Disney’s MARVELous Super Hero - New You - New Year Celebration – January 2017!!

So far this week I have done really good. I am down a pound. I did not work out the beginning of the week because I was still off and being lazy.

:-) - well done on the loss - some down time is important - it helps us recharge to hit it again.

Next week might be another rough one for me as a mom. My son gets his cast off on Tuesday. Then we will know what we are looking at. I just really what to know we made the right choice to not do surgery.

Good luck with your son's appointment I hope it all works out ok.

Lost 3 (so 50%) pounds since NY's day

:-) great work!

Happy Saturday evening! Tomorrow is my last day off before returning to the daily grind. Cue floods of tears.

Oh - I feel you ... I really only have a week left before getting back into it - but I do have work with me that I have been putting off all break and it is really starting to stress me that I need to bite the bullet and get started or I will end up much more stressed in about 2 weeks. I am just loving the time off I am having at the moment.

Everyday I have been prepping meals! Which is a great thing.

:-) Great work - that is some yummy meals you are prepping.

I'm taking things slow. I'm trying not to make too many big changes at once so I'm not overwhelmed. Right now I'm just focused on staying away from soda, junk food, and greasy fast food while upping my intake on water, vegetables and protein :)

Yep too many changes at once and we can get lost in them and it all gets too much - great plan :-)

I work at a convenience store and any time I get tempted to cheat (outside of work too) I just point to whatever junk and say, "VILLIAN". People might think Im crazy but hey, it's working! Lol. I hope next month is just as fun.

:rotfl2: that is hilarious!

Just got my 10 minutes in

:-) great work you are managing to be quite consistent with this so far.

They placed as a team and from the ribbons it looks like they took 3rd

That is awesome - well done to your DD

1st I hate to admit but I am pretty happy with how I look so I don't feel very motivated to lose weight. Is this terrible? Like I don't think of myself OMG, you are amazing, like a model type of thing. But I feel pretty awesome for a 38 year old mum that works full time in IT. So while I do want the scale to go down tiny little bit more down this year, it's not really goal or priority. I am conflicting myself - I look at the mirror and I feel pretty awesome about the weight loss and progress done, I am very content. And than, trying to convince myself I need to diet is just not happening right now

No it is not terrible!!! I know u have been working very hard towards your goals of a healthy body and lifestyle and there is nothing wrong to also want to feel like a hot mamma at the same time lol. Be proud of your achievements - us women are not always good at doing that. If you are feeling happy at the moment maybe just focus on consolidating your maintenance plan and those 2 pounds may take care of themselves or in a couple of months without the start of the year pressure you could focus on them then if u really decide they havd to go. I love that time each night u have with your son - so make sure u aren't too tired and cranky to enjoy it - trust me it all goes by so fast

So what I am saying. Well I don't really know yet! I am making it up as I go haha.

You r not alone there But I know you will get there because I know u will persevere until u do.

I am not very good at setting up monthly goals and keep changing them but being part of this forum is very helpful for me. Thanks @4Mickeys for making me think

I think it is a good thing to be flexible, reflect and change or adjust goals if they are not working for you - what is the point in following a goal that is not right for you and setting yourself up to feel like failure at the end of the month - its much better to reframe, replan, regroup and approach it with positivity. And you are welcome for the thinking nudge - that is what I am here for - you also always post lots of great things that make me think about my journey as well :hug:

Hey guys I'm a marathoner!!!!

:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Can I just say I am completely in awe of what you have achieved - be proud of yourself and celebrate your success, Superhero.

Sorry for being so absent, once again... I meant to post a long reply today, but then ended up being so busy with stuff around the house (as well as going for my Sunday run) that I was happy to be away from the computer. I spend too much time surfing the net and today made the resolution to severely limit online time for the rest of the month. I will pop in here as you are always motivating me. But I really need to spend far less time on electronic devices!

That is funny - I have also been thinking in the last week about how much time I and my kids spend on electronic devices! So good for you for trying to limit it and embrace activity instead :-) - although I do miss your chatter when you are away.

I have shocked even myself by staying low carb, not even 1 cheat, for a full 8 days and get this -
I am down 10 pounds!
So I am 100%

Well done 10 pounds is a huge loss :-)

Negative- my (self diagnosed) knee bursitis/tendinitis isn't getting better, and it's been 9 days, I'm getting worried I may need to see a doctor :( I'm in a lot of pain, and caring for a 3 month old and 2 year old when I can hardly walk is really hard, it's getting me down...but right now I am just focusing on my eating habits, hopefully the extra weight will continue to fall off and my knees will heal as I get lighter.

Hope that knee feels better soon - and do make sure to go to the Doctor if it doesn't resolve soon :-)

As for my goal of losing 5lbs, I've already lost 2 since Jan 1st, so I'm at 40%!

Awesome - some solid progress towards your goal :-)

don't know what it was, but I had a major hunger attack around 7:00. I thought I was going to murder someone lol. Crazy, awful thoughts entered my head, most of them involving cheeseburgers and fries. I wanted to cheat... but hey, I didn't! I fought the villains :) and I won.

My boyfriend went to subway and I had a six inch on wheat with all the veggies and a chicken breast. No mayo or cheese. Filled me up and I didn't cheat. Guilt free and feeling good :)

But I'm sure the hunger pangs will get angry and strike again...

:cheer2: for fighting those food villains - well done Superhero!

Good morning! I hope the rest of you slept better than me

Sorry that you didn't sleep well - it must have been going around I didn't either - something was disturbing the neighbours dog - whilst he wasn't barking I could hear him moving around a lot - which had me wondering why - because he usually so good - also I have had a sore knee - and I don't know why - so my anxiety kicks in when that happens so my sleep was also disturbed by me waiting to not wake up! crazy I know.
Good morning everyone - Its Monday another week into our Super Hero month.


To kick off the week with a bit of fun tell us who your favourite Marvel Super Hero is and why. Also for a bit more fun when you find the time do a Marvel Character Quiz to see which one you would be ... lets see if there is a difference between your favourite and who you would be are you surprised with who they said you were?. Just google 'Marvel Character Quiz' and several will pop up.
Oh my goodness, y'all! I bought a more accurate digital scale -- my old dial scale was super hard for me to read, and I know I wasn't getting accurate readings. Today I stepped on the scale and it looks like I'm actually down 4.6 pounds since the beginning of January, which is about .4 pounds away from my first 10. Which means I'm 92% of the way there to my goal. I'm gonna make it a little harder for myself and my new goal for the end of January will be to lose 10 pounds. So in that case, I'm 46% of the way there. :)
Hey guys I'm a marathoner!!!!

And I rode EE too! Best. Race. Ever.

WOOHOO and Congratulations!! I was so disappointed for you and the others when I heard about the half marathon cancellation. So proud of you for getting out there and getting it done (as long as you were safe, of course). It looks good on you!

Good morning everyone - Its Monday another week into our Super Hero month.

To kick off the week with a bit of fun tell us who your favourite Marvel Super Hero is and why. Also for a bit more fun when you find the time do a Marvel Character Quiz to see which one you would be ... lets see if there is a difference between your favourite and who you would be are you surprised with who they said you were?. Just google 'Marvel Character Quiz' and several will pop up.

First quiz...... IRON MAN.

Second quiz..... IRON MAN.... wowza! Guess I had better go watch those movies again!

Okay... I'll be honest. I have watched many super hero movies with DS and DH.... but I don't know enough about ANY of the individual heroes to compare myself to them at all. If forced, I would say my favorite is THOR.... #1 because he is great eye candy and #2 DS has played him twice for Halloween (he has the hair and height for it)... so I guess I am fond.


Morning all! This is the last full week of my kids being home for break. DS goes back to school next weekend and DD goes back a week from Wednesday. I've taken some extra days off to spend time with them, but my tiny paychecks for January will be hard to catch up on!

Not much to share.... no results to post because I hadn't done a weigh-in the last week of December, so I had no idea where I was starting. But after Friday's weigh-in I have a little under 2 pounds to lose this month to hit my goal of getting back to my pre-Christmas weight.... it's not a slam-dunk, but I should be able to do it!

BBL to chat...................P
Good morning everyone - Its Monday another week into our Super Hero month.

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To kick off the week with a bit of fun tell us who your favourite Marvel Super Hero is and why. Also for a bit more fun when you find the time do a Marvel Character Quiz to see which one you would be ... lets see if there is a difference between your favourite and who you would be are you surprised with who they said you were?. Just google 'Marvel Character Quiz' and several will pop up.
I think my favorite super hero is Captain America. Mainly because He is DH and DS10's favorite. On the quiz I got the Hulk. It says "You are a wanderer with amazing strength." after yesterday I would say that's about right. And to be honest I have a bit of an ugly temper too so very fitting.

Still on my high from yesterday. I'm not as sore as I thought I would be today. I get a 2 week break from running which is going to be strange since I have been focused on this race since April. Now it's time to think about my next goal.
Hey guys I'm a marathoner!!!!

Congratulations!! You look so happy! Are you riding a major runner's high right now??

But I'm sure the hunger pangs will get angry and strike again..

This has been me for like the past week, I feel your pain. But way to resist! That's truly impressive. I do my best to chug lots of water and sometimes even add in a little Crystal Light to make it feel like it has more "substance".
I think any sort of weight loss is motivation :) My two friends have both lost 20 and 30 pounds and are currently at a plateau and are getting discouraged. You do start to feel that way when you're moving, but the scale isn't.

You're doing so good! What does low carb entail and how are you doing it? Do you set a certain amount per day or certain foods?

I really do! If I am working so hard and the scale stays the same I literally think, well why am I working so hard for nothing? Hopefully since I'm aware of it now I'll be better prepared when the plateaus hit.

Thank you so much! People are starting to notice so that feels good :) I read Dr. Atkins' book & became very familiar with it. I'm limiting my carb intake to below 20, but less is more (for me!). It's pretty simple now, there's just food to avoid and it's most things white/yellow/orange - even if it's hidden lol
(no sugar, flour, yellow or orange veggies, fruit) pretty much everything else is fine, I do check labels though& I can eat as much as I want! I've been living on salads with ranch dressing, eggs & sausage, chicken salad & fajitas. I could branch out more but I am happy with this stuff for now.

I'm 5'10" and started at 221, now I'm 211. I am usually around the 140 mark but my first main goal is 160. That's when I'll start running again and drop the rest.

My favorite Marvel character is Thor, for the same reason LOL, the actor is a serious hottie ;) my quiz said I was Spider-Man! Not so sure about that though...
Love the QOTD!

My favourite is Thor - well for the same reason a lot of other ladies mentioned already, but also because I think he is so funny. Especially in his first movie when he is so confused by how things work on Earth. The quiz I took decided that I was the Black Widow, but supposedly Captain America had the equal amount of points. I think that both are actually good fits for me... (And I wish I had Scarlett Johansen's body...).
QOTD: I don't know the Marvel Super Hero's, but evidently Mystique and I are soul Sisters.

Previous QOTD: Backstory... still working on this, or actually starting to work on this again as I haven't been focused on it for a while, and I know it is impacting my health/weight.

Lots of good posts to read thru while catching up... so happy the board is active again.

Progress report for last week: I'll give myself 15% progress towards my goals for the month.

The little service on Friday was very nice: afterwards our family went to eat and then we went over to my Sister's house and sat and talked for several more hours: she got to spend a good amount of time with my Brother who flew up from Texas, so that was good. I suggested we put together a trip down to Texas for April, so we all talked about things we'll want to do, which will include day trips up to The Pioneer Women's Mercantile in Oklahoma and a day trip down the Fixer Upper Silo's in Waco.

The super cold temperatures have finally lifted, which is a good thing as we had a very wet and rainy storm yesterday which would have been a major problem had the moisture come down as snow. I finally got my tree down yesterday, it feels like it wasn't even there which is always kind of sad, and most of the exterior lights are at least turned off... boo. Other than that I really didn't accomplish much over the weekend, except to sit and knit hats for the upcoming Women's Marches.

One of the gals in my FB women's hiking group posted about getting together some winter walks, which I've so been wanting to do. Some people are still going up in to the mountains and hiking in the snow, which I don't want to do, I just want to get out for some good long walks with company, so I'm hoping something gets put together for this coming weekend. My waterproof hiking boots came over the weekend and I love them... I'll be wearing them out for walks around the neighborhood to break them in.

Happy Monday everyone!
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To kick off the week with a bit of fun tell us who your favourite Marvel Super Hero is and why. Also for a bit more fun when you find the time do a Marvel Character Quiz to see which one you would be ... lets see if there is a difference between your favourite and who you would be are you surprised with who they said you were?. Just google 'Marvel Character Quiz' and several will pop up.

I took 3 quizzes and got 3 different superheroes lol. I got Iron Man, Ghost Rider, and Star Lord. None of those are surprising, particularly Iron Man. As for my actual favorite Marvel character...that's tough. Because I love so many of them! And I'm working on catching up because I haven't seen all of the Captain America movies or Guardians of the Galaxy. However, I will say that Captain America is probably my favorite...and pretty much for the same reason as @HappyGrape . He's yummy :)


A work friend is also a runner and he invited me out for a run with him during our lunch break today. I thought I was going to die! We did 2 miles at about an 11:35 mile pace which is quite a bit faster than what I'm used to. It didn't help that I have been struggling with what I think is bronchitis and it's about 35 degrees outside which is optimal running weather (for me) until you add in asthma and bronchitis. And then it becomes rather difficult. Let's just say that I'm very happy to not do anything this evening!
Good morning everyone - Its Monday another week into our Super Hero month.

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To kick off the week with a bit of fun tell us who your favourite Marvel Super Hero is and why. Also for a bit more fun when you find the time do a Marvel Character Quiz to see which one you would be ... lets see if there is a difference between your favourite and who you would be are you surprised with who they said you were?. Just google 'Marvel Character Quiz' and several will pop up.

I love love love love LOVE Captain America. I think he is an incredible vision of what America can be when everyone is at their best, and also I love Chris Evans, and I love every character in the Captain America stories, and I LOVE PEGGY CARTER, and basically: I love Captain America. (I also love Sam Wilson as Cap! And Bucky as Cap! Everyone should get a chance to be Cap!) Oh and I also adore Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda. <3 <3 She is beautiful, vulnerable, and so smart.

Not from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though -- I love Gert from Runaways, which is an excellent comic series everyone should read. And I'm very into Spider-Woman and Ms. Marvel these days too. You guys are lucky I only have a few minutes -- otherwise I'd post long essays about all of my favorites!! My wife loves comics and she pulled me in a year or so ago, and now I'm addicted.
My favorite would be Iron Man and Thor. They are both funny but I like Thor more because he is cute. I did the quiz and it gave me Winter soldier. I haven't see that movie yet but I think that is the one that they filmed in my building. Let me tell you nothing got done at work that day. I even got a glimpse of Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. It is the movie that they kissed on the escalators. I watched that seen being filmed over and over. I could even watch some of that from my office. If I can I will post some pictures. The first Avengers was partially taped here too. They did most of the taping for that at night but I got pictures of the set outside.


Today I had to present at a meeting. It went really good. I wasn't as nervous as I usually am. Maybe I am getting the hang of it or I just don't want my coworker to do better then me. Either way it went good.

I am not sure if I will make to the rec tonight. I want to go but my stomach is aching up. I am not sick thankfully. It is just my digestive systems hates food sometimes. I had a big salad last night for dinner and one today for lunch. I think 2 days in a row did me in. I have just gotten used to it. There are certain restaurants I will not eat at because I am sick by the time I get home and I will never eat a salad out. I am not sure what causes the issues but I suspect that it is something like MSG. I can eat fresh lettuce but can't eat bagged lettuce. I will still try to get my steps in today but will step while watching T.V. just in case.
So much chatter yesterday and today! I'll start with yesterday and then try to answer the QOTD (I'm stalling :))

I just wanted to say, I haven't been around long but already this group has helped me so much! I work at a convenience store and any time I get tempted to cheat (outside of work too) I just point to whatever junk and say, "VILLIAN". People might think Im crazy but hey, it's working! Lol. I hope next month is just as fun.

Love love love this! I want to use it right now. It is probably going to wind up with me yelling VILLAIN whole finger pointing at my boss or a client but oh well. It will be worth it!

I read that meals with at least 15 g of fat, at least 300 g of veggies (more is better) or half plate, 30 g of protein (go up to 4) and quarter plate of carb as wholegrain rice/pasta or potatoes that is eaten slowly, at least 20 minutes will hit the satiety best. It's a lot of detail when you look at it but half plate of veggies, quarter protein, quarter carb should let you worry about the fat grams only. If everything is lean, dressing on the salad, some nuts or cheese can help with that

This really does sound like a perfect recipe for not being hungry. Making me ponder some make ahead meals that meet those guidelines....

I see you. :)

I think it takes a lot to admit all that. To me, you don't owe anyone any type of explanation... including your mom. In that regard, I sometimes feel like there is this select group of people who lose weight and are hard on others who haven't. That, and they forget how challenging the journey is. It's not easy. It's really freaking hard. Shame on someone who so easily dismisses that. Maybe she will eventually see how important this is to you and her attitude will change. I really do wish this.

Ugh why can men be so awful and have such an effect on us?! Some of those over dramatic Lifetime movies really do have a point.... on a serious note, your DH exhibited some bad behavior. I think we all deserve a prince (but after all, are we not Disney fans?) and none of his behavior seems very prince-like to me... you deserve commitment, honesty and understanding. I am glad to hear you are both in a better place now and I hope you are both healing. I think it's okay to portion out some of the blame to people who have hurt you emotionally. It's not a crutch or making excuses; other people's behavior can effect your behavior. It's as simple as that. But I think you're doing an amazing job of portioning out responsibility and including your own in on that.

Sending you so many hugs and good thoughts :)

Ah thanks!

1st I hate to admit but I am pretty happy with how I look so I don't feel very motivated to lose weight. Is this terrible?

Not terrible at all. Feeling great in your own skin is exactly how we should all feel!

I am not very good at setting up monthly goals and keep changing them but being part of this forum is very helpful for me. Thanks @4Mickeys for making me think

I think it is great that you adapt your goals as needed to meet your needs and what you want, particularly know when you are figuring out exactly how to maintain this for life. I wonder, particularly with all of the strength training you do, are you getting leaner? You might be up a pound or two in scale weight but down a bit in body fat.

Spamming you like crazy today but this was too good not to share! From Georgie Fear's blog

Some questions on food and happiness

Is food making you happier?
Some of the time, all the time, none of the time?
When does it work or not work?
Does any and all food work, or only certain types of food?

Are you turning to food for happiness on a day to day, regular, reliable basis, sort of as a baseline keep-my-day-interesting tactic?
Or are you turning for food to joy in a reactive sense, to help soothe you after particularly saddening episodes or events?
Are you using food to go along with another enjoyable thing (movies, company, weekend) to make it better?

What happy means to you questions
What besides food makes you feel happy? (If you can't think of anything else that makes you happy, that's okay, and not an unheard of answer.)
If you wanted to make a dear friend feel happy, how would you go about doing it?

You can read the full text at her blog. i am not linked to it, and in fact I count calories - she is anti

This is really interesting and made good "food" for thought. Food does sometimes bring me happiness and joy. But the food that makes me happy has never been the candy that I grab because I'm starving or the cookies that I'm using to soothe some emotional burden.

Instead, I'm happy when I indulge my foodie tendencies and eat something that is unique, beautiful, or truly special. My anniversary dinner at Victoria and Albert's in March made me happy. A lobster roll at a seaside shack in Maine made me happy. A juicy still warm from the sun tomato in August makes me happy. A perfect peach makes me happy. If I got these things every day, I don't think they would bring me joy. But as treats in every sense of the word? Absolutely.

@MommaoffherRocker so sad to hear about the race but happy for you that you went and got your miles on your own. Yay You!!!!

Check in: 40%

I randomly decided to go to another OrangeTheory class Friday in addition to my Tuesday class so I'm 2/5! I also went to yoga on Saturday so feeling good about my activity. The scale ain't budging but whatever for now. I'm just going to keep on keeping on!


Hey guys I'm a marathoner!!!!
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And I rode EE too! Best. Race. Ever.


So I was going to go work out today but the lovey snow is turned to a sheet of ice today. So now I'm sitting here in my yoga pants, tshirt and robe. Oh well. Glad I got out yesterday.

Stay safe and warm!

Sorry for being so absent, once again... I meant to post a long reply today, but then ended up being so busy with stuff around the house (as well as going for my Sunday run) that I was happy to be away from the computer. I spend too much time surfing the net and today made the resolution to severely limit online time for the rest of the month. I will pop in here as you are always motivating me. But I really need to spend far less time on electronic devices!

Don't we all? At least I do! Great resolution!!

Thanks!! I did do the half on my own yesterday and I am so sore. Even the roof of my hurts (I guess I kept it open for most of the 6 hours). But it was all worth it :D

Ow! That is a testament to your strength!!

Hi everyone! I haven't had time to read all the posts, but I did get through lots!

Congrats on all the progress!!
It seems like we're doing well so far!

I have shocked even myself by staying low carb, not even 1 cheat, for a full 8 days and get this -
I am down 10 pounds!
So I am 100%

I know it's a lot of water weight, and the fat is "not long term fat" (gained during pregnancy) but I am so motivated and happy with my results. I even made it through my daughter's birthday without cheating :)

Negative- my (self diagnosed) knee bursitis/tendinitis isn't getting better, and it's been 9 days, I'm getting worried I may need to see a doctor :( I'm in a lot of pain, and caring for a 3 month old and 2 year old when I can hardly walk is really hard, it's getting me down...but right now I am just focusing on my eating habits, hopefully the extra weight will continue to fall off and my knees will heal as I get lighter.

Grest job!!

As for my goal of losing 5lbs, I've already lost 2 since Jan 1st, so I'm at 40%!

And my running goal... I have no idea how to make into a percentage, but my last four runs were 16:09, 16:21, 17:08 (my ankles were KILLING me), and 15:57 pace averages--almost at a consistent 16 minutes!


Today was a rough day. I overslept and didn't get a chance to eat breakfast, then I got to work and was miserable until my boyfriend came in. Of course it's because I'm on caffeine withdrawal and still craving salt and sugar. -.-

I don't know what it was, but I had a major hunger attack around 7:00. I thought I was going to murder someone lol. Crazy, awful thoughts entered my head, most of them involving cheeseburgers and fries. I wanted to cheat... but hey, I didn't! I fought the villains :) and I won.

My boyfriend went to subway and I had a six inch on wheat with all the veggies and a chicken breast. No mayo or cheese. Filled me up and I didn't cheat. Guilt free and feeling good :)

But I'm sure the hunger pangs will get angry and strike again...

You did great slaying those villains. Keep up the good work!!

Good morning! I hope the rest of you slept better than me. I made sure to go to bed earlier than usual to actually get 8 hours of sleep. And then I kept waking up during the night, totally startled and wide awake. Normally I am someone who just falls asleep as soon as they lie down and then wakes up when the alarm goes of. Well, At least I got up when the alarm rang and did not hit the snooze button. So, my quest for better sleep and then a more relaxed morning was at least somewhat successful. Besides less internet, I decided more sleep is something else I need. I am actually thinking of changing my goal for the month to a sleep goal. 8.5 hours in bed every night (to make sure that I get more than 8 hours of actual sleep) seems like a good idea... Will let you know at the end of the day if I decide to go for it. I know that sleep helps me lose weight. As if my body needs the sleep to break down the fat it seems even.

That sounds like a terrible night! Do you find that the electronic devices make getting your eight hours harder?

I'm seriously considering banning mine from the bedroom. But then the whining about how my phone is my alarm clock and my kindle and my weather report and my flashlight all starts ( and I'm the source of the whining!)!
OK! Today!! I've only got time left to do the QOTD and then I've got to walk the dog and get myself to bed.

But first! Guess who worked out today? That's right. Me!!!! I'm not sure why, after being off work for weeks, I picked my first day back in the office to finally pick up those weights and roll out my yoga mat. But I did it!!

Good morning everyone - Its Monday another week into our Super Hero month.

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To kick off the week with a bit of fun tell us who your favourite Marvel Super Hero is and why. Also for a bit more fun when you find the time do a Marvel Character Quiz to see which one you would be ... lets see if there is a difference between your favourite and who you would be are you surprised with who they said you were?. Just google 'Marvel Character Quiz' and several will pop up.

Confession time. I dislike superhero movies so much that I actually had to google a list of Maevel characters. And I didn't have a clue who most of them were!

But I like to participate and learn new things about myself so off I went to find character quizzes. First quiz - Hulk. Second quiz - Hulk. Third quiz - Hulk. By now I'm starting to get a bit Hulkish because I DON'T WANT TO BE THE HULK. And none of the questions were about anger management!

Fourth quiz. How about I just give you a screen shot.


That's right. I'm the Hulk!

Favorite Marvel superhero. I have no clue how to really answer. So I'm going to go with Mary Jane Watson because (1) I know who she is and (2) it is one of my friend's nickname for me (which is why I know who she is although I have no idea why it is my nickname other than the red hair).
To kick off the week with a bit of fun tell us who your favourite Marvel Super Hero is and why. Also for a bit more fun when you find the time do a Marvel Character Quiz to see which one you would be ... lets see if there is a difference between your favourite and who you would be are you surprised with who they said you were?. Just google 'Marvel Character Quiz' and several will pop up.

I also took 3 quizzes Hulk, Winter Soldier, Hulk! And well to be honest I really do fit the Hulk description. As for my favourites though I remember watching Spiderman cartoons as a kid - I liked him then and I like the Toby Maguire Spiderman movies - I didn't really like the Andrew Garfield version he was a little too arrogant for me - there is an ongoing argument between me and DS16 as he likes the Andrew Garfield version - although he did concede this week that Toby Maguire was the better Peter Parker. I am also putting up my hand for Thor - well because he is hot and because he is Aussie!!!

For those newbies who didn't see my post last year ... my kids and I played hookey from school/work and spent a day standing in the rain while they were shooting the Thor, Ragnarok movie in Brisbane - we were rewarded see pic of DS12 below and me in the background for some reason looking like I'm cheering but I was filming on the other phone lol


@MinnieLovesTigger and @Oneanne - don't worry I got back into Super Heroes because of my kids.
Good Morning friends ... some interesting insight into our personalities yesterday with the help of our Character Quiz's - I love how we keep checking to see if it's really right lol.

Thor-5.jpg Photo(1074).png 4369415-1506033357-54cfd.jpg avengers-age-of-ultron-scarlet-witch-sixth-scale-marvel-902702-05.jpg Black-Widow-e1461822665611.jpg

I thumbnailed the images to fit them in....

QOTD: So now that we know our favourites and who we would be if we were a Marvel Super Hero .... Think about their personality, powers, abilities and then tell us how you are going to use that for inspiration throughout the rest of the month to help you achieve your goals.
My friends I am very sad today ... this morning my beautiful, wonderful, bubbly 13 year old neighbour went to heaven. Her name is Bella and she is the biggest SUPERHERO I know ... she fought a valiant battle against cancer. Her wonderful mother and younger brothers came over to tell me themselves this morning. Bella was at times shy but also had a big personality and a smile that just lit up her whole face and was contagious and we had some wonderful water bomb fights this time last year. Bella, before becoming ill was the embodiment of a young healthy girl playing netball and was involved in the surf club amongst other sports.

So I am going to ask that any Mums on here give their kids and extra tight hug tonight and look into the sky for the brightest star there because her name is Bella.

This is a reminder to embrace your life, live it to the fullest and go after your health and wellbeing ... so this week whenever you get active - think you are doing it for you and for Bella and for all the other people who inspire us everyday.


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