Donald's Defiant Dashers 2012

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Happy New Year Ducks! To all the new ducks, welcome to the pond :goodvibes

Now that I've got a few 5Ks under my belt, I hope to get in a few Half Marathons this year. My first one is scheduled for May 20th, here in NJ (Superhero Half Marathon and Relay). I was hoping to make it down for the TOT 10 miler, but my husband reminded me that he has a MS150 bike ride that same weekend, so now I am considering the W&D Half.

*I've got a fun question for everyone: what is on your playlist when you run? I usually put my iTouch on "shuffle" but lately I have been thinking I really should have a dedicated playlist. I like all kinds of music, so let me know what some of your favorites are and I'll create the Ultimate Ducks Playlist! :thumbsup2

*Quick question for everyone: Hal Higdon or Jeff Galloway training plan?

Liz - Feel better, bet 3 weeks flies by! Did you hurt your foot last year or am I thinking of someone else? Oh and can you please add my name to the roster? Thanks for starting up the new thread!

Have a great weekend everyone. We are expecting some nasty weather so I will be on the treadmill!
he is almost seven months old. so, they are close in age! yes, it is hard! i also homeschool my DD, so she's at home too.

How did I not know you homeschooled your daughter? Cool that we have a few of us Ducks who homeschool. :thumbsup2

I have had such issues getting over to the Dis!! I don't know what's up but it's working at the moment so I'll try and say a quick QUACK.

Tricia -- Glad to see you back here!

Emily -- You too!

Moira -- You're doing awesome!

All other Ducks -- I've read through posts and am thinking about you all. :grouphug:

I finally got back to working out today. Did 30 minutes on the bike and got my fastest time yet. I did close to 8.5 miles. It felt great! I really needed that stress relief. With going back to school (online), my stress level has greatly increased, which has triggered my blood pressure to go up. :rolleyes1 I need to start making time daily for some exercise. And I'm going to start the DASH diet on Monday. In fact, the whole family will be. I'm looking to lose some weight, but mostly I just want to feel better.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and Go Patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:
oh no, Liz! i have faith in you though--you can still be Goofy next year!

but seriously, take it easy. you don't want to injure yourself worse!
Liz & Vic: Hope you both are healing quickly! :hug:

Carissa: GOOD LUCK on your & your family's new plan! I've had a lot of clients succeed with the DASH diet & exercise. :thumbsup2

Robyn: I love Disney songs! Hercules' Go the Distance is my favorite motivational one:
I will find my way
I can go the distance
I'll be there someday
If I can be strong
I know ev'ry mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere
to feel like I belong.
Hi everyone!

Liz: Oh No! on the foot break, but like everyone else said, take it easy on the foot and let it heal and you will be back on Goofy watch in know time.:thumbsup2

Nice job everyone else that has been working out. I on the other hand have not done much since being back from WDW marathon weekend. Just one 70 minute Bob Harper workout. We got snow last night, but it is supposed to get up to the 40's tomorrow, so I am planning on a short run.

I went to the Running Fit store last week and talked to one of the sales person about overprinting and the bone spur I have and he suggested a wider shoe than what I have had in the past. I bought a Saucony Guide 5 that is a 2E width.
I am going to give them a try on the treadmill first. I have run in Guide 3 & 4's and have been comfortable, so I'm hoping the new one's will work. It is really nice to have a running shoe store in town to get good suggestions on footwear.

Have a good week. :hippie:

Did 3.1 miles on the dreadmill yesterday & by mile 2.8 my knee was KILLING me.
Behind the kneecap & on the outside. I attribute it to ITB stuff (yet again).

New stuff I'm trying:
*Taking Glucosamine chondroitin
*Focusing on hitting mid-foot
*Core work
*Hold stretches for 1 minute each

Any other suggestions? :confused3
Morning Ducks!

Karin - Sorry to hear about the knee. That's pretty much where mine hurts, too.

I started on Glucosamine chondroitin on Friday and have a Dr. appointment tomorrow afternoon. I've been very lax with regards to core work. So, I bought the Runner's Core Routine DVD from McMillan Running. Need to sit down, watch it and get to work.

It's been a wet weekend here in Georgia, but I managed to get a run in. And with a decent pace even (17:30 as opposed to the 18:45 I started at a little over two weeks ago)!

I tried running yesterday in the pouring rain, but quickly stopped when I spotted lightning. Today, I set out in the drizzle. I've been using the RunKeeper app on my iphone, so I wanted to try and bring it along even with the risk of it getting wet. So, I shoved it in a plastic sandwich bag. It worked pretty well, but I can imagine that wouldn't do as nicely in a steadier rain. Therefore, as much as I hate to go out and spend money, I think I'll need at least a waterproof watch to cue my intervals in the rain.
Happy Monday, Ducks! Just got back from the first run I have done since the Half, three miles around the grounds of work. I was going to go last week, but I stepped outside and it was raining. And then we got snow, but the roads are pretty clear now.

Hope the knees are better, Karin abd Vic. One thing you mentioned, holding stretches longer. Not sure if it is good advice, but on the plane ride home I was reading an article called the '10 Health Myths' (or somethng like that) and one of the myths is the need to stretch before working out (and after also). I always do a lot of stretching, in fact once in the corral I spend my time doing it. And now they say it is not the best idea. Who do you listen to? I do know the last half I did no stretching, mainly because I was running to the corral right from the bus, and I did OK, so maybe there is something to it. The article was in Outside Magazine, perhaps it is on-line if you want to read it.

Crystal, you might want to look into one of the running belts instead of a watch, I use one I got at the expo, and it is supposed to be waterproof. I do not use it all the time, and I use a different program, endomundo, which I heard of from Joe.

Good luck with the new shoes, Joe. I am running in Brooks right now, and they are good, but I think if I lace them to tight they make the top of my foot really sore. ran today in my old Adidas, and they work well.

Lunch time is about over, have a good week!
Hello Ducks,

Liz - Sorry to hear of your foot injury. Take time and allow it to heal.

Been out walking a few times. So far managing to keep a 13 min. mile pace. Still running on some kind of adrenaline from the Half I suppose. :)

Registering for a 9 mile in March 10 on the Riverwalk in JAX. Hope to have good weather for that. Hope to get a decent time that I can use for the Half in 2013.
Hey Ducks, I'll catch up on posts next time but just wanted to check in real quick.

First thank you for all the kind words about my foot! :)

Unfortunately the boot ended up causing more harm than good. I woke up Sunday (after wearing the boot all night as I was told) in the worst pain I've had with this injury yet. It felt like the two broken bone parts were in wrong positions. Besides that it was causing my knee and back to hurt and caused me to pull my (bad) Achilles! Ugh!!! I haven't worn the boot since and I'm going back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon...

I have been riding my bike though.
Good evening everyone:hippie:

Liz: That's too bad that the boot isn't working. I had a boot I was supposed to wear in bed to help my plantar fasciitis and I couldn't sleep with it on. Hopefully the doctor will have a better idea.

I think I found a running partner. We adopted a 1 year old beagle over the weekend and I took her for a walk tonight and we ended up running around the block. At one point I had to pull her back, she was running too fast for me.

I was thinking about running shirts, is anyone interested in a Donald (triple D) specific WISH tec shirt? If interested I can look into some options and put together a design.

Have a good week, Mighty Ducks.

Ok! Finally have some time to catch up.

Tanya~Thanks for reminding me what you went through with your knee!! You really did great getting back into it after that.

Vic~How did your doctor's appt go for your knee???

Tricia~Welcome back! :) I added your Disney races...let me know the specs on the February one and I'll add it too.

Robyn~Hi! :) The Superhero Half sounds like a great first one!
I like your playlist question...will answer it soon.
I've never followed either of those plans specifically...After my first half I kinda made up my own plan taking from everything I'd learned.

Carissa~What is the DASH diet? Good luck!

Karin~Oh no, so sorry about the knee! Ugh, I don't have advice...I use KT Tape on my knee(s) for my long runs but not the short ones.

Crystal~Good luck deciding what to do with the watch and all...I bought a Garmin Forerunner years ago and I'm so glad I did. It was an investment and worth every penny. I have the 205 so it was the older model and not as pricey as the newer ones. I don't know how they price out these days though.

Augie~I've read a lot of differing views on stretching too. I've found that whether I stretch or not makes no difference! I used to stretch religiously but then after reading the "anti-stretching" stuff I decided to experiment and not do it. It made no difference. It probably depends on the person..

Joe~Ha, that's great Luna can run with you!
I've actually thought about a team shirt for us too! My hesitations are that 1) I am picky about fit and with ordering one couldn't try it on first and 2) I don't want to spend much. It'll be something fun to look into though, and maybe it'll work out. I'd love to see your design ideas!
I was thinking about running shirts, is anyone interested in a Donald (triple D) specific WISH tec shirt? If interested I can look into some options and put together a design.

Have a good week, Mighty Ducks.


I think this is a lovely idea.
How did I not know you homeschooled your daughter? Cool that we have a few of us Ducks who homeschool. :thumbsup2

I have had such issues getting over to the Dis!! I don't know what's up but it's working at the moment so I'll try and say a quick QUACK.

Tricia -- Glad to see you back here!

Emily -- You too!

Moira -- You're doing awesome!

All other Ducks -- I've read through posts and am thinking about you all. :grouphug:

I finally got back to working out today. Did 30 minutes on the bike and got my fastest time yet. I did close to 8.5 miles. It felt great! I really needed that stress relief. With going back to school (online), my stress level has greatly increased, which has triggered my blood pressure to go up. :rolleyes1 I need to start making time daily for some exercise. And I'm going to start the DASH diet on Monday. In fact, the whole family will be. I'm looking to lose some weight, but mostly I just want to feel better.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and Go Patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

Thanks Carissa. Life has gotten hectic lately -2 funerals in 2 days at the weekend among other things so I missed out last week but I'm starting week 2 tomorrow so fingers crossed I live to tell the tale:rotfl2:
What are you studying Carissa? Oh and what is the DASH Diet? I'm on the BL thread (team Donald of course:rolleyes1) here on the dis and have lost 7lbs so far:banana: Its keeping it going I find hardest though:lmao:
Races! I never told you all about the races I have planned for this year. I WAS going to do a Half on March 25th but I just now gave up on that plan (due to the foot). My real goal is Goofy and doing a Half too soon would be dumb.

So, my next race is a 10K on May 19. I've never done an official 10K before! I did one in my neighborhood in 1:07 so maybe I can beat that.

After that I have a Half on June 2nd. It's called the Downhill at Dawn...doesn't that sound great! :laughing: It isn't ALL downhill, but apparently a good portion is. Maybe I can get a new PR!

And then I have another Half on September 15th.

Hopefully my body cooperates after I get over this foot thing and I can stick with my plans!!

Moira~Good luck on Week 2!! You CAN do it!!! Congrats on the weight loss too, keep it up!
Evening Ducks!

Hoping everyone is doing well.

Joe - How are the shoes working out? Great pictures of the pup.

Augie - WTG with the 3 miler. Almost time for the Gatornationals. :cool2:

Colleen - Good luck with the 10K.

Liz - Hope the foot is doing better.

The knee. Went to the doctor, told her about the symptoms, she poked and prodded for a bit and then referred me to an orthopedist. Could be any number of things. Was told not to run on it. Walking doesn't hurt, so walking it is until my next appointment, and lifting, and core work, and... :)
Karin - This is my take on the "stretching" thing. Whether you follow the "always stretch" or the "never stretch" school of thought, stretching for 5-7 seconds (which we've ALL seen other runners do) does absolutely nothing for you and is useless. You've seen people lean against a wall and then 5 seconds (literally!) later, they walk away. Useless!

When I hurt my calf this summer, my physical therapist directed me to hold stretches for 30 seconds, 3-4 times each leg. What I found was that after I held one stretch for 30 seconds, then switched to leg 2, then switched back to leg 1, I really couldn't feel any stretching going on. My PT told me to hold one stretch for 60 to 90 seconds and skip the repeats. Does that make sense?

Bottom line: I think you're doing the right thing! :thumbsup2

Liz - So sorry to hear about your foot, but you have plenty of time to get ready for Goofy. You can trust the Ducks on that one! ;)

Looks like my 2012 calendar is shaping up differently than originally planned. I need to fly to Oakland, CA in August, so I'm not sure I want to fly back three weeks later to Los Angeles to run the DL Half. That is, I may be skipping the C2C medal this year. What this means is that I may get the opportunity to earn my first C2C in my 50th year instead (2013)!

I'm also seriously considering taking Mom on a DCL cruise this year. Neither of us have ever cruised, but I'd like for her to get to experience Disney. She can't walk the parks at her age, but I think the cruise may be pretty doable. There's a few cruises out of Galveston, just south of Houston, so she can fly into Houston and I can deal with all the ground transportation myself. Any opinions?!? :confused3
Hey everyone :)

Liz and Moira -- The DASH diet is specific for lowering blood pressure. (Link included on the words DASH diet.) Its main focus is on increasing fruits and veggies (4 servings of each a day), eating a bit of low-fat dairy, and limiting meat protein. (Whole grains are also included.) I'm not following it regligiously as I think some of it is outdated and I also don't feel the same way about some foods that the writers do (for example: I stay FAR, FAR away from margarine and only use butter or a butter/olive oil mix). But focusing on increasing fruits and veggies is a good thing for our entire family.

Liz - Looks like a good list of races! Sorry to hear the boot wasn't working out. Hopefully just taking a break from running will get you back on track soon.

Moira - Congrats on the weight loss! :banana: And good luck with week 2. :thumbsup2 I'm working on my BS in Social Sciences.

Joe - I'd love a WISH Duck shirt! I'm not sure if I'll be doing another Disney race at this point, but I'd still love a shirt. :goodvibes
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