Eat at Home 3!

Trying to get back into the planning. Between the heat and my Disney trip with DD we have been going out too much.

First 3 days

Monday Steak and mushrooms
Tuesday. Shrimp skewers
Wednesday. Sausage and eggs

I am limiting planning to 3 days because I find if I plan out too far I end up with leftovers
Tuesday- BBQ chicken sandwich for DH with fries, grilled honey lime chicken with rice for me
Wednesday- Fried chicken cutlet with tortellini
Thursday- London broil with baked potatoes (sweet for DH, regular for me)
Friday- Helping my mom out with my dad. Making crab legs at their house. Sides TBD.
Trying to get back into the routine of planning - school starts back for us next week (two teachers and our college kid) so it's going to get crazy!

Sunday: Chicken Riggies, salad, homemade italian bread
Monday: Meatball subs with potato wedges
Tuesday: Tacos/Taco Salads
Wednesday: Hotdogs, pasta salad and chips
Thursday: Out - we are heading to a concert
Friday: Sausage Bread
Next couple of weeks are tight so eating at home is key relying on using up mostly what we have. Pantry is running low, but we can make it work with limited shopping. Luckily DH is flexible and we don't mind eating different dinners. So here it goes:

Sunday- Burgers on the grill with smileys in the air fryer
Then in no particular order this week (should get us through to the weekend):
-Breakfast for dinner (Bagel breakfast sandwich for DH, scrambled egg with toast and sausage for me)
-Marinated london broil and baked potatoes
-Package of chicken split between grilled chicken with rice and fried chicken cutlets (sides TBD)
Finally took them time to sit down and make a full week plan

Monday - B: Toast and eggs / L: Taco Salads / D: Burgers with homemade buns and chips
Tuesday - B: Sourdough discard pancakes / L: Lemon orzo salad / D: Pork chops, veggie, sourdough
Wednesday - B: Avocado toast / L: Leftovers / D: Chicken thighs, veggie, rice
Thursday - B: Sourdough discard pancakes / L: Cobb Salad / D: Steaks, veggie, potatoes
Friday - B: Avocado toast / L: Quinoa bowls / D: Chicken pot pie
Saturday - B: Sourdough discard waffles / L: Leftovers / D: Taco soup

The order will likely change up, but it feels so good to have an actual plan!

Happy Monday, everyone!!
I was wondering why you were cooking three different meals every night... took me a second to realize you were doing three meals a day. I'm slow :cutie:

Just spent 2 weeks away with family at our lake house - no restaurants within a half hour and closest grocery store is an hour away. We had more than 15 people there for most of the time, with limited kitchen/fridge space and we did really well at meal planning/grocery planning so that we had plenty to feed everyone (even the teenage boys) but didn't get swamped with random leftovers.

Now I'm back, and have no groceries. I'm not cooking tonight (got home late last night and had to work today, so we still have no food in the house and I am BURNT OUT on cooking for a mob!) but here is my plan:

Tuesday- Chicken Puck Sandwiches
Wednesday- dumplings & sauteed bok choi
Thursday- lamb burgers, cucumber & Tomato salad w. feta
Friday - tomato soup pasta w/ ground beef
Saturday - Calzones
Tonight Monday DH had a stuffed pepper and corn on the cob

Tuesday chicken and corn again

Wednesday chicken, gravy and mashed potatoes

Thursday pasta
Per usual plans changed:
Wednesday: Teriyaki tacos with rice
Thursday: Back to my parents so we can help my mom since my dad was in the hospital yesterday. DH will grill honey lime chicken, we'll make rice and some veg.
Friday: London Broil and baked potatoes
And that's as far I have the capacity to plan
Last Weeks Menu:
Sunday - Shrimp Alfredo and garlic bread
Monday - Sliced Sausage in pasta
Tuesday - Grilled Rib Eyes, Veggie kabobs & baked potatoes- Son's Bday request🥳
Wednesday - Steak & Shrimp fajitas, rice and beans (used the leftover shrimp/steak/veggies)
Thursday - Cuban sandwiches
Friday - Charcuterie & jumbo pretzel with my daughter at Hollywood Studios:earsgirl:
Saturday- Hot dogs and Smiley potatoes

This week's menu:
Sunday - chicken parm over noodles
Monday - BBQ chicken tenders, mac & cheese
Tuesday - Beef & cheese taquitos, rice & corn
Wednesday - Fried chicken, green beans
Thursday - BLTs on Naan bread
Friday - Steak, veggies, roasted potatoes
Saturday- undecided
This was our first week back to school. We had 3 planned restaurant meals - pizza night, breakfast date and Sunday lunch. Beyond that we didn't stick exactly to our meal plan but still ate at home. In the past the stress of the first week would send us running for takeout nightly, so I'm super proud of us. One week left until payday and we've spent just under half our food budget. Feeling good!

Sunday we had grilled chicken, green beans and crescent rolls
Monday was our traditional pizza night out after first day of school
Tuesday was a nacho bar
Last night was grilled steaks and Syracuse potatoes
Tonight is pasta with homemade tomato basil sauce
Tomorrow night will be something quick and easy with ground beef (hamburger helper or sloppy joe's etc) so we can enjoy an evening movie marathon :)
This was our first week back to school. We had 3 planned restaurant meals - pizza night, breakfast date and Sunday lunch. Beyond that we didn't stick exactly to our meal plan but still ate at home. In the past the stress of the first week would send us running for takeout nightly, so I'm super proud of us. One week left until payday and we've spent just under half our food budget. Feeling good!

Sunday we had grilled chicken, green beans and crescent rolls
Monday was our traditional pizza night out after first day of school
Tuesday was a nacho bar
Last night was grilled steaks and Syracuse potatoes
Tonight is pasta with homemade tomato basil sauce
Tomorrow night will be something quick and easy with ground beef (hamburger helper or sloppy joe's etc) so we can enjoy an evening movie marathon :)
What do you mean by Syracuse potatoes? Salt potatoes? I have lived in Syracuse NY my entire life and never heard the term
What do you mean by Syracuse potatoes? Salt potatoes? I have lived in Syracuse NY my entire life and never heard the term
A moment of pride for “upstaters”. Once you leave Syracuse, that’s what everyone else calls salt potatoes 👍🏾
Ok, reality is hitting me tomorrow! I am back to school tomorrow, so I need to be diligent with my plan.

Tonight- ham, scalloped potatoes, corn bread, salad
Tomorrow- calzones, salad
Wed- sweet and sour chicken, rice, Asian veggies
Thu- Crockpot BBQ ribs, mac and cheese, salad
Fri or Sat (one will be the meal, one will be out, undecided which night)- Chicken parm sandwiches, fries, salad
Been a sorta lurker of this thread for a bit of time; enjoy reading how others put their meal plans together 🙂.

Just a heads up for bulk food buyers: this is the time of year beef and pork cuts (mostly roasts) go on sale. End of season pricing will be happening for tomatoes and different types of peppers too.
We spent the day at a farm and had bbq there, and we’re not really hungry. But I defrosted chicken thighs, so I’m making chicken and orzo for DH and me. DD will have leftover wing stop from yesterday. Cucumbers from the garden with ranch.

Tuesday: tomato soup and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches
Wednesday: sheet pan pork chops with roasted cauliflower and potatoes
Thursday: penne carbonara, salad

That’s as far as I’ve come with planning. I’m trying to go through the freezer and pantry.
Cruising into a really busy time at work and at home, so I need to start planning meals further in advance (and posting the plan so that everyone else can chip in when I'm not available.) I also want to work through what's in the freezer.

T- lamb burgers on naan with tzatziki, salad
W- Zucchini lasagna, salad
Th- back to school picnic
F- date night
Sa- Homemade pizza
Su- Pulled Pork, coleslaw
M- Fish Chowder
Th - Nachos
F - pork chops, sweet potato mash, broccoli
Sat - grilled burgers & hot dogs
Sun - cottage pie
M - pasta
With my dad's increasing health issues, the new normal for the foreseeable future is for DH and I to go to my parents' house on Tuesday directly after work to cook dinner, then stay over (I'm off on Wednesdays and plan to help in the home and with errands, drs appts, etc.) and then make dinner again Wednesday night. We will leave from my parents' house to head straight to work on Thursday mornings. DH and I share a car and work at the same place which is why this is is the gameplan. All this to say, planning is going get interesting since now I have to take into account my parents' tastes/preferences two nights a week and really be prepared on Thursdays to avoid take out/eating out. I have to get very organized because I have to plan work day breakfast and lunches to be packed accordingly for the days we will be at home and away from home. It's going to be an adventure.


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