DVC Point Transfer Rules

Question new member here. Can you get a transfer of points from two different members? We have family that has DVC and are thinking of doing a big trip pooling our points for a grand villa but it would need to be from the 3 families. Is this possible?
I think each family would be considered a third party. One membership could transfer out to another membership but that would use up each of those two family's one transfer in/out for the year.
Thanks for summarizing the latest rules and providing the link to the new Home Resort Rules and Regulations.
Many years ago I attempted to make a post about transfer rules to help other DISboards folks haha. It was much longer and less concisely written. XD

(Found it lol, originally written in 2004! Hard to believe so many years have passed already
https://www.disboards.com/threads/points-transfer-rules-101-updated-2020.491988/ )
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Question new member here. Can you get a transfer of points from two different members? We have family that has DVC and are thinking of doing a big trip pooling our points for a grand villa but it would need to be from the 3 families. Is this possible?
Unfortunately, I don't think so, due to the restriction that you can have only one transfer, in or out, per UY. So your membership could receive a transfer in from only one family/membership, and that would be your transfer for the UY of the trip.

Unless maybe the other family transferred in points that were in a different UY for them but the trip still fit into that UY? Need the transfer experts here....

And maybe if you call MS and get a sympathetic CM, there might be pixie dust. But I would definitely not expect it.
Question new member here. Can you get a transfer of points from two different members? We have family that has DVC and are thinking of doing a big trip pooling our points for a grand villa but it would need to be from the 3 families. Is this possible?

It’s the UY of the points being transferred that count. So, it’s technically possible if you get two different UY of points.

Now that points can be borrowed after they are transferred it opens up more options.

For example, you could get 2024 UY from one and 2025 UY points from the other as long as you have not entered your 2025 UY…then it’s 2025 and 2026 UYs of those points

It would count as the receiving persons once per UY for the two UYs received.
Question new member here. Can you get a transfer of points from two different members? We have family that has DVC and are thinking of doing a big trip pooling our points for a grand villa but it would need to be from the 3 families. Is this possible?

Do not know the various use years.or use year beginning months involved, but the following may be a way to do the transfers if use years are not too varied. One can do a transfer of points (in or out) at any given time for the use year the member is currently in, and separately for the next use year. That does not violate the once per use year transfer rule. Also, with the Dec 2024 rule change, a member who has received points from another member can now make a reservation that borrows those points from the use year they came from; before the rules prohibited borrowing but allowed banking of transferred points.

Thus, you could have member 1 who is going to make the reservation receive current use year points from member 2, and also have member 3 transfer points to Member 1 from the next use year. Member 1 could then make a reservation by using all three sets of points by borrowing the points provided by Member 3.

The complexity of the issue concerns applicable use years. If one member has, e.g., a Dec use year, any Feb 2025 points received today would count as a transfer of 2025 use year points for both of them despite that the December member is still in his Dec 2024 use year, and the one transfer rule would prevent the member from later receiving or transferring out any points from any Dec 2025 to October 2026 use year (there is no November use year), although the member would still be able to receive points from another 2024 use year, e.g., October 2024 use year points.

If use year beginning months are the same or close to each other, the issue would be less complex. For example, assume member 1 has a Feb use year, member 2 a March use year, and member 3 an April use year. Member 1 could have member 2 transfer March 2025 use year points to member 1 as early as today, and also have member 3 transfer April 2026 use year points to member 1 as early as April 1, 2025, and then member 1 could reserve any trip beginning as early as April 1, 2025, or ending as late as Jan 31, 2026, using all three sets of points, while borrowing the points from member 3's April 2026 use year.
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As to the transfer topic, be aware the new transfer rules now appear in the online version of the Home Resort Rules and Regulations (sign into DVC member site > touch MY DVC > in left hand column click Membership Documents > click on Home Resort Rules and Regulations, and you will find the new transfer rules in section II.6).
So I think I found the revised rules on the first page of this thread. Only showing relevant part. In the area circled in green (Sec i) it seems like #1 does allow for the recipient to use transferred pts to book in a non-home resort after the home resort priority period?

But it also seems like #1 and #2 (with reference as to whether the recipient can use the transferred pts to book at the home resort WITHIN the home resort period) contradict each other. Unless I’m reading it wrong or having a brain cramp!


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So I think I found the revised rules on the first page of this thread. Only showing relevant part. In the area circled in green (Sec i) it seems like #1 does allow for the recipient to use transferred pts to book in a non-home resort after the home resort priority period?

But it also seems like #1 and #2 (with reference as to whether the recipient can use the transferred pts to book at the home resort WITHIN the home resort period) contradict each other. Unless I’m reading it wrong or having a brain cramp!
My understanding of what is said is simply that the transferred points do not change resort identity, and thus, regardless of what home resort you own, the transferred points can be used at your home resort 11-months out only if they are also for the same resort, but if the applicable home resorts differ, you cannot combine them in one reservation until 7-months out, but you can use the transferred points to reserve the home resort they apply to at 11-months out..

That particular use rule is not new but the same one that has always existed for transferred points, and equally applies to points owned by a member if the member owns two different resorts.
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My understanding of what is said is simply that the transferred points do not change resort identity, and thus, regardless of what home resort you own, the transferred points can be used at your home resort 11-months out only if they are also for the same resort, but if the applicable home resorts differ, you cannot combine them in one reservation until 7-months out, but you can use the transferred points to reserve the home resort they apply to at 11-months out..

That particular use rule is not new but the same one that has always existed for transferred points, and equally applies to points owned by a member if the member owns two different resorts.
OK, thanks for the detailed explanation. I can now see why the MS reps may not get all the nuances!
Just to add to this thread, I was told that MS are able to transfer points from any use year apparently. It does not need to be current or next UY.

I received a transfer of June 2026 points last week with no issue (both transferor and transferee currently in the 2024 UY).

Not sure if that is something that has changed or whether it’s always been this way.
That explains how some of the non-February contracts listed for resale at various brokers are listed as stripped through and including the 2026 UY.
Just to add to this thread, I was told that MS are able to transfer points from any use year apparently. It does not need to be current or next UY.

I received a transfer of June 2026 points last week with no issue (both transferor and transferee currently in the 2024 UY).

Not sure if that is something that has changed or whether it’s always been this way.
This is silly but I’m going to assume that this is only for years showing in your dashboard so 4 possible years.

It would really stink if you bought a 42 resale and all but the ones that a broker can verify in your account are gone.
This is silly but I’m going to assume that this is only for years showing in your dashboard so 4 possible years.

It would really stink if you bought a 42 resale and all but the ones that a broker can verify in your account are gone.
Yes, I’d have to assume it’s only the years that show on the dashboard.
This is silly but I’m going to assume that this is only for years showing in your dashboard so 4 possible years.

It would really stink if you bought a 42 resale and all but the ones that a broker can verify in your account are gone.
That June 2026 points transfer may actually be allowed under the rules that have always existed. As I noted the concept of transfer mainly depends on the calendar year and not the particular use year month. Any points transferred from any 2025 use year today would count as a transfer into the recipient's 2025 use year as the "current" use year transfer regardless of beginning month. Any points transferred from any 2026 use year would count as a transfer into the "next" 2026 use year. Thus, for example, if you have an April use year, and thus are still in the 2024 use year, any points transferred to you today from a June 2025 use year could be considered a transfer into your April 2025 use year as the "current" use year for that transfer, and any points transferred to you from a June 2026 use year could be considered a transfer into your "next" April 2026 use year, which is allowed.
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Glad to find this thread related to transfer. I have a different (and uncommon) question but don't want to start a separate post.
I wonder if anyone knows when is the earliest time for a new account to accept transferred points?

The situation is that I want some additional points matching my UY. I have a new small resale contract expecting to show this week, to which I want the points to be transferred into. Will I be able to receive transferred points a) when the contract shows; b) after points shows?
The thing is, I want to book a last-minute stay and the availability is going away fast. Thanks for any advice!
How does this work when transferring points from two contracts you own with two different UY's? Example, I will have an Aug UY and a Dec UY.

If I transfer Dec 26 UY points to my August UY contract, how do I know which UY got the transfer in for my Aug UY? Does it always match the year even though months are different? Is that a clear question?
Glad to find this thread related to transfer. I have a different (and uncommon) question but don't want to start a separate post.
I wonder if anyone knows when is the earliest time for a new account to accept transferred points?

The situation is that I want some additional points matching my UY. I have a new small resale contract expecting to show this week, to which I want the points to be transferred into. Will I be able to receive transferred points a) when the contract shows; b) after points shows?
The thing is, I want to book a last-minute stay and the availability is going away fast. Thanks for any advice!

I have not ever read about that but I don’t know why having your points loaded would matter.

You should be able to call with the other person and have them transferred in while you wait. Or, call MS and see if they can expedite the points loading so you can call right back with the other owner.
How does this work when transferring points from two contracts you own with two different UY's? Example, I will have an Aug UY and a Dec UY.

If I transfer Dec 26 UY points to my August UY contract, how do I know which UY got the transfer in for my Aug UY? Does it always match the year even though months are different? Is that a clear question?

Points don’t go to contracts but membership and it’s all based on UY of the points going.

They also retain all their same rules, they just sit in a different spot. Think of them as shelves.

Your Aug UY is the top shelf and Dec UY is the bottom.

When you move Dec 2026 UY points to the Aug Iy shelf, DVc creates a temporary contract to hold them. They are still Dec 2026 UY points

Because you are transferring between your own memberships, it doesn’t count as your only one. You can do multiple.

But, if it did, that would count as your one and only for the 2026 UY for both memberships.

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