Who knows what's even going to be going on with the National Parks systems with all of the cuts and freezes. I saw on social media from the "alt ntl parks" account that they are anticipating the reservation systems that they have been using to control capacity to NOT be in place this year because of all of the cuts. That's a little freaky, and as someone who lives in a place with a very popular natural area, makes me nervous for the possible outcomes for these places as a result of too many people at a time.
In fitness news, I purchased new shoes today. I had seen some posts on reddit about the new balance "Balos" last summer, and the shoe looked ..... different. Very "retro" feeling colors, and the reviews were kind of mixed, but mostly centered on, "Why does NB think they can charge supertrainer shoe prices for a shoe with no carbon or even nylon plate?" because these things are msrp'd at $200. Reviews started comparing them to the supercomp trainer v1 (which makes me run so much faster without any more effort than my 1080s), they have a midsole rocker, the drop is similar to what I'm used to, etc. So I started to really consider trying them. But. They didn't appear to sell particularly well (but they were also not marketed much, if at all!) and there was some conjecture that they would abandon the new model completely, and I didn't want to try a new shoe that would immediately become impossible to find. But looking at the NB website, there is now a *new* "V1" of the shoe (make it make sense?! the first shoe was just "Balos" and now the 2nd release, which looks different, is the v1???) and they were clearancing out the OG model. Yes. Clearance for $160. So I've been waiting, and today they were gone from the main NB website.
If you don't know, "Joesnewbalanceoutlet" is basically an overstock/previous model site that is completely legit. I got DS2 two pairs of plated track spikes for $100 total....spikes that usually sell for $170 each. So now this season he won't just run in is xc spikes for track. And while the shoes had been available there as well, they also had a "$30 off $100+" sale going. So now these $200 shoes are $120. That's less than a new pair of 1080s. So I bought them. (All of that was to say, if you love NB shoes, there can be some really good deals at that website, so go check it out.)