Doreen's New Way of Life (comments are welcome)

Happy Fat Tuesday, Doe! You probably picked a good day to skip going in to work. Lots of Mardis Gras treats could have been there.

I hope you were able to make a lot of headway on your project. Sometimes it is easier to get more done at home because there are not as many interruptions.

Sending some :wizard: for that bug to go away and leave you with a healthy household!
:hug: Doe,

I hope you are feeling better tonight. Good for you staying home. I hope that you were able to accomplish a ton on your project. Get some rest tonight.

Take care,
Yesterday I earned smilies for devotions, pills and water, so it wasn't a total waste. :p

Today, I sent both DS & DD to school but I'm still at home. Did NOTHING on my work project yesterday but today it will be peaceful and quiet in the house (except for the puppy barking at the squirrels, bunnies & birds who DARE to encroach on our property :teeth: ).

Today: (edit 10:30 AM)
1. Devotions - Contentment is not the fulfillment of what I want, but gratitude for what I already have.
2. Pills - taken.
3. Water - 1st mug
4. Healthy eating - B = apple w/ PB, L will be an lc wrap w/ ham & cheese, D will be chicken.
5. Exercise - a rest day!

Gee, I've done nothing and it's already after 9 AM. Guess I'd best get moving. :p
Hi Doe-Doe

Have a wonderful wednesday at home! enjoy your mostly quiet household :) it's after 1 and I should probably get started :teeth:
Good afternoon, dear WISH-sis. I hope that the peace and quiet of the day helped you to get lots done on your report and also gave you some healing solitude. Just wanted you to know that you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

Love ya,
Hi Doreen,
Enjoy your rest day today!!
Hi Doe,

I hope you start feeling better soon! :grouphug:

I loved your devotional thought for the day! I am going to write that on an index card and hang it on my bathroom mirror. A great reminder for me! Thanks for sharing!

Take care, princess: Doe!
:hug: Doe,

I hope that the quiet day helped. Did you get your project done?

Take care of yourself,
Yesterday's smilies = 2, for devotions and pills. The rest of the day fell apart.

Today is a new day. I am back at work. My anxiety level is high but I'll work through it. I need to play catch-up - 45 emails and various meetings and things that I've missed - so I'll be quite busy. That means no DIS time. :( I'm thinking good thoughts for all of you though. :grouphug:

Today: (edit 3 PM)
1. Devotions - not yet.
2. Pills - took them.
3. Water - on my fourth mug
4. Healthy eating - queasy stomach (due to nerves) but I'll do the best I can. I just read Erin's journal where she rebelliously decided to forget about healthy eating for the day. I think I'll just follow her lead. I'm not in a place mentally or emotionally or physically where I can low-carb so today will be off-plan for me - no guilt!
5. Exercise - definitely, after work!

I've decided to forget about healthy eating for the day, but I'm going to work hard to earn the other 4 smilies. At least I'm being up front and honest about it. :teeth:
:hug:, :sunny: , and :goodvibes for this stressful, hectic day of yours, Doreen. I'll be thinking about you. . .

DoeWDW said:
I'm thinking good thoughts for all of you though. :grouphug:

Sorry that you're feeling stressed...sending good thoughts your way too...
Focus on that project, Doe, so you can put it behind you. The stress will melt away and let you have a great weekend!

Sending :sunny: :wizard: :sunny: :wizard: :sunny: your way!
Hi Doe,

How did your day go today? I hope that you were able to get a lot accomplished! Sending lots of :sunny: for your day tomorrow!
Yesterday I earned smilies for devotions and pills. I missed my water smilie by just a little. No smilies for exercise or food.

Today is FRIDAY!!!! :rockband: :cool1: :cool1:

I'm feeling better today. I brought healthy breakfast food with me. My workout bag is in my car for right after work. I'm feeling happy and upbeat again!! :Pinkbounc I think I'm ready to get back to healthy living! ::yes::

Today: (edit 1 PM)
1. Devotions - As long as I seek God with all my heart, there is hope for the future. :)
2. Pills - It amuses me that when I type that word, I almost always stop and TAKE the pills just so I can type "taken". :p
3. Water - already on my third mug.
4. Healthy eating - YES! B = yogurt w/ almonds. AM snack = trail mix (24 carbs), L = a burger w/ no bun. D? I have some chicken in the fridge that needs to be made. If I put it in the oven as soon as I get home, dinner will be easy. If I wait until I "feel like it", then I know I won't do it. I'm so predictable! :teeth:
5. Exercise - My workout clothes are packed and in the car. I'm stopping by the health club on my way home from work. I'm actually looking forward to the stress release and the feeling of my body moving. God has given me a wonderful gift of a healthy body and I'm going to use it!

It will be a busy day at work, but my stomach is NOT tied in knots like it was yesterday. I am up to the challenge! :sunny:
Hi Doe,

I am so happy to hear that you are feeling like you sunny self again. Your plan for the day is excellent, just make sure the chicken gets in the oven.:)

Have a great workout and enjoy your weekend,
Glad to hear you are ready for the day! Seems like you and I were in a bit of a slump for awhile - I know what you mean - feels good to be out of it! I'm going to try and walk 4 miles on Saturday, it is suppose to be nice outside. Will you be walking?

Have a great day!

:cool1: Good morning! I hear this is the place where there's another Friday party going on! :rockband: :banana: Let the good times roll!

I can sense you're relief in your post. :goodvibes Have a good weekend and enjoy being home with your family.



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