Thanks! We haven't been in 5 years (Oct during Covid) so adjusting to the LL process. This will be my 13th or 14th trip over the decades. Doing our first split stay (BC then CR). Just booked our LL this morning so I'll probably be adding to my spread sheet.At first I panicked when I quickly scanned your spreadsheet image when I saw all the times. Then after a more careful review I don't think you are over planning your visit. It's not how we plan but how often do you go?
You have lot's a reference information and that is always helpful for a quick refresh all in 1 place.
It is better to have a plan and not need it because of all you preparedness than not have a plan available and really miss it once you get to WDW.I do but then I don’t follow it when we get there lol
Yeah I’ll send it over to you shortly. Haha And not inappropriate at all. My wife just rolled her eyes because it feeds my Disney egoIs it inappropriate to say I LOVE YOU !!
I detail plan as well. I keep a by hour, by day spreadsheet. Also sub sheets with Lightning Lane info, touring strategies, meal stops, etc.
Just started mine for our September trip...
Any chance I can get a copy of your template? (zdad67 at gmail dot com). I haven't laid out my Lightning Lane template yet, and yours looks near perfect.
My last trip's spreadsheet looks veryyyy similar to yours. I love overplanning and then you can adjust as needed when you get there if plans go awry. Looks great!There's a lot of shorthand but I'm curious what others do to layout their trips. Shaded columns are the sleep-in days
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