DVC for less has taken the fun out of treasure hunting

The asking prices in the resale market never cease to amaze me. Points are points are points. And yes there are variable such as size and banked or stripped points, but even amongst similar sized contracts the swings between low and high can be staggering. And really size should be the only variable as what is a good UY for one customer is a bad one for another and vice versa. If there are x number of Saratoga contracts all between say 150-160 points then they should really all be priced within a small percentage of each other as there is nothing special or distinguishing between any of the points. Of course this is all Efficient Market idealism and human psychology and desperation plays a huge part...but still...some really wildly different asking prices...especially something like a VB where the swing can often be 100% difference.
If you are actively buying or selling in a specific use year, you definitely notice when there are a lot of nearly identical contracts or zero contracts competing. Use year absolutely changes a value at a given time… Supply and demand.
If you are actively buying or selling in a specific use year, you definitely notice when there are a lot of nearly identical contracts or zero contracts competing. Use year absolutely changes a value at a given time… Supply and demand.
Sure but in theory it shouldn't change the asking price by more than say a 10% premium if that. Again I'm speaking ideally...of course real world applications vary greatly.

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