is by far my favorite float. Skull. Rainbow. A pirate ship. It has it all!

Even Hook himself riding the anchor!

Dude, don’t look now but there’s someone following you……

Tink was also on the back of the float.

Ok, this parade didn’t give me much time to take a breath and the colors, floats, and awesomeness kept on coming. One portion of the parade I wasn’t able to get good photos of were the dancers dressed in Scottish inspired colors leading the Merida’s float. (Jotting down on my to-do list for the next trip). I don’t think I was prepared for how fast they were moving around and my shutter speed wasn’t set properly so got a lot of motion blur. But I did get a couple of great shots of Merida herself!

Couldn’t help notice the plate of treats stacked behind her. Yes, I was getting hungry at this point. Hmmm, I wonder if there’s a treat cart that’s following behind Merida that I can flag over for a couple of Mickey Bars.

Nope definitely not the treat cart. Prince Phillip. I really think they should use this version of his costume for the meet and greets. More Game of Thrones, Less Puffy Shirt. Definitely a dragon slayer. Prince Phillip and DS had a fun interaction. DS was holding on to his Clone Trooper laser blaster gun which was part of his Halloween costume for later that night. When Phillip approached, DS picked up his toy laser gun and pointed at him. The prince stopped, raised his shield as to block the shots and then pointed his sword at DS with a smile.

I really can’t remember any of the names of the fairies. I think DD and DS can thanks to their roles in Sofia the First.

So even as a first time viewer I knew what the appearance of Phillip and this Raven meant.

Fire. Breathing. Maleficent. The float itself is an impressive sight even without its famous special effects. As I heard the music starting to cue up to the part when the fire would make its appearance, I told DW and the kids to look up at the dragon’s head and sure enough she breathed out a ball of fire.

Not sure how many of you parents have read “Dragons Love Tacos” book to your kids but this scene reminded me of that book. Remember, no spicy salsa on the tacos for the dragons!

So I must have had sensory overload at this point from all of the fun and the spectacle of this parade because somehow I managed to capture ZERO shots of Pinocchio’s float.

By the way, I really admire Pinocchio’s staying power when it comes to parade. The guy continues to secure a float for himself on every parade even as more recent favorite characters fall to the wayside. He must have a killer agent that drives a hard bargain with arm twisting tactics. Oh, hi Jiminy!

And finally, the CMs beautifully dressed for the occasion of leading Mickey and Minnie’s float.

I got my favorite photo shot of the parade at the very end with this one. Minnie’s fantasy taking flight right in front of the Castle.

So hope you enjoyed the photo tour! I can’t wait to go back and take photos of this magnificent parade!

THANK YOU on the description of Celebrate a Dream Come True Dave. This is exactly why it did nothing for me. To me it was the same thing over and over for the regular CM's and it just got boring. Add in the fact that I didn't care for the outfits to begin with and it quickly became a pass.

I know you've been to Disneyland but I don't remember if you saw it, but this parade really reminds me of the Soundsational parade. So much Colour and just fantastic costumes.

From a non parade guy... I LOVE THIS PARADE!!! I can't even express how much better this is.
I feel like telling you your pictures are amazing is like saying it is hot at Animal Kingdom in August ... but still, they really are amazing. Probably the best captured fire shot I have ever seen.

And we have that "Dragons don't eat Tacos" book - I didn't think of it before but now that you mention it that Dragon does kinda look like those in the book

And that is a great picture at the end - just makes Minnie looks so joyful!

Glad you enjoyed the parade so much and that you were glad you did the FP+, etc.
THANK YOU on the description of Celebrate a Dream Come True Dave. This is exactly why it did nothing for me. To me it was the same thing over and over for the regular CM's and it just got boring. Add in the fact that I didn't care for the outfits to begin with and it quickly became a pass.

I know you've been to Disneyland but I don't remember if you saw it, but this parade really reminds me of the Soundsational parade. So much Colour and just fantastic costumes.

From a non parade guy... I LOVE THIS PARADE!!! I can't even express how much better this is.

Rob, I made the exact same comparison to DW between Festival of Fantasy and Soundsational Parade especially some of the color schemes on the CMs costumes. Of course, that one didn't have a fire breathing dragon. ;)

I feel like telling you your pictures are amazing is like saying it is hot at Animal Kingdom in August ... but still, they really are amazing. Probably the best captured fire shot I have ever seen.

And we have that "Dragons don't eat Tacos" book - I didn't think of it before but now that you mention it that Dragon does kinda look like those in the book

And that is a great picture at the end - just makes Minnie looks so joyful!

Glad you enjoyed the parade so much and that you were glad you did the FP+, etc.

Always appreciate the kind words!

That's what I really liked about that last picture. The "look" of sheer joy in Minnie!
Great pics and description of parade! can't wait to see it in person next month so awesome
Joining in! Very excited to see all the beautiful photos.

FoF is, besides Wishes, my favorite Disney experience. I didn't even notice the pile of treats behind Merida, so many good details!

I love that second bubble girl picture, they are my favorite costume in the parade!


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