Disney vloggers on Lighthouse Point

Yes he did but it was way more balanced than an OMG fly youtube video.
The YouTube videos showed what was actually going on. That initial fly situation itself wasn't "balanced" because it was objectively bad. There is no call for vloggers to sugar coat things that are bad. People look at videos and reports to learn about the real experience.
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The YouTube videos showed what was actually going on. That initial fly situation itself wasn't "balanced" because it was objectively bad. There is no call for visitors to sugar coat things that are bad. People look at videos and reports to learn about the real experience.
Many of these vloggers have a lot of access to loose if they don't polish Disney's turds. Anyone with a honest bone in their body that has a fundamental understanding of logic should know this. Again, the Disney gas lighters (Kool-Aid Drinkers/ Pixie Dusters), will constantly try to convince you that you aren't really witnessing what you are witnessing from Disney Co.
People are always beating around the bush when it comes to getting to the core of these matters and pretending not to see the elephant in the room. We all know Disney decided to engage in a rotten ideology under Bob Iger and that ideology only creates rot and decay and eventually death to everything it touches.
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Do I even want to know what you define as "rotten ideology"? Probably not.

Disney vloggers become Disney vloggers because they like Disney, so I don't understand why it's surprising that they'd be complimentary in their videos. If you don't like the "Kool-Aid Drinkers," don't watch those channels. There are plenty of vloggers who either fund their own trips or make enough money via Patreon or ad revenue or whatever that they don't need to worry about losing access to Disney stuff.
Do I even want to know what you define as "rotten ideology"? Probably not.

Disney vloggers become Disney vloggers because they like Disney, so I don't understand why it's surprising that they'd be complimentary in their videos. If you don't like the "Kool-Aid Drinkers," don't watch those channels. There are plenty of vloggers who either fund their own trips or make enough money via Patreon or ad revenue or whatever that they don't need to worry about losing access to Disney stuff.
The vloggers on the first cruise were all invited, not? I thought that cruise was not open to the public.

It is not surprising that they are positive. But you can question if they are sincere.

If they play fair and add that this is an 'ad' or that they are 'hosted' or the trip is 'gifted' to their videos, then there is some transparency.
And it makes it understandable when they are overly positive, even when things are clearly not.

Jenny Nicholson released a video recently with an analysis about the Starcruiser in WDW. One part was about the vloggers, those who were invited by Disney were much more positive and/or didn't participate in the game (the main reason to charge those prices), than those who weren't.

If you are being paid to promote something, chances are higher you will tell them what the boss likes to hear. That's just how it works. Maybe they really are positive and they loved their stay. However, if you are standing next to a plate of food covered in flies and you smile into the camera and say 'oh my god, this looks delicious!', I am going to question you.
The vloggers on the first cruise were all invited, not? I thought that cruise was not open to the public.
I don't know about all of them on that cruise. Scott Sanders said he paid rack rate on opening day, but was invited for media events on the cruise. I was mostly referring to vloggers in general.
Do I even want to know what you define as "rotten ideology"? Probably not.

Disney vloggers become Disney vloggers because they like Disney, so I don't understand why it's surprising that they'd be complimentary in their videos. If you don't like the "Kool-Aid Drinkers," don't watch those channels. There are plenty of vloggers who either fund their own trips or make enough money via Patreon or ad revenue or whatever that they don't need to worry about losing access to Disney stuff.
Some of the videos are clearly going for the clickbait. I find those bloggers annoying, pretty much all the time.

Honestly, I find the reactions here to be parallel to lots of other things in our culture. Many people have big reactions and go all out on their opinion. Others look for a bigger picture with some nuance and wait to see how things play out.

That said, should Disney maybe re-think their approach to these new things? Probably. Between this and a few grumpy reactions to the new Tiana ride, they're probably having lots of conversations.
I don’t watch a lot of vloggers either, too annoying and not enough interesting content. Besides, even if they don’t get invited, they will still be more positive in the hopes of getting invited in the future. Or to get more viewers/subscribers/clicks… because they still earn money from their videos.
I don’t watch a lot of vloggers either, too annoying and not enough interesting content. Besides, even if they don’t get invited, they will still be more positive in the hopes of getting invited in the future. Or to get more viewers/subscribers/clicks… because they still earn money from their videos.

I do think there are some good ones out there who are not trying to be 'influencers' but just enjoy sharing information. They tend to have low subscription numbers and are family orientated. They used to say 'sex sells', but now it appears the norm is 'negativity' sells and thats what the 'influencers' deliver, negativity. You can tell the click baiters because their titles or tag pictures often express outrage... and then when you get to the content they often do a 180, perhaps to serve two masters? And for whatever reason, there are tons of people willing to amplify the negativity and call it their own 'opinion' while ignoring video to the contrary.
I don’t watch a lot of vloggers either, too annoying and not enough interesting content. Besides, even if they don’t get invited, they will still be more positive in the hopes of getting invited in the future. Or to get more viewers/subscribers/clicks… because they still earn money from their videos.

And even if there is interesting content, you have to get through the (often multiple) pauses to be all "If you like this, be sure to subscribe!" No thank you, I'll just watch something else.
I like watching them when I want to gather more information about a destination. When you can't be there yourself, there is no substitute for actually being able to see something on video. Other people's written descriptions and opinions don't hold a candle to that. When I watch a vlog, I can see for myself and make up my own mind.
When I watch vloggers I am more focused on what is happening in the background. If someone is doing an intro from their hotel/state room, I am more looking at what does the room look like. With people moving in the room, or suitcases out you get a better idea how big a room is for example. Or to get already an idea where things are on the ship. I like ship tours.

I like to see some of the food in the restaurant, to see if I will like it, but not necessarily need the 'oh the fried brie tastes delicious'. Taste in food, or how you perceive good service by your hosts and servers it is all so personal and sometimes you can get lucky or have bad luck.
When I watch vloggers I am more focused on what is happening in the background. If someone is doing an intro from their hotel/state room, I am more looking at what does the room look like. With people moving in the room, or suitcases out you get a better idea how big a room is for example. Or to get already an idea where things are on the ship. I like ship tours.

I like to see some of the food in the restaurant, to see if I will like it, but not necessarily need the 'oh the fried brie tastes delicious'. Taste in food, or how you perceive good service by your hosts and servers it is all so personal and sometimes you can get lucky or have bad luck.

same...I watch what the vloggers are NOT showing me (or highlighting)... because though they say pictures don't lie, they certainly can be chosen and someone can choose to pick the worst example of something or the best. case in point the flies, I have seen some absolutely disgusting images, and some that were not that bad. which one was chosen to highlight? both? neither? no clue. But people tell a story even with pictures. Of course, no hiding that the pier is LONG lol. Somethings just are what they are.
I don’t watch a lot of vloggers either, too annoying and not enough interesting content. Besides, even if they don’t get invited, they will still be more positive in the hopes of getting invited in the future. Or to get more viewers/subscribers/clicks… because they still earn money from their videos.
I think it’s actually the opposite now. Negativity and rage bait are what sell. There are pop culture channels entirely devoted to complaining about the latest installment of whatever franchise.


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