Disneygoof's WW Journal (comments welcome)


DIS Veteran
Mar 29, 2004
Well, today I combine two obsessions, Disney and weight loss.

I'm a weight watchers girl, have lost 25 pounds on the program, and kept it relatively close to that low (adult) weight of 135. I had a baby 7 months ago yesterday, and if I'm going to subscribe to the "9 months on, 9 months off" theory of pregnancy weight loss and gain, I've got two months to go.

I'm 5'3", 146 pounds as I begin this new leg of the journey. I started at 161 in October, when at the 6 week mark I decided the weight would settle in there if I didn't get motivated. 10 pounds off, Christmas, 5 pounds on. 10 pounds off, three weeks in Florida (four days in Disney!), 5 pounds on. 5 pounds off. I have 6 pounds to lose to get into a healthy BMI, 11 pounds to lose to get to the goal I discussed with my doctor, and 16 to get to where I'd like to be by July 4th.

So here is where I'll stay honest with my point intake and exercise record. I'll commit to posting daily. I'll stay involved by joining the Mother's Day challenge. I know that this will make the journey fun.

Yesterday's points-24
Yesterday's exercise-None
Welcome to WISH and to journaling! This is a great place to be accountable, and all the posters here are full of encouragement, support, advice...whatever you need to help you towards your goal.

Congratulations on your little one! I've got an 8 month old myself, and there's not much better motivation in the world for getting and staying in shape!

Good luck as you work towards your goals!

~Angela :wave2:
Did the weight watchers workout (http://www.weightwatchers.com/health/wko/women_workouts.aspx?newcategory=introduction) while Happy was at school and Sleepy was sleeping. Well, Sleepy watched the first half before realizing it wasn't a game, getting bored, and falling asleep.

It took me to Colonel Hathi's March on the Disney Classic I cd so that's, what? 1 point earned? It's a start.

1 set of 20 reps each with 2 pound weights while I refamiliarize myself with the exercises.
hi! i'd like to also welcome you to wish journaling :wave:

this is a great place, a great group of people, and a wonderful source of support and inspiration, i hope you love it! :bounce:

good for you for taking care of the baby weight before it got out of control. you have very reasonable goals, and i'm sure you will have no problem reaching them ::yes::

oh, and how cute that you call your kids happy and sleepy! (i'm reading that right...right? please correct me if i'm not :p )

good luck and have a great day :sunny:
Welcome to the WISH Journal board!! I wish I'd been more proactive after my last baby and lost the weight - she's 14 years old now....:p .....I guess it's time. :teeth:

I'm 5'2" and started at 142 last August. I'm down to 130 and my body seems stuck. I bet if I quit eating the junk food, I'd lose another pound or two, so I'm still working on it. :D

Glad you decided to join us on the healthy living journey! :sunny:
OK, so it's time to set some ground rules for myself.

Rule 1-One post a day. No more, no less. I'll have to pay attention to the time I spend reading too, because I could spend all day on these pages getting inspiration from other W.I.S.H.ers, but that's not going to help my activity level! One post a day to my page will keep me honest, but I won't spend all day running to the computer to SIT DOWN and write whatever's on my mind.

Rule 2-The Auntie rule. My auntie, who was approaching 90, went to a wedding, and the groom hugged her and broke three of her ribs. Ouch! One motivation for me to get healthy is the osteo that runs in my family. I need to start weight bearing exercises to build bone mass. Also, I need to pay close attention to my calcium intake, therefore, no snacking until I've acheived three servings. My first snacks of the day should be yogurt, total, skim milk, or tums if that's all I've got.

Rule 3-I forget. Oh yeah, Alzheimer's runs in my family too. My uncle is struggling BIG TIME and it's been an extremely rapid descent. I know I need to do a crossword puzzle a day to work my brain, but because I do it on the computer, I won't do it until I've exercised. The exercise, I know, will help ward off this disease as long as I make an active lifestyle, MY lifestyle.

So that's all for today. I'm planning on the 10:30 and 11:00 FitTV programs as long as Happy and Sleepy cooperate.

Yesterday's points-25
Yesterday's exercise-www (weight watchers workout)

Have a magical day!
Welcome to journaling on the WISH boards!
Good for you that you are motivated to lose the baby weight! I had my last baby almost two years ago and still have mine. However, that is why I joined these boards... so, I can take off the baby weight.

I like the ground rules that you have set for yourself. I know that when I come to the DISboards, I usually spend too much time here. ::yes:: I imagine that when the weather breaks, I will probably post less because we will be outside more. And oh my goodness! You're poor aunt! Who would have thought that a hug could be so painful? Ouch! I like how you plan on incorporating weight bearing exercises to build more bone mass and plan to add in calcium enriched products as well. Also, crossword puzzles are a great way to exercise the brain. I always have a hard time with them and they really do make you think!

Again, welcome to the WISH boards. You will find a lot of encouragement and inspiration from the people who post here. Have a wonderful day!

Hi there,
I just wanted to say welcome to the WISH journals. They can be addictive. It sounds like you are off to a great start. Can I make a suggestion. Take an official calcium supplement over the Tums. Calcium requires and acidic environment to be absorbed. The antacid in tums is counterproductive. So you would absorb more calcium by taking a calcium with vitamin D than taking the equivalent amount of calcium with Tums. If you have heartburn, definately take Tums though. Just a thought.
Well, truth be told, some of it is because of that famous temper of hers. Known to be a bit hotheaded, it makes me think she's more human, or I'm more Pixielike.

The real reason I love Tink is because of that moment in Peter Pan when she's helping Peter find his shadow, and she flies over the mirror in the nursery. She stops to admire herself, fluffs her hair, appears confident, until...


she looks at herself from behind. She stops in her tracks, a look on her face that says, "Why, that can't be my bottom." She measures her hips, holding her hands out in front of her in disbelief. Then, for a fleeting instant, she looks up and seems to be thinking, "When did that happen?"

Who hasn't had a moment like that?

So, Tink, help me find my shadow. I keep having these moments when I look down, see a shadow, and say to myself...

"Why, that can't be my bottom."

...so do me a favor, and look around.

Yesterday's points-25
Yesterday's exercise-Aerobic Conditioning and Caribbean Workout, 4 points

Gotta go, gotta find my shadow....
Well, just like Tink I'm getting distracted in my quest.

First of all, good housekeeping. Thanks to Doreen in PA for the welcome-you're halfway there, junk food and all! Great for you! Thanks also to Tracy for your support and to Beth for the calcium advice...45 pounds-Wow!

Yesterday was a good day. I exercised, baked brownies for friends and didn't have any, and ate in moderation at a social event. Successes all.

Today I planned to exercise to the 10:30 and 11:00 FitTV programs but 11:00 was pilates and I wanted cardio. Then instead of finding some alternative, I spend 30 minutes obsessing over where my activity points finder was, and I still can't find it. Oh well, there's a 3:30 Caribbean workout; I'll try to get that in and hopefully get in some extra activity to offset a "Southern Living at Home" party tonight. W.I.S.H. me luck.

Wouldn't it be great if Weight Watchers did one of those "home" parties? OK, you have a moderator come to your house, bake a whole bunch of ww appetizers, drinks include club soda and raspberry flavored spring water, everybody exercises, and the moderator sells ww tools and cookbooks while subliminally trying to get all your friends to join. Then you have all sorts of support in your community, and you come home from one of those home parties still on program and having bought something useful! A dream is a W.I.S.H. your heart makes...

Yesterday's points-27
Yesterday's exercise-www 1 point (and I did it faster than Tuesday, which is a good thing, shows I'm getting better at the exercises, can rest less and am getting the moves down)

I'm off to clean the house and find my activity points sliderule.

great job sticking to your points and getting some exercise in! how frustrating that the show you thought would be on wasn't! but at least you made up for it later

hope you had a great time at the "southern living at home" party, and a great weekend! :bounce:
Hope all is going well in your neck of the woods! I think your idea of a WW party is a great one!!! Sounds like the type of business you could start!! :sunny:
Well, it's been a bad week for so many reasons, but this Dave Barry article gave me a new reason to get back on track tomorrow:

Party's over for all those poor piñatas


Apparently I am the only journalist in America who is not afraid to speak out against birthday-party piñatas. Apparently all the other so-called ''journalists'' -- and, yes, Mr. Bob Woodward, I am talking to you -- are scared to take on the powerful international piñata industry.

Fine. I will courageously ''take the heat'' on this, knowing I could wind up hanging in a dark alley, being beaten with sticks until my flesh ruptures and my body hemorrhages candies and small cheesy toys. But I cannot sit idly by, not after the horrifying incident I witnessed recently at the birthday party of one of my daughter's friends.

Our daughter, who is 4, has WAY more friends than we do. There are thousands of them, and they were all, at some point, born. So pretty much all we do is attend birthday parties. We always take a toy, and I always feel pity for the wretched parent who will have to try to remove this toy from its packaging.

In recent years the toy industry, after consulting its lawyers, decided it was too dangerous to allow children to come into contact with toys. So the industry went to the Institute of Defensive Packaging, which is the outfit that made it impossible to open an aspirin bottle without a hammer.

For toys, the Institute came up with a vicious system that involves attaching the toy to the package with dozens of nearly invisible twisted titanium wires, which are then covered with powerful adhesive tape, after which everything is encased in thick, weapons-grade plastic that, when you try to cut it with a knife -- and, trust me, you eventually will -- defends itself by turning into lethal shards that can slice through your arm like a machete through a Twinkie. And of course while you're grappling with this packaging, cursing and bleeding, your child is in your ear asking ``When can I play with it when when whenwhenwhenwhenWHENWHENWHEN?''

Such is the power of child nagging that some parents are, incredibly, still getting through to the toys. So the Institute of Defensive Packaging is working on a new system: Soon, toys will be immobilized inside Lucite blocks, like giant paperweights, so the child can only look at them and cry while the parent checks the Yellow Pages under ''Acetylene Torch Rental.'' Homes will burn down; people will die. But that is the price a society pays for safe packaging.

Anyway, at the party for my daughter's friend, the theme was Cinderella. The Birthday Girl was dressed as Cinderella, and the Birthday Mom had ordered a Cinderella piñata. It was the largest piñata I have ever seen: four feet tall, with a smiling blond head on top of a blue-gowned body. She was too heavy to hang by a rope, so she just stood there throughout the party, looking almost like a real princess, smiling, unaware of her fate.

When each child had ingested enough sugar to decay all the teeth in Asia, it was time. Everybody gathered around Cinderella. This was when the adults began to realize, with a growing sense of horror, what was about to happen.

Nobody was more horrified than the Birthday Mom, who, I suspect, had not thought through the concept of a life-size fairy-tale princess piñata. But at that point, with small children clamoring for loot, she had no choice but to hand a stick to the Birthday Girl. And thus we experienced the surreal sight of a small Cinderella whacking the bejabbers out of a larger Cinderella.

Except the bejabbers refused to come out. As I have noted, modern piñatas are built like Volvo sedans, only stronger: The piñata took several blows directly to the face from the Birthday Girl, and Cinderella kept right on smiling. So the Birthday Mom shoved Cinderella over onto the ground, thus enabling the Birthday Girl to whack straight down on her, but she STILL wouldn't open. Finally the Birthday Mom, growing desperate, handed the stick to a teenaged boy, who raised it high over his head and brought it down on Cinderella with a mighty WHOMP that caused all the adults to cringe violently. But it worked: There was a deep dent in Cinderella, and WHOMP now there was a hole, and WHOMP it was bigger, and WHOMP now loot was pouring out, and children were swarming over Cinderella's mutilated body, which was nearly detached now from her head, which was still smiling happily, as though she believed that at any moment her prince piñata would come.

It was awful. Even now, weeks later, I feel guilty for having watched it happen, and doing nothing. I have promised myself that, next time, I will not stand idly by.

Next time, I will videotape it.
My point, in case you missed it, is that we all make bad decisions at parties, especially when there is candy involved. I'll be back on program tomorrow.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I found the article a bit disturbing :p , thinking about the kids whacking that Cinderella pinata, but the whole time I kept wondering "WHY is this posted in this journal???". When you revealed the moral of the story - about all of us making bad decisions at parties.....I was laughing hysterically and nodding my head in agreement!! ::yes::

Now, whenever I'm tempted to overdo it at a party, I hope I can remember to visualize those kids whacking that poor smiling pinata. If I can remember that mental picture, I'm sure I'll be able to step away from the food! Thanks for the great mental image!

Hope your Tuesday is going great! :sunny:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Great article. I've been cracking up, fortunately the only person to witness it is my DD. She already knows I'm crazy.

The weight watchers party sounds great. We actually had a low carb potluck at work. 5/8 of the people working that shift were lc. I went really well. Any friends on WW?

I'm sending some :goodvibes for getting back on program.

Thanks to Beth and Doreen for the support!!!

I'm working hard at getting back on track. Yesterday was a wonderful 22 point day, until a 15 point late night binge leaving me at 37. There's always today.

Yesterday's points-37
Yesterday's exercise-none, but with very good reason, and on that point, there's always tomorrow.

Everyone have a magical day!
:laughing: :laughing: Great article, Disneygoof! I've witnessed too many eerily similar events while attending DD's endless birthday parties this school year. I'll never look at pinatas the same way again. :teeth:

I hope that you were able to get back on track today. We've all had binge days. Some of us even have binge weeks :eek: . The important thing is that tomorrow is a new day, and it we get the opportunity to forget about yesterday. ::yes::

Have a great day!

~Angela :wave2:
Well, not exactly, I'm still looking for my shadow. BUTT, I'm not feeling any remorse because I've had two deaths in my immediate and extended family in the last two weeks, so I know my off program situation is LARGELY due to upended routines, family gatherings with no healthy options, and a BIG dose of emotional eating. I was better yesterday, am doing great today, and tomorrow I will exercise.

Yesterday's points-A huge estimate of 45? The food at the post funeral reception was probably 20 points? and the rest of the day was a firm 24.5.
Yesterday's exercise-none, I was feeling great last week (two weeks ago? gawrsh) with exercise, and this week I feel like poop, so I have to get back into it.
Yesterday's points-19 that I remember, not bad for not really paying attention, just too busy.
Yesterday's exercise-none.

I'm going to try to finally learn to run. Well, not that I need to learn to run, but to run long distances for extended periods of time. I'm going to try the Couch to 5K program I saw listed here at WISH.

Phase one, all walking. I think if I can make the time I can do it. I'm hoping, as a goal, to run in a local race in August, which means I need to start today.

WISH me luck!

Have a magical day!


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