EDGAR --- The Crutch That Came on Vacation…..a 9/2014 Trip Report

I can't believe you hadn't been on Dumbo since you were a teenager. It's a classic! We do it every trip - to me it's one of those things that it feels wrong to skip.

I love the BOG pictures. Yay for eating in both castles on one day!

I've never gotten stuck on Buzz Lightyear ... I wish I could. I don't think I'll ever reach the high score, but sometimes I just wish my score was a little higher.

Sounds like the day was going well. I'm looking forward to reading more!
And the fun continues at Magic Kingdom as we head to one of my most favorite rides --- the Haunted Mansion! But first we needed to stop and rest Peter’s foot again. We grabbed some free cups of ice water at Pinocchio’s and sat to people watch! I like to people watch, but knowing that HM was next, I was jittery!! C’mon people let’s go already, but I understand we had to wait. I think it’s more of Edgar’s fault! Yeah, another thing to blame on Edgar!!! Speaking of Pinocchio’s I love their flat bread pizza! You must try one, if you like pizza.

OMG!! OMG!! There it is!!

Oh yes, it was as awesome as ever!! I was hoping to get stuck on it, but nope. It ran perfectly fine. Then it was onto Splash, Big Thunder and Pirates!

It was then time to take the train back to Main Street USA and leave for the day. Can you believe our Magic Kingdom Day took this many updates?? As you can tell it was a wonderful day!

New to your trip report but loving so far! We are also staying Business Class at CSR next month when we go! I can't wait!
Sorry about Edgar being an unwanted guest on your trip but glad you guys were able to go!

Hi Desiree and welcome!! :wave2: You will absolutely LOVE Business Class at CSR! It was perfect and the lounge was awesome! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Yeah, well, Edgar had to come along. I offered to postpone the trip but Peter insisted we go.

I can't believe you hadn't been on Dumbo since you were a teenager. It's a classic! We do it every trip - to me it's one of those things that it feels wrong to skip. I love the BOG pictures. Yay for eating in both castles on one day! I've never gotten stuck on Buzz Lightyear ... I wish I could. I don't think I'll ever reach the high score, but sometimes I just wish my score was a little higher. Sounds like the day was going well. I'm looking forward to reading more!

My favorite part of Buzz is spinning. I think I drive Peter a bit nutso, but it's so cool! Yeah, I'm not a good shot whatsoever but really, I'm not trying at all!! I will try to do Dumbo again if there are no lines, but it's something I wouldn't wait for. Thank you for the compliments on my BOG pics. It's hard to get pictures in the West Wing as it's very dark in there. And yes, it was AWESOME to eat in both castles!!! :flower3: princess:
It’s EPCOT day and Victoria’s favorite park! We were up bright and early and at the lounge for breakfast. I wanted to show you all the pictures of the lounge and apparently this was the day I took some.

We are on our way…..

Our first stop?? Spaceship Earth of course!!! Yep, this is about Peter’s speed.

As we were walking we spotted these guys setting up, so yes, I stayed and listened and yes, I was also jamming. Here’s a pic with me and the band:

It was then time for our Soarin fast passes, so we did that (can you believe standby was only 10 minutes!!! I had never seen Soarin at 10 minutes!!!) and then it was off to Living with the Land. I just love that ride! Maybe it’s because we garden and raise chickens, I’m not sure…..now if I could only figure out how to raise alligators….oh wait….too cold here in Maine.

I think we all have the same LwtL pics, don’t we? Oh sometimes I notice little differences like they are starting new seedlings, but most of the time it really doesn’t change.

Lunch time was up next and of course we ate at Seasons. I had chicken and mashed potato while Victoria ate my green beans. She had the same and I believe Peter had an option from the Asian section.

We decided to head to the Living Seas with Nemo. We felt the need to ride in Clamshells once again!!! Along the way I took some pictures:

Ooooopppp……image limit AGAIN!!!!
I am just a posting machine today!!! :rotfl2:

I bet everyone wants to see the fish tank pictures, right? I knew you would so here you go:

We then went to talk with Crush!! I love his interaction!!! But first, Victoria on Twitter……SHOCKING!!!

Back to Spaceship Earth and some pictures of my honey!!!

Oh, here we go Karen….the first of several interactions with………

DISNEY DUCKS!!!! Yes, those infamous ducks who make our trips so much more exciting!!!

We repeated Soarin, Living with the Land and did Journey into Imagination and Captain EO. Next up were the countries starting with Canada. Ok, honestly we walked right by Canada. We were making a beeline for England so that we can look over the Doctor Who stuff. Unfortunately they really didn’t have too much for merchandise --- a couple of shirts/posters/magnets. I was looking for a journal. Oh well. We did stop to watch the performers in England. Very, very good & funny!!!

Then, I thought this was adorable to get this angle of the PP getting a shot with Victoria:

Up next the most amazing meal we’ve had on property!!! Where you ask? Why, Chefs de France in the France pavilion! OMG!! We had never been there so didn’t know what to expect at all. It is so beautiful inside and we were seated where all the windows are facing the little plaza.

Wow look everyone……I actually took pictures of my food. I told you I wasn’t very good with doing that.

We all ordered from the Price-Fix section which includes one appetizer, one entrée and one dessert all for 1 TS credit per person. It included:

French onion soup topped with Gruyere cheese OR
Lobster bisque

The classic French toasted ham and cheese sandwich served with a green salad OR

Quiche Lorraine OR

Macaroni & cheese

Served with dessert of your choice

Now as you can see by MY plate, I had some sort of beef tips that no longer appear on this menu. Hmmmmm. All I know is that they were delicious!!! OMG!! So freaking full after this meal!!

Where to next??? Japan!!! To pick my pearls!!!!
Wow, you really are an update machine today!

Looks like a nice end of your day at MK and a nice start of the day at Epcot. I love that you took pictures of the PP taking pictures of Victoria.

I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of your Epcot day!
Those pix of Victoria are clearly special effect photopass pics.. so where's those pics? I want to know what she's holding.. Tinkerbelle? :confused3

Looks like a great day so far in Epcot!
My Pick a Pearl experience was the same as always --- lots of fun and excitement. I paid for 2 oysters and got 2 pearls, both of which are very pretty. No special colors or twins, though, but that’s ok. Pretty soon I’m going to have them drilled so I can make a bracelet out of them.

It was getting close to our ADR at Garden Grill so we sauntered back through France, England, Canada and waddled over to Future World. “Waddled?” you ask? Well, what else waddles besides Edgar and the crew…….DISNEY DUCKS!!!! Yes, folks, MORE Disney Ducks and a special guest star!!

And, once again, one of these little critters let Victoria pick her up and cuddle with her. It was sooooo cute and people walking by were very fascinated with the way Victoria could handle the duckie. Of course we also got one or two nasty comments such as one lady telling her kids how “dirty” those ducks are and what a bad mom I was to let my child grab one. I felt like saying “hey lady, I pick up chickens with poop on them all the time….this ain’t nothing” but alas, I kept my mouth shut.

And now……straight from the tree……we have our special guest who just HAD to get into this feeding game……..SQUIRREL!!!!!

Yep, add Victoria to the list of squirrel wranglers, Karen!!!! Now that was awesome!!!

We then ran into these cast members having a good time…

I love catching them just having fun at their jobs!!!

And we’ll finish up this update with Peter and his favorite drink…….Beverly!! No, really, he really does like it and always gets about 10 cups full!!!

I am going to have to pick a pearl in December it looks like so much fun!

That is awesome the duck let Victoria pick it up! I can't stand when people can't keep their comments to themselves good for you for biting your tongue though I am not so sure I could of. :furious:

My husband was in club cool (by himself) and tried Beverly, it was awesome to hear what he thought and the fact he actually tried it on his own free will and had no idea that people use it to trick on one another :lmao: He was mad at me for not warning him but I had no idea he was going to try samples!
Wow, you really are an update machine today! Looks like a nice end of your day at MK and a nice start of the day at Epcot. I love that you took pictures of the PP taking pictures of Victoria. I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of your Epcot day!

Yeah, I really like that I took that picture. It kind of has that “behind the scenes” feel. I’ve been reading along with your ptr but just not posting. I love your Disney-bounding outfits. That is such a cool idea!! Not too much longer now!!!

Those pix of Victoria are clearly special effect photopass pics.. so where's those pics? I want to know what she's holding.. Tinkerbelle? :confused3 Looks like a great day so far in Epcot!

Ok, Ok Nicole…..my photopass pictures are all on a different place in Photobucket and since I’m sneaking writing these updates at work I really have to be quick. I promise you will see all the pictures in due time. LOL!

I am going to have to pick a pearl in December it looks like so much fun! That is awesome the duck let Victoria pick it up! I can't stand when people can't keep their comments to themselves good for you for biting your tongue though I am not so sure I could of. :furious: My husband was in club cool (by himself) and tried Beverly, it was awesome to hear what he thought and the fact he actually tried it on his own free will and had no idea that people use it to trick on one another :lmao: He was mad at me for not warning him but I had no idea he was going to try samples!

Well, I think it’s your husband’s own fault for going in Club Cool without telling you!!! YOU didn’t make him drink samples and YOU didn’t make him drink Beverly!!! Besides, he could have been weird like my husband and actually like the stuff. Yep, there’s something special about those Disney Ducks!!! I keep telling Victoria not to be disappointed if she can’t catch one, but they just stand there like they know she’s going to be gentle and warm with them. I think it’s adorable! I think you’ll really love to pick a pearl. There really isn’t any rhyme or reason on getting a pearl. Just pick whichever oyster you want!! You have to go to the register which is against the wall to pay for your oyster first, then they’ll give you a number and you wait to be called. It is a lot of fun!!!
Good grief, you are a posting machine! I can't keep up!! :lmao:

Ducks! Squirrels! This is what we go to Disney for. :rolleyes2

We really liked Chef's when we ate there too, it was good!
Animal Kingdom Day!!!!

Yay!! I was excited for this day as I really enjoy AK. We started the day bright and early with a breakfast at Tusker House! One thing I was very surprised of was that you no longer get a photo with Donald --- it’s just a family photo. Not that I was upset, just surprised.

Oh look --- two peas in a pod waiting for me to check us in at the podium!!

LOVE, LOVE LOVE this buffet and it’s also one of Victoria’s favorites!

Then Peter thought it may be a good idea to grab Donald’s butt…..No, Peter!! Don’t do it!!!

I love meeting all the characters and getting hugs! Since we don’t have any little kids, they don’t spend a whole lot of time at our table, but it’s still a nice interaction.

Up next was our trip into the deep savannah of Africa on the Kilimanjaro Safari. This is another good ride for Peter as he can sit and rest his foot. Yep, he had decided on this morning that Edgar was going to remain in the hotel room. Big, big mistake Peter darling!!!

You’ll have to forgive my safari pictures as I can never seem to get good ones. And we must remember at this point in the trip all I had was my iphone for pictures. Ugh!

After a wonderful safari (without viewing the lions, as usual!!) it was time to go see Festival of the Lion King. I love the new theater the show is in. One thing that didn’t happen during our show was that the tumble monkey didn’t swing from their trapezes….do they not do that anymore??? Oh they tumbled around on the floor mat and trampoline and were still amazing, though. The show was beautiful and we were giraffes!

I kind of appreciated the fire dude’s talent…um….physique!!! Hee! Hee!!

We did our usual Dinosaur and Victoria and I did Expedition Everest. By now Peter was having a hard time keeping up and I had promised Victoria that by noon she could leave as she didn’t like AK anyways. I convinced Peter that he should probably go back to the resort and rest his foot. After some conversation, he decided to go back with Victoria…….

To be continued…..
What? No Edgar at AK? That's crazy!
I was actually discussing this with my sister when we were at AK yesterday - AK is really the most walking-centered park (we were saying that had we been there when her foot was broken, we would have had to rent a wheelchair or scooter for her). Why would he leave Edgar in the room on that particular day?

I wonder why the tumblemonkeys didn't swing from the trapeze - they did it when we saw the show. And we were giraffes too!

I'm looking forward to seeing what happened next - I hope you had some time to enjoy some alone time at AK (well, alone with the animals)
So when I last left off my wonderful family had decided to abandon me for the day. Oh well, I knew Peter needed a rest and Victoria dislikes AK, so I’m good with their decision. That leaves me unchaperoned….untethered…….was this a good idea? Hmmmm….

You know what I discovered?? THE SINGLE RIDER LINE of Expedition Everest!!! OMG!!! Over and over again I rode that thing. I rode with a young boy one time who was making sure I wasn’t scared and another time I rode in the very front with a gentleman who knew all about the ride and always requested the front seat. That was awesomely so cool!! If you’ve never been in the front seat before, you really should try it one time. Loved it!!!

I saw the Nemo and Friends show and then headed to the Flights of Wonder show. Love that one as I love birds. I didn’t used to before I became a chicken owner, but now I just love them!

And there’s even the occasional rat in the show….

I was chosen to be up on stage while an owl swooped over my head. I got a really cool video, but I have no idea how to share it on here or how to save it to photobucket. Sorry guys. Trust me, it was amazing!!

It was then off to Rafiki’s Planet Watch. I find that section really nice. I especially love the petting station. I love the piggies and goats! Inside I got to meet a baby alligator who I didn’t dare touch!

My solo trip continues with meeting my loves ---- Chip and Dale….oh, how I love those chipmunks!!! At one point they were even fighting over my affection and I absolutely ate it up!

Ah yes…..MY BOYS!!! :love:

I spent the rest of my day at AK just walking the trails and talking with the animals. Granted I didn’t understand anything they told me, but it was still fun! I left around 5pm and they closed at 6pm. When I got back to the room I found both Peter and Victoria hanging out. Victoria then proceeds to ask me “guess what we did today?” Ok, I’m thinking rest, but oh no…..Victoria had convinced Peter that they should go to the Vineland Avenue Premium Outlet Mall. WHAT!!!???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! Wasn’t the whole idea of Peter going back to the resort is for him to rest his foot? Anyone? Bueller?? I could not believe that little poop (Victoria) convinced Peter to walk around a Mall!!! Unbelievable!!!
I love any interaction with Chip and Dale too.

Them and Stitch are always my favorite!!!

Single rider line of Everest IS awesome! We utilize it often since it's our fave ride!

Sounds like you had a great day solo at AK. Sometimes I think it's great for any Disney Fan to get to experience the parks by themselves..doing what they want and not what all the family wants. Sounds like you did just that and had a great time doing it!

And too funny about Victoria convincing Peter to take her to the mall! I'd say she has Peter wrapped good around her finger! :)

Great update!
Nice update ... sounds like you had a lot of fun by yourself! I could never ride Expedition Everest over and over again ... once is more than enough for me.
I love Chip and Dale too ... they're always one of my best character interactions.

I can't believe Victoria dragged Peter to the mall ... seriously? That's kinda funny ... I hope Peter's foot was feeling okay after walking around the mall!
Ahhhh, a day alone in AK sound wonderful! I have never gotten time alone in the parks, but I do know that the less people I'm with, the more relaxed I am. I think just because it's far easier to do what 2 people want than 5 or 6 or 8! I think I would just go nuts with my camera if I had a day along in a park! Sounds like it was a nice day! :goodvibes
Ahhhhhh Rest Day!!! The day I plan to rest ---- yeah, right! My day started out with packing up all the dirty laundry in one rolling suitcase and heading to the quiet pool in the Cabanas section to get it washed and dried. It’s also time for me to spend some time in the quiet pool, or read, or write in my journal. The other two sleepy heads were still in bed, awake, but still in bed! There was only one other person in the quiet pool at the time, but there were plenty of geckos around to keep me company. Oh Peter and Victoria did join me after about an hour and came swimming with me! Yay!

OH, and I came up with the awesome clothes hanger in the room when the dark load didn’t quite fully dry…

Pretty creative, huh?

More of the day was spend in the hot tub and pool and then it was off to Downtown Disney to do some shopping and to make it to our ressie for dinner at Rainforest Café at 4:30pm. Yep, an early dinner for us. We were seating by our gorilla friend who was very, very vocal!

Oh, this guy here at the podium --- not friendly!! I think this was my first run in with a cast member who just wasn’t into his job. Oh well. Everyone is entitled to a bad day, I suppose.

OH yeah, baby…..here I am in all my tree frog glory!!

Then we tackled the Volcano!!!!

And this is the remainder of it……not even a stitch of lava left!! LOL!!!

And a perfect bathroom selfie shot……take notes Karen & Nicole……a perfect selfie…

And here are my two misfits waiting while I go in the scrapbook store…..

That was the extent of the activities for the day. Perfect rest day.
What? No Edgar at AK? That's crazy!
I was actually discussing this with my sister when we were at AK yesterday - AK is really the most walking-centered park (we were saying that had we been there when her foot was broken, we would have had to rent a wheelchair or scooter for her). Why would he leave Edgar in the room on that particular day? I wonder why the tumblemonkeys didn't swing from the trapeze - they did it when we saw the show. And we were giraffes too!
I'm looking forward to seeing what happened next - I hope you had some time to enjoy some alone time at AK (well, alone with the animals)

Yeah, I'm thinking it was perhaps just that show that the tumble monkeys didn't have their trapeze. I hadn't read anything about this so I'm sure it was a one time thing. I'll see them fly in the air next time I'm sure. Yeah, it was such a bad idea for Edgar to stay in the resort room and I totally agree that AK is one of the more challenging parks to walk in as there are a lot of hills. I can't even say Peter learned his lesson because he went tromping off the the Mall. Ugh! Men! :confused3 Oh I really did have a wonderful time alone, but it was like something was missing....

I love any interaction with Chip and Dale too. Them and Stitch are always my favorite!!! Single rider line of Everest IS awesome! We utilize it often since it's our fave ride! Sounds like you had a great day solo at AK. Sometimes I think it's great for any Disney Fan to get to experience the parks by themselves..doing what they want and not what all the family wants. Sounds like you did just that and had a great time doing it! And too funny about Victoria convincing Peter to take her to the mall! I'd say she has Peter wrapped good around her finger! :) Great update!

Oh yeah, Victoria definitely has Peter wrapped around her little finger. There is no question about that!! It was very nice to be alone and not have to take anyone's feelings/wants into consideration. I wouldn't do that all the time because it did feel like something was missing, but it was nice.

Nice update ... sounds like you had a lot of fun by yourself! I could never ride Expedition Everest over and over again ... once is more than enough for me. I love Chip and Dale too ... they're always one of my best character interactions. I can't believe Victoria dragged Peter to the mall ... seriously? That's kinda funny ... I hope Peter's foot was feeling okay after walking around the mall!

Oh Peter's foot was hurting still, but he won't admit he made the wrong decision by going......:rotfl2:

Ahhhh, a day alone in AK sound wonderful! I have never gotten time alone in the parks, but I do know that the less people I'm with, the more relaxed I am. I think just because it's far easier to do what 2 people want than 5 or 6 or 8! I think I would just go nuts with my camera if I had a day along in a park! Sounds like it was a nice day! :goodvibes

It was a very nice day!!!! pixiedust:


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