Disboutiquers Part 12 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Hello Ladies,
Well its 11pm my time and it was a weird day today. The weather warmed up really nicely- i was so excited it was in the high 60s today, but with a breeze. The good weather usually puts me in a good mood, but I have been feeling really grumpy and tired
We went to 5 Guys Burgers and Fries for lunch and i made a pig of myself- ate too much. All day my stomach had been feeling tight or crampy. I didnt have any contractions last time- maybe these are braxton hicks??????
Naturally when I tried to rest, everytime I would doze off- even at an upright angle my reflux would start to kick in and wake me up. Grrrrrr.

We got to watch Beauty and the Beast tonight- I just love that movie. I adore Belle- she's intelligent, speaks up for herself, loves others deeply (like her Dad and the Beast)loves to read, rides a horse well and her hair is almost always in place (except when the wolves attack) LOL! Megan (ALMOST 3) tells me I look like Belle and I should be Belle for Halloween and she's going as Clifford the Big Red Dog. God bless that child- A. That she thinks I look like Belle and B. That she thinks I'm capable of making a Clifford costume. Now why couldn't she pick a princess to be????

This evening I worked a little more on the Pooh quilt for the twin bed. I really hate the way this has to be put together...I had to sew wide borders together to form a frame, then sew 2 large pieces of fabric together and place over the "hole" of the frame, then free hand draw the "scalloped" edge- it's what i call wavy- but the instructions call it scallop. I had to tape the "frame" to my floor, then take up the big inner piece, cut along the line I just drew. In the meantime my dogs keep walking across the frame and messing it up- I finally took it off the floor.
Next up- press 1/4" edge in on the "center pieces" and then tape the frame backdown, baste my center in the hole (without causing any bubbling) and then blanket stitch the edges. THEN I will start making Pooh's body and appliquing.
Im soooo tempted to put it aside and whip up a Itty Bitty- that pattern is printed and ready to go and looks SO quick- but NO! I must stay on track! ONE project at a time.

Oh- I recently bought the Lettie pattern from Children's Corner- part of the china doll outfit package. And I want to make the top. I dont think their directions are as easy AKA detailed as Carla Cs (but what pattern is???) But I think they are an far better alternative to some of the McCalls, etc- Im always turned on my commercial patterns and it seems I get into so many and get frustrated, although I think the Feliz- which seemed easy for a while and then at the end I was ready to shoot myself. i would NEVER have finished that if not for the online tutorial- I didnt even bother with the "text"
I don't do well with text only instructions- I have to have pictures.

I haven't decided if I'm going to church tomorrow, but I guess I should head to bed.

Hahahaha...I have been craving 5 guys all weekend so I am thinking of working it into the afternoon! Sorry about the heartburn and braxton hicks. Hope you are feeling better today! **Labor story alert**I had braxton hicks for hours at a time for weeks at a time. They would get stronger and more regular...but nope...no "real labor"....the contractions never organized themselves....until I was on petocin....my poor dd10 was ten days late cause of it. Finally I said enough is enough....plus my blood pressure was on the rise...so they induced. Yeesh...I am the only person on earth :lovestruc who loves petocin! It completely evened out my labor and at least I was getting somewhere.
I am quite concerned about the designer who thought people should pay good money to sew a quilt together from the outside in...I mean really. :rolleyes:

Megan sounds so cute...of course you can make a Clifford costume....:idea:(this is from someone who can sew yet buys costumes every year :rotfl:)

I love Belle too....the whole movie in fact! Its one of my favorites! :banana::banana::banana:

Hi guys! Love the minnie outfits! I just bought some more dots tonight to round out my minnie dot stash. :) Our walmarts here in town are getting rid of their fabric depts too. I'm so sad. :(

The kiddos have been sick so I haven't had a chance to sew like I wanted this weekend. We've got some sort of a weird bug and the kids have all had turns being sick for 24-48 hours and then it's out of their system entirely. I'm just ready for it to end!!!! A girl can only do so many loads of laundry in a day!!

Stroller Question.....

Would any of you disboutiquers be interested in a stroller swap? I'm thinking of starting my own swap with two brand new double jogging strollers but I wanted to see if there was any interest here first. I think I'm going to go with the Instep suburban safari double strollers. I've got a single instep jogging stroller and I love it. Please let me know if you'd be interested in something like this.....or that I'm crazy for wanting to start one! LOL!!!
I am interested. We are going in Nov and I just hate paying for a double stroller at Disney for 4 or 5 days.....:sad2: I am staying off property...how will it work to get it and deliver it to the next person???
Remember my dilemma with my serger? I changed feet and then couldn't find my presser foot when I wanted to change back. I searched and searched. I told the kids I would give whoever found it $3. (That's a lot. I usually give 5 - 25 cents.) I even looked at Joann's and bought one. But it didn't fit. Can you guess why?....

I was looking for a presser foot that looked like a regular sewing machine one. But they are different. How did I figure this out? I wanted to use my serger with another foot, but couldn't quite remember how to thread the machine and such. So I watched the tutorials. What did I see on the video? The presser foot that goes with the machine. I had it in my stash the whole time. Duh!!!!

I am interested. We are going in Nov and I just hate paying for a double stroller at Disney for 4 or 5 days.....:sad2: I am staying off property...how will it work to get it and deliver it to the next person???

I will have them stationed at one of the value resorts. So you'd just hop on a bus (if you don't have a car) and pick it up from one of the values and when you are done you'd return it to the same value resort. I think I'm going to order them this weekend and then embroider them with something like "Disboutique Coach" or something to that effect! I'll be sure to keep you posted!!! :)
Remember my dilemma with my serger? I changed feet and then couldn't find my presser foot when I wanted to change back. I searched and searched. I told the kids I would give whoever found it $3. (That's a lot. I usually give 5 - 25 cents.) I even looked at Joann's and bought one. But it didn't fit. Can you guess why?....

I was looking for a presser foot that looked like a regular sewing machine one. But they are different. How did I figure this out? I wanted to use my serger with another foot, but couldn't quite remember how to thread the machine and such. So I watched the tutorials. What did I see on the video? The presser foot that goes with the machine. I had it in my stash the whole time. Duh!!!!

DOH!! :) I've done this too. But it's usually when I try to switch feet between my machine and my daughters. I've been known to resort to the paying a finders fee if the kiddos find something too. LOL! You'd be amazed at how fast they find it when they know they'll get a reward at the end. :)
UGH....lost a huge multi-quote. My Mac keeps freezing up on the dis since they did the upgrade.:confused3

So many cool things posted in the last few days. LOVE Thumper and the Cinderella villains!!!!! The Wiggles outfits were so cute! Love those Henry legs too! Loved those 3 Minnie outfits-especially the baby bloomers! Love Carla's new dress!

Snubie-congrats on the pregnancy!

Continued prayers for baby Sam!

Eyore4Ever149-just wanted to comment on the "pieced" A-line. I made my DD one and I cut the pattern were I wanted it pieced then I used my rotary cutter with the ruler to add the 1/4 inch seam allowance. Good luck with you quilt too!
Thank you all for the well wishes. We are so excited but also a bit nervous about adding to our family. The first ultrasound is this Thursday so I will be anxious for good results that day.
Thank you all for the well wishes. We are so excited but also a bit nervous about adding to our family. The first ultrasound is this Thursday so I will be anxious for good results that day.

The first ultrasound is so exciting!!!! Happy thoughts and positive wishes for you!!!

Oh my, The Stepmother and stepsisters outfit is to die for! Too beautiful!
I wanted to jump in and say a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you from my family
you guys made our trip even more special :lovestruc
I am slowly working on my trip report ;)

I don't sew that much but I am a very slow knitter (I knit when I am sitting at the clinic all the time)
I finished it this morning hope it is Ok to post :rolleyes1

I wanted to jump in and say a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you from my family
you guys made our trip even more special :lovestruc
I am slowly working on my trip report ;)

I don't sew that much but I am a very slow knitter (I knit when I am sitting at the clinic all the time)
I finished it this morning hope it is Ok to post :rolleyes1

Awww that is beautiful. You did a great job!!!! :goodvibes
I wanted to jump in and say a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you from my family
you guys made our trip even more special :lovestruc
I am slowly working on my trip report ;)

I don't sew that much but I am a very slow knitter (I knit when I am sitting at the clinic all the time)
I finished it this morning hope it is Ok to post :rolleyes1

That is really cute. I think it is great that you have something you can take with you and do. I know it would take me years to do that (if I even knew how).
Hi all! I am here for a little bit of advise! First off I would like to thank everyone for all of hte inspiration! I have made my dd a bunch of things to wear down to Disney next week and would have never thought of any of it without you guys! She is so much more excited now becasue of all the cute things she has to wear!

now for the advice part... I want to make her a stripwork skirt. So I am assuming that I just use the bottom part of the stripwork jumper and attached it to the waistband like i did with the patchwork. Is this right? ARe there any other condierations that I need to make?
Well, we leave tomorrow and what I have decided it to make Megan's cousin two outfits of her own and a purse and then she can "shop" in Megan's suitcase and pick out other outfits to wear if she wants. Megan has sooo many outfits and she can't wear them all. Then if she likes them and wants to do it she can, but if she doesn't she can wear her own clothes. And I won't be up sewing all night until we leave.

Anyway, I made this to match Megan's skirt for her:


That is such a cute outfit. They will so cute matching!! Have a GREAT TIME!!!!

If any of you gals know of any endometriosis treatment centers/specialists that are somewhat closer to me than Georgia please pm me or let me know. Georgia is the closest I have found so far. I'm 3 years and 3 surgeries out and I hurt worse than ever. I think it is time to find a specialist. I am not willing to give up my ovaries and uterus just yet. Everyone wants to just cut em out like they are spare parts. :mad:
I have heard great things about specialists completely removing the endometriosis and it not coming back. I just want to find someone really good. It makes me sick to think of the money we have spent and I still am hurting this bad. I am having trouble picking up my DD. That is the worse feeling in the world!!!!! Now would be a great time for her to potty train... :sad1:

I hope you find someone nearby to help you. I will keep you in my prayers.

Update on baby Samantha from hudsonsinaf (Shannon). She told me to thank you all so much for your prayers!!

Oh my goodness, your granddaughters are ADORABLE!!!!! I love their minnie outfits, too!!!

2. WOW!!! If you haven't had a reason to break down and buy a Carla the Scientific Seamstress pattern THERE is your testimonial!!!! Carla takes the confusion out of pattern sewing. And in TRUE CARLA C FASHION (no pun intended) the dress is VERSATILE w/ varying lengths and sleeveless or collarless options (even an apron!!!) I REALLY hope (and have heard she's trying to make it happen) that this pattern will be available in time for Easter dresses....so start picking out fabric ladies!!!! I can't wait to see what we can all come up w/ for this pattern. Does anyone besides Teresa see some minnie dot here????

I will keep baby Sam in my prayers. Thanks for the comments on DGD's! And I will be stalking YCMT for the dress pattern. It is so cute and I cannot wait to see the options!!! Go CARLA!!!

Love the Minnie head. I am terrified to try capris/pants but I know I have too. The last pair I made I took to my mom because they fit horribly. She took them apart and figured out I had sewed the legs up as the waist and the waist I made into legs :lmao:[/QUOTE]

I have sewn the pants like that before! :rotfl2:

ive been a lurker on here for a while this thread is great, i know the dis doesnt let you advertise but if anyone would like to pm me id like some outfits made for my dd for our christmas disney holiday shell be 1 but is a preemie and is 5 months now (22 weeks) nearly and only 8lbs so probably will need 6- 12 or 9 month stuff.

We spent last xmas in the neonatal unit so this christmas will be very specail for us and id like to dress her up!!
terri xx

This Christmas will be very fun!

Hello again! I finally finished the rest of the Bambi outfit. I found some really cool fabric in my stash to make easyfit capris and I put Thumper on the cuff. I added some rick rack to the tee and the cuff and whaaa laaaaa....all done! Get ready for too many Brooklyn's:

And on the little model...I made it a size too big...but hopefully it will fit better 8 months from now.... :confused3[/COLOR][/SIZE]

I didn't want to leave the other kiddos out so here they all are....[/COLOR][/SIZE]


Bambi & Thumper are so cute!!! As are all your children!!


OMGoodness that is so adorable!!! You did a great job on the outfit! The Vida is great fun!!

ADORABLE!!! You know it's so much easier to sew the applique before you put the pants together but I did the same thing w/ Little's AK outfit. The Mickey heads on the leg are slightly on the inside... Lessons learned;) You'll remember that the next time I'll bet:headache:


I have a hard time finding the center front too!

We are back from The Wiggles Concert - OMG it was fantastic.

Em in her Henry Top :)

Izzy in her Dorothy Top

Wow!!! Those T's turned out so cute!! It would have taken me a month to do those!!! Wasn't the Wiggles concert so much fun!!!!

Hello Ladies,
This evening I worked a little more on the Pooh quilt for the twin bed. I really hate the way this has to be put together...I had to sew wide borders together to form a frame, then sew 2 large pieces of fabric together and place over the "hole" of the frame, then free hand draw the "scalloped" edge- it's what i call wavy- but the instructions call it scallop. I had to tape the "frame" to my floor, then take up the big inner piece, cut along the line I just drew. In the meantime my dogs keep walking across the frame and messing it up- I finally took it off the floor.
Next up- press 1/4" edge in on the "center pieces" and then tape the frame backdown, baste my center in the hole (without causing any bubbling) and then blanket stitch the edges. THEN I will start making Pooh's body and appliquing.

I haven't decided if I'm going to church tomorrow, but I guess I should head to bed.

That is a weird quilt! I hope things are progressing along for you! Braxton Hicks and reflux are not fun.

I bought some of the princess pillowcases since ya'll have made some really cute things with them. I think I'm going to use CarlaC's simply sweet top with the ruffle & then make a flouncy skirt with the patterned material. Is there anything special I need to know before I start with the pillowcases? I was planning on just cutting out the top front from the pillowcase & the back from a coordinating material. I'd appreciate any advice if you think there's a better way to do it or better pattern (I also thought about the a-line...)!

I'm hoping things come together a little quicker now that my machine has been serviced--they said a lot of things were out of whack. I also bought a new ruffler foot--now to figure it out! I have less than 2 weeks until we go see Disney on Ice. I'm planning matching Ariel or Tinkerbell outfits for both girls.

Good luck with the outfits!

My DD's crib is gone. She is over 3 years old and has slept in her crib just about every night since she was born. She's never tried to climb out of it or anything. I'm really sad to see her crib go!! She is sleeping on just the mattress tonight. We have to wait until her Pa pere(french for grandpa.. my dad) comes home and puts the final coats of poly on her bed before we can bring it into the house. So hopefully it will be in about a week from now. I'm not sure how she will transition from sleeping in her crib into a big girl bed all in one swoop. I hope it goes well. I'm probably more sad about it than her. I just can't get over how fast it goes. I'm sad to think I might not have another either. :guilty:
I hope she feels like a princess: in her castle bed though.
We have Easter pictures tomorrow at the same place I took her to get the fairy picture in my siggy.
I'll try to post a picture of the proof if I can. I need to make pantaloons to go under her dress tonight. Why do I always forget little things like that? *sigh*

I cannot wait to see the bed!!! Its sad though when they change from their crib to a big girl bed.

Hi guys! Love the minnie outfits! I just bought some more dots tonight to round out my minnie dot stash. :) Our walmarts here in town are getting rid of their fabric depts too. I'm so sad. :(

Anyone made a shopping cart cover? I looked through the bookmarks and didn't see anything and also googled which brought up a few places to buy one. I am mainly interested to hear how you liked it and what patterned you used or just your opinion on them in general. They all look so big and sloppy. Is it just me?

Also did you make button holes and thread the strap through it from the cart? The strap is the grossest part to me.

I have been looking for shopping cart covers too. My DGD is 8 months and she needs one! The only one I have found that I might get is a McCalls pattern. But they are big and take a lot of fabric. And thanks about the minnie outfits! :)

Remember my dilemma with my serger? I changed feet and then couldn't find my presser foot when I wanted to change back. I searched and searched. I told the kids I would give whoever found it $3. (That's a lot. I usually give 5 - 25 cents.) I even looked at Joann's and bought one. But it didn't fit. Can you guess why?....

I was looking for a presser foot that looked like a regular sewing machine one. But they are different. How did I figure this out? I wanted to use my serger with another foot, but couldn't quite remember how to thread the machine and such. So I watched the tutorials. What did I see on the video? The presser foot that goes with the machine. I had it in my stash the whole time. Duh!!!!


Thank you all for the well wishes. We are so excited but also a bit nervous about adding to our family. The first ultrasound is this Thursday so I will be anxious for good results that day.

How exciting!!

I wanted to jump in and say a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you from my family
you guys made our trip even more special :lovestruc
I am slowly working on my trip report ;)

I don't sew that much but I am a very slow knitter (I knit when I am sitting at the clinic all the time)
I finished it this morning hope it is Ok to post :rolleyes1

That is beautiful! I wish I could knit!

Today I will be working on the Easter dresses for my DGD's.
LOVE all the stuff posted lately, especially the Minnie outfit trio, Lady Tremaine Vida, and Thumper. I don't think I'll be able to post anything I've made after all of that, lol!
We took DD into the dr on Friday-she has the stomach flu, but still appears to be well hydrated. UGH I've done so many loads of laundry, and bathroom is still full of dirty clothes/blankets/towels. Needless to say, it hasn't been much fun around here. My sewing machine arrived, but I still haven't taken it out of the box. . .However, I did just finish dd's apron dress, which will probably be the last thing I sew completely by hand, will hopefully post photos later. :thumbsup2
Oh your 3 DGD's are adorable!!! Those outfits are just perfect. :love:

What adorable little girls! That baby with her little tongue sticking out is just such a cutie!
LOVE the outfits! How creative to use Minnies hat!!! I LOVE it! Where did you find the template????

HOW CUTE!!! The baby's jumper is just adorable.

Also love the Minnie stripwork jumper!! Mind if I case it? Also did you make the hat and bloomers? If you don't mind me asking, what pattern did you use?

That pic gotme thinking that my little one probably should be wearing a hat outside in May and :scared1: what if it dosen't match?? :lmao:

I love the colors in these. I always gravitate towards the pink/greens/yellow stuff and now I realize that we need some red/black/yellow in the closet.

Love the minnie mouse outfit, especially the black, yellow and red skirt! Love that color combo.

Loved those 3 Minnie outfits-especially the baby bloomers!

LOVE all the stuff posted lately, especially the Minnie outfit trio

Thank you all! It was fun to dress 3 of my DGD's at the same time! The baby's outfit started with CarlaC's simply sweet pattern. The bloomers and hat were commercial patterns. I just used the pattern piece for the bloomers and CarlaC's directions! :rotfl2: The hat was actually very easy. I always heard those hats were hard, so I was very happy. Miss Molly will now have matching hats to all her outfits! And the minnie hat was a design I bought off of ebay. If you want her name, send me a PM! And go ahead and case!
I have been following this board for some time and posted ever so rarely. I'd love to sew something for my getting older dd, but my first attempts have been fabric Easter Baskets for dd and her friend for our up coming trip to Disney.

This is the basket for dd:


This is for her friend:


And here are some autograph books I created for them fronts and backs:




Oops...I knew I forgot something.....CONGRATULATIONS Snubie!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!! We suffered with unexplained infertility for years and never was successful. I used to get so upset and never understood why I couldn't get pregnant. It was truly heart-breaking, as we wanted a child more than anything. It just turned out that there was a different path for us to take. When I held our DD for the first time I immediately realized why I never could get pregnant.....because THIS child was meant for us all along!!! And WE were meant for her!!! This overwhelming feeling just took me over at that moment and I couldn't help but cry!

Beth, that is beautiful!

Here is my latest project. I think itwould look really great with a Mckey Head applique, but I am still scared to do appliques,so I'll have to work up some courage. This is a an old pattern that my mom had and made for me when I was a little girls so it has some sentimental value! Oh and I hope you guys like her pose!!


Oh that is so cute!!! And how special!!!! You did a rally great job, your daughter is precious!

Hi, Im a beginer sewer but think this is a neat idea. Also I love to make stuff and am curently learning how to make doll clothes. Anyone have any tips? I love to make puffy sleaved dresses. I want to make a special dress for a very special little girl and her extra special doll that shes had since she was a baby.

The dress I posted a little bit ago will also have a dolly version!!! It sounds like it will be just what you are looking for. Carla is working on it right now, or so she told me! ;) Or, she is lurking here, in which case, get back to work Carla! Anyway, it will be on http://www.youcanmakethis.com when it's done and it is one of CarlaC 's designs. It should be done in a few weeks, from what she says.


This is my DD! And the baby!

What gorgeous grand kids you have!!! Andy your daughter too!!!

Is it really silly that I'm sitting here crying a little looking at the baby picture? I would love another baby so bad!

If any of you gals know of any endometriosis treatment centers/specialists that are somewhat closer to me than Georgia please pm me or let me know. Georgia is the closest I have found so far. I'm 3 years and 3 surgeries out and I hurt worse than ever. I think it is time to find a specialist. I am not willing to give up my ovaries and uterus just yet. Everyone wants to just cut em out like they are spare parts.
I have heard great things about specialists completely removing the endometriosis and it not coming back. I just want to find someone really good. It makes me sick to think of the money we have spent and I still am hurting this bad. I am having trouble picking up my DD. That is the worse feeling in the world!!!!! Now would be a great time for her to potty train...

Thanks for the compliment on my Lydia! I haven't tried the patterns you listed, but I have never seen a pattern that I love more than any of Carla's and I've sewn a lot of things!

I am so sorry you are still in so much pain. That must be awful. I pray you find a great doctor who knows what to do and can take the pain away! :hug:
Anyway, I made this to match Megan's skirt for her:


Tom said the jersey looks like a dress on him. I don't know how they did the sizes; they never asked us for his size. I guess it was "one size fits nobody."

Anyway, if I don't check in before we leave, have a great week!

I love Megan's outfit!! I hope you are having fun!!!

That jersey has to be GINORMOUS on Jacob!!!
My only flag football advise would be to make sure you have pants that tie at the waist, and tie them good! Make sure they can not be pulled down easily!

Not that I have had personal experience in that matter.... :rolleyes1

Update on baby Samantha from hudsonsinaf (Shannon). She told me to thank you all so much for your prayers!!

Heather thanks for keeping us updated on Samantha. I pray they find answers quickly.

That is just WRONG for this time of year!!!!

Snow storms at the end of March are WRONG!!! It's SPRING!!
Don't look outside Heather!!!! It's snowing!!! :scared1:

YAY!! You finally got to share the pictures!! I've been busting at the seams because I couldn't tell anyone about this!!
I KNOW!!! Me too!!! I am SOO bad at keeping a great secret!!

In my experience, the 3rd child is always the most intelligent- followed by the 1st child, and then the 2nd child is usually rather slow.

(don't get offended anyone, Teresa and I are just picking on each other!)

Well, that just goes to show how much a THIRDY knows!

Silly third born Heather Sue who doesn't realize the superior intelect of the second child! said:
All of the names are beautiful!! I really like Opal for a middle name! I don't know if name popularity means anything to you, but you can go to this website to see the top baby names for any given year. You can even type in the name you're thinking of and it will tell you how popular it is!
I love Opal too!

Oh my!!! I feel so left out after such a long multi-quote and I'm no where to be seen in that multi-quote!!

Guess I should start posting again!! LOL!!

Just cause I love yah Karen! :hug:

1. I'm SO jealous Lyddi got an original Carla C

2. WOW!!! If you haven't had a reason to break down and buy a Carla the Scientific Seamstress pattern THERE is your testimonial!!!! Carla takes the confusion out of pattern sewing. And in TRUE CARLA C FASHION (no pun intended) the dress is VERSATILE w/ varying lengths and sleeveless or collarless options (even an apron!!!) I REALLY hope (and have heard she's trying to make it happen) that this pattern will be available in time for Easter dresses....so start picking out fabric ladies!!!! I can't wait to see what we can all come up w/ for this pattern. Does anyone besides Teresa see some minnie dot here????


1. I know, isn't it cool!!!
2. I just love all the versions of this dress. I can't wait t sew up some dresses with it!!!

hey, why are you excluding me!!! ;)

Trying to get a good close up of little Thumper...

OK I think I tortured you all enough with this outfit. I hung it up and now I am moving onto the Big Give stuff for the rest of the weekend!
Cathy!!! That is FANTASTIC!!! I think this is my favorite thing you've ever made, and I've loved all your other outfits too!! That is just so adorable!!!

I'm glad you got your color back!

Have you all heard of Disney Princess books "My Side of the Story" It's the princess stories told from the villains point of view. Lady Tremaine's was my inspiration for this set. Here's a quote from the book jacket...

The rumor that Cinderella's stepfamily tore her lovely dress to shreds so she couldn't go to the ball? According to her stepmother, they were only trying to save Cinderella a lifetime of embarrassment at her fashion faux pas and gently suggesting that she stay at home. (Lady Tremaine says the gown actually looked like it had been sewn together by rodents!)

And the set...my first Vida I made the bow too!!!

Leslie that is stunning!!! Great job!

I love the new haircut and the cute sunglass shot!
We are back from The Wiggles Concert - OMG it was fantastic.

I'm hoping that by posting more I'll feel obligated to sew so i don't feel left out hehe. So last night I pulled out the machine dusted it off, changed the needles and got to work.

I tried my hand at applique - I'm not sure how you ladies do it I don't think i'll be attempting another one - maybe I should have chosen something not so squiggly hehe. But the girls loved it and that's all that matters.

Em in her Henry Top :)

Izzy in her Dorothy Top


Holy SMOKE! Are you saying you've never appliqued before and then you whipped these up the other night?? Those outfits are fabulous!!

I just put brand new washed pottery barn kids sheets on my DD's mattress. I go and put the fitted sheet on and it looks so nice. I then put the flat sheet on and realize.... They made the top part of the sheet on the wrong side of the print. The castles and carriages are upsidedown!!! I paid alot of money for these sheets. I am wondering if pottery barn will replace them. They are out of stock online. I guess I could unpick the hem and rehem the otherside. That would be alot of ripping! I didn't really want to sew on sheets that I paid that much for. :confused3
The part with the hem usually is the part that is closest to your head right???
The bottom part of the sheet has a big tag on it too. So I assume I am doing it right. I've never bought printed sheets before. Maybe they are all backwards??? :laughing:

You are suppose to lay the sheet down so that the unprinted side is up (printed side down), and then you flip the finished edge over the top of your blanket, then it will be going the right way. (does that make sense? I can try to find a picture)

ETA: I haven't found a good picture, but here is a little tutorial I found:

Anyone made a shopping cart cover? I looked through the bookmarks and didn't see anything and also googled which brought up a few places to buy one. I am mainly interested to hear how you liked it and what patterned you used or just your opinion on them in general. They all look so big and sloppy. Is it just me?

Also did you make button holes and thread the strap through it from the cart? The strap is the grossest part to me.

What? i didn't put that in the bookmarks?? let me fix that right now!!! Ok, done! It's in the baby section now. I see what I did, I just bookmarked the whole cool site (Jan Andrea, Sleepinb Baby)and didn't bookmark the projects individually!
Here's a direct link though:

Remember my dilemma with my serger? I changed feet and then couldn't find my presser foot when I wanted to change back. I searched and searched. I told the kids I would give whoever found it $3. (That's a lot. I usually give 5 - 25 cents.) I even looked at Joann's and bought one. But it didn't fit. Can you guess why?....

I was looking for a presser foot that looked like a regular sewing machine one. But they are different. How did I figure this out? I wanted to use my serger with another foot, but couldn't quite remember how to thread the machine and such. So I watched the tutorials. What did I see on the video? The presser foot that goes with the machine. I had it in my stash the whole time. Duh!!!!

I'm glad you got that figured out!!! I'm laughing a little though!

I wanted to jump in and say a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you from my family
you guys made our trip even more special :lovestruc
I am slowly working on my trip report ;)

I don't sew that much but I am a very slow knitter (I knit when I am sitting at the clinic all the time)
I finished it this morning hope it is Ok to post :rolleyes1


You are SOOO SOOO welcome!!! It is always a pleasure making items for the Wish families!!!

Of COURSE it is ok to share here!! That top is wonderful!!! So pretty!

I have been following this board for some time and posted ever so rarely. I'd love to sew something for my getting older dd, but my first attempts have been fabric Easter Baskets for dd and her friend for our up coming trip to Disney.And here are some autograph books I created for them fronts and backs:


The autograph books look great! Thanks for sharing!
Just cause I love yah Karen! :hug:

Awwwwwwwwww.............. I almost skipped over this and posted another pout, but then I thought to myself.....'Self....... you just know Teresa wouldn't forget you and leave you to wallow in your 1st pout alone! Go back and recheck her GINORMOUS multi-quote.... certainly she would not abandon you in your hour of need!'.... and sure enough........... I went back for a second check and there was my FRIEND (and lonjg lost sister) Teresa giving me a shout out!

Oh...... how I love that girl!!! :hug::lovestruc:hug: You just made my day!
Awwwwwwwwww.............. I almost skipped over this and posted another pout, but then I thought to myself.....'Self....... you just know Teresa wouldn't forget you and leave you to wallow in your 1st pout alone! Go back and recheck her GINORMOUS multi-quote.... certainly she would not abandon you in your hour of need!'.... and sure enough........... I went back for a second check and there was my FRIEND (and lonjg lost sister) Teresa giving me a shout out!

Oh...... how I love that girl!!! :hug::lovestruc:hug: You just made my day!

Aww, Karen :blush:

I'm gad you gave yourself a talkin too and rechecked!
I don't sew that much but I am a very slow knitter (I knit when I am sitting at the clinic all the time)
I finished it this morning hope it is Ok to post :rolleyes1


That is absolutely lovely - I'm a knitter too and it's nice seeing other peoples creations :) Are you on Ravelry??? if you are then add me as a friend. I'm flea on there too - if not then join up as you have access to millions of fantastic patterns lots of them free :)

Wow!!! Those T's turned out so cute!! It would have taken me a month to do those!!! Wasn't the Wiggles concert so much fun!!!!

The wiggles was fantastic - I have a couple of pics from the show that I might post later. I think I was getting into it more than my kids - I got a few funny looks from the people in the row next to me haha. Ah well it's not like I'll be seeing any of those people again so who cares right?? Now I need to plan something for the girls to wear to "Princess Wishes" - Disney on ice :)

Holy SMOKE! Are you saying you've never appliqued before and then you whipped these up the other night?? Those outfits are fabulous!!

Thanks Ladies, I only appliqued the black outline as I cut them from a piece of wiggles fabric I had here in my stash. That is more than enough for me. And you can't see them up close haha as there are lots of bobbly bits. And I had to stop for an hour inbetween as we had "EarthHour" so instead I wound bobbins on my sidewinder (man I love my sidewinder ) The tops themselves are the Portrait Peasant top and they were quick to sew up.

I didn't get around to pants last night as we were all tired and slept in this morning (kindy day :rolleyes1) so I have both girls here helping. I might just spend the day baking :)

I should have a couple of pettiskirts to show by the end of the week all going to plan.
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