~*~ Dream ~*~ Believe ~*~ Achieve ~*~ (Comments Welcome)

New Bedroom & Laundry Room

This guest suite space will be converted into an additional bedroom to replace the room we are taking for a closet. We are going to add a window. Rob will use this as his office. We are also relocating the washer and dryer from a hall closet to this space. This will also serve as entry for phase 2 of our project which is an addition of a breezeway and a garage. The breezeway will be enclosed and have stairs to rooms above the garage. We are putting in a bedroom, bathroom, possible wet bar and game room up there. That space above the garage will be Nick's. He'll be living with us for a very long time so this area will give him so privacy when he is older.


Wow, looks like there's a lot of work to do. I'm looking forward to seeing what it looks like when it's all done!
Sounds like a lot of work, but I am sure it will look great when it is all done.
They aren’t going to want to go so I’m not going to make them walk, and hopefully the promise of colored milk for breakfast will win me a little bit of grace.
Having now tried both flavors of milk at Galaxy's Edge, I am willing to offer my reviews if people want my take.
I’m so excited! I missed out on the Pandora and Toy Story Land previews.
Obviously I'm biased, but I think this is the better new expansion to get previews to experience.

Toy Story Land has fun rides, but that's the extent of it.

Pandora is incredibly well themed. Flight of Passage is a spectacular attraction, but I think Navi River Journey is not worth the current wait times it commands. As for the land itself, I think it's interesting to walk around and see, but it is missing something in comparison to either Wizarding World or Galaxy's Edge.

I will say no more about Galaxy's Edge unless others ask me for my thoughts. I will keep those thoughts spoiler free.

And congratulations on the house!
Congrats on the closing! I love all of the changes you're making- it will be so worth it in the end!
07/30/19 - 08/04/19
Yup. Behind in my journal again.​

  • Running
    • Plan: 1mi WU + 5 x 4min @ CV 8:52 w/ 75sec RI @ WU + 4 x 100m @ R 7:38 + 1mi CD
    • Actual: 5.16mi @ 10:50
    • Splits:
      • CV - 8:50, 8:50, 9:00, 8:52, 8:51
      • R - :23, :23, :25 :22
  • Strength
    • Legs
  • Running
    • Plan: 3.5mi @ EA 11:44
    • Actual: 3.5 @ 11:43
  • Strength
    • Chest & Triceps
  • Running: off
  • Strength: off
  • Running
    • Plan: 4mi @ EB 10:57 + Strides
    • Actual: 4mi @ 10:34
    • Splits: 10:58, 10:55, 10:57, 9:25
  • Strength
    • Shoulders
  • Running
    • Plan: 5mi @ LR 10:40
    • Actual: Skipped
  • Strength
    • Off
We had to be up early to start demolition of the house. We were there from sun up until 4:30. I was exhausted and figured the amount of physical labor and repeated trips to and from the dumpster was equal enough to 5 miles. Sunrise view from our new house.



More demolition!
08/05/2019 - 08/11/2019


  • Running
    • Plan: 4mi @ EA 11:44
    • Actual: 4mi @ ???
    • Splits: 11:40, 11:40, 11:37, ???
  • Strength
    • Skipped
My watch died at 3.02 miles. I was doing 1 mile laps around the neighborhood so I finished the last lap with no idea of my pace.

Today was also skin cancer removal day via the Mohs Procedure. I got to the dermatologist office at 8:45 and didn't get out of there until almost 3pm. The skin cancer ended up being deeper and wider under the first couple layers of skin. I had to go through two rounds of removal that left a deep quarter sized hole in my head. It was sewn up using a flap procedure by a plastic surgeon. I have a 3 inches of stitches on my head. So needless to say running and lifting would be out of the question this week.

  • Running
    • skipped
  • Strength
    • skipped
I got barely any sleep. I had to sleep elevated and my head was throbbing all night long.

  • Running
    • skipped
  • Strength
    • skipped
Woah....my face was so swollen and I had the start of a black eye. Still in quite a bit of pain.

  • Rest Day
I feel like I look like Frankenstein and the side of my head is so PUFFY. I'll spare y'all pictures. Oddly a good part of my scalp is still numb. Pain has subsided quite a bit.

  • Running
    • skipped
  • Strength
    • skipped
First day without needing to take Tylenol!!!! Swelling has gone down and I was feeling like I could survive a run.

  • Running
    • Plan: 7.5mi @ LR 10:40 + 1.5mi @ HM Tempo 9:23
    • Actual: 6mi @ 10:42
    • Splits: 10:53, 10:41, 10:43, 10:42, 10:37, 10:38
  • Strength
    • Off
I got up early to run before I took Eliana riding at 8am. At 5am it was 90 degrees and 97% humidity. Nope not happening. My treadmill is in our guest room and Rob went in there sometime during the night (he snores) and was still sleeping. So looks like running on the treadmill was out.

I took Eliana horseback riding then I went to the cabinet store to design our kitchen layout. We were there for three hours, but we managed to pack in all the cabinets I needed. I also found the dishwasher we wanted for $250 off at Best Buy plus I had a $35 reward certificate. I also found the cooktop we currently own brand new on Ebay from someone who lived locally. The Ebay seller wanted $750 for it and I offered him $600. He took it! Woot woot! I love a good deal and saving money. We are hoping we can find our double wall ovens and range hood just as cheap. There's a Sears Outlet not too far from here I'm hoping to get to this week.

So back to running. It was triple digit heat today so I hopped on the treadmill. I managed to finish 6 of the planned 9 miles. My face was starting to swell up and my stitches felt like they were going to pull apart. It felt so good to get my legs moving though!!!

  • Rest Day
Here are photos and videos of the house as of Sunday.

Not much room left in the dumpster!

My future office. That swanky light will not be staying LMAO!!!

Kitchen. We decided to save the money and not remove the door. We had to get creative with the cabinets, but I like saving money!

Family Room

Master Suite

Eliana's Room

Rob's Office & Mudroom
Sounds like a tough procedure. Hang in there. I'd consider dropping the 4x1 on Tues to an easy day as well.
That sounds like quite the procedure and a tough recovery- it's so good that you were proactive about getting it checked and removed. Hope you're feeling back to 100% soon!

The demo is so exciting! Looking forward to following the progress.
Sounds like a tough procedure. Hang in there. I'd consider dropping the 4x1 on Tues to an easy day as well.

Will do! How many miles? Today’s 3.5 EA I ran outside and no swelling or stitches pulling. I also went to the gym and did a 66 minute back and bicep routine with no issues either.
I'd say 70 min of LR pace (which would be about 6.5 miles if the pace is unadjusted for T+D). With so few days missing it's more removing the intensity than it is the duration.
08/05/2019 - 08/11/2019


  • Running
    • Plan: 4mi @ EA 11:44
    • Actual: 4mi @ ???
    • Splits: 11:40, 11:40, 11:37, ???
  • Strength
    • Skipped
My watch died at 3.02 miles. I was doing 1 mile laps around the neighborhood so I finished the last lap with no idea of my pace.

Today was also skin cancer removal day via the Mohs Procedure. I got to the dermatologist office at 8:45 and didn't get out of there until almost 3pm. The skin cancer ended up being deeper and wider under the first couple layers of skin. I had to go through two rounds of removal that left a deep quarter sized hole in my head. It was sewn up using a flap procedure by a plastic surgeon. I have a 3 inches of stitches on my head. So needless to say running and lifting would be out of the question this week.

  • Running
    • skipped
  • Strength
    • skipped
I got barely any sleep. I had to sleep elevated and my head was throbbing all night long.

  • Running
    • skipped
  • Strength
    • skipped
Woah....my face was so swollen and I had the start of a black eye. Still in quite a bit of pain.

  • Rest Day
I feel like I look like Frankenstein and the side of my head is so PUFFY. I'll spare y'all pictures. Oddly a good part of my scalp is still numb. Pain has subsided quite a bit.

  • Running
    • skipped
  • Strength
    • skipped
First day without needing to take Tylenol!!!! Swelling has gone down and I was feeling like I could survive a run.

  • Running
    • Plan: 7.5mi @ LR 10:40 + 1.5mi @ HM Tempo 9:23
    • Actual: 6mi @ 10:42
    • Splits: 10:53, 10:41, 10:43, 10:42, 10:37, 10:38
  • Strength
    • Off
I got up early to run before I took Eliana riding at 8am. At 5am it was 90 degrees and 97% humidity. Nope not happening. My treadmill is in our guest room and Rob went in there sometime during the night (he snores) and was still sleeping. So looks like running on the treadmill was out.

I took Eliana horseback riding then I went to the cabinet store to design our kitchen layout. We were there for three hours, but we managed to pack in all the cabinets I needed. I also found the dishwasher we wanted for $250 off at Best Buy plus I had a $35 reward certificate. I also found the cooktop we currently own brand new on Ebay from someone who lived locally. The Ebay seller wanted $750 for it and I offered him $600. He took it! Woot woot! I love a good deal and saving money. We are hoping we can find our double wall ovens and range hood just as cheap. There's a Sears Outlet not too far from here I'm hoping to get to this week.

So back to running. It was triple digit heat today so I hopped on the treadmill. I managed to finish 6 of the planned 9 miles. My face was starting to swell up and my stitches felt like they were going to pull apart. It felt so good to get my legs moving though!!!

  • Rest Day
Here are photos and videos of the house as of Sunday.

Not much room left in the dumpster!
View attachment 425012

My future office. That swanky light will not be staying LMAO!!!
View attachment 425013

Kitchen. We decided to save the money and not remove the door. We had to get creative with the cabinets, but I like saving money!
View attachment 425011
View attachment 425014

Family Room
View attachment 425015

Master Suite

Eliana's Room

Rob's Office & Mudroom

I hope your incision/hole/whatever you call it starts feeling much better soon! That's kind of freaky, honestly.

You are doing so much remodeling! I would find that to be so intimidating. I hope it goes well!
So random discovery of the day. I always wondered if I weighed less after running due to the amount that I sweat in the humidity here. I’ve seen it mentioned on the boards a few times and wanted to see for myself. I weighed myself after I ate breakfast then I ran 3.53 miles in 40:25. When I was done my clothes and shoes were wet and my hair looked I just took a shower. I weighed 1.6 pounds less after running 😲
Just read your trip review on "Amelia Island." That's my hometown, and I completely understand you sentiments. I also worked at the Ritz when I was a younger man, and it is definitely designed to keep you there at the hotel. Dolphins are a pretty regular site, and always awesome. They have a cruise downtown that takes you over to Cumberland Island, and if you get lucky the dolphins there push the fish onto the marsh banks, then beach themselves to eat the fish, and then roll back into the water, its amazing.
Having now tried both flavors of milk at Galaxy's Edge, I am willing to offer my reviews if people want my take.
Obviously I'm biased, but I think this is the better new expansion to get previews to experience.

Toy Story Land has fun rides, but that's the extent of it.

Pandora is incredibly well themed. Flight of Passage is a spectacular attraction, but I think Navi River Journey is not worth the current wait times it commands. As for the land itself, I think it's interesting to walk around and see, but it is missing something in comparison to either Wizarding World or Galaxy's Edge.

I will say no more about Galaxy's Edge unless others ask me for my thoughts. I will keep those thoughts spoiler free.

And congratulations on the house!

Blue or Green or just get both?
Just read your trip review on "Amelia Island." That's my hometown, and I completely understand you sentiments. I also worked at the Ritz when I was a younger man, and it is definitely designed to keep you there at the hotel. Dolphins are a pretty regular site, and always awesome. They have a cruise downtown that takes you over to Cumberland Island, and if you get lucky the dolphins there push the fish onto the marsh banks, then beach themselves to eat the fish, and then roll back into the water, its amazing.

This was just such a short trip there wasn't time to do too much plus the rain didn't help!!!


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