DVC Rental Agreements, Language to Include/Exclude?

Well, if what I've found online is accurate, I doubt very much this person is interested in a Disney vacation right now.
They have more pressing legal concerns to deal with. I'm releasing the reservation.
I think you might be finding out why so many owners prefer to use the middlemen at the rental agencies. For some of us, not having to deal with “potential” renters is worth the lost revenue.
I'd consider it, if they didn't require owner level access to my account; ie my login credentials.
Reading this thread confirms that renting your points yourself to someone else (without using a broker) is a huge pain and, for us, is NOT worth the hassle or the worry.

I’m happy to take a few dollars less per point in rental income to let a professional and experienced broker handle the details.

I would suggest to give the board’s sponsor a call:
I'd consider it, if they didn't require owner level access to my account; ie my login credentials.

Others have chimed in, but to confirm, the big rental agengies do not require access to your account. You still do the work of making the reservation. You just don't need to deal with the renter and you get 75% (I think its still that) immediately, and then the remaining balance on check in day.

But, even doing it yourself, you can also understand why some of us who have done private rentals also require payment in full shortly after booking.

The good piece is is that you now have experience with an issue and can make adjustments going forward!
I only briefly emailed with two agencies months ago. I know for certain, one of them required login level access. If that changed from summer of last ear till now, I wouldn't know as I never followed up. I think it was https://dvcreservations.com and their FAQ states among the things they do, "We check dates and make reservations for you" which they can only do with login access.

So far, my experience hasn't been negative, my other renters have all paid in full or a deposit and remain in contact.
I only briefly emailed with two agencies months ago. I know for certain, one of them required login level access. If that changed from summer of last ear till now, I wouldn't know as I never followed up. I think it was https://dvcreservations.com and their FAQ states among the things they do, "We check dates and make reservations for you" which they can only do with login access.

So far, my experience hasn't been negative, my other renters have all paid in full or a deposit and remain in contact.

Thanks for sharing that. Its not one of the main players that people discuss here so I would be leary of that too. I definitely would not be sharing my details with anyone because DVC log in is the same as all of our other Disney accounts!
I think the other one was Daves something or another and they didn't require the login but strongly urged giving it to them.
I didn't think of that, but yes, it is the same across other Disney sites including the streaming service.
Per DVC Rental Store; "ALL reservations within the 0-7 month booking window currently payout at $15 per point" which is a $4 or $5 lower than the open market supports, presumably to cover their overhead. For 500 points, thats $2,500 dollars. Not a small amount.
I'd have to have a string of bad experiences to find that fee digestible.

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