Question new member here. Can you get a transfer of points from two different members? We have family that has DVC and are thinking of doing a big trip pooling our points for a grand villa but it would need to be from the 3 families. Is this possible?
Do not know the various use years.or use year beginning months involved, but the following may be a way to do the transfers if use years are not too varied. One can do a transfer of points (in or out) at any given time for the use year the member is currently in, and separately for the next use year. That does not violate the once per use year transfer rule. Also, with the Dec 2024 rule change, a member who has received points from another member can now make a reservation that borrows those points from the use year they came from; before the rules prohibited borrowing but allowed banking of transferred points.
Thus, you could have member 1 who is going to make the reservation receive current use year points from member 2, and also have member 3 transfer points to Member 1 from the next use year. Member 1 could then make a reservation by using all three sets of points by borrowing the points provided by Member 3.
The complexity of the issue concerns applicable use years. If one member has, e.g., a Dec use year, any Feb 2025 points received today would count as a transfer of 2025 use year points for both of them despite that the December member is still in his Dec 2024 use year, and the one transfer rule would prevent the member from later receiving or transferring out any points from any Dec 2025 to October 2026 use year (there is no November use year), although the member would still be able to receive points from another 2024 use year, e.g., October 2024 use year points.
If use year beginning months are the same or close to each other, the issue would be less complex. For example, assume member 1 has a Feb use year, member 2 a March use year, and member 3 an April use year. Member 1 could have member 2 transfer March 2025 use year points to member 1 as early as today, and also have member 3 transfer April 2026 use year points to member 1 as early as April 1, 2025, and then member 1 could reserve any trip beginning as early as April 1, 2025, or ending as late as Jan 31, 2026, using all three sets of points, while borrowing the points from member 3's April 2026 use year.