ELEVATE! Is that a whale out there? A three-generation cruise to Alaska!UPDATE 8/29


Change Is Good
Jan 7, 2010
I think it best to start with a little introduction about us and how this trip came to be, don’t you? ;)

I am Roni, and I will be the reporter of this trip. :thumbsup2 This is my second TR here on the DIS - I had so much fun with the first one that I thought I would try again! I am an only parent to a little princess with a big attitude (sometimes a good attitude, sometimes not quite so good) - my DD Willow, age 5.

Here we are at WDW last October:

This was our very first cruise!!! :woohoo: We live in Washington State, so when I discovered that the Wonder would be sailing from Seattle this year, I got to thinking. That eventually led to booking a trip. And then my mom decided to join us, and she invited a good friend of hers. They booked and ended up with a stateroom just a few doors down from ours on Deck 6. :cool1:

We had months of waiting, but eventually the cruise started to get close and suddenly seemed real. We were all really excited! And I am now really excited to share our trip with you! pixiedust:

I hope to get a real update done very soon (probably some preliminary stuff and pictures of our cruise preparations) and then will dive right into the vacation!

Thanks in advance for reading along! princess:

Quick Links:
1. Pre-Cruise Excitement
2. Our WONDERful Trip Begins
3. The Worst Embassy Suites Ever
4. Welcome to the Wonder!
5. What? Food already?
6. A Little Exploring and Getting Settled In - Part 1
6. A Little Exploring and Getting Settled In - Part 2
7. Sail Away!!! (Part 1)
7. Sail Away Part 2
8. Let the Eating Begin in Earnest!
9. A Scary Evening at Sea
10. We Engage in Some Additional Eating
11. A Wee Tour of the Wonder
12. A Royal Visit
13. The Less-Than-Royal Rest of the Day with a Very Brief Mouse-tastic Moment
14. Fine Dining with The Judies
15. ELEVATE, Sweet Magic, and Good Night! (Day 2)
16. A Breakfast with Character and Willow Falls in Love (Day 3) - Part 1
16. A Breakfast with Character and Willow Falls in Love (Day 3) - Part 2
17. A Little Me Time (Day 3)
18. “Iceberg, Right Ahead!” (Day 3)
19. “Will the Lifeboats Be Seated According to Class?” (Day 3)
20. We MUST Eat - It’s Been HOURS! (Day 3)
21. Stars and Stripes on the Wonder (Day 3)
22. Braving the Mickey Waters in Alaska (Day 4) (Part 1)
22. Braving the Mickey Waters in Alaska (Day 4) (Part 2)
23. What? We’re Actually Getting off the Ship? (Day 4)
24. DD’s Colorful Dinner (Day 4) (Part 1)
24. DD’s Colorful Dinner (Day 4) (Part 2)
25. More Fine Dining with The Judies (Day 4)
26. A Little Doulson, A Little Exploring (Day 5)
27. Sledding with the Dogs (Day 5) (Part 1)
27. Sledding with the Dogs (Day 5) (Part 2)

28. Braving the Waters (Day 5)
29. A Pirate’s Life for DD! (Day 5)
30. A Grown-Up Meal and a Toy-Filled Show (Day 5)
31. Some Shopping and Some Walking (Day 6)
32. A Little Fish and a Brave Princess (Day 6)
33. DD’s At-Sea Stage Debut (Day 6)
34. Some of Us Dine, and One of Us Has a Fight (Day 6)
35. Some Fancy Brunching (Day 7)
36. Some New Cruise Plans, Some Treats, Some Swimming and a Show (Day 7)
37. Good-Night and then Good-Bye (Day 7) (Part 1)
37. Good-Night and then Good-Bye (Day 7) (Part 2)http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=45990886&postcount=596
Yay! I'm so excited to hear all about it!
:wave2: Shannon!!! Thanks for joining me. :hug: How are you so fast???? :rotfl:

I should have an actual update up tonight, although Photobucket is giving me fits and hasn't uploaded my photos in the last two hours. :scared:
Woo Hoo! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: The trip report is started!!

I'm so excited to hear about every little detail!

So, whenever you're ready with the 1st update....:surfweb:

:wave2: Shannon!!! Thanks for joining me. :hug: How are you so fast???? :rotfl:

I should have an actual update up tonight, although Photobucket is giving me fits and hasn't uploaded my photos in the last two hours. :scared:

I wouldn't have missed it! I just had really lucky timing tonight :thumbsup2

Photobucket seems to go through moods that could rival a 5 year old girl's :rotfl: I had a terrible time with it when I started my TR as well.
Woo Hoo! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: The trip report is started!!

I'm so excited to hear about every little detail!

So, whenever you're ready with the 1st update....:surfweb:

:rotfl2: The pressure! The pressure! :rotfl2:

Photobucket is killing me tonight. I am still hopeful to post a real update tonight, but it will be a bit of a repeat for you given that you followed the quasi-pre-trip report. ;)

I love multi-generation trips! Looking forward to hearing all about yours!
Hi Cindy! :wave2: Thanks so much for joining! I hope it will be a fun journey.
I wouldn't have missed it! I just had really lucky timing tonight :thumbsup2

Photobucket seems to go through moods that could rival a 5 year old girl's :rotfl: I had a terrible time with it when I started my TR as well.
:rotfl2: That is exactly how it is behaving!!! I don't think it helps that I have found the adjustment from Microsoft to Apple great in every way except for uploading photos - it has been really hard to get the hang of that, and iPhoto has been a witch to me this week! :crazy2:
:rotfl2: The pressure! The pressure! :rotfl2:

Really, no rush! You know I just like to give you a hard time! :goodvibes

Photobucket is killing me tonight. I am still hopeful to post a real update tonight, but it will be a bit of a repeat for you given that you followed the quasi-pre-trip report. ;)

Seems like I see a lot of people complain about Photobucket quite often. Must be a finicky site. That's ok if it's a repeat....I'm still excited to hear about y'alls travels.
:rotfl2: That is exactly how it is behaving!!! I don't think it helps that I have found the adjustment from Microsoft to Apple great in every way except for uploading photos - it has been really hard to get the hang of that, and iPhoto has been a witch to me this week! :crazy2:

It's funny that you say that because my laptop is going to need to be replaced before too long. I've been kicking around the idea of making the switch to a MacBook. I'd hate to have problems with my photos though.
It's funny that you say that because my laptop is going to need to be replaced before too long. I've been kicking around the idea of making the switch to a MacBook. I'd hate to have problems with my photos though.

Do it! You won't regret it. Last summer, our desktop was starting to go out. So one day, Ed went out & bought me a MacBook Air. LOVE IT!!! There was a small learning curve to some things with it but it really is great. I don't know if you need a big laptop but if not, check out the MacBook Airs. They're so lightweight! I have the 13". For photos - have you ever considered switching to a pay-for site? I use SmugMug. For the basic account, it's $40/year. I love the site! You can set all sorts of privacy settings on your photos & it's extremely easy to post photos from there to here.
I'm here and I'm reading. Can't wait!!!
Jess!!!! :woohoo: So happy to have you along for the ride!!!

Really, no rush! You know I just like to give you a hard time! :goodvibes

Seems like I see a lot of people complain about Photobucket quite often. Must be a finicky site. That's ok if it's a repeat....I'm still excited to hear about y'alls travels.
I am usually really lucky with Photobucket, but it is making me pay tonight! :scared:

It's funny that you say that because my laptop is going to need to be replaced before too long. I've been kicking around the idea of making the switch to a MacBook. I'd hate to have problems with my photos though.
I cannot recommend the switch enough. I love my MacBook Pro. It is fantastic! My uploading issues are all user error, and even with those issues, it is still about 50 times better than my nemesis, the Dell! :furious: :rotfl2:
1. Pre-Cruise Excitement

There is not a lot of planning that goes into a cruise. At least not for me (much to my dismay). :confused3 However, about a month or two before our vacation was to start, we were able to allow ourselves to get a little excited.

First, Disney upgraded us to adjoining staterooms on Deck 7. :woohoo: Second, I booked our excursions - only two - and attempted to get a Palo reservation. Yikes - those ressies were GONE! :confused3

We were excited nonetheless. I put up DD’s countdown calendar 30 days before our sail date.

She was pretty excited.


The month went by in a whirlwind of countdown days and countdown gifts.











And sometime in there, due to my constant checking and re-checking, we scored a Palo reservation! Yay! I was not thrilled that it was for the same night as the Golden Mickeys, but a very smart DIS’er told me not to worry about it - it is okay to miss a show or two. ;)

I will start off the actual travel part of the report very soon! Thanks in advance for reading along!!! :hippie:
Love the pre-trip update! :thumbsup2

I am so glad you were able to get a Palo ressie - I can't wait to hear about it. I'm still undecided if I try to get a Remy or Palo ressie for us.

So excited to hear about the cruise! :goodvibes
Love the pre-trip update! :thumbsup2

I am so glad you were able to get a Palo ressie - I can't wait to hear about it. I'm still undecided if I try to get a Remy or Palo ressie for us.

So excited to hear about the cruise! :goodvibes

Thanks! I can't wait to tell you about our Palo experience(s????). And I can't wait to get this dang report really rockin' along. I have to get to writing though and organizing pictures. I have to take Willow to birthday parties tomorrow and Sunday! :scared: I am still hopeful that I will be able to get some organizing and writing done tomorrow evening though.

I suggest that you make reservations for both places. ;)
Such great photos!

I love those Animators Collection dolls! I talked DD into that Rapunzel one instead of a stuffed animal on the last day of our trip. They are soooo sweet. (and I found a link on Pinterest for homemade "doll detangler". I'm going to make it this weekend and if it works I'll share the "recipe" with you. Those Rapunzel dolls have nightmare hair and if Willow is anything like Mads-it's always mom's job to brush her hair out :rotfl:) They have a way better selection of the dolls at the Disney Store here than they did at the parks, and I'm so tempted to get her another one (she has Belle and Jasmine too :rolleyes1)

I think I knew you got that Palo reservation (?) but I can't wait to hear how you liked it. I'm dying to know about that excursion too. :goodvibes

Thanks for the tips about the Macs guys! The only thing that holds me back is that my BiL is a Dell certified Tech. He always fixes the computer for me for free! And, the company that he and MiL work for is a software company and they *might* share all the software that I could possible want with me for free. All for Microsoft of course. I'll do some more research, I've got some time before this one really peters out!

Thanks! I can't wait to tell you about our Palo experience(s????). And I can't wait to get this dang report really rockin' along. I have to get to writing though and organizing pictures. I have to take Willow to birthday parties tomorrow and Sunday! :scared: I am still hopeful that I will be able to get some organizing and writing done tomorrow evening though.

I suggest that you make reservations for both places. ;)

Oooohhh....you really have me intrigued!!! popcorn::

Thanks for the tips about the Macs guys! The only thing that holds me back is that my BiL is a Dell certified Tech. He always fixes the computer for me for free! And, the company that he and MiL work for is a software company and they *might* share all the software that I could possible want with me for free. All for Microsoft of course. I'll do some more research, I've got some time before this one really peters out!

You're welcome! It's a hard decision to make as to what is best for your needs.
Such great photos!

I love those Animators Collection dolls! I talked DD into that Rapunzel one instead of a stuffed animal on the last day of our trip. They are soooo sweet. (and I found a link on Pinterest for homemade "doll detangler". I'm going to make it this weekend and if it works I'll share the "recipe" with you. Those Rapunzel dolls have nightmare hair and if Willow is anything like Mads-it's always mom's job to brush her hair out :rotfl:) They have a way better selection of the dolls at the Disney Store here than they did at the parks, and I'm so tempted to get her another one (she has Belle and Jasmine too :rolleyes1)

I think I knew you got that Palo reservation (?) but I can't wait to hear how you liked it. I'm dying to know about that excursion too. :goodvibes

Thanks for the tips about the Macs guys! The only thing that holds me back is that my BiL is a Dell certified Tech. He always fixes the computer for me for free! And, the company that he and MiL work for is a software company and they *might* share all the software that I could possible want with me for free. All for Microsoft of course. I'll do some more research, I've got some time before this one really peters out!
:rotfl2: That is so funny that you posted that about Rapunzel's hair!!!! I have an entire Facebook photo album dedicated to Rapunzel's hair!!! DD has one of those Barbie Rapunzels (with something like 17 inches of synthetic hair) - it is a RAT'S NEST. I realized it one night and immediately snagged baby Rapunzel and discovered that her hair was going down the same path. I was able to save it, braid it up, and it has been good since. I still need to figure out the time and technique to fix Barbie Rapunzel's hair, but it is soooo bad! :scared: My own hair stylist suggested that I bring it in and he would see what he could do for it. :lovestruc Let me know if you find a good technique.

Well, Dell is my darkest nemesis, so I will never encourage that purchase. :rotfl2: But I can totally understand how you might lean in that direction. :thumbsup2
:rotfl2: That is so funny that you posted that about Rapunzel's hair!!!! I have an entire Facebook photo album dedicated to Rapunzel's hair!!! DD has one of those Barbie Rapunzels (with something like 17 inches of synthetic hair) - it is a RAT'S NEST. I realized it one night and immediately snagged baby Rapunzel and discovered that her hair was going down the same path. I was able to save it, braid it up, and it has been good since. I still need to figure out the time and technique to fix Barbie Rapunzel's hair, but it is soooo bad! :scared: My own hair stylist suggested that I bring it in and he would see what he could do for it. :lovestruc Let me know if you find a good technique.

Well, Dell is my darkest nemesis, so I will never encourage that purchase. :rotfl2: But I can totally understand how you might lean in that direction. :thumbsup2

Ok, this is too funny that you have a FB photo album about Rapunzel's hair! :rotfl2: And I especially love that your stylist is willing to work on the doll! :lmao:


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