Does the new Genie+ pay-per-attraction system alter your views on DVC's value?

We do... it was called max pass. This is max pass but without the rides people want to ride included.

Im not trying to bait you, this is literally a product that already existed and was dilluted and upcharged.
Not exactly.
Maxpass included all rides in two parks which have almost the same number of attractions than the two parks in Florida.
Maxpass included all rides, headliners included.
Maxpass was an extension of paper FP, so there was a free alternative.
Not sure if all the rules of MaxPass will apply to genie+ (for example, will it be possible to get a new LL after 2 hours or only when tapping at the booked attraction?)
All those things make, in addition to adoption rate and number of max LL distributed per hour, make Genie+ an unknown product.
I'll go in December, so I'll have 2 months of reports to decide if buying or not.
I was really hoping Genie+ would have some better perks. Having to pay extra for attractions we already paid for seems ridiculous. Then add, what I'm sure will be a bigger upcharge for the "top tier" attractions, I'm not sure I'm liking it so far! Plus, if I read the Genie+ info correctly, it seems this will create two stand-by lines. One for those who paid for stand-by and one for those who didn't. Having to wake up earlier to make FP ressies sucks. They should have allowed a few weeks out, advance reservation system. No one wants to start their day planning, and hoping to get, their FP choices for that day while trying to work around ADR's. But in reality, how many of us aren't up early anyway when at WDW?
DVC members didn't buy for the parks alone. Many of us do/did Disney primarily for the parks, while our kids were young, but as adults? It's a different vacation. We have also thought about selling our contracts because all of the "perks" are dwindling, especially under Chapek. We will wait to let some kinks work out, especially with so many changes taking place right now.

Edited for correction...I misread the + part and originally believed it to indicate you could walk up to any attraction, via FP line, at any time, hence the two stand-by line theory. Guests must select a return time.
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Plus, if I read the Genie+ info correctly, it seems this will create two stand-by lines. One for those who paid for stand-by and one for those who didn't.
I wouldn't call it "two stand-by lines". I think that what differentiates Standby is that you can get in line whenever you want. With Genie+, as with FP+, you can't just get in line whenever you want to: you have to book a return window and show up within that window.

Physically, the "Lightning Lane" that Genie+ users will use is just the old FastPass+ queue.

It's really just FastPass+ except:
  • You can only passes book day-of (yay)
  • You can only book one-at-a-time (yay)
  • You can only book next available return time, not select a slot into the future (meh)
  • It doesn't include the top-tier rides (separate charge per ride, up to 2 per day) (boo)
  • You have to pay for it (boo!)
I wouldn't call it "two stand-by lines". I think that what differentiates Standby is that you can get in line whenever you want. With Genie+, as with FP+, you can't just get in line whenever you want to: you have to book a return window and show up within that window.

Physically, the "Lightning Lane" that Genie+ users will use is just the old FastPass+ queue.

It's really just FastPass+ except:
  • You can only passes book day-of (yay)
  • You can only book one-at-a-time (yay)
  • You can only book next available return time, not select a slot into the future (meh)
  • It doesn't include the top-tier rides (separate charge per ride, up to 2 per day) (boo)
  • You have to pay for it (boo!)
For some of us:
  • You can only passes book day-of (BOO!)
  • You can only book one-at-a-time (not much different from FP+ after using your first three)
  • You can only book next available return time, not select a slot into the future (BOO! having choice of return time made planning easier whether you were doing it 60 days out or on the day-of)
  • It doesn't include the top-tier rides (separate charge per ride, up to 2 per day) (BOO)
  • You have to pay for it (BOO, just charging a premium admission price for the parks wasn't enough?)
I'm still trying to see a positive side to this change. Maybe once it is implemented...
For some of us:
  • You can only passes book day-of (BOO!)
  • You can only book one-at-a-time (not much different from FP+ after using your first three)
  • You can only book next available return time, not select a slot into the future (BOO! having choice of return time made planning easier whether you were doing it 60 days out or on the day-of)
  • It doesn't include the top-tier rides (separate charge per ride, up to 2 per day) (BOO)
  • You have to pay for it (BOO, just charging a premium admission price for the parks wasn't enough?)
I'm still trying to see a positive side to this change. Maybe once it is implemented...
I hear you. The reason I'm ambivalent-to-positive on the first three is that it should really improve availability for those who don't plan everything way in advance.

Those of us who did book FP+ at the 60-day window do suffer, but that's less of an issue if it's relatively easy to snag passes for rides like BTMRR throughout the day.

It's worse for me, but it may be better for the average guest / more "fair".
I hear you. The reason I'm ambivalent-to-positive on the first three is that it should really improve availability for those who don't plan everything way in advance.

Those of us who did book FP+ at the 60-day window do suffer, but that's less of an issue if it's relatively easy to snag passes for rides like BTMRR throughout the day.

It's worse for me, but it may be better for the average guest / more "fair".
In many ways, it's like the original FP system - the paper system, with the advantage of not having to run to a kiosk to get it - you can do it online. But with the obvious disadvantage that you need to pay for the advantage. The biggest difference will be the premium attractions that will likely get rather expensive just for a single ride. Guess we'll see when it rolls out.....
I wouldn't call it "two stand-by lines". I think that what differentiates Standby is that you can get in line whenever you want. With Genie+, as with FP+, you can't just get in line whenever you want to: you have to book a return window and show up within that window.

Physically, the "Lightning Lane" that Genie+ users will use is just the old FastPass+ queue.

It's really just FastPass+ except:
  • You can only passes book day-of (yay)
  • You can only book one-at-a-time (yay)
  • You can only book next available return time, not select a slot into the future (meh)
  • It doesn't include the top-tier rides (separate charge per ride, up to 2 per day) (boo)
  • You have to pay for it (boo!)
I stand corrected. I misread the + part and originally believed it to mean if you purchased the +, you could walk on at any time (similar to Universal's Express Unlimited). A second reading indicates you have a return time. Thanks for the correction.
I think what many forget is not everyone gets upset over these changes. I don't. Sorry too much lost in the last couple of years to worry over this. Also I never compare new to old, what I do check to see is will the new offer to DVC save me money over buying a week long multi-day pass with hoppers, and it does. So as long as I am saving money, it's all good to me.
When I bought DVC; discounted tickets of any kind were not offered. In fact there were very few perks at all. I bought to be able to get a two bedroom villa at some type of discount and I did and have for over 21 years. I think some have unrealistic expectations, forget that Disney is a business, forget they bought a timeshare and nothing more, and therefore set themselves up for disappointment.

I agree that we "bought a timeshare and nothing more", but and a big but is that many of us bought the timeshare at Disney World because of the theme parks. The value of DVC is tied to the theme parks. If the parks lose their appeal then how many people will want to buy DVC? We have owned for over 17 years and have seen many changes and perks lost, all lost; I can't think of something new that was better. We are thinking of selling a contract. For us, why go to Orlando if Disney just keeps getting more annoying.
I agree that we "bought a timeshare and nothing more", but and a big but is that many of us bought the timeshare at Disney World because of the theme parks. The value of DVC is tied to the theme parks. If the parks lose their appeal then how many people will want to buy DVC? We have owned for over 17 years and have seen many changes and perks lost, all lost; I can't think of something new that was better. We are thinking of selling a contract. For us, why go to Orlando if Disney just keeps getting more annoying.
^^This exactly!

How many of us would have paid what we did for a DVC resort anywhere else? We purchased for the proximity to the parks and the feeling of "being inside the bubble". I don't need to deal with the annoyances of air travel in order to take a resort-only vacation. There are much more beautiful resorts out there that we can stay at. We chose DVC because of the parks. If we stop going to the parks because the nickle and dime tactics of the current management tick us off, does ownership have any perceived value to us?
I never compare new to old
One of the most important things I've learned (and am still learning) in recovery is to live in the moment---not the past, not the future, but right now. A lot of things that seem like they are big problems just go away if you can do this. But, it was very hard for me to do at first.

For example: If I go to WDW, I won't be deciding between Genie+, Fastpass+, and Fastpass. I'm deciding whether or not to get Genie+, and more importantly whether to go to WDW at all. The fact that FP+/FP used to exist and I didn't pay for it doesn't matter, because those are no longer options. Worrying about them is just wasting energy.

I was really hoping Genie+ would have some better perks.
I think there is one important perk, namely:
You have to pay for it (boo!)
If I'm willing to pay for it, this can be a good thing. Because there is no free alternative, some folks won't use it at all, which means either more availability, faster standby lines (because less capacity is devoted to guests in the FP Return line), or more likely both. This is very different from MaxPass, where you were competing for return times with people willing to walk over and pull a paper one.
We have owned for over 17 years and have seen many changes and perks lost, all lost; I can't think of something new that was better. We are thinking of selling a contract. For us, why go to Orlando if Disney just keeps getting more annoying.

I don't know, originally there were free park passes, but that was a limited time purchase incentive, not a perk, as such. After that, the park ticket media discounts were few and far between, until getting the same Gold pass as the Florida locals, and being able to purchase TiW. Magical Express is, in the history of Disney, pretty recent, it replaced having to rent a car or pay for a shuttle...which was nice, and is what we have to do again. Dining and Merchandise discounts were not always a perk, either. So perks have come and gone throughout the history of DVC. Some better than others, over the years. Before DVC getting meal and merch discounts. they were pretty much limited to APs holders only. The problem is, we've never seen so many perks and privileges removed all at the same time. This is what seems to be making for the very negative opinions, and I don't like it either. But, at least through the 50th anniversary, I doubt things will change. Once that big celebration is over, things may change, especially if onsite cash guests no longer feel the pricey, onsite accommodations. are worth it.
As someone who spent the majority of their life in a pre FastPass Disney universe, I'm pretty sure I'll survive. We all waited in one line before at no additional cost and survived, and we can still do it now - for no additional cost. That Disney decided to offer a program that no one was under any obligation to participate in, that created tiered access to certain attractions, should have no bearing on anything.

You pay more for seats behind home plate than you do in the center field bleachers, you pay more for the 50 yard line at field level, and you pay more for front row at a concert, but everyone in the venue still sees the same event.

Likely a very unpopular opinion.
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As someone when spent the majority of their life in a pre FastPass Disney universe, I'm pretty sure I'll survive. We all waited in one line before at no additional cost and survived, and we can still do it now - for no additional cost. That Disney decided to offer a program that no one was under any obligation to participate in, that created tiered access to certain attractions, should have no bearing on anything.

You pay more for seats behind home plate than you do in the center field bleachers, you pay more for the 50 yard line at field level, and you pay more for front row at a concert, but everyone in the venue still sees the same event.

Likely a very unpopular opinion.

I happen to agree with this. No one is obligated to pay it and does have a free option. Standby

I really do think that we will see more rides available longer in GP+, that riding the Tier 1 rides will be easier because people who may have done them multiple times in one trip, by maximizing the refresh method or extra planning, may not now that is an additional cost.

I am looking forward to it, TBH. The past 5 trips with no worry about FP+ with guests who didn’t understand how much planning you now have to do was sooo nice. We did what we could and skipped the rest. Over the course of the trip, we did pretty much everything…well they did…that they wanted.

No question it will change the way many do Disney…but at least with DVC you know you will be back at some point so not getting it all could be okay, especially for those wanting to visit and try other things in Orlando!
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The difference now is that there are so many more people in the parks than there were back before fastpasses, so the stand by line could get much longer after covid is no consideration. Having park reservations with a cap on capacity could be a good thing.
I happen to agree with this. No one is obligated to pay it and does have a free option. Standby

I really do think that we will see more rides available longer in GP+, that riding the Tier 1 rides will be easier because people who may have done them multiple times in one trip, by maximizing the refresh method or extra planning, may not now that is an additional cost.

I am looking forward to it, TBH. The past 5 trips with no worry about FP+ with guests who didn’t understand how much planning you now have to do was sooo nice. We did what we could and skipped the rest. Over the course of the trip, we did pretty much everything…well they did…that they wanted.

No question it will change the way many do Disney…but at least with DVC you know you will be back at some point so not getting it all could be okay, especially for those wanting to visit and try other things in Orlando!

You glanced over the fact that you likely cannot do 2 boarding group rides and only 1 if you are lucky, unless you no, standby is not an option.

In 1 case with rotr, they built a ride that cannot handle normal capacity (which was likely done with this new pricing scheme in mind) and with RAT they are artifically creating the need for boarding groups on a ride that can easily handle the capacity.

Knowing for a fact that Tron and Guardians will both be boarding group rides, the literal only way you can do these activities will be to pay day of.... or pay to come back again.

Disney is quickly creating a park where it will cost you $150 to get in and another $50 to actually ride the best stuff. They didnt have the guts to just raise the general price to $200.

We can sugar coat it however anyone wants though.
You glanced over the fact that you likely cannot do 2 boarding group rides and only 1 if you are lucky, unless you no, standby is not an option.

In 1 case with rotr, they built a ride that cannot handle normal capacity (which was likely done with this new pricing scheme in mind) and with RAT they are artifically creating the need for boarding groups on a ride that can easily handle the capacity.

Knowing for a fact that Tron and Guardians will both be boarding group rides, the literal only way you can do these activities will be to pay day of.... or pay to come back again.

Disney is quickly creating a park where it will cost you $150 to get in and another $50 to actually ride the best stuff. They didnt have the guts to just raise the general price to $200.

We can sugar coat it however anyone wants though.

You are right that the BG rides do not have stand by.

But, the BG rides issue has nothing to do with the roll out of GP+. or IAS as even without those new pieces, you may not get the ride,

I have been on two trips and we struck out all 8 days in getting ROTR. So, at least with the new system, I have another choice which is to pay..but if I don’t I’m in the same position as I have been in…not riding.

The thing is that some of us are okay with the move and will adjust snd even find it could be better for our style of planning.

Its not sugar coating. It’s simply that we all don’t agree this is a such a big deal that we can’t make it work.
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You are right that the VQ rides do not have stand by.

But, the BG rides issue has nothing to do with the roll out of GP+. or IAS as even without those new pieces, you may not get the ride,

I have been on two trips and we struck out all 8 days in getting ROTR. So, at least with the new system, I have another choice which is to pay..but if I don’t I’m in the same position as I have been in…not riding.

The thing is that some of us are okay with the move and will adjust snd even find it could be better for our style of planning.

Its not sugar coating. It’s simply that we all don’t agree this is a big deal. And of course, that’s okay.

To be fair, you tend to stray on Disneys side with most topics so I do take what you share with a grain of salt, but I do appreciate your not micromanaging these boards.

The fact you cant get a boarding group in 8 days is insane and I feel for you. I dont know that the paid option will be much easier, but I do know the free option will be much harder.
To be fair, you tend to stray on Disneys side with most topics so I do take what you share with a grain of salt, but I do appreciate your not micromanaging these boards.

The fact you cant get a boarding group in 8 days is insane and I feel for you. I dont know that the paid option will be much easier, but I do know the free option will be much harder.

By the same token, you are the exact opposite in criticism of Disney so it all balances out in the end for everyone!!

I always hope we can respect others who differ. Believe me, there are things I have issue with and things I don’t.

Life is too short to worry about things I can not control and Disneys‘s business decisions is one of those things.

I can roll with the punches and see things from a positive perspective and be happy or become angry, I choose happy!
By the same token, you are the exact opposite in criticism of Disney so it all balances out in the end for everyone!!

I always hope we can respect others who differ. Believe me, there are things I have issue with and things I don’t.

Life is too short to worry about things I can not control and Disneys‘s business decisions is one of those things.

I can roll with the punches and see things from a positive perspective and be happy or become angry, I choose happy!
I hate the idea of the IAS, but sheesh I do hope if you don’t get ROTR next time, that you can at least buy into it. 0/8 is terrible luck. I’m 2 for 3 but it’s extremely stressful. The ride broke down on us and we didn’t get a reride the first time! It is luck too because I got denied the one time SO QUICKLY and the person sitting next to us on the bench a good 30 seconds later was like “oooh boarding group 5.” I was pretty annoyed.
You are right that the BG rides do not have stand by.

But, the BG rides issue has nothing to do with the roll out of GP+. or IAS as even without those new pieces, you may not get the ride,

I have been on two trips and we struck out all 8 days in getting ROTR. So, at least with the new system, I have another choice which is to pay..but if I don’t I’m in the same position as I have been in…not riding.

The thing is that some of us are okay with the move and will adjust snd even find it could be better for our style of planning.

Its not sugar coating. It’s simply that we all don’t agree this is a such a big deal that we can’t make it work.
I wouldn't be surprised if on at least one occasion you didn't get a boarding pass is because someone was using a cell phone jamming app to block like all iPhones so they can use an android to get a boarding pass or block all androids and use a iPhone to get a boarding pass. Cuts the competition in half.

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