*Doing the Donald in 2010* Jan. Half Marathon Support Thread!

Talk about doing it any way you want-- My daughter did a half marathon and a woman tapped dance the entire race. It bummed my daughter out because the tap dancing woman beat her!

I need to get a Spibelt, or something, still. I tried a Spibelt on and it held my iPhone, but I didn't try to get my camera in there too. I want to carry both with me, plus whatever fuel I'll be using. Not sure if all of that will fit in there.

I also need to know if it's necessary to carry your own beverages with you, or are the water stops enough? I really don't like Gatorade and those types of things...

Must google spielbelt!
ETA - http://www.spibelt.com/ I do have one of those - I bought it at an expo but havent used it yet!!
I'm sure they'll have them at the Disney Expo!!
Here's a look at the expo from '08:





can you see the SPI belts??
I wore a fanny pak and carried my camera and my phone (along with a pocket angel :angel:) and GU Blocks - WAY too much!! by mile 11 I wanted to fling the fanny pak! and I swore never again!! :rotfl2:

but I do treasure the pictures I took from the '08 Half - but Jeff takes so many great pictures, and he let me snag some of his... :confused3 Not sure...

The water stops are great - no worries there - DH is in to some electrolyte pills - it makes a huge difference to add to your long runs - to add electrolytes that is!! But do practice with it before hand - the jelly beans, the blocks and the GU will all be for sale (and sample!) at the Expo!!

Good morning to everyone! :sunny:

Today no running for me. I did a short run yesterday and will do a medium one tomorrow.

So get this... I had to email Active.com because I wasn't able to view my registration online, and I wanted to see it to print it out. They reply back and send it to me within the email, great. But then I looked at it and it says:

Anticipated Half Marathon finish time? 2:15:00

I had put down 3:15:00 when I registered. Do you think that matters??

I also noticed it says a medium sized shirt, but I'll need a small. I wonder if I can change that?

Happy running today!

Morning Back

2:15:00 :rotfl2: oh That I would never see!! DH yes, he registered us, and I have no idea what time he put me down for - right now I'm in the 17 min mile and I am trying to get better - but right now I am very very discouraged!

Liz, Thanks for inviting me over. :goodvibes First, I want to let you know that your Private Message box is full and you can't receive anymore till you clear some out.

I had planned on walking the 1/2 Marathon, but it looks like I may have to wait till the new one in October. Still, I would like to keep up with this thread because it really helps me stay motivated to stay in shape and work to improve my training.

Did you register for the 1/2? Are you planning on coming out in Jan?

You can run, walk, hop, skip or jump your way around the course in any pattern you like, you just have to do it in the time allowed.

Come over to the Princess thread, there are many that run / walk.

Thanks for that!! and I was looking at my pictures from '08 I started at the rope of the last corral - so I crossed the start line in front of the pack - - by 30 min I think windwalker predicted - so I was able to prevent being "swept" There was a Team in Training person carrying the 16 min mile sign pacing it - and I was ahead of him until mile 11 - so I was able to stay ahead of the sweepers - just barely! It took me about 4 hours to finish according to the finish time at the finish line - so I was not an "official" finisher (they turn off the chip recorder at 3 hours 30 min I think ...)
You can run, walk, hop, skip or jump your way around the course in any pattern you like, you just have to do it in the time allowed.

Come over to the Princess thread, there are many that run / walk.

There was a girl that did a skip/walk interval of the RFTT 10K this weekend.
Count me in. I'm doing the Princess Half as my first half marathon. I just had a baby in June so I'm trying to get back into running after a year off. Not like I was much of a runner to begin with, more like a serial jogger. But I enjoy the quiet time and the stress relief. I'm a stay at home mom to a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and a 4 month old. It can get a little crazy sometimes but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Anyway, it is great to join this thread!
Okay thank you very much. I will email them with the official time.

Thanks again!!
Lynn - This is the email address I used last year for my proof of time disneysports@trackshack.com

Katie/Syko - Speaking of skipping in a race... I thought I read somewhere about a runner who juggles while doing races. I can't remember where I saw it though. It made me smile because I'm fairly uncoordinated :)
For proof of time - if all else fails, they have computers and printers set up
upstairs from the Expo so if your race has results are available online, you can print that page. I know this because DH forgot his proof of time (from an Oct. race) for his first WDW marathon

There was a girl that did a skip/walk interval of the RFTT 10K this weekend.

I totally plan to skip up Main Street!

My family always holds hands and skips up Main Street the first time we enter MK on each trip. I taught both my kids how to skip on Main Street. Oldest DS is now 11 and way too cool for most things, but not skipping up Main Street. :)
Hi Everybody hope I am not too late to the party.I am doing the 1/2 and the 5k this year.Did the full last year but my brother is racing with me this year.Hope it turns out as nice as it was last January- 80s and sunny!

I started running 2 years ago this past August.I have done 1 full and 2 halfs.I am hoping to beat my time but at the same time I think I want to just enjoy it and take it all in.

I am also doing Hal Higdons but doing the novice because after training last winter in the weather around here I know I will not want to do anymore than 10 miles for my LR.That is another reason I am doing the 1/2 and not the full, training in 6 degrees most days was not fun.

I am excited to have a group here for support and we can meet up at the start.

Right in the middle of training we will be cruising on the Magic- hope I will keep it up- 13 laps around deck 4- OH I CAN THINK OF WORSE THINGS! LOL!

Happy running everyone!

Lynn - This is the email address I used last year for my proof of time disneysports@trackshack.com

Katie/Syko - Speaking of skipping in a race... I thought I read somewhere about a runner who juggles while doing races. I can't remember where I saw it though. It made me smile because I'm fairly uncoordinated :)

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Did you register for the 1/2? Are you planning on coming out in Jan?

I was waiting for the Disboard to get a team together, so I hadn't registered yet. We're still planning on the trip, but another couple will be joining us. It's only their second time to the world, so by not racing we can concentrate on showing them a good time...........plus, I won't have to get up at 3am:scared1:

I will definitely sign up to do the October half.
WHat? you are NOT planning on getting up at 3AM :scared1:

I am shocked!

I am sorry that the Dis team didnt come together (was it the group for GKTW?)

I'm in Chicago - and I HATE hate... HATE running, jogging whatever... its just a pain... a pain in my knees, my back, my ankles, my stomach, my "girlz" - but it's the price I'm willing to pay to go to Disney...

I really really need to find my ear muffs - its blizterin cold wind out there (I'm in the Chicago area)

WHat? you are NOT planning on getting up at 3AM :scared1:

I am shocked!

I am sorry that the Dis team didnt come together (was it the group for GKTW?)

I'm in Chicago - and I HATE hate... HATE running, jogging whatever... its just a pain... a pain in my knees, my back, my ankles, my stomach, my "girlz" - but it's the price I'm willing to pay to go to Disney...

I really really need to find my ear muffs - its blizterin cold wind out there (I'm in the Chicago area)


:rotfl:Yes, I dislike early morning intensely. So the October evening half sounds wonderful to me.
The disboards group is supposed to be GKTW, which I fully support but with the way our trip has evolved, I think it will be best to wait for October.

Disney is the only place I do events. :goodvibes So much fun!
YAY Arelys your here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will do it this year girl!!!

Thanks Lynn :goodvibes

I have a question...right now my breakfasts usually include some combination of toast, Go Lean waffles with peanut butter, bagels, cereal with almond milk, a smoothie, fresh fruit or some eggs. I'm staying at a value resort with no fridge and I doubt the food court will be open at around 3am, so race morning what in the heck am I supposed to eat?! I could bring a toaster (I'm driving up from south FL), get a fridge & stop for some groceries, but that seems like a lot of trouble for just one meal.

Any suggestions on some good pre-race foods that don't require any appliances?
Thanks Lynn :goodvibes

I have a question...right now my breakfasts usually include some combination of toast, Go Lean waffles with peanut butter, bagels, cereal with almond milk, a smoothie, fresh fruit or some eggs. I'm staying at a value resort with no fridge and I doubt the food court will be open at around 3am, so race morning what in the heck am I supposed to eat?! I could bring a toaster (I'm driving up from south FL), get a fridge & stop for some groceries, but that seems like a lot of trouble for just one meal.

Any suggestions on some good pre-race foods that don't require any appliances?

Bagel with peanut butter is pretty easy without any appliances
I'm keeping an eye out for some single serving peanut butter packages. The jelly is easy to find :)

I'm a morning person, but 2:45 is crazy!

Arelys I'm bringing peanut butter down with me... I'm going to get the Jiff travel size peanut butters... I think you get 4 in a pack. I plan on going to the food court and grabbing some bananas like the day before.
2:15 finish:rotfl: ..... so just stick with me.

Hey, it's not THAT funny. ;) I will just stick with you.

Oh! Can I join!? :banana::goodvibes
This will be my second half, first one being the WDW half this past January. I didn't do too hot the first time around (understatement of the year :laughing:) It was my first race ever, I didn't train enough, I barely slept or ate the days leading up to it, I got super lost on my way to the race (I lived in Orlando at the time, so I just drove over to Disney at 3am) and I had some major nerves the morning of. Around mile 9 I ended up throwing up and really dizzy. I was pretty PO'ed that I had gotten so close to the end, but hadn't been able to finish (I lost a lot of time throwing up on Disney's pretty green lawn. :rolleyes1 I would have had to be Superman in order to play catch up.)

Even though I had a super rough first race, it made me even more determined to do the half in 2010 and actually finish this time. :banana:

liznboys - the shirt I got last year was super tiny (they run pretty small) and I was able to exchange it at the expo on Friday night. I just asked someone about it and they gave me a piece of paper with the time to come back. Also, thanks for posting that 10 training schedule. I like that one much more then the one I was going to follow.

Hi Arelys! I'm sorry you had a rough time at the half this year, you poor thing! :( I bet it will be an entirely different experience for you this time!

Thanks for the shirt info... Now I'm thinking if they run small maybe I should stick with medium. I am slim but I have a long torso and I hate it when shirts end up too short for me!

Oh and I'm glad you like that 10 week training plan. I liked it because 1) it was SIMPLE, I like simplicity and 2) it has me running no more than 4 days per week. I need those 3 rest days, though I am planning to crosstrain on some of those days using the Wii Fit soon.

Liz, thanks for inviting me to the thread. My 15 YO DD and I are registered for the half. You can add me to the walking wounded list. We started training in February and I got up to 3-5 miles a run/walk. Then I busted up my foot and have not trained for 3 plus months. Pretty much gave up to be left for the sweepers but am ready to start again. DD is doing well. Soccer just started and she did the 2 mile run in 17 minutes. Wiped out the rest of the team. She is going to get plenty of running time.

Thanks to everyone for the useful training advice and I am sure I will have questions.


Hi CJ! Oh, I'm sorry you have been dealing with an injury too. It really is a bummer, isn't it?! It's hard for me when I think about the progress I made, and then it all just went *poof*. Well, not all of it, thankfully. But a lot. But, I'm glad that as of right now anyway, I am able to run, and I hope and pray that my body won't fail me before the race!! You hang in there and don't push yourself too hard (I have to tell myself that!)
Well the Princess half marathon is my goal. This will be my FIRST one ! Can i walk some then run some ? I want to pace myself and not burn out to quick.

Hi PJ! You can definitely walk some, I will be doing that in January.

Count me in. I'm doing the Princess Half as my first half marathon. I just had a baby in June so I'm trying to get back into running after a year off. Not like I was much of a runner to begin with, more like a serial jogger. But I enjoy the quiet time and the stress relief. I'm a stay at home mom to a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and a 4 month old. It can get a little crazy sometimes but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Anyway, it is great to join this thread!

Hi Amy! Congrats on the new baby (and as a mom of all boys myself, congrats on boy #3! :))

I don't know if you are both aware, but there is a thread for those doing the Princess Half next year:

You are MORE than welcome to post here, but I just wanted to share that thread with you in case you'd rather post with those doing the same race. :goodvibes
Must google spielbelt! ...snip... can you see the SPI belts??
I wore a fanny pak and carried my camera and my phone (along with a pocket angel :angel:) and GU Blocks - WAY too much!! by mile 11 I wanted to fling the fanny pak! and I swore never again!! :rotfl2:

but I do treasure the pictures I took from the '08 Half - but Jeff takes so many great pictures, and he let me snag some of his... :confused3 Not sure...

The water stops are great - no worries there - DH is in to some electrolyte pills - it makes a huge difference to add to your long runs - to add electrolytes that is!! But do practice with it before hand - the jelly beans, the blocks and the GU will all be for sale (and sample!) at the Expo!!

Morning Back

2:15:00 :rotfl2: oh That I would never see!! DH yes, he registered us, and I have no idea what time he put me down for - right now I'm in the 17 min mile and I am trying to get better - but right now I am very very discouraged!...

LOL Sandy! No, I can't see any Spibelts in those pictures! :laughing: Whenever I see those Expo pictures, I think how big and busy it looks.

Yeah, I am wondering if I will like carrying my camera and phone with me. I will definitely try it out on longer runs to see if I can handle it.

Thanks, I plan to try out the beans, etc.

That 2:15 is something I should not see. LOL There's no way I could do it that fast, even before I hurt my Achilles. Hang in there, you will get better.

...I totally plan to skip up Main Street!

My family always holds hands and skips up Main Street the first time we enter MK on each trip. I taught both my kids how to skip on Main Street. Oldest DS is now 11 and way too cool for most things, but not skipping up Main Street. :)

Awww! :goodvibes

Hi Everybody hope I am not too late to the party.I am doing the 1/2 and the 5k this year.Did the full last year but my brother is racing with me this year.Hope it turns out as nice as it was last January- 80s and sunny!

I started running 2 years ago this past August.I have done 1 full and 2 halfs.I am hoping to beat my time but at the same time I think I want to just enjoy it and take it all in.

I am also doing Hal Higdons but doing the novice because after training last winter in the weather around here I know I will not want to do anymore than 10 miles for my LR.That is another reason I am doing the 1/2 and not the full, training in 6 degrees most days was not fun.

I am excited to have a group here for support and we can meet up at the start.

Right in the middle of training we will be cruising on the Magic- hope I will keep it up- 13 laps around deck 4- OH I CAN THINK OF WORSE THINGS! LOL!

Happy running everyone!


Hi Linda! No way are you too late, we've only just begun. :goodvibes

Wow, it was warm last time, huh? I'm going to look on weatherunderground at the weather of past halves one of these days.

13 laps around the Magic deck....definitely sounds like a GREAT way to train!
...I really really need to find my ear muffs - its blizterin cold wind out there (I'm in the Chicago area)


Aw, your poor ears! I'm in NC so can't even compare weather here to Chicago area...however I have sensitive ears and even on a somewhat warm day, if it is windy out my ears will start hurting while I run. I will definitely be wearing my headband/ear cover thingy A LOT out there this fall.

... I have a question...right now my breakfasts usually include some combination of toast, Go Lean waffles with peanut butter, bagels, cereal with almond milk, a smoothie, fresh fruit or some eggs. I'm staying at a value resort with no fridge and I doubt the food court will be open at around 3am, so race morning what in the heck am I supposed to eat?! I could bring a toaster (I'm driving up from south FL), get a fridge & stop for some groceries, but that seems like a lot of trouble for just one meal.

Any suggestions on some good pre-race foods that don't require any appliances?

Good question. The only things I've thought of having pre race so far is an energy bar and milk. I've read that you're supposed to drink a good amount of water a couple hours beforehand?? I'm not sure what my stomach can handle that early, I'm not a big morning eater. But I want to fuel up in the best way.

Lynn, I've seen those little Jif peanut butters, great idea to bring those! Here they are:

I wonder if you can fly with peanut butter?


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