Drizzt's Family goes to WDW May 2010

WOOHOO!!! That's amazing that it's only 8 days! Didn't it seem like it was going to be forever? I remember thinking that months ago when my trip was April and yours was May.

Think of this way though ... even though it'll be a long work week, it's FUN to go to work knowing that you'll be in WDW soon! It's so fun to be able to look forward to a trip that's coming up soon! Haha, because now I go to work and I'm like, "Um, what's the thing I'm looking forward to?!?" Haha, other than the end of the school year with no more lesson plans, of course :thumbsup2
I'm so excited for you - your trip is so close! That vacation is going to be such a treat after the work week you're predicting. 8 Days! :banana::cool1::banana::cool1:
WOOHOO!!! That's amazing that it's only 8 days! Didn't it seem like it was going to be forever? I remember thinking that months ago when my trip was April and yours was May.

Think of this way though ... even though it'll be a long work week, it's FUN to go to work knowing that you'll be in WDW soon! It's so fun to be able to look forward to a trip that's coming up soon! Haha, because now I go to work and I'm like, "Um, what's the thing I'm looking forward to?!?" Haha, other than the end of the school year with no more lesson plans, of course :thumbsup2

I know! I'm trying to remain positive. It will suck. Cause I have to work very long hours when I'd rather be at home spending time with DH and Drizzt but it's all good. So worth it once next Sunday gets here! Thanks for the encouraging words Rachel!!!!

I'm so excited for you - your trip is so close! That vacation is going to be such a treat after the work week you're predicting. 8 Days! :banana::cool1::banana::cool1:

I know! It's almost 7 days now! I can't wait! We are going out to night as a one last celebration before we have the long work week and off to WDW.

Is it too early to pack? Haha I've got all my outfits picked out plus three extra things to wear just in case it rains or gets cold. I check the 10 day forecast and it's suppose to be in the upper 80's. Not the upper 90's like here! Still have to wait till the work week is over for workout clothes. Just because your on vacation is not a reason to skip a work out in my book! I need new running shoes really bad. I think I'm going to try to get some next weekend when we drop off Drizzt.
It's definitely not too early to pack! I'm almost completely done myself, LOL!
I start early in the hopes that I will remember everything. ;)

The doggie hotel sounds like a great idea ~ I hope Drizzt loves it! I know my Brodie gets really depressed when I am gone for any length of time, too. Whatever we can do to keep them happy is good, right? :goodvibes

It's so close now!! :yay:
I know I know! I can't wait! We get there on the same day! Haha! I'm almost completely packed too! I'm just waiting for one dress to come out of the laundry and then the important stuff like undergarments and toiletries. I told DH since I'm almost packed I could help him pack on Saturday night since we always plans what he wants to wear the night BEFORE we leave. Haha. So it'll make packing go sooooo much faster! I'm so happy about that! I can't wait geez the time is ticking away! I want to make waffles for dinner now!
4 days~~~!!!!!I am all packed except for one dress. I've been checking the weather everyday since yesterday. It might rain. There is like a 30% chance of rain until Tuesday. I can't look any further but I hope it doesn't rain! Not again this year please! I think I would be just a teeny tiny bit upset. But yes 4 days!
I keep chanting in my head "No rain, sunny skies", LOL. :rotfl:

Hopefully, we'll be fine! If I see you at MK, I will say hello!! :goodvibes
Wow, you are SO close! I hope it doesn't rain for you! In my next post you will see why I can commiserate so much. :sad2:
I keep chanting in my head "No rain, sunny skies", LOL. :rotfl:

Hopefully, we'll be fine! If I see you at MK, I will say hello!! :goodvibes

Please do! I'm hoping it doesn't rain either. I've been watching the weather like crazy. So far from four different sources it say it's only a 20 to 30 percent chance of rain. I'm okay with a little drizzle here and there. But not the down pour of last year! :cool1::rolleyes1

Wow, you are SO close! I hope it doesn't rain for you! In my next post you will see why I can commiserate so much. :sad2:

I can't wait to read it then. I'm going to assume it rained while you were there!
I am all packed except for toiletries and under garments. I have all my work out clothes ready to go! I packed some of DH's things! Yay! I got all of his T-Shirts in the suitcase and his sleep shirts in there. Drizzt keeps looking at the suitcase with a look on his face like he understnands what's going on. So every time we've left the house to go to work this week he goes crazy. He knows we are going on vacation so he tries to come with us. Little does he know that he is going to a Pet Hotel.

So yes! Three more days of work and then I get to go to the Most Magical place on Earth! I'm super tired! Already and it's almost Thrusday and I've still got about 3 days of week left! But I'm sure finishing the last Harry Potter book for the third time will help me through it all! :headache:

Can't wait to drive half an hour to the air port at 6 Am and take pictures of the AZ sunrise flying out of Tucson! :cloud9:
Yay for almost finishing with your packing! Haha, you're so good planning ahead. I'm like your DH and I rush everything at the last minute.

Awww, poor Drizzt! It's so cute how he knows just by seeing the luggage.

I hope it doesn't rain when you're there! If it does, however, I hope it's just a little bit to maybe cool the air or clear some people out of the parks so you have the rest of the day to spend in an emptier park! :goodvibes
Drizzt keeps looking at the suitcase with a look on his face like he understnands what's going on. So every time we've left the house to go to work this week he goes crazy. He knows we are going on vacation so he tries to come with us. Little does he know that he is going to a Pet Hotel.

I think Dallas is paying me back for leaving her so long. She's normally very good about it but lately she's been having lots and lots of "accidents". Serves me right I guess.

Good job on the packing!!!
I think Dallas is paying me back for leaving her so long. She's normally very good about it but lately she's been having lots and lots of "accidents". Serves me right I guess.

Good job on the packing!!!

Oh no! I hate it when they tell you how much the missed you like that. I would prefer if they would just bark at you or follow you around constantly. That's what happened when I came home last year after being gone for three months. Drizzt wouldn't let me out of his sight. Not even to go to the bathroom and if I went and closed the door he would cry like I was going to disappear in the bathroom!

I hope Dallas starts to behave soon. I used to have a cat that would do that to me even if I left for a weekend. :(

Is it bad of me to already be doing laundry. I only have two days to"
-- get batteries for the camera
-- snacks for the plane
-- extra face wash for me
-- toothpaste
--a manicure and pedicure
-- hair straightened
-- drop off Drizzt at the PetsHotel
-- Print out plane tickets and shuttle tickets
-- Print out hotel conformation number
-- Print out ADR conformation numbers and times!
-- Remember to pack Disney Tickets
-- Finish laundry
-- Return NetFlix movies
-- Renew BC!

So far I've got most of the laundry done and I remembered finally to put our mail on hold and I had someone come and clean up our yard! What the heck I like in AZ and I get monster weeds! Really shouldn't things die in the desert???
You're gonna be a busy girl!

Not only do we get monster weeds, but mutant mosquitoes too. I guess because of the pecan groves. We HATE that part of summer.
Blue is what I've gotten done today! Red I still need to do! I didn't have to work 12 hours today they left me go home at 11 hours yay!

-- get batteries for the camera
-- snacks for the plane
-- extra face wash for me
-- toothpaste
--a manicure and pedicure
-- hair straightened
-- drop off Drizzt at the PetsHotel
-- Print out plane tickets and shuttle tickets
-- Print out hotel conformation number
-- Print out ADR conformation numbers and times!
-- Remember to pack Disney Tickets
-- Finish laundry
-- Return NetFlix movies
-- Renew BC!
-- Work out tomorrow morning no excuses!

I also picked up a new pair of running shoes! I'm really happy about that because my old ones were finally done! I had them for 2 years almost. I should have gotten rid of them a year ago at least! I had a different pair that kicked the bucket at 8 months so I went back to my old shoes. But now I said dang it! Before we go to Disney I need new running shoes! They are really light and they breathe so I can't wait to break them in at my kick boxing class tomorrow morning! Whooo!

You're gonna be a busy girl!

Not only do we get monster weeds, but mutant mosquitoes too. I guess because of the pecan groves. We HATE that part of summer.

Oh yeah! I know! I had no idea a mosquito could get so large! It's like the size of a small mouse! It's crazy! Yeah, I can't wait for the monsoons to come so it'll be too wet to grow anything and to hot to grow anything.
Hey there! I'm a few days behind but it looks like I've made it back in time before you head off to the world! :goodvibes It looks like you've been busy, busy getting everything ready for the trip. Have a wonderful time!!! I can't wait to read about your adventures! (you are doing a TR, right?!) :yay:
Blue is what I've gotten done today! Red I still need to do! I didn't have to work 12 hours today they left me go home at 11 hours yay!

-- get batteries for the camera
-- snacks for the plane
-- extra face wash for me
-- toothpaste
--a manicure and pedicure
-- hair straightened
-- drop off Drizzt at the PetsHotel
-- Print out plane tickets and shuttle tickets
-- Print out hotel conformation number
-- Print out ADR conformation numbers and times!
-- Remember to pack Disney Tickets
-- Finish laundry
-- Return NetFlix movies
-- Renew BC!
-- Work out tomorrow morning no excuses!

So, Drizzt will be dropped off after I get my hair done and then we are going to head to dinner and sleep. I am totally ready to go! I really hope it doesn't rain! I'll be mildly upset. I know I can control the weather but I'm really trying to! So lesson learned if it does rain like crazy again this year I'm never coming back in the Spring! I'm going to try on our Anniversary next year. Unless one of us happens to leave for a 5th year in a row! Haha we've never spent any of our wedding anniversaries together due to work. One of use ends up going out of town during that time for some reason! So we'll see how it goes this time and then make plans for a 2011 wedding anniversary trip with no rain hopefully! I'll see you all in a week!

Hey there! I'm a few days behind but it looks like I've made it back in time before you head off to the world! :goodvibes It looks like you've been busy, busy getting everything ready for the trip. Have a wonderful time!!! I can't wait to read about your adventures! (you are doing a TR, right?!) :yay:

Yes I will make a TR. I'm sure it'll include rain..b-but I'm hoping not! We'll see! I have been busy and thankfully it's all over and Saturday has been a pretty relaxing day so far! I hope all is well with you can't wait to read the rest of your TR when I get back!
I see that you guys are in Disney now. I hope you are having a great time :-) I hope the weather is nice. I cant wait to hear all about it when you get back! :cheer2:
We have arrived! But its raining maybe it'll clear up by tomorrow but its not looking so good but the rest of the week is suppose to be okay. We'll see. Yes I on my phone ha! i've already had adventures and I'm not ever to shades of green yet!


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