Disneyland’s DAS is denying the severely disabled now.


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2013
I just watched a clip of a young woman in a wheel chair, who breaths with the assistance of a portable
ventilator, talk about how she was denied DAS. This makes my blood boil. No way what Disney did to this young woman is legal under the ADA. Nor do I think their waiver will hold up in federal court due to Disney’s bad faith. She starts telling her story at 48 seconds. This is just awful and it makes me disgusted with Disney.

I am at work and havent watched the video so maybe you can let me know a few things.

So if she isnt waiting in the standby line what does she do while waiting for her turn to come up in the que?

What negative effect does waiting in the line have for her rather then sitting in her wheelchair somewhere else in the park waiting for her time to come up?

I will watch her video when I get home tonight but was curious.
I guess Disney will get sued one day to figure this out but to me its simple

Its not on Disney or any company to approve these, if they have a doctors note thats it

No one else but the Doctor should be making the call
I guess Disney will get sued one day to figure this out but to me its simple

Its not on Disney or any company to approve these, if they have a doctors note thats it

No one else but the Doctor should be making the call
The problem with doctors notes is they are easy to forge. Disney is in a tough spot right now. If people are willing to fake things to get DAS passes they are willing to fake doctor notes.
I watched her video. In summary for those who don't want to watch:

She was denied DAS, but offered the other accommodation of AQR. Where *a part of the party waits and she rejoins.

In the video she doesn't say that it won't work for her or that she doesn't want to separated from her party. She states that she wants to use Genie+ but is a Magic Key holder so it's too expensive since she goes so often and because of her other medical costs. She then suggests that Disney offer a one time more expensive Genie+ purchase that can be only be purchased by those with disabilities.
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The problem with doctors notes is they are easy to forge. Disney is in a tough spot right now. If people are willing to fake things to get DAS passes they are willing to fake doctor notes.
So can calling and just lying about these new rules

You will always have bad apples, no reason to punish those more who already live these tough lives.

Also side note, on Bathroom stuff has anyone called and told what to do if you travel alone? Really interested in they handle that if you don't have a party to rejoin
Her suggestion of having those with disabilities pay for a lump sum Genie+ as a form of accommodation is a non-starter according to the ADA.

Disney would have to offer that option to all guests for it to not run a foul of any laws.

Disney seems to be reasonable as well about working with a guest if you've tried the AQR and find that it doesn't work for your needs.

I'll be honest it gave me the impression that was the headline of being denied DAS was being used to suggest a different Genie+ options and generate content. I'm a smidge skeptical of anyone posts videos describing an event that is upsetting to them but ends the video with a variation of "follow for more content"
My husband is paraplegic and we had DAS (offered at the blue umbrella without him even asking), for our trip this past January. It made our trip so incredible because at no point did my husband have to get left behind, as often happens during vacations. We stayed together as a family the whole time. This has NEVER happened before on vacation and I cannot begin to tell you how happy this made our entire family.

The problem with AQR is that it separates the person with the disability from their group. AQR does not facilitate inclusivity.

When my family travels my husband is often left behind due to his disability. Not only does he miss out, but it also places an extra burden on to me to care for the rest of the family, in addition to missing my husband and knowing he is missing out on all the things we are doing. It's heartbreaking that my spouse misses precious family moments due to his disability and AQR just adds to this.

I know there aren't any easy answers for DAS, but I wanted to share my perspective on AQR.
Is there a reason your husband cant fastpass or wait in the line like everyone else? As a paraplegic I would assume he has to be in his chair to begin with whether it be in line with you or sitting somewhere else waiting?

Is it due to wheelchair access in the ques or something else?
My husband is paraplegic and we had DAS (offered at the blue umbrella without him even asking), for our trip this past January. It made our trip so incredible because at no point did my husband have to get left behind, as often happens during vacations. We stayed together as a family the whole time. This has NEVER happened before on vacation and I cannot begin to tell you how happy this made our entire family.

The problem with AQR is that it separates the person with the disability from their group. AQR does not facilitate inclusivity.

When my family travels my husband is often left behind due to his disability. Not only does he miss out, but it also places an extra burden on to me to care for the rest of the family, in addition to missing my husband and knowing he is missing out on all the things we are doing. It's heartbreaking that my spouse misses precious family moments due to his disability and AQR just adds to this.

I know there aren't any easy answers for DAS, but I wanted to share my perspective on AQR.
I agree with your take on AQR. I really do. What works for me and my family might not work for others.

My annoyance(?) is in the video she doesn't mention any of that. She says she was denied DAS very briefly mentions what sounds like AQR. Bringing awareness to being denied DAS and why AQR wouldn't work is valid. Instead it's more about presenting the desire for a different Genie+ option, which really waters down her concerns and issues with being denied.

Basically I felt it was more geared for content generation vs awareness of an issue.
Is there a reason your husband cant fastpass or wait in the line like everyone else? As a paraplegic I would assume he has to be in his chair to begin with whether it be in line with you or sitting somewhere else waiting?

Is it due to wheelchair access in the ques or something else?
There are medical reasons why waiting in line can be challenging, which are personal and I won't go into on a public forum, however there are other variables such as exposure to the sun, slope of ramps in lines etc. that affects his ability to wait in a long line.

You're correct, he must stay in his wheelchair the entire time, until he transfers onto the ride, and sometimes this means he must enter via the exit.

The point of my post on this thread was simply to point out that AQR doesn't promote inclusivity and our family would not use it for that reason.
I agree with your take on AQR. I really do. What works for me and my family might not work for others.

My annoyance(?) is in the video she doesn't mention any of that. She says she was denied DAS very briefly mentions what sounds like AQR. Bringing awareness to being denied DAS and why AQR wouldn't work is valid. Instead it's more about presenting the desire for a different Genie+ option, which really waters down her concerns and issues with being denied.

Basically I felt it was more geared for content generation vs awareness of an issue.
Thank you for your post. I appreciate you reading my perspective.

To be honest I didn't watch her video. LOL. But I do appreciate the opportunity to start a discussion. :-) I agree that bringing awareness is the goal, not generating content.
#1 That YT channel and website leans on the negative side when it comes to Disney and spins stories to fit their agenda for getting more traffic.
#2 We do not hear Disney's perspective or how the conversation went when she requested her DAS. I am guessing Disney asked if she is able to wait in a line and she said she could.
#3 Disney gave her advice on how to wait in a lesser queue by either having her party enter the Standby and meet up at a merge point or purchase Genie+. Either way there is going to be a queue and a wait.
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Does she talk about the specifics of why she can't wait in the regular line and how what Disney offered doesn't address that?
Perhaps it depends on the ride? Someone please verify, but from what I've read, access for people in wheelchairs/scooters is much more of a problem at DL than at DCA or any of the WDW parks because DL was built many years before wheelchair access became a standard (and then federally mandated) design feature. So there may be many wider queues in DCA and newer parts of DL that this lady and others can do along with their family/friends, but there are other narrower queues (especially in Fantasyland) where people in wheelchairs have to wait at the ride exit or another designated place to get into the ride vehicle.

Then the issue becomes: Can the other people in the party wait there with that person (they can with a DAS pass, right?), or must they go through the regular queue, leaving the disabled person waiting alone until everyone arrives at the ride start? It becomes a tricky issue of the wait being more/less enjoyable rather than simply whether it's physically feasible, and how much Disney needs to accommodate the former.
I imagine this is part of the problem and I totally understand it. There needs to be some exceptions for these types of rides that the que isn't made for, where as the newer rides that have wider ques can be handled the same way as other guests. While I am not disabled, I do feel like this would be a fair compromise.
I've comments on other threads like this..

I have a solid understanding of ADA based on what I do for work.

The down and gritty question that the courts would have to answer is what is a reasonable accommodation for lines at a theme park.

Disney used to say DAS for a wide range of folks.

Now Disney is saying DAS is a reasonable accommodation only for a very specific reason and their other options are the reasonable accommodation for other issues. It doesn't have to be the accommodation someone wants.. just the accommodation that is reasonable and equal.

so they have now offered some alternatives. And to be honest, regardless if we want to have the conversation or not, genie+ is available to everyone. Everyone has equal access to purchase it.

You don't have to of course. So then standby.

And Disney now says that reasonable accommodation for standby is this- not DAS for all.
Perhaps it depends on the ride? Someone please verify, but from what I've read, access for people in wheelchairs/scooters is much more of a problem at DL than at DCA or any of the WDW parks because DL was built many years before wheelchair access became a standard (and then federally mandated) design feature. So there may be many wider queues in DCA and newer parts of DL that this lady and others can do along with their family/friends, but there are other narrower queues (especially in Fantasyland) where people in wheelchairs have to wait at the ride exit or another designated place to get into the ride vehicle.

Then the issue becomes: Can the other people in the party wait there with that person (they can with a DAS pass, right?), or must they go through the regular queue, leaving the disabled person waiting alone until everyone arrives at the ride start? It becomes a tricky issue of the wait being more/less enjoyable rather than simply whether it's physically feasible, and how much Disney needs to accommodate the former.

Needing an accommodation due to a mobility device, such as a scooter or wheelchair, is different from DAS. There's already a system in place for people in wheelchairs, and from what I've heard, there's been no change to that system.

DCA doesn't have any special accommodations for mobility devices because their queues are wide enough to accommodate them. The attractions in DL where the queue can't accommodate a wheelchair, they're given a return time and go in an alternate entrance, normally the exit.


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