Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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What cutie! You definitely have a little fashionista on your hands there ;)
I think I have the same petti except with a lace trim (I know all too well how long Sams can take ) It does give an awesome shape under fifties style dresses though :) They're one thing I don't think I would ever attempt to make myself.. I've done tulle/cotton petticoats before which are easier, though they're usually less dramatic in terms of pouffiness. I found a basic petti tutorial in a community I used to frequent if anyone wants to give it a try while they're waiting on Sams:

Aww thank you so much. I agree with you...I doubt I will ever try to make one!! Way too hard!!!

OOH, Yes! you need to post pics! There's never too many pics of pettis!
:rotfl: Alrighty then, I will look for them soon!! Hahaha.

That top is so cute! Love the petti...want to buy one big one but our Disney Store one will have to do for now!
Thanks! I think the Disney store ones are adorable too.

I finished my Donald Duck outfit. This was not my original idea - I was going to make a sailor dress similar to those posted before. I decided against that and went with a pattern I am familiar (and comfortable) with - CarlaC's a-line. I went to Joann's to get fabric and found some great stripe fabric along with coordinating blue and yellow. I get ready to cut and decide I don't want the stripe anymore. I still used the yellow and the blue fabric but went in a different direction.



I showed DH the appliqué on the shorts and asked him what he thought it was. He said fish. I reminded him this was a Donald Duck outfit then he said, "Oh, feet! That is really cute."

Note: I did not appliqué Donald's face. That was an eBay buy.

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS.....I LOVE THIS DONALD DUCK OUTFIT!!! I think you did a wonderful job on it. It is so dang cute!!! Isabelle is going to LOVE it and I know Alicia will too. Donald Duck has always been one of my top favorites. Thank you sooo much for being a part of this BIG GIVE! You are a sweetie!!! I will PM you Alicia's address.

And because I am happy with how it turned out, here is Lauren's room in our new house. I made the curtains and the pillowcase on the bed. The quilt was also handmade by a friend of my mothers.

The dots on the wall are stickers.
Wow, that is so cute. I am definitely going to have to check out those wall-pop things. They look cool!

1.)That darn Yahoo! Sometimes they don't like to send me stuff. I will recheck my emails though!
2.)You are so mean!
3.)I noticed that the black one felt like it was almost a different kind of material too. :confused3 You can really tell that some of them are made by different people. Our green one is WAAAAAY heavier than our lavendar one! and they are the same size! When I looked, you can see that the poof is more tightly gathered on the green one.
LOL...I am NOT mean. You just have to learn how to have patience...LOL.....hahahahaha. JK. Let me know if you never got that email. Oh and that is so odd on the pettis but I am so excited that my black one is so fluffy!!!

I decided at the last minute to make an outfit for Emma to wear on the last day of school tomorrow. It is hawaiian day and I had this fabric on hand so I went with it rather than buy more. I thought I would include the second pic to show you what I was dealing with - LOL - I haven't attached the Yo-Yo yet and my dog kept stealing it and running off!
Oh that is so cute!!! You did a great job!

your daughter is beautiful and that is the cutest outfit i have ever seen! my dd's are still too small for pettiskirts! not to mention that we live in a fashion deprived small town! when we go out in our "customs" everyone stares!:rotfl:
Aww thank you so much for the compliments. You are too sweet! Aaaawww I say order some pettis now and maybe by the time they arrive they will fit your daughters. Hahahaha. That is too funny about everyone staring at your customs in that small town!!!
Lookie what DH brought home last night!!!!!

Awww what an AWESOME and SWEET husband you have!! What a wonderful surprise for all of you. The picture of your DD and her new best friend all cuddled up is just soooo stinkin' cute. Oh my!

: I so forgot to take off my tiara when I was cleaning frantically before DH's BFF came over for dinner and to jam, cause I was cleaning up until like the second he pulled into the drive way, I was like "CRAP!!! I gotta ditch the tiara" and B said, Nah, Geoff already knows your a little off !:rotfl2: OH, right Needless to say, I kept the tiara on!


this is where I put the hot glue gun ...My leg!!!!!!!!!!



this is what I was working on
OUCH!!!!! Sorry that happened. Those bows are so cute!!!

Have a new dress to show for the Big Give:

(one of the mother that I sew a graduation dress for did not like the idea of a halter dress for her daugther, so I gave her the first dress that I had made for the big give)


So this is the new one that I made this morning for the big give


I cased crystal idea for the front ribbons



OH wow....you are just sewing like crazy aren't you!!!?? You rock girl!!! I love both of these dresses!!!!!
I feel like this is the first chance I've had to sit down all week and there
were LOADS of pages to look through!!

Hi Everyone...just thought I would share a few pictures I took of my little one in her new black pettiskirt....all "Minnie'd up"....:rotfl2:


I love this soooo much!!! Its a shame Hope's too ickle for a petti!!

I ALMOST FORGOT! I had pictures of my babies taken the Saturday before we left and they are GORGEOUS! If you want or are bored you can view them at http://www.kaybrownphotography.com/mp_includes/index.asp! On the right side click on order/view pics, then click view all events and we are the first one listed: Adkinson!

These are fab as well!! (I can't every imagine me and my sister being that loving in a photo when we were that age!!!!!)

Okay, I'm having a bad day and Mindy's pics cheered me up and since I'm on my computer with the "old" photos I thought I'd post a couple I LOVE of Lily. They just go to show, that even if your child is crying throughout the entire photo shoot you can still get some good pictures!



And not to leave out the big kids. These were taken before Lily was born. And I love the missing front teeth..and the toes... and little boy bruised legs...wah! They're growing up! :sad:


This so makes me want to go and get pictures of Hope taken - beautiful!!

:goodvibes We are hoping to go in December....so I know exactly what you can do with that holiday Mickey material...hahahahah!!!! :rotfl2: (JUST KIDDING)

When ar eyou guys talking about going??? We are going the second week in Dec for A's bday! I would love to meet up with you guys if you are there! There is word through the grapevine that we might be a "real" family by then! Would love to celebrate with soem fellow adoptive parents!!!

We are going the first two weeks in December too!!! :cool1:

I finished my Donald Duck outfit. This was not my original idea - I was going to make a sailor dress similar to those posted before. I decided against that and went with a pattern I am familiar (and comfortable) with - CarlaC's a-line. I went to Joann's to get fabric and found some great stripe fabric along with coordinating blue and yellow. I get ready to cut and decide I don't want the stripe anymore. I still used the yellow and the blue fabric but went in a different direction.



I showed DH the appliqué on the shorts and asked him what he thought it was. He said fish. I reminded him this was a Donald Duck outfit then he said, "Oh, feet! That is really cute."

Note: I did not appliqué Donald's face. That was an eBay buy.

I love this - and that fabric was made to go together!!

Hello everyone!
I've been lurking this thread for months! My name is Erin and I have two kiddos. My son is 9 (and will NOT wear something homemade!) and my daughter is 3. I posted once or twice last fall and actually sewed my little one a Thanksgiving outfit. Then, life got in the way, and I haven't done anything since. We are heading to the World for our first trip in December. Here's my question. Is it warm enough in Orlando in December to wear any of the BEAUTIFUL clothes I've seen on this thread? Being a northerner, I can't imagine wearing sleeveless in December. Do you layer things underneat? I'm not an accomplished seamstress, so I'm probably going to only get one or two things made for our trip. Anyone have pics of what they've made for a winter-time trip? You are all SOOO talented, I am in awe!!!:)


:welcome: We are going in December too and at the minute I am planning lots of A-line and strip work jumpers so if its cold Hope can wear T-shirt and jeans or leggins underneath but if its warm enough, we've got a dress. We've been in december before and had brill weather but have also heard people say its not been too good.

I've lost one.....Lizzybear (I think - sorry!) Wow someone else from this side of the pond!! Hello!! If you ever fancy a shopping trip for fabric in Birmingham give me shout!!!

My BIG GIVE is all done but I've put the camera somewhere safe :worried: As soon as I relocate it I'll take a picture.
Clare XXXX

Adorable! I love the webbed-footprints across the leg... very cute way to bring the yellow in. :thumbsup2 So cute!

Cute! The colors just scream "summertime!"

Lookie what DH brought home last night!!!!!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Congratulations on your new family member!

So this is the new one that I made this morning for the big give


It amazes me how you whip these things up - you're so talented! :worship: The dress is beautiful.
I decided at the last minute to make an outfit for Emma to wear on the last day of school tomorrow. It is hawaiian day and I had this fabric on hand so I went with it rather than buy more. I thought I would include the second pic to show you what I was dealing with - LOL - I haven't attached the Yo-Yo yet and my dog kept stealing it and running off!

Cute outfit (yayy ruffles!!) and cute doggie too ::yes::

Lookie what DH brought home last night!!!!!


We've been talking for a few weeks about getting a new puppy (and I'd like to publicly thank JHAM for once again inspiring us! I believe it was your pics of Sunny Isabella that inspired DH to get back on the dog bandwagon!!!! :scared1: )

As if 7 children weren't enough, we thought we'd add a puppy into the chaos! Are we INSANE? Don't answer that!

So far, he seems to be about the most chill puppy I've EVER seen! He is super mellow and LOVES to be held and snuggled with (MY FAVORITE!). He's 8 weeks old and he's a miniature shnauzer and beagle mix (kinda crazy, huh?).

I came home last night (after going to WalMart to get food and stuff for the little guy) to find these two....


That's dd12...she about FLIPPED when DH brought the puppy home! We were all surprised! I was actually heading out the door to play Bunko and DH walks in with this little guy in his arms...I was bawling! Such a sweet surprise!

I think he's going to be a good addition to our family! :love:

Anyway! Just had to share...I know there are a lot of dog/puppy lovers around here! :woohoo:
*dies of the cuteness* I want a dog soo bad but we live in a first floor apartment. It's pretty big but there is a flight of stairs and our front door doesn't go on to the yard (really belongs to downstairs but since no-one lives there right now we've 'adopted' it) so it just wouldn't work :( When we convert this place into a house though we'll definitely be getting one, in the meantime i'll live vicariously through the doggies belonging to friends and family :)
20 days left!!! Oh boy!!!! How exciting!!! I'm waiting to get under 300!!!
I logged onto Tour Guide Mike yesterday and it said like 515 days till your Walt Disney World vacation. :headache: Should I laugh or cry over that???:confused3 :rotfl:

So how many "normal" adult women would shoot their hand to their head to see if they are wearing their crown, then check to see if they are still dressed as Snow White??
:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: That is hilarious!

I am a CM at a Disney Store. But since Disney now owns us again.. YEAH!!...we get many of the same benefits as park cast members.
Oh wow that's fabulous! Are you allowed to tell us some of the benefits? Can you get into the parks for free or a discount??? I always wondered about that?

So I called my husband to come home and do the deed and make him MORT! :faint:

So here is my HERO!:lovestruc

Sorry about the snakes but I am stuck back on the part that your husband would come home from work to "save" you. :love: How sweet! I just love that part!!!!
I finished my Donald Duck outfit.

That was an eBay buy.
Man oh Man!! Wait till Miss Cammie sees this! She will go nuts! Quack! It came out outstandingly well! Very colorful and cheery! I love it!!! :love:
(this is so getting cased...check ebay tomorrow and you will see three of these! :rotfl: all originals, of course!:rolleyes1 )

Have a new dress to show for the Big Give:

Beautiful and princessy! :cool1: I love the overskirt part too! Sorry about your leg! I hope its feeling better!
Lookie what DH brought home last night!!!!!


We've been talking for a few weeks about getting a new puppy (and I'd like to publicly thank JHAM for once again inspiring us! I believe it was your pics of Sunny Isabella that inspired DH to get back on the dog bandwagon!!!! :scared1: )

As if 7 children weren't enough, we thought we'd add a puppy into the chaos! Are we INSANE? Don't answer that!

So far, he seems to be about the most chill puppy I've EVER seen! He is super mellow and LOVES to be held and snuggled with (MY FAVORITE!). He's 8 weeks old and he's a miniature shnauzer and beagle mix (kinda crazy, huh?).

I came home last night (after going to WalMart to get food and stuff for the little guy) to find these two....


That's dd12...she about FLIPPED when DH brought the puppy home! We were all surprised! I was actually heading out the door to play Bunko and DH walks in with this little guy in his arms...I was bawling! Such a sweet surprise!

I think he's going to be a good addition to our family! :love:

Anyway! Just had to share...I know there are a lot of dog/puppy lovers around here! :woohoo:
How cute!!!! Love that photo of your DD with the pup too! Does puppy have a name?

I was thinking of making this to put in the car for trips....

I dont really want to make it out of fleece but is regular fabric sturdy enough


and of course i don't know how to get the picture on here but if you have time take a look.

Thanks :yay:
I think it would work with any 'bottom weight' fabric. Looks cool!


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
this is where I put the hot glue gun ...My leg!!!!!!!!!!



this is what I was working on
OUCH!!! Love the bows!

Hello everyone!
I've been lurking this thread for months! My name is Erin and I have two kiddos. My son is 9 (and will NOT wear something homemade!) and my daughter is 3. I posted once or twice last fall and actually sewed my little one a Thanksgiving outfit. Then, life got in the way, and I haven't done anything since. We are heading to the World for our first trip in December. Here's my question. Is it warm enough in Orlando in December to wear any of the BEAUTIFUL clothes I've seen on this thread? Being a northerner, I can't imagine wearing sleeveless in December. Do you layer things underneat? I'm not an accomplished seamstress, so I'm probably going to only get one or two things made for our trip. Anyone have pics of what they've made for a winter-time trip? You are all SOOO talented, I am in awe!!!:)

Weather can be anything in Dec. I've been with days in the high 80's and I"ve been with mornings in the 40's. I think a lot of dresses would be OK with a T or long sleeve T or turtleneck under them. The a-line and simply sweet top/dress from youcanmakethis.com would look great as jumpers.

Have a new dress to show for the Big Give:

(one of the mother that I sew a graduation dress for did not like the idea of a halter dress for her daugther, so I gave her the first dress that I had made for the big give)


So this is the new one that I made this morning for the big give


I cased crystal idea for the front ribbons


That halter looks awesome! Perfect for August!!!
Man oh Man!! Wait till Miss Cammie sees this! She will go nuts! Quack! It came out outstandingly well! Very colorful and cheery! I love it!!! :love:
(this is so getting cased...check ebay tomorrow and you will see three of these! :rotfl: all originals, of course!:rolleyes1 )
Thank you. If I were to see the dress/top on eBay, I would be very honored/flattered.
:donald: :donald: :donald: :donald: :donald: :donald:
I just found this smilie and thought I should use it a few times.
OK, a question for those who have used FUSIBLE FLEECE! Do you think it's necessary or would normal fleece work OK? I just have tons of fleece remnants and *trying* not to buy new sewing related stuff right now (no laughing! :rolleyes1) I figured that combined with normal interfacing might be a good substitute, hmm.. Advice anyone? :3dglasses
Hi Girls, just checking in. I left on page 172, needless to say I have so much to catch up on.
Our flight was delayed an hour and then sat on the runway for another hour on our way home (now WHY couldnt that have happened on our flight out??)
I skimmed quickly and saw an amazing Donald outfit and a fab princess dress for the BIG GIVE- you gals are awesome.

TeresaJoy- post a pic HERE of you wearing your tiara.

I have 2 suitcases unpacked- just mine left to do. Totally tired.
I'll try and get some pics loaded to webshots so ya'll can see.

Oh- and no pregnancy yet, so we will just have to try again. Say a prayer for us all next week ;)
and not happy about it! I went out to water my ferns a little while ago..only to find a visitor. I don't like unannounced guest in my ferns...especially since he was eating my welcome guest...my baby birds. But I must first say, I DON"T DO SNAKES!!!!! HATE THEM!!! THEY SCARE ME!!! So I called my husband to come home and do the deed and make him MORT!

So here is my HERO!:lovestruc

I also have no AC and it is SOOOO hot! That's all I need to buy a new AC now...a week before Disney!

I must go find the strength to sew the same pair of shorts for the THIRD time! I now hate this fabric!!!!!! What a day!

BTW I love the Donald Big Give! So Cute!

EEEEEWWWWW a snake!!!

I was going to tell you that you can live an amazingly long time without A/C, but I see you are already getting it fixed!!! :cool1:

I decided at the last minute to make an outfit for Emma to wear on the last day of school tomorrow. It is Hawaiian day and I had this fabric on hand so I went with it rather than buy more. I thought I would include the second pic to show you what I was dealing with - LOL - I haven't attached the Yo-Yo yet and my dog kept stealing it and running off!

That is so cute Lori! I love the ruffles! Your puppy is funny!
Sooo cute! Way to use what you have (what exactly does that mean? I have PILES of fabric just sitting in my sewing room....are you saying NOT to go to the fabric store when you already have TONS of fabric you could use? I don't get it???? )
I know, what an odd concept!! :confused3
Lookie what DH brought home last night!!!!!

That's dd12...she about FLIPPED when DH brought the puppy home! We were all surprised! I was actually heading out the door to play Bunko and DH walks in with this little guy in his arms...I was bawling! Such a sweet surprise!
Awww, how sweet!!!! I would be bawling if my husband came home with a puppy too, but for the complete opposite reason!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I so forgot to take off my tiara when I was cleaning frantically before DH's BFF came over for dinner and to jam, cause I was cleaning up until like the second he pulled into the drive way, I was like "CRAP!!! I gotta ditch the tiara" and B said, Nah, Geoff already knows your a little off OH, right!Needless to say, I kept the tiara on!

I thought of you after it happened!


this is where I put the hot glue gun ...My leg!!!!!!!!!!


this is what I was working on

OUCHIE!!! But, the bows look great!

Hello everyone!
I've been lurking this thread for months! My name is Erin and I have two kiddos. My son is 9 (and will NOT wear something homemade!) and my daughter is 3. I posted once or twice last fall and actually sewed my little one a Thanksgiving outfit. Then, life got in the way, and I haven't done anything since. We are heading to the World for our first trip in December. Here's my question. Is it warm enough in Orlando in December to wear any of the BEAUTIFUL clothes I've seen on this thread? Being a northerner, I can't imagine wearing sleeveless in December. Do you layer things underneat? I'm not an accomplished seamstress, so I'm probably going to only get one or two things made for our trip. Anyone have pics of what they've made for a winter-time trip? You are all SOOO talented, I am in awe!!!:)

:welcome back!

When we were kids, we went to Florida every year around Christmas. It seems that it was chilly more than it was hot! We have pictures of us wering our winter coats. Thankfully, it's not usually that cold!
Have a new dress to show for the Big Give:

(one of the mother that I sew a graduation dress for did not like the idea of a halter dress for her daugther, so I gave her the first dress that I had made for the big give)



This one is really cute too!!! Great job!

Funny! Did the other lady look at you strangely? Some people just wouldn't get it like us!
She laughed when I told her what I had been doing. She's a sweet lady! She probably told her husband that I am nuts, but she did laugh!

My BIG GIVE is all done but I've put the camera somewhere safe As soon as I relocate it I'll take a picture.
Clare XXXX
I can't wait to see it!

I logged onto Tour Guide Mike yesterday and it said like 515 days till your Walt Disney World vacation. Should I laugh or cry over that???

Sorry about the snakes but I am stuck back on the part that your husband would come home from work to "save" you. How sweet! I just love that part!!!!
At least you have a trip planned! Poor Heather doesn't know when she's going back!

I was thinking the same thing about her hubby!!

And, it's nice to see that you've got your color back!!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao:

Anyone else think Teresa should post pictures of her in her Tiara?:duck:

Which one would you like to see???


I showed DH the appliqué on the shorts and asked him what he thought it was. He said fish. I reminded him this was a Donald Duck outfit then he said, "Oh, feet! That is really cute."
WOW!! I LOVE it!! That is just too cute! I am in awe that you got a voluntary compliment out of your DH! I have to drag them out of Henry.

What a cute, cheery bedroom!!

:offtopic: and not happy about it! I went out to water my ferns a little while ago..only to find a visitor. I don't like unannounced guest in my ferns...especially since he was eating my welcome guest...my baby birds. But I must first say, I DON"T DO SNAKES!!!!! HATE THEM!!! THEY SCARE ME!!! :scared1: So I called my husband to come home and do the deed and make him MORT! :faint:

So here is my HERO!:lovestruc
WOW!! He came home from work to kill a snake for you!?! He's a keeper!!!

That is SOO sweet! I love the little flower on the leg. Your dog is adorable, too!

Do they come any cuter tha that?! What a little sweetie!!!! I never would have guessed that he has schnauzer in him. What a precious little guy! What's his name?

I so forgot to take off my tiara when I was cleaning frantically before DH's BFF came over for dinner and to jam, cause I was cleaning up until like the second he pulled into the drive way, I was like "CRAP!!! I gotta ditch the tiara" and B said, Nah, Geoff already knows your a little off ! OH, right! Needless to say, I kept the tiara on!
Hmm...I wonder how common of a problem this is? :lmao:

Yee-OUCH! But, the bow was worth it. :thumbsup2

Hello everyone!
I've been lurking this thread for months! My name is Erin and I have two kiddos. My son is 9 (and will NOT wear something homemade!) and my daughter is 3. I posted once or twice last fall and actually sewed my little one a Thanksgiving outfit. Then, life got in the way, and I haven't done anything since. We are heading to the World for our first trip in December. Here's my question. Is it warm enough in Orlando in December to wear any of the BEAUTIFUL clothes I've seen on this thread? Being a northerner, I can't imagine wearing sleeveless in December. Do you layer things underneat? I'm not an accomplished seamstress, so I'm probably going to only get one or two things made for our trip. Anyone have pics of what they've made for a winter-time trip? You are all SOOO talented, I am in awe!!!:)

I remember you! :welcome: back!! I layer stuff for Tessa to wear in the winter all the time. So, you should be good in December. Like someone else said, it can be pretty cold and you'll probably have to wear coats over the cute outfits.

You made this in one morning? :worship: WOW!!! I love it! I am partial to Cinderella's pink dress and this is a GORGEOUS version!

I logged onto Tour Guide Mike yesterday and it said like 515 days till your Walt Disney World vacation. Should I laugh or cry over that???
It could be worse! I don't have a vacation planned at all. :faint: I can't hold out for four (or three) more years. I may have to step up my expotv.com reviews and make some more money! Teresa was rubbing it in today that she only has 360-some days until her next trip. :snooty:
Hi Girls, just checking in. I left on page 172, needless to say I have so much to catch up on.
Our flight was delayed an hour and then sat on the runway for another hour on our way home (now WHY couldnt that have happened on our flight out??)
I skimmed quickly and saw an amazing Donald outfit and a fab princess dress for the BIG GIVE- you gals are awesome.

TeresaJoy- post a pic HERE of you wearing your tiara.

I have 2 suitcases unpacked- just mine left to do. Totally tired.
I'll try and get some pics loaded to webshots so ya'll can see.

Oh- and no pregnancy yet, so we will just have to try again. Say a prayer for us all next week ;)

Great to have you back! I can't wait to hear about your trip!

Here's a picture of me in my tiara, since Teresa and I are practically the same person.
Hi Girls, just checking in. I left on page 172, needless to say I have so much to catch up on.
Our flight was delayed an hour and then sat on the runway for another hour on our way home (now WHY couldnt that have happened on our flight out??)
I skimmed quickly and saw an amazing Donald outfit and a fab princess dress for the BIG GIVE- you gals are awesome.

TeresaJoy- post a pic HERE of you wearing your tiara.

I have 2 suitcases unpacked- just mine left to do. Totally tired.
I'll try and get some pics loaded to webshots so ya'll can see.

Oh- and no pregnancy yet, so we will just have to try again. Say a prayer for us all next week ;)
Welcome back!!! I can't wait to see pictures of that cutie Megan in her customs in the park. Hope you guys had a good time.
Just checking in before I leave in the morning. I have soooo much to do and so many things keep going wrong (I just now dropped my sugar container on the floor and have about 5 lbs. of sugar spilled on my kitchen floor, so I had to come DIS for a minute) Ah well, fortunately all of my problems are trivial and not serious--except maybe the eggs that got thrown at my house last night and are ruining the stucco and can't wash off...anyhow, still trivial in the grand scheme of life. Just building up and distressing me. I'm also not thrilled about leaving 3 of my babies behind on this trip. DH is not the most vigilant parent. Okay, enough whining, Jen I LOVE your puppy! And I love the picture sleeping with Seli! And princessmom29, I think I somehow missed your epcot outfit yesterday and I wanted to say it is adorable. Scary snakes and glue gun injuries! But the new Big Give outfit is lovely. My DD10 would love it!

I decided at the last minute to make an outfit for Emma to wear on the last day of school tomorrow. It is hawaiian day and I had this fabric on hand so I went with it rather than buy more. I thought I would include the second pic to show you what I was dealing with - LOL - I haven't attached the Yo-Yo yet and my dog kept stealing it and running off!


very cute! I love ruffles

Hello everyone!
I've been lurking this thread for months! My name is Erin and I have two kiddos. My son is 9 (and will NOT wear something homemade!) and my daughter is 3. I posted once or twice last fall and actually sewed my little one a Thanksgiving outfit. Then, life got in the way, and I haven't done anything since. We are heading to the World for our first trip in December. Here's my question. Is it warm enough in Orlando in December to wear any of the BEAUTIFUL clothes I've seen on this thread? Being a northerner, I can't imagine wearing sleeveless in December. Do you layer things underneat? I'm not an accomplished seamstress, so I'm probably going to only get one or two things made for our trip. Anyone have pics of what they've made for a winter-time trip? You are all SOOO talented, I am in awe!!!:)


We went last January, check out the link in my siggy for my TR photos of the customs my kids (okay, mostly Lily) wore. It was mostly warm--1 pretty rainy day, 1 coldish day, and the rest pretty nice.
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