I will apologize in advance. I have not read through all 13 pages of this thread and my post may be a tangent to the recent comments but I feel this is related to the high costs of a disney vacation and how that cost has increased over the years as value has taken a hit. I did my first solo disney trip in February of 2017, and me being a financial guy, I tracked my costs diligently so I could know what i spent and where I spent it. I went back and did my best to recreate that trip using 2024 WDW prices (I actually started pulling my numbers a few weeks ago). Its a pretty interesting comparison.
2017 5 nights at Pop Century with a 15% discount = $502. Same room same week in 2024 also 5 days with a 20% discount = $755. Also that 2017 price included a magic band and magical express, but the sklyliner wasnt open in 2017.
2017 a six day park hopper purchased from
Undercover Tourist = $424. Same in 2024 = $776. Remember that the 2017 price included fastpass+. Add a few hundred in 2024 for Lighning Lane access.
2017 meals, I ate 6 quick service, one character meal, two table service meals with alcoholic drinks, several starbucks, and one visit to Trader Sams in total was$302. Looking at todays menus I dont hink there has been a dramatic increase. The only change here is in 2017 I ate lunch at Be Our Guest for $21. Today that would cost $87.
So just using the basic of room, ticket, and food, in 2017 thats $1,228 compared to $1,924 in 2024 which could go up to about $2,270 if you purchased
lightning lane, a magaic band, and Uber to and from MCO.
One thing I wish I could find that to me would be the park hours available to me as an onsite guest. I think it would be a much lower number of hours available in 2024 given the reduction of hours in general, cut backs on extended hours and the new ticketed events.
Anyway just some fun food for thought.